I am planning on saving up money and getting some friends (who dont know about PAX) to come up from redmond oh-so-far-away from Seattle to get rent a hotel room (mainly so my parents cant bug me about being on video games all day) Does anybody know if thers an age limit to rent one, and if you need to be a certain age to have people in there that are younger than you? Thanks in advance
P.S. anybody know prices etc., or info about BYOC for next year?
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
And the BYOC takes place in the convention center. Your computer is left there the entire time and there is plenty of staff watching the area... to my knowledge there hasn't been a major theft issue yet in the BYOC area.
good, i dont want people walking over and jacking my mouse >.> ya i was at it this year, but my friend and i got tired of waking up early for long lines (driving to seattle in hella traffic too) and having to leave early. I guess iwas mistaken in seeing an escalator that i thought when to in-building hotel rooms, lol
Ravenger on
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
If you saw an esclator it just went to another level of the wsctc. All hotels are seperate buildings and the sheraton is only a few hundred feet away from the wsctc.
bah, dreams of not walking anywhere=crushed >.> (lotsa street gangs in seattle, ms13 and bloods/crips and crap >.<) hmm so i guess that around the time PAX comes for '08 a couple of hotels will have been chosen, and it would be best to wait for that?
EDIT: will the fact that im turning 18 on the 10th of august conflict with any reservation attempts beforehand?
Ravenger on
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Um... theres hardly any crime in the downtown seattle core.
I think you are talking more along the lines of whitecenter than downtown seattle :P
Wait for the pax site to go live with all the pax 08 registration and hotel info. There should be a pax rate for the hotels and such so its better to wait for that.
You get a cheaper rate and pax gets +rep with the hotel/convention center for hotel numbers.
lol alrite-ya, i forgot where the convention was relative to core, XD stupid moment >.> i guess ill be waiting for that site- back to life =\
Pax doesn't really become a consideration until after childs play is done. Spring is when peoples thoughts start to turn towards the best days of the entire year.(PAX)
nice of you to contribute your obviously valuable opinion. i have a small budget, i give what i can. you don't need to bitch at me to make yourself feel better. Please refrain from attempting to instigate anything. you could have at least answered my question.
Ravenger on
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
If Child's Play had a booth at PAX, they could make a cool $20,000 at the least.
This is something we talked about a bit at the Prize Redemption booth on Sunday, because so many people had asked us about cash for items. If the money went to Child's Play, we wouldn't have had nearly as much stuff to pack up that wasn't given as prizes. Having more tournaments or something for more points would be good, but I'd really like to see Child's Play be open to the PAX attendees.
If Child's Play had a booth at PAX, they could make a cool $20,000 at the least.
This is something we talked about a bit at the Prize Redemption booth on Sunday, because so many people had asked us about cash for items. If the money went to Child's Play, we wouldn't have had nearly as much stuff to pack up that wasn't given as prizes. Having more tournaments or something for more points would be good, but I'd really like to see Child's Play be open to the PAX attendees.
And it would be a good way to more publically link the two, by increasing donations to the cause, and generating additional positive press for PAX and Child's Play.
KaitouAyashi on
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
If Child's Play had a booth at PAX, they could make a cool $20,000 at the least.
This is something we talked about a bit at the Prize Redemption booth on Sunday, because so many people had asked us about cash for items. If the money went to Child's Play, we wouldn't have had nearly as much stuff to pack up that wasn't given as prizes. Having more tournaments or something for more points would be good, but I'd really like to see Child's Play be open to the PAX attendees.
And it would be a good way to more publically link the two, by increasing donations to the cause, and generating additional positive press for PAX and Child's Play.
(lotsa street gangs in seattle, ms13 and bloods/crips and crap >.<)
Um... not so much, no.
Seattle has one of the lowest crime rates in the country for any city remotely close to its size, and the WSCTC is in one of the safest areas in Seattle -- particularly during events like PAX, when police protection is thicker and you can't so much as push someone without 150 witnesses. Besides, the "street gangs" in Seattle are far more likely to break into your car than confront anyone directly. The money's better, the risks are lower, and the prison sentence is comparatively nonexistent.
Its one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. my friend but yes, i already established that i made a mistake regarding what part of seattle the WSCTC was in, my bad =\
Ravenger on
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Its one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. my friend but yes, i already established that i made a mistake regarding what part of seattle the WSCTC was in, my bad =\
Um... proof?
All the lists I see of the most dangerous cities in the US lack Seattle in them.
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited November 2007
Downtown Seattle is nothing. Walk around downtown Cleveland at 3am and you'll see a serious difference.
(lotsa street gangs in seattle, ms13 and bloods/crips and crap >.<)
Um... not so much, no.
Seattle has one of the lowest crime rates in the country for any city remotely close to its size, and the WSCTC is in one of the safest areas in Seattle -- particularly during events like PAX, when police protection is thicker and you can't so much as push someone without 150 witnesses. Besides, the "street gangs" in Seattle are far more likely to break into your car than confront anyone directly. The money's better, the risks are lower, and the prison sentence is comparatively nonexistent.
Well, Freeway park (which the WSCTC practically sits on top of) is home to more than a few homeless people, and the area behind the convention center is pretty shady (by Seattle standards, at least.)
I've never really been to any other big city at night, so I can't really compare, but seattle is pretty harmless.
At least now that it's in Seattle, we don't have to worry about those nasty cranes.
JoahW on
mentok1982I could never leave you PAX baby.BaltimoreRegistered Userregular
I have walked around in downtown Seattle and Baltimore very late at night.
Seattle = No shit stains in my boxers
Baltimore = I need to throw these boxers and pants out now.
I went to a Korn concert that was over at like 2AM and the walk back to my car was one of the scariest things I have ever done. For a few blocks I walked near other concert goers but then I found myself alone. Not fun.
Baltimore is the 12th most dangerous on that infoplease list.
And seriously - we stayed at The Paramount, which is a block from the convention center. Never felt in danger even at 2am. Now, walking to Shorty's was a bit weird, but mostly because we didn't know the area well. There are so many restaurants, etc around the convention center that it's pretty unlikely to get into something dangerous.
We're still thinking of The Paramount, but possibly The Hyatt also.
KaitouAyashi on
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
aww sweet! Detroit and Flint have got the #2-#3 combo going on... and I've walked through D-town in the middle of the night after a concert or tigers game, and I haven't felt scared.
I had a half mile hike to and from a friend's apartment where I was staying during PAX that I walked alone at least once. Some of the people on the way looked a little shady, but not threatening.
I pulled off the freeway in Cleveland on my way to New York looking for a White Castle....man I drove literally two blocks before I turned around and got my white ass out of there.
To this day I refuse to travel to Detroit. You couldn't offer me a 36,000 square foot mansion complete with a Rolls Royce and a lifetime supply of Scarlett Johansson to live there. :P
DStalefish on
[E] 09, 10E, 10P, 11E, 11P, 12E
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited December 2007
Dude, where in Cleveland did you stop. There's only one White Castle in the city limits that I know of, and it's on W. 117th and Triskett (right up the street from my old house, in fact, I never ate there, but my roommate and neighbor lived off the shit). Granted, if I was from out of town, I probably wouldn't have stuck around either.
I think that's the one. It apparently had been closed down for a while, because it wasn't there anymore when I exited. That's why I ended up driving for a little ways, and all I saw was ghetto as far as the eye could see. :P
DStalefish on
[E] 09, 10E, 10P, 11E, 11P, 12E
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited December 2007
Broadway and Union??? Holy shit, yeah, good call hauling your ass out of there.
Moe Fwacky on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited December 2007
An afterthought, as a seasoned road traveler, I stick to some strict guidelines when it comes to grabbing food. Traditionally, I stick to the truckstops or gas stations near the highway. If there's something I like or something familiar in the immediate vicinity, I go for it, otherwise I grab food at the truck stop. As long as it isn't Montana, the food is usually pretty good. Additionally, I tend to shy away from major cities until I'm in areas where the only civilization for 50-500 miles are those cities, in which case, they tend to not be so major. It usually works out well, just remember, never eat at the Flying J's in Butt, Montana.
Yeah I learned quite a few lessons from my road trip (I actually drove all the way from LA to Toronto). At that particular time I just really wanted White Castle, and I had stopped at a couple of other places where road signs said there would be one, but I couldn't find anything. White Castles are finding it hard to stay in business I guess.
I normally just don't stop driving period. I just pack a whole bunch of food that'll keep in a cooler and pig out the entire trip.
According to the government, my hometown (Abbotsford BC) has one of the highest crime rates in Canada, when looking at the 100,000-499,999 population range.
"Among Canada's census metropolitan areas (CMAs), the largest declines in overall crime occurred in the West: Saskatoon (-9%), Abbotsford (-8%) and Regina (-8%). The drop in Regina resulted in the lowest crime rate in that city since 1991, when CMA data were first tabulated. Even so, Regina, Saskatoon and Abbotsford recorded the highest overall crime rates, in that order."
The Crowne Plaza was $149 a night, the Sheraton was $165 I think. If money is an issue you could look up the price the hostel that was nearby.
ask about BYOC again around... march ;-)
and the answer then will be 'ask about BYOC around...july'
Maybe. At least more will be known around march :P
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
EDIT: will the fact that im turning 18 on the 10th of august conflict with any reservation attempts beforehand?
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
I think you are talking more along the lines of whitecenter than downtown seattle :P
Wait for the pax site to go live with all the pax 08 registration and hotel info. There should be a pax rate for the hotels and such so its better to wait for that.
You get a cheaper rate and pax gets +rep with the hotel/convention center for hotel numbers.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Pax doesn't really become a consideration until after childs play is done. Spring is when peoples thoughts start to turn towards the best days of the entire year.(PAX)
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Theres a charity dinner in December so... yes. After that is done is when PAX things start picking up.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
This is something we talked about a bit at the Prize Redemption booth on Sunday, because so many people had asked us about cash for items. If the money went to Child's Play, we wouldn't have had nearly as much stuff to pack up that wasn't given as prizes. Having more tournaments or something for more points would be good, but I'd really like to see Child's Play be open to the PAX attendees.
And it would be a good way to more publically link the two, by increasing donations to the cause, and generating additional positive press for PAX and Child's Play.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
How about Khoo?
Maybe in 08' you can have a Child Play Booth?
Seattle has one of the lowest crime rates in the country for any city remotely close to its size, and the WSCTC is in one of the safest areas in Seattle -- particularly during events like PAX, when police protection is thicker and you can't so much as push someone without 150 witnesses. Besides, the "street gangs" in Seattle are far more likely to break into your car than confront anyone directly. The money's better, the risks are lower, and the prison sentence is comparatively nonexistent.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Um... proof?
All the lists I see of the most dangerous cities in the US lack Seattle in them.
edit: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0921299.html
See, we're #7 and Seattle is nowhere to be found.
Well, Freeway park (which the WSCTC practically sits on top of) is home to more than a few homeless people, and the area behind the convention center is pretty shady (by Seattle standards, at least.)
I've never really been to any other big city at night, so I can't really compare, but seattle is pretty harmless.
At least now that it's in Seattle, we don't have to worry about those nasty cranes.
I have walked around in downtown Seattle and Baltimore very late at night.
Seattle = No shit stains in my boxers
Baltimore = I need to throw these boxers and pants out now.
I went to a Korn concert that was over at like 2AM and the walk back to my car was one of the scariest things I have ever done. For a few blocks I walked near other concert goers but then I found myself alone. Not fun.
Baltimore is the 12th most dangerous on that infoplease list.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
We're still thinking of The Paramount, but possibly The Hyatt also.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
To this day I refuse to travel to Detroit. You couldn't offer me a 36,000 square foot mansion complete with a Rolls Royce and a lifetime supply of Scarlett Johansson to live there. :P
I think that's the one. It apparently had been closed down for a while, because it wasn't there anymore when I exited. That's why I ended up driving for a little ways, and all I saw was ghetto as far as the eye could see. :P
I normally just don't stop driving period. I just pack a whole bunch of food that'll keep in a cooler and pig out the entire trip.
"Among Canada's census metropolitan areas (CMAs), the largest declines in overall crime occurred in the West: Saskatoon (-9%), Abbotsford (-8%) and Regina (-8%). The drop in Regina resulted in the lowest crime rate in that city since 1991, when CMA data were first tabulated. Even so, Regina, Saskatoon and Abbotsford recorded the highest overall crime rates, in that order."