I wonder, exactly as my thread title suggests, as I am too lazy, moreso lethargic to seek any thread relating to my simple question. Does anybody know, at an estimate, how long it'll take Gabe and Tycho to complete their new game? I know games, in their creation period, usually last one to several years... but how long will they work on their first game to ensure it is at its peak quality? I'm predicting good things for Precipice, DEFINITELY not because I'm a fanboy who just wants to believe his idols are perfect at whatever they do, *ahem* but because they, instead of handing over the rights to such characters as Tycho, Gabe, Fruit Fucker, etcetera, they are committing themselves, full force to this project, and designing the most important parts of the game themselves. With Jerry Holkins's superior vocabulary and narrative techniques, and Mike Krahulik's fantastic and artistic depictions of Jerry's storylines (merely assuming that Gabe animates whatever Tycho comes up with, but I'm almost sure I'm wrong, as I'm sure [Gabe] doesn't slave over a hot piece of paper without his OWN ideas making it into their oft times creative work), they will come up with a superb product that I dearly hope my PC will be able to support.
That said, I wonder if they'll make it for the PS2 and XBox? (The Gamecube hasn't seen a new title in quite some time...) They have to show some love for the consoles. My PS2 has never had sex before, however... with a copy of Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness inside it's virgin disc tray, he will gladly know what it's like to have a real woman in bed before his time is up. That time is nigh, my friends.
I hope those who read this post (if any) don't dismiss my thoughts here as random bullshit. I guess I'm just trying to mask my real stupidity and a simple question behind my superior linguistic skills.
SUMMARY: How long do you think it will take before Precipice of Darkness is truly finished? Will it see life on other consoles?
I hope those who read this post (if any) don't dismiss my thoughts here as random bullshit. I guess I'm just trying to mask my real stupidity and a simple question behind my superior linguistic skills.
Success has been denied you on this venture, though stupidity played no role. That said, nobody knows, it may be like an id or 3DRealms production, done when it's done. (but not like DNF, hopefully.)
You do however, earn points because you are easily within dining distance of Ivanhoe's, which I sadly must travel 2.5-3 hours to reach. Hopefully this provides some solace in these trying times.
HitScan on
Unstable like the isotope that resolves the fate of the theoretical cat in the hypothetical crate.
I failed? I merely attempted logic to look good. I need to stop since it's not my thing, but I won't obsess over it.
May I ask what DNF is? I've got a lot to learn when it comes to different game companies or hardware. Whether or not DNF is either of those, I need to be tutored in these things! And you say it'll just be done when it's done? I just don't wanna wait to see what Jerry and Mike can come up with. I've got good feeling about this project since they really seem to know what should be in a game. I'm in a budding game company myself, but we haven't grouped together yet to discuss anything.
You seem to know way more about this topic (Precipice of Darkness) than I do, so guide me through it as it advances. I need someone to hold my hand, and you're the first one to give a shit about my first thread on anything in about four years.
Are you up for the challenge?
And uhhh... I regret to inform you that I've never eaten at Ivanhoe's, much less know it's whereabouts. What's it like? I can only imagine an IHOP where it stands. I always hear great things, but it's like a legend to me.
Lol, it's one of the biggest jokes in gaming history. DNF, or Duke Nukem Forever. Is a sequel to a game that started waaaaay back in 95/96 and they were working on it since then. Sadly all thats been released is very little and it keeps changing every time we see it. I don't think we will EVER see this sequel and George will die a broke man wasting resources and money on a game thats to be another Dakatana. Although Dakatana was actually released...
A little history on whats been happening since DNF was in development.
2001: Broussard states that DNF will definitely be out before Unreal 2.
2002: Broussard states that DNF will definitely be out before DooM 3.
The Voyager 1 spacecraft has traveled approximately 2.5 billion miles since the announcement of Duke Nukem Forever.
The rovers Spirit and Opportunity were proposed, authorized, announced, designed, launched and successfully landed upon Mars within the time frame of Duke Nukem Forever's development.
The majority of the children who were entering high school the school year following Duke Nukem Forever's announcemnt are now eligible to drink.
And my favorite joke was in Sin: Episode 1, where in a secret area you could find a little blurb stating that they beat 3DRealms twice!
Duke Nukem Forever... Okay, that rings a small bell. I remember reading about it once or twice in one of my PA books. Too bad the only Duke Nukem I've ever played was a terrible side-scroller on an old friend's computer, one that was constructed of nail polish and fish bones. I almost cried when I played it. But back when I was a kid, I couldn't afford a LOT of stuff, mainly games. So there are a ton of old games that I've missed out on over the years. A lot of classic PC games, and I didn't have a computer. That explains why I'll probably be asking questions like my DNF one.
(This is qualified standard forum text, right? No bold, default size, arial font... Pardon, for I've only posted in a forum once before this. Let me know if I'm still not right.)
It's nice to know that people aren't gouging my eyes out over the questions I'm asking, as I'm sure that SOMEBODY reading what I have to ask is saying, "Who COULDN'T know this shit?" But for anyone thinking that, keep in mind that you must ask questions in order to learn said shit. But enuff rambling.
I'm counting on you guys to help me keep up on the PA games news. Card and video, both! I was just fantasizing at work yesterday about a cel-shaded platformer, standard game console and not PC, of the two heroes. I find it kinda hard to navigate these threads.
Oh yeah, I remember a couple of PA jokes about Daikatana. What made it such a joke?
Oh yeah, I remember a couple of PA jokes about Daikatana. What made it such a joke?
Take a developer with a rep for good games, add a lot of hype, several years, delays, budget issues, and then release a game that is nothing more than a giant spider killing sim. That is I believe, the joke.
I know a woman who did voice acting for Daikatana. We refer to it as her dirty little secret.
Duke Nuk'em Forever = Did Not Finish. Longest running failure in video gaming.
Ivanhoe's isn't in Gas City, but Upland, which is near there. You should go try it out, it's great stuff.
That all said, there are multiple threads on this very forum's front page that would answer your question (though not satisfactorily because the answer is "nobody knows.")
HitScan on
Unstable like the isotope that resolves the fate of the theoretical cat in the hypothetical crate.
As I stated in my very first post, I am too lazy to go hunting for other threads on any updated Precipice of Darkness information. But I think that I will go and look every so often on said thread, since I'm sure it'll save everyone time. I actually saw the FAQ, but I had assumed (for unknown reasons) that it was like a walkthrough for the game. Somebody hit me for thinking that.
Thanks to everyone so far who has answered my questions about Duke Nukem and Daikatana, and I'm sure I'll have some in the future that I hope people could clear up for me.
I'll hafta go hunting through all four books again to recover any lost questions I had. I'm sure there are some in there.
2008 may sound like a pretty good estimate, but with HH Vlad's harsh reply on randombattle's release date comment, I'm guessing it isn't? I guess Hothead would know more, since they ARE making the game.
I really don't know what to believe anymore.
That said, I take pity on those of you who HAVE played DNF and Daikatana... It sounds to have been a horrible experience. I'd say one of the worst games I'VE ever played was "Turok: Evolution".
That said, I take pity on those of you who HAVE played DNF and Daikatana... It sounds to have been a horrible experience. I'd say one of the worst games I'VE ever played was "Turok: Evolution".
I... I'm glad I never made it to level 2.
Sadly I've played Daikatana. Mainly because I didn't want to become Romero's bitch (insert rim shot please..). And I felt the same way (as you did with Turok). I made it a little ways into the game and took it back. Back in the late eighties, early nineties. There was this guy at the local shopping plaza (or what ever you wanted to call it) that would rent out or sell games, even PC games. Kinda looked like the "Clerks" setup. Gas station on the right and his store connected to it on the left. Looked the same on the outside and inside as the movie, lol. And I rented it there. Thats also where I got my first taste of three of my favorite PC adventure games for my old IBM PC. Full Throttle, Monkey island, and Phantasmagoria! I would love to see another ver. of Phantasmagoria, it was like Doom3 of it's time. You would turn off the lights and play with a couple friends who wanted to see what a NC-17 PC game looked like. I don't think movies were as gory as this game was back in the early nineties. God I miss that game! Any way... I'm going off topic a bit. ..Yes Daikatana sucked .
And unfortunately NOBODY(outside of the offices of 3DRealms) will ever play DNF . We're lucky to just be able to just see tidbits here and there, when George feels like being nice.
2008 may sound like a pretty good estimate, but with HH Vlad's harsh reply on randombattle's release date comment, I'm guessing it isn't? I guess Hothead would know more, since they ARE making the game.
Yeah I can't wait for this game and Fallout 3. Other than that... I think the only other game I'm drooling over in anticipation would be Crysis (looks like another PC upgrade is in my near future :x ).
Phantasmagoria... That's one of my friend's favorite games of all time. She played it as a kid and it actually sounded pretty freaky by what she told me. Like, clicking on this picture of a baby? And then it screams, or cries or something? Children are always scary.
I wonder if maybe my PC can run RSPD? I'm no good when it comes to determining computer power, so how do I find out what my PC can do, gamewise? And how would I compare that with how, uh, advanced RSPD's "engine" is? I hope anyone can understand what I'm trying to ask, and can fill me in here. What's a "Torque" engine, anyway?
Phantasmagoria... That's one of my friend's favorite games of all time. She played it as a kid and it actually sounded pretty freaky by what she told me. Like, clicking on this picture of a baby? And then it screams, or cries or something? Children are always scary.
I wonder if maybe my PC can run RSPD? I'm no good when it comes to determining computer power, so how do I find out what my PC can do, gamewise? And how would I compare that with how, uh, advanced RSPD's "engine" is? I hope anyone can understand what I'm trying to ask, and can fill me in here. What's a "Torque" engine, anyway?
WOW, not many people know about that game! Nice to see others that have at least heard of it.
Well I could describe some scenes from that game that would make you hurl, lol. I think one of the more violent was the scene where you walk into the green house and you see the magician and how he attacks his sixth or seventh wife by jabbing a shovel down her throat and forces dirt or something down it till she chokes on it and dies. Or maybe I'm mixing it up with the dinner table scene and he just slices her throat with the shovel... god it's been so long. Then theres the rape scene on disk four in the bathroom. That will leave a lasting impression, if you've never seen one before. And yes I have a sick twisted mind ! That game both grossed and fantasized me at the same time. Unfortunately part two was just stupid and boring and took place in a high rise building and had some seedy streets around the area. I got to the Goth club and got bored of the game . If only they used the same ideas as they did with Poltergeist III movie and kept it along the same lines as the first game. Hmm, the best way to describe part one versus part two. Are the movies "Cube II: Hyper Cube" versus "Cube 1".
And as far as your PC, whats the specs?.. Can you play HL2 decently? If so, your fine. If no, might want to look at upgrading soon.
The reason I brought up needing to update my PC, is because of Crysis. I just upgraded my PC to have the latest DX9 hardware support and 2gigs of ram. Now with Crysis, I don't think that will be good enough. Esp. since it will be made for DX10 hard ware... As far as RSPD, I should have no problem running it. I don't think they will be pushing the limits of hardware. Thats not what the game is about.
WOW, not many people know about that game! Nice to see others that have at least heard of it.
...Then theres the rape scene on disk four in the bathroom. That will leave a lasting impression, if you've never seen one before. And yes I have a sick twisted mind ! ...
And as far as your PC, whats the specs?.. Can you play HL2 decently? If so, your fine. If no, might want to look at upgrading soon.
The reason I brought up needing to update my PC, is because of Crysis. I just upgraded my PC to have the latest DX9 hardware support and 2gigs of ram. Now with Crysis, I don't think that will be good enough. Esp. since it will be made for DX10 hard ware... As far as RSPD, I should have no problem running it. I don't think they will be pushing the limits of hardware. Thats not what the game is about.
I think I did that quote thing right... Anyways, it is safe to say that I, too, have a sick and twisted mind. The rape scene would interest me, as well. I'm sure. And I've never seen a rape scene, really. I, along with that friend, were going to order it from Amazon.com, along with Pokemon Puzzle League. I kick so much fucking ass at the League. I'm not even kidding.
I saw the trailer for RSPD and it didn't look like it was going to need the power of a year 2080 computer. I believe mine may run it, since a good part of it is 2D. 2D shouldn't bog down a computer, I'd think.
Very nice trailer, though. It made me think that there should be a cartoon of Gabe an Tycho. They look so <i>right</i> when animated in a cartoon form. I saw the thing on YouTube, by the way. (Is there more than one trailer?)
With that said, I noticed somebody on YouTube commented on the trailer with, "PA comics are awesome... the game sux tho" or something along those lines.
I tried to make a login account for myself, so that I could login and tell that dumb fuck how much of a dumb fuck he is for saying that a game he hasn't yet played, much less isn't even FINISHED "sux". Dumb fuck.
YouTube registration is far beyond impossible, though.
Success has been denied you on this venture, though stupidity played no role. That said, nobody knows, it may be like an id or 3DRealms production, done when it's done. (but not like DNF, hopefully.)
You do however, earn points because you are easily within dining distance of Ivanhoe's, which I sadly must travel 2.5-3 hours to reach. Hopefully this provides some solace in these trying times.
I failed? I merely attempted logic to look good. I need to stop since it's not my thing, but I won't obsess over it.
May I ask what DNF is? I've got a lot to learn when it comes to different game companies or hardware. Whether or not DNF is either of those, I need to be tutored in these things! And you say it'll just be done when it's done? I just don't wanna wait to see what Jerry and Mike can come up with. I've got good feeling about this project since they really seem to know what should be in a game. I'm in a budding game company myself, but we haven't grouped together yet to discuss anything.
You seem to know way more about this topic (Precipice of Darkness) than I do, so guide me through it as it advances. I need someone to hold my hand, and you're the first one to give a shit about my first thread on anything in about four years.
Are you up for the challenge?
And uhhh... I regret to inform you that I've never eaten at Ivanhoe's, much less know it's whereabouts. What's it like? I can only imagine an IHOP where it stands. I always hear great things, but it's like a legend to me.
Lol, it's one of the biggest jokes in gaming history. DNF, or Duke Nukem Forever. Is a sequel to a game that started waaaaay back in 95/96 and they were working on it since then. Sadly all thats been released is very little and it keeps changing every time we see it. I don't think we will EVER see this sequel and George will die a broke man wasting resources and money on a game thats to be another Dakatana. Although Dakatana was actually released...
A little history on whats been happening since DNF was in development.
2001: Broussard states that DNF will definitely be out before Unreal 2.
2002: Broussard states that DNF will definitely be out before DooM 3.
The Voyager 1 spacecraft has traveled approximately 2.5 billion miles since the announcement of Duke Nukem Forever.
The rovers Spirit and Opportunity were proposed, authorized, announced, designed, launched and successfully landed upon Mars within the time frame of Duke Nukem Forever's development.
The majority of the children who were entering high school the school year following Duke Nukem Forever's announcemnt are now eligible to drink.
And my favorite joke was in Sin: Episode 1, where in a secret area you could find a little blurb stating that they beat 3DRealms twice!
For more info please see the Wikipedia.
Hope that clears that up.
(This is qualified standard forum text, right? No bold, default size, arial font... Pardon, for I've only posted in a forum once before this. Let me know if I'm still not right.)
It's nice to know that people aren't gouging my eyes out over the questions I'm asking, as I'm sure that SOMEBODY reading what I have to ask is saying, "Who COULDN'T know this shit?" But for anyone thinking that, keep in mind that you must ask questions in order to learn said shit. But enuff rambling.
I'm counting on you guys to help me keep up on the PA games news. Card and video, both! I was just fantasizing at work yesterday about a cel-shaded platformer, standard game console and not PC, of the two heroes. I find it kinda hard to navigate these threads.
Oh yeah, I remember a couple of PA jokes about Daikatana. What made it such a joke?
Take a developer with a rep for good games, add a lot of hype, several years, delays, budget issues, and then release a game that is nothing more than a giant spider killing sim. That is I believe, the joke.
I know a woman who did voice acting for Daikatana. We refer to it as her dirty little secret.
Ivanhoe's isn't in Gas City, but Upland, which is near there. You should go try it out, it's great stuff.
That all said, there are multiple threads on this very forum's front page that would answer your question (though not satisfactorily because the answer is "nobody knows.")
I never asked for this!
I would appreciate you not commenting on the game as if you were part of the development . . .
You don't know Jack.
Anyways, I am pretty sure there is a ridiculously obvious FAQ about this on the main page, right?
Thanks to everyone so far who has answered my questions about Duke Nukem and Daikatana, and I'm sure I'll have some in the future that I hope people could clear up for me.
I'll hafta go hunting through all four books again to recover any lost questions I had. I'm sure there are some in there.
2008 may sound like a pretty good estimate, but with HH Vlad's harsh reply on randombattle's release date comment, I'm guessing it isn't? I guess Hothead would know more, since they ARE making the game.
I really don't know what to believe anymore.
That said, I take pity on those of you who HAVE played DNF and Daikatana... It sounds to have been a horrible experience. I'd say one of the worst games I'VE ever played was "Turok: Evolution".
I... I'm glad I never made it to level 2.
Sadly I've played Daikatana. Mainly because I didn't want to become Romero's bitch (insert rim shot please..). And I felt the same way (as you did with Turok). I made it a little ways into the game and took it back. Back in the late eighties, early nineties. There was this guy at the local shopping plaza (or what ever you wanted to call it) that would rent out or sell games, even PC games. Kinda looked like the "Clerks" setup. Gas station on the right and his store connected to it on the left. Looked the same on the outside and inside as the movie, lol. And I rented it there. Thats also where I got my first taste of three of my favorite PC adventure games for my old IBM PC. Full Throttle, Monkey island, and Phantasmagoria! I would love to see another ver. of Phantasmagoria, it was like Doom3 of it's time. You would turn off the lights and play with a couple friends who wanted to see what a NC-17 PC game looked like. I don't think movies were as gory as this game was back in the early nineties. God I miss that game! Any way... I'm going off topic a bit. ..Yes Daikatana sucked
And unfortunately NOBODY (outside of the offices of 3DRealms) will ever play DNF
Yeah I can't wait for this game and Fallout 3. Other than that... I think the only other game I'm drooling over in anticipation would be Crysis (looks like another PC upgrade is in my near future :x ).
I wonder if maybe my PC can run RSPD? I'm no good when it comes to determining computer power, so how do I find out what my PC can do, gamewise? And how would I compare that with how, uh, advanced RSPD's "engine" is? I hope anyone can understand what I'm trying to ask, and can fill me in here. What's a "Torque" engine, anyway?
WOW, not many people know about that game! Nice to see others that have at least heard of it.
Well I could describe some scenes from that game that would make you hurl, lol. I think one of the more violent was the scene where you walk into the green house and you see the magician and how he attacks his sixth or seventh wife by jabbing a shovel down her throat and forces dirt or something down it till she chokes on it and dies. Or maybe I'm mixing it up with the dinner table scene and he just slices her throat with the shovel... god it's been so long. Then theres the rape scene on disk four in the bathroom. That will leave a lasting impression, if you've never seen one before. And yes I have a sick twisted mind
And as far as your PC, whats the specs?.. Can you play HL2 decently? If so, your fine. If no, might want to look at upgrading soon.
The reason I brought up needing to update my PC, is because of Crysis. I just upgraded my PC to have the latest DX9 hardware support and 2gigs of ram. Now with Crysis, I don't think that will be good enough. Esp. since it will be made for DX10 hard ware... As far as RSPD, I should have no problem running it. I don't think they will be pushing the limits of hardware. Thats not what the game is about.
I think I did that quote thing right... Anyways, it is safe to say that I, too, have a sick and twisted mind. The rape scene would interest me, as well. I'm sure. And I've never seen a rape scene, really. I, along with that friend, were going to order it from Amazon.com, along with Pokemon Puzzle League. I kick so much fucking ass at the League. I'm not even kidding.
I saw the trailer for RSPD and it didn't look like it was going to need the power of a year 2080 computer. I believe mine may run it, since a good part of it is 2D. 2D shouldn't bog down a computer, I'd think.
Very nice trailer, though. It made me think that there should be a cartoon of Gabe an Tycho. They look so <i>right</i> when animated in a cartoon form. I saw the thing on YouTube, by the way. (Is there more than one trailer?)
With that said, I noticed somebody on YouTube commented on the trailer with, "PA comics are awesome... the game sux tho" or something along those lines.
I tried to make a login account for myself, so that I could login and tell that dumb fuck how much of a dumb fuck he is for saying that a game he hasn't yet played, much less isn't even FINISHED "sux". Dumb fuck.
YouTube registration is far beyond impossible, though.
If the game IS too advanced for my PC, at least I'll have a copy for when I get a computer that can run it.