This was my first PAX and my buddy and I flew in from Ottawa, Ontario. We had a blast and it was due largely in part because of the Enforcers who were, every one, professional, courteous, polite, helpful and all-round awesome.
Thank you very much, guys. As a newbie to PAX you really made my experience something special and I wanted to make sure that you knew it.
The Awesomeface salutes you, thank you very, very much!
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be rude without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
I made a comment earlier this week that I thought the enforcers were jerks, but I came to realize, it was just that single dude who was a jerk, and the rest of the enforcers were awesome. Thanks guys!
Personally I was totally fine with all of the Enforcers that I dealt with, never had an issue and found most of them to be quite helpful.
However, I did notice from a distance, that some enforcers were being a little dickish to other people late Saturday and Sunday. I know it was getting toward the end, and people were tired, but it sort of bugged me.
Like I said though, personally I had no issues. So thanks to the enforcers this year!
my only complaint which isnt even a complaint because i culda cared less is that sum didnt know shit about gaming....and sum were just dumbasses, but 90% of them were fuckin badass. Im already ready to pre-reg for PAX 2008..
The enforcers I met around the Musician booth area were really down to earth and just generally nice people.
Tabitha and her boyfriend, the aussie (atleast that's my guess from the accent?) enforcer and Front's special guest at Front's booth, the overly caring young asian lady who was catering to the musicians' every need. ("You were supposed to get off work at 9:00, stop it!)
I heard of some mishaps with some enforcers in the tournament area, but I never went over there so I can't say anything of that.
Overall, the enforcers I met this year inspired me (and suggested to me) to volunteer to be an enforcer next year.
I had totally helpful Enforcers. There's a lot of thankless hours standing, moderating, directing traffic, and doing the best they can to keep PAX moving smoothly. Thank you.
Two thumbs way up for the enforcers. Seriously, well played all. The girl who was monitoring the line for Wil Wheaton today came to get me when he decided to stick around until 4:30 - that was just plain awesome.
The Enforcers have encouraged my first Utilikilt purchase.
I'm another convert. I plan on picking one up as soon as I can.
edit: And I completly forgot, thank you enforcers for sacrificing your weekend to guide lost little PAX newbs like me around, and for being totally awesome.
BlackDragon480 on
No matter where you go...there you are. ~ Buckaroo Banzai
yeah, you guys rocked, and because of how awesome you all are, you finally convinced me to finally apply to be a pax enforcer. i have wanted to ever since '04, but i wasn't old enough. but i am definitely gonna try for '08. thanks, you guys are f***ing awesome.
that one enforcer guy during the last omegathon round (at the doors prior to entry, by the VIP area during it) was such a look-at-me-im-powertripping-balls-here loudmouth. im pretty sure he just liked hearing his own voice yelled into crowds. the idle threats of violence to attendees were super lame too
Almost all of the enforcers I encountered were totally cool.
To the enforcer checking badges on the way into the exhibition hall (after my badge had already been checked at the skybridge by hotel staff) - what was the purpose of your existence?
To the enforcer who literally walked into me, pushed me out of the way with the force of his body, and sandwiched me against a wall just because I had a really nice spot to watch a panel, and then stared at me for a moment as if to say, "Go ahead and do something about it, I'll just get you thrown out," before turning around - fuck you and your children, born and unborn.
Feral on
every person who doesn't like an acquired taste always seems to think everyone who likes it is faking it. it should be an official fallacy.
describe the asshole so we can all know who to rub and spray weird shit on next year.
Yeah, I'm not sure that describing a tall slightly overweight white guy with a beard and a ponytail is really going to help you identify him. Thanks, though.
Feral on
every person who doesn't like an acquired taste always seems to think everyone who likes it is faking it. it should be an official fallacy.
describe the asshole so we can all know who to rub and spray weird shit on next year.
Yeah, I'm not sure that describing a tall slightly overweight white guy with a beard and a ponytail is really going to help you identify him. Thanks, though.
torgie on
TonkkaSome one in the club tonightHas stolen my ideas.Registered Userregular
edited August 2007
All the enforcers were great that I ran into. Even partied a little with some... can't wait to do this again.
To the aussie-sounding guy who told us to GTFO Saturday night, I have masochistic admiration for you and wonder if you do a good impression of Steve Irwin?
PS I'm considering applying for Enforcership, anyone want to dissuade me?
Haha this thread title had me going too, I also thought the enforcers were fantastic this year. I'm not good at remembering specifics but some of the earlier years it seemed like most of the enforcers felt like they were babysitting, when most people can handle themselves, it's just we need you to point us in the right direction/organize our tourney shit every once in a while. I don't know how he was Sunday, but for the Smash and MKDD tourneys the main enforcer was not a dick at all for the first time. I can understand how stressful it would be, but he was kind of offensive about it always but this time he was fantastic.
Moonbeams on
Hi my name is Jory Moonbeams I like green, purple, unicorns, and dragons.
I thought that the Enforcers were all cool, it was kinda funny that they kept trying to kick me off of the PC freeplay after I had only been on it for ten minutes, it happened like 3 times, also the 2 lines for pc freeplay was weird, because I was in one, my group of 3 had to wait 5-10 minutes while they sorted out which computers were free while the other line, which had at least 2 groups of 3 got to sit, it was a little weird. Its too bad that they were getting stressed by the whole PC freeplay, they seemed like nice people otherwise.
that one enforcer guy during the last omegathon round (at the doors prior to entry, by the VIP area during it) was such a look-at-me-im-powertripping-balls-here loudmouth. im pretty sure he just liked hearing his own voice yelled into crowds. the idle threats of violence to attendees were super lame too
That was me, and let's explain ourselves shall we?
at the doors: I was entertaining the line. I personally hate sitting there waiting for things to happen. Sorry if you were not entertained.
VIP area: People were throwing things at the stage, and one nearly hit a kid (I'm talking toddler) in the head. So excuse me for doing my job and ensuring the safety of everyone else.
PS I'm considering applying for Enforcership, anyone want to dissuade me?
I really believe that Enforcing is the best way to experience PAX. It's definitely hard work, and it's definitely not for everyone, but it's totally rewarding. I had a blast this year!
By the way, you guys really keep us going. Seeing everyone having a great time and hearing the compliments both in person and shown on this thread gives so many of us the energy we need to pull off PAX. We love you guys!
Obviously the enforcer-dude with the PINK LIGHT-UP TIARA [ftw] was the greatest.
I absolutely adored the enforcers. They were really patient with me [virgin PAX goer here] and were overall friendly and nice.
Most of them didn't know where jack shit was though, in the convention center. XD It was kind of frustrating, but I'm at the convention center enough to at least know my way around.
I also adored the feeble attempts to check badges, both by convention center guys and PAX guys. XD
1st day enforcer watching the credit card line for pax shirts was not attentive or engaged and there were some con goers kinda miffed as a result
get someone with more people skills and let that guy handle console returns
feedback to said enforcer: speak clearly and watch the line, merge with the line and greet people with clear instructions (a la wallmart) rather than standing back and watching the trainwreck happen
ed: oh also... 1st day @ girls in gaming panel - there was a young emo-hair'd punk completely trolling the panel (sign reads "do you have a webcam?") - and a group of enforcers within earshot of his giggling were totally oblivious... it wasn't my job to confront the chortling spankaholic - it was yours
2nd ed: ok yea now that I got that out - thanks infobooth peeps, thanks console peeps, tiara/kilt guy - epic lulz, everything else was totally cool
Now I would really like to be an enforcer next year, but I don't want to miss somethings I REALLY want to go to. For instance, my husband's favorite part of PAX was the assassins creed demo. He thinks, if he had been an enforcer, he would have missed it. So my question is: How do the 'shifts" work? is there a way to see at least a few of the panels you want to see and still be an enforcer?
You almost made me cry because of your title. This was my first year as an Enforcer and it was a blast. I am glad to here you enjoyed it.
It was my first year too, and I wouldn't be doing it again next year if it weren't for all the awesome people I dealt with-- both attendee and Enforcer. This year ruled.
I have only one complaint. While I was wandering around trying to figure out where the hell I was supposed to get a schedule and where the hell Theater A was, the Enforcer I asked had no idea about either. I missed the Storytelling in Games panel as a result.
that one enforcer guy during the last omegathon round (at the doors prior to entry, by the VIP area during it) was such a look-at-me-im-powertripping-balls-here loudmouth. im pretty sure he just liked hearing his own voice yelled into crowds. the idle threats of violence to attendees were super lame too
That was me, and let's explain ourselves shall we?
at the doors: I was entertaining the line. I personally hate sitting there waiting for things to happen. Sorry if you were not entertained.
VIP area: People were throwing things at the stage, and one nearly hit a kid (I'm talking toddler) in the head. So excuse me for doing my job and ensuring the safety of everyone else.
Edit: But yeah, the enforcer guy, srsly a douche.
Threatening violence isn't part of your job. You're not excused. And more truthfully; since you were bored, you were going to entertain yourself by yelling out obnoxious things both outside and inside the theatre. Don't pretend it was for anyone else (maybe the enforcers buddies next to you).
For the record, the other enforcers were just fine I suppose. A couple times they didnt know the answers to things they maybe should have (where stuff was) but there were no issues.
I wish one of them would have tackled that dumb bitch who was yelling obscenities at Uwe.
I really enjoyed PAX this year, and the Enforcers were awesome.
Sunday when they threw us out after PAX ended (sadness), I was lucky enough to be able to snap a picture of a pair of Enforcers who were really enjoying their job. *grin* And since I didn't know how to get into touch with them, because I didn't think to get their names or forum names or anything, I figure posting here is the next best thing.
Like I said, I saw a few Enforcers giving people a hard time when it was NOT ok. I didn't personally have this problem, but a couple times I wanted to intervene. Anyway, special thanks to the enforcers running the PC freeplay table, and putting up with my large group of people that just kept jumping back in line every time we finished our turn!
I thought the enforcers were really great this year. Thank you guys! Yes, even you, Mr. Bressler! You were the one at the GHII tourney, right? I was the girl you yelled and glared at which kinda scared me in a "wtf" way, but it's all in stupid fun so it's all good.
I think I might want to volunteer next year. How old do you have to be?
I heard of some mishaps with some enforcers in the tournament area, but I never went over there so I can't say anything of that.
Really? Which tournament area? I thought the crew at console tournie was pretty tight and I never noticed any problems other than tiny delays, which didn't mean much when tournaments finished ahead of schedule. 8-)
However, I did notice from a distance, that some enforcers were being a little dickish to other people late Saturday and Sunday. I know it was getting toward the end, and people were tired, but it sort of bugged me.
Like I said though, personally I had no issues. So thanks to the enforcers this year!
Absolutely. It was fantastic, thank you very much.
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
Tabitha and her boyfriend, the aussie (atleast that's my guess from the accent?) enforcer and Front's special guest at Front's booth, the overly caring young asian lady who was catering to the musicians' every need. ("You were supposed to get off work at 9:00, stop it!)
I heard of some mishaps with some enforcers in the tournament area, but I never went over there so I can't say anything of that.
Overall, the enforcers I met this year inspired me (and suggested to me) to volunteer to be an enforcer next year.
Hope to be working with you guys next year!
I was a little ill the whole weekend, and the Enforcers not kicking me out for something I didn't do was the best thing for my bi-polar.
Except one gave me a Scarlet Letter "M" on my badge. Fuckawesome.
Thanks again everyone, for understanding.
Danny / Spam / Smiley Enforcer is really damned cool.
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
i'm definitely considering registering for next year
I'm another convert. I plan on picking one up as soon as I can.
edit: And I completly forgot, thank you enforcers for sacrificing your weekend to guide lost little PAX newbs like me around, and for being totally awesome.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
I apologize for any power-tripping enforcers ... don't know what to say - it's hard to predict what everyone will be like out there in "the field".
I went plain-clothes to the last round of the Omegathon, so I totally wasn't the dickish enforcer there
To the enforcer checking badges on the way into the exhibition hall (after my badge had already been checked at the skybridge by hotel staff) - what was the purpose of your existence?
To the enforcer who literally walked into me, pushed me out of the way with the force of his body, and sandwiched me against a wall just because I had a really nice spot to watch a panel, and then stared at me for a moment as if to say, "Go ahead and do something about it, I'll just get you thrown out," before turning around - fuck you and your children, born and unborn.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
Yeah, I'm not sure that describing a tall slightly overweight white guy with a beard and a ponytail is really going to help you identify him. Thanks, though.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
PS I'm considering applying for Enforcership, anyone want to dissuade me?
That was me, and let's explain ourselves shall we?
at the doors: I was entertaining the line. I personally hate sitting there waiting for things to happen. Sorry if you were not entertained.
VIP area: People were throwing things at the stage, and one nearly hit a kid (I'm talking toddler) in the head. So excuse me for doing my job and ensuring the safety of everyone else.
Edit: But yeah, the enforcer guy, srsly a douche.
I really believe that Enforcing is the best way to experience PAX. It's definitely hard work, and it's definitely not for everyone, but it's totally rewarding. I had a blast this year!
By the way, you guys really keep us going. Seeing everyone having a great time and hearing the compliments both in person and shown on this thread gives so many of us the energy we need to pull off PAX. We love you guys!
I absolutely adored the enforcers. They were really patient with me [virgin PAX goer here] and were overall friendly and nice.
Most of them didn't know where jack shit was though, in the convention center. XD It was kind of frustrating, but I'm at the convention center enough to at least know my way around.
I also adored the feeble attempts to check badges, both by convention center guys and PAX guys. XD
-that weird guy working at the Sweet Kitty booth.
get someone with more people skills and let that guy handle console returns
feedback to said enforcer: speak clearly and watch the line, merge with the line and greet people with clear instructions (a la wallmart) rather than standing back and watching the trainwreck happen
ed: oh also... 1st day @ girls in gaming panel - there was a young emo-hair'd punk completely trolling the panel (sign reads "do you have a webcam?") - and a group of enforcers within earshot of his giggling were totally oblivious... it wasn't my job to confront the chortling spankaholic - it was yours
2nd ed: ok yea now that I got that out - thanks infobooth peeps, thanks console peeps, tiara/kilt guy - epic lulz, everything else was totally cool
It was my first year too, and I wouldn't be doing it again next year if it weren't for all the awesome people I dealt with-- both attendee and Enforcer. This year ruled.
Threatening violence isn't part of your job. You're not excused. And more truthfully; since you were bored, you were going to entertain yourself by yelling out obnoxious things both outside and inside the theatre. Don't pretend it was for anyone else (maybe the enforcers buddies next to you).
For the record, the other enforcers were just fine I suppose. A couple times they didnt know the answers to things they maybe should have (where stuff was) but there were no issues.
I wish one of them would have tackled that dumb bitch who was yelling obscenities at Uwe.
Sunday when they threw us out after PAX ended (sadness), I was lucky enough to be able to snap a picture of a pair of Enforcers who were really enjoying their job. *grin* And since I didn't know how to get into touch with them, because I didn't think to get their names or forum names or anything, I figure posting here is the next best thing.
So yeah, our dancing Enforcers:
I think I might want to volunteer next year. How old do you have to be?
Really? Which tournament area? I thought the crew at console tournie was pretty tight and I never noticed any problems other than tiny delays, which didn't mean much when tournaments finished ahead of schedule. 8-)