Sara Lynn wrote: » I just got a paycheck, 2 months late, for 27 dollars the fact that it probably made my week will let you in on how broke I am this is the last money I will have until September ok
Javen wrote: » man I spent like a thousand bucks on clothes this week no
Fandyien wrote: » I might be down if you're doing vanilla civ, but I've always assumed that Civ has sorta shitty multiplayer due to it's turn-based nature.
the fact that it probably made my week will let you in on how broke I am
this is the last money I will have until September ok
Cause I am dooooown
i got raped by barbarians and then by teefs and meiss, those fuckers
then teefs crashed and it got boring
In about an hour or so?
get a job hippie
I rarely buy clothes because I have so much shit already
but there is nothing quite like new threads.
you do simultaneous turns. It's still a pain in the butt in the later stages but at least on vent you can all chat.
Just sometime soon