I've been thinking about this all day, while wandering around, visiting with MC Chris, playing SCII, watching people play Magic:TG and Katamari Damacy, and I finally realized what it is that makes PAX such an incredibly epic and awesome event.
There is no fear in this place.
Nerds of all fetishes are accepted at PAX, and everybody is generally cool to everybody else (except for those guys who wouldn't rotate out the loser while playing Smash Bros. in the Free Play area, they were kinda dicks).
I played Tekken 5 for over an hour and a half with twelve people I'd never met before and we were all nice and pleasant whether winning or losing. We admired the better players and strived like madmen to defeat them. I played Katamari for half an hour against someone who was lightyears better than I was and at no point was there the slightest mockery in his voice as I said "again?" after my twelfth loss. B:L complimented my Ivy even as he raped it six ways from Sunday with his Mitsu.
I watched a fifty year-old man get destroyed by a fourteen year-old kid's Green/Red LD deck and do nothing afterward but shake the kid's hand and tell him how much fun it was to play against him. I saw people playing Guillotine in the tabletop room right next to guys on their fifth hour of Cities & Knights.
I spoke to BIZket, the guy who was running Console Free Play, after the thing ended, and apparently not a single item went missing. The only thing, to my knowledge, that was taken was the hang version of
This Strip off the second floor wall, which I probably would've taken myself if I were the lawless sort.
I played Zelda, damnit. Then immediately afterward played the GC Fire Emblem, Mario Baseball, and that Incredible Hulk game.
PAX is awesome.
Why do you think PAX is awesome?
speak for yourself there, buddy
Okay, except for furries, furries are weird.
Taramoor on Youtube
I still don't know what's better. Hulk, or Mario Soccer. IMO those were the two best games at E3, and same as with PAX.
furries and LARP'ers
Shoulder-to-shoulder be damned.
I'm suprised Tycho has LARPed for Vampire/Whitewolf. Well, I'm not suprised, I just didn't know he listened to The Cure.
well played
I'd like to say a few hellos to the cool ass people I met this weekend. To the couple of girls I went to the pancake corral with on saturday, run with the squealies. To all the Nerf guys, I just got my bazooka, and I'll hunt each and every one of you. To all with people with Nintendogs, I really liked meeting all your dogs, and a special thanks to the ones who gave me stuff, I still chessish my french pride bow. And to all the random people I jumped in conversations with, or made random cynical quips to, I hope I see you all next year.
The two korean transvestites I picked up at the bus stop
Awesome. I had a friend who not only eroded the human soul, but also punched babies in anger.
You guys know what I'm talkin' about. ;D
I'm sure that entertained Zig quite a bit.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
Then the next day I played the guy who took 3rd.
Nice guy. But I beat him more times than me....
then we played tekken
how'd you pull that shit off?
possibly involving huaghluaghluaghluaghluaghluagh?
Ghost Recon 2 tournament = psp and lumines
Just playing Farcry with the Frag dolls = Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike
and the same for playing them in rainbow six 4 and getting splinter cell 3.
hot. good job.
Guess which one is getting "returned" to best buy?
and you'll get a whole like two dollars for 'em. I'm keeping my lame copy of Lineage 2.
At least the City of Villains poster is cool.
When you're running any part of the show, you don't really get much free time to enjoy PAX. I was in charge of the CS: Source tournament and helped out however I could with the other PC tournaments (if you talked to someone at the PC registration desk, it was likely me as I was there probably 80% of my time)...
...but it's good to see all our hard work seemed to pay off!
Most of sunday I was over by the console freeplay area playing a Naruto fighting game for about three hours
Oh yes and this is my first time going to PAX
The new games...wow. Mario Strikers & Twilight Princess coupled together are making me want to get a GC. I was able to see the lure of Nintendogs from firsthand experience etc. etc.
And I know this is a major cliche, but I actually made a list at one point in time (I lost it >,<) of 100 things I wanted to do in life. On that list was to eventually play a P&P D&D game. Well, if I ever find the list, I'll be able to cross it off now
Anyway, when I walk into PAX, I feel like I can let loose a part of me that I often keep hidden, because, though it is becoming more accepted in popular culture, gaming is still a relatively private thing. At PAX, I can let out all that built up gaming energy without feeling like I'm pestering people (too much).
The most fun I had though was at the PA panels and talking to the pirates of the burning see guys for like 3 hours each day about the game and a little playing.
Also my "getting booty since 1720" shirt is the best shirt ever!
I also saw a guy role playing to a chick right in front of like 20 people and no one said a god damn thing, no one even batted an eye, THAT is pax.
The high point would have to be those trannies, though
I mean, daaaaaaaammmmmmnnnnn
How about that.
Isn't that something.
NAS likes trannies
What a fuckin' buttfaggot
All dressed up and no one to blow.
My friend and I ended hanging out in tabletop for a lot of PAX. Friday, we saw a copy of Betrayal at the House on the Hill (really fun game) lying on the table and asked the Enforcer if we could play it. We took a few minutes to look over the rules and then grabbed a few passerby who had never played before either (one of who was Gelatinous Cube from MC Frontalot's band). In under an hour we had a game up and running with 6 strangers.
We also played in the Double Dash tourny and, after every elimination, winners and losers alike were shaking hands and complimenting each other.
Everyone I met was so friendly that it made PAX the best and most "jackass free" convention I've ever attended.
So, thanks to Gabe and Tycho for throwing an awesome party, and thanks to everyone else who attended.
Oh yeah, I got to play Twilight Princess too. That's why PAX rocked.
Same here >_>
I barely even touched any controllers actually, but I had a great time just walking around and watching people play games and watching people in general(cough). Didn't do much, but had fun
What amused me: how guys randomly made conversation with me. I learned from this experience that many nerdy gamer guys actually aren't afraid to approach and casually talk to girls.
well, call me susy and show me where the glory hole is.
And at the hotel party.
And while sitting at the concert.