Maybe I do not yet know the control to do get back to the page top yet, but when browsing the forum via wii opera, it would be helpful to have a duplicate of the links at the top of the page located across the bottom of the page.
by links, i am referring to tools, search, user panel, members, home, faq.
this would save a drag back to the top of the page
While we're at it, why don't we get a PS3 version, and a Windows CE version, and a Palm Treo version, and a Blackberry version, and an iPhone version........(hopefully everyone gets it by now)
I'd love a Wii version, but ya, lets draw the line.
While we're at it, why don't we get a PS3 version, and a Windows CE version, and a Palm Treo version, and a Blackberry version, and an iPhone version........(hopefully everyone gets it by now)
I'd love a Wii version, but ya, lets draw the line.
How about just a "non-pc" version that's pretty basic?
Why on earth would anyone seriously browse Penny Arcade from their Wii anyway?
PC is upstairs and turned off; got bored playing Mario Strikers and decided to check in on the status of the various Forum-based games we're all playing without you in the ODAM, SE++ and D&D forums.
Squashua on
AbsoluteZeroThe new film by Quentin KoopantinoRegistered Userregular
edited August 2007
Plus the Wii has keyboard support now, so I'm told.
The "Printable Version" of forum pages display really nice on the Wii.
It's really the browsing scheme on Wii that is hte hang-up.
You can scroll up and down a hell of a lot faster with a mouse and/or pageup/pagedown keyboard controls.
When trying to get back to the top-page links from the bottom of a 50-post thread view, it takes a minute.
Can't you just press the 'Top' Link at the bottom of the page, and that'll bring you back up to the top of the page?
What happened to the mobile version of the PA frontpage?
Yeah, didn't know about that link, thanks.
I'd love a Wii version, but ya, lets draw the line.
I was asking for a slight re-design to accommodate a browser that doesn't scroll quickly.
Fortunately, the "top" link in the bottom right pretty much solves the problem; it'd still be nice, but now there is at least a very good work-around.
My issue with "top" is that it's not all that prevalent as it took this very thread for me to notice it.
How about just a "non-pc" version that's pretty basic?
PC is upstairs and turned off; got bored playing Mario Strikers and decided to check in on the status of the various Forum-based games we're all playing without you in the ODAM, SE++ and D&D forums.
So "they" say.