Who in their fucking right mind would buy that garbage. I would much rather bunch my testicles up in a in a rubberband down a bottle of sleeping pills than suck on that utter cum-soaked garbage.
but hey
People seemed to like it.
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
Who in their fucking right mind would buy that garbage. I would much rather bunch my testicles up in a in a rubberband down a bottle of sleeping pills than suck on that utter cum-soaked garbage.
Doing pretty well at that so far, but thanks for caring.
_tepid_ on
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
Who in their fucking right mind would buy that garbage. I would much rather bunch my testicles up in a in a rubberband down a bottle of sleeping pills than suck on that utter cum-soaked garbage.
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
Who in their fucking right mind would buy that garbage. I would much rather bunch my testicles up in a in a rubberband down a bottle of sleeping pills than suck on that utter cum-soaked garbage.
Honestly, I think it's not the best thing I've drank by far. But I view it as a caffine delivery device. It did the job, it kept me awake, that's about all I needed from it. If I wanted something to drink for the taste, I have some nice single malt scotch here.
Or maybe following that girl dressed as The Princess up the escalator.
after time.
after sweet, sweet succulent time
_tepid_ on
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
I still can't wrap my ego around drinking "Bawls" and "blue Bawls" at that. It was worsened when I saw that sticker that said "Fueled by Bawls". I'm in no way homophobic, I just don't want to be powered by balls. Maybe if it was amended to "my Bawls", but then again they don't really fuel me as much as drive me to do wicked, wicked things...
Plus I've drank so much caffienein my life that it has no effect on my mental or energy state. It might as well be flavored water, but good tasting flavored water, like root beer. Or cola, with rum in it. What was I talking about?
OH and the sound of those shits dropping kind of got on my nerves. Although I'll probably take the dude from the second Mike/Jerry panel's advice and use it as a drinking game with the DVD.
InitialDK on
"I'd happily trade your life for knowledge of my powers."
-Louis C.K.
It isn't exactly the BEST drink. In fact, there are a lot of drinks that have a better taste. But after waiting a year and tasting it again, it was very good. Plus the price was right. People kept buying whole cases and didn't mind sharing.
She was not the most attractive girl in the world. But you are not the most attractive guy in the world. It serves no purpose to state these obvious things.
The point is that she put a lot of effort into that costume and a lot of people gave her props for that. And she certainly wasn't unattractive. I thought she looked great.
Plus, she had a fucking riding crop. I could be wrong, but I believe that would be used for spanking. Perhaps you could've asked her to spank the dicks dropping their Bawls bottles. Perhaps then Strawberry Shortcake would've had something to offer even you, Borfase.
Well, yeah, we weren't at a Tommy Hilfigure convention.
Jesus, even the 'Frag Dolls' looked like ten-cent whores that middle management in NYC coulda picked up for a cool fifty bucks.
Or ten cents...not sure of the conversion rates. Plus.
Got sick of them yelling on the bullhorn about how to start the goddam game when, well, you know.
Garters do it for me.
_tepid_ on
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
Jesus, even the 'Frag Dolls' looked like ten-cent whores that middle management in NYC coulda picked up for a cool fifty bucks.
So between this and the cenobyte comment, I'm figuring your just an asshole. Thats so nice.
Anyway, how about you keep comments on how everyone at PAX looked to yourself, and I don't beat you in the head with a stick? People didn't go to PAX or share their pics to have you cut them down.
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
The proposed legislation stems from an investigation into an Enumclaw, Wash., farm, where a 45-year-old man died on July 2 from internal bleeding due to a perforated colon resulting from having sex with a horse.
Bawls is an ok drink, but this year I was all about the Bawls mints. Mind you, they're not really minty, but they gave me a nice boost when I needed it. I don't mind saying that I was powered by 75 blue balls. That shit it omni-potent
Do ANY energy drinks taste good? Hell no! This stuff is gamer fuel, not a fine wine.
Aneurysm on
Nintendogs 2, featuring wireless dog shit. Coming to a DS near you!
Bawls is an ok drink, but this year I was all about the Bawls mints. Mind you, they're not really minty, but they gave me a nice boost when I needed it. I don't mind saying that I was powered by 75 blue balls. That shit it omni-potent
Do ANY energy drinks taste good? Hell no! This stuff is gamer fuel, not a fine wine.
Shade on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
Bawls is an ok drink, but this year I was all about the Bawls mints. Mind you, they're not really minty, but they gave me a nice boost when I needed it. I don't mind saying that I was powered by 75 blue balls. That shit it omni-potent
Do ANY energy drinks taste good? Hell no! This stuff is gamer fuel, not a fine wine.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
Who in their fucking right mind would buy that garbage. I would much rather bunch my testicles up in a in a rubberband down a bottle of sleeping pills than suck on that utter cum-soaked garbage.
i think the glass bottles are classy. so is filling up empty bawls bottles with snoballs. energy drinks are there to do a job. if they taste better than normal soda, well cool, but form follows function.
i think the glass bottles are classy. so is filling up empty bawls bottles with snoballs. energy drinks are there to do a job. if they taste better than normal soda, well cool, but form follows function.
and red bull vodka tastes like liquid smarties.
Are you kidding me? Red bull vodka tastes worse than just about any other normal chick drink. The only point to it is a quick buzz to start the night with.
forgot and
I politely disagree
i agree
Or maybe following that girl dressed as The Princess up the escalator.
after time.
after sweet, sweet succulent time
A also have to disagree with you about the Princess. It was all about Strawberry Shortcake.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
Plus I've drank so much caffienein my life that it has no effect on my mental or energy state. It might as well be flavored water, but good tasting flavored water, like root beer. Or cola, with rum in it. What was I talking about?
OH and the sound of those shits dropping kind of got on my nerves. Although I'll probably take the dude from the second Mike/Jerry panel's advice and use it as a drinking game with the DVD.
-Louis C.K.
also, the whole dropping the bawls bottle thing was very annoying/stupid
The point is that she put a lot of effort into that costume and a lot of people gave her props for that. And she certainly wasn't unattractive. I thought she looked great.
Plus, she had a fucking riding crop. I could be wrong, but I believe that would be used for spanking. Perhaps you could've asked her to spank the dicks dropping their Bawls bottles. Perhaps then Strawberry Shortcake would've had something to offer even you, Borfase.
i am a gleaming visage of manhood
and i give her anti-props for putting so much time and effort into that costume
Jesus, even the 'Frag Dolls' looked like ten-cent whores that middle management in NYC coulda picked up for a cool fifty bucks.
Or ten cents...not sure of the conversion rates. Plus.
Got sick of them yelling on the bullhorn about how to start the goddam game when, well, you know.
Garters do it for me.
But it was drinkable in small, sample-size quantities when very, very cold.
Syn - Hunter
Hagane - Mage
Synja - Priest
So between this and the cenobyte comment, I'm figuring your just an asshole. Thats so nice.
Anyway, how about you keep comments on how everyone at PAX looked to yourself, and I don't beat you in the head with a stick? People didn't go to PAX or share their pics to have you cut them down.
And Bawls isn't very good, but I got some from people and it did its job- keeping me awake.
Picture Share thread.
I need a breathalyzer lock on my keyboard.
Do ANY energy drinks taste good? Hell no! This stuff is gamer fuel, not a fine wine.
as for hot chicks? I didn't notice. I sure as hell didn't see many hottie men. there was this cutie that kept playing ddr that was checking me out
Where can I get one of those?
Goddamn hypocrite.
and red bull vodka tastes like liquid smarties.
Are you kidding me? Red bull vodka tastes worse than just about any other normal chick drink. The only point to it is a quick buzz to start the night with.
Bawls and coconut rum? Sounds like it might be palatable.
Not as good as beer, though.