A forumer had PM'd me today asking about the game, and I figured I'd update you guys on some of the info:
Q: Any new info on the game coming soon? Is it going to make it out this year? Or are there some problems that nobody's ready to talk about? I think people want to hear something.
A: The game will be out soon, but since we have the luxury of not rushing in to a launch date (we cut out the publishers entirely on this game and in doing so also removed the "YOU HAVE TO SHIP BY HOLIDAY OR ELSE" bullshit), we decided we would take as much time as we needed to get the game RIGHT. We realized that if we're going to do this, we're not going to half-ass it. There aren't any problems, the band is still together and no one has gone on any coke binges.
Some guy.
Thanks for the update.
Yay for developer independence!
Boo for lack of coke binges!
Azulan Saul Tigh
Yep, they'll get you every time.
Also, thanks Khoo - 'ppreciate the update!
But...coke binges are what you look forward to doing when you're famous!
Also, please don't rush it, take your sweet time! Now that we have Blizzivision, you guys might well be the only game developer that will give us high quality stuff 'when it's ready'.
.......... Valve?
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I kid, I kid...
Azulan Saul Tigh
The Wonderful Adventures of Twisp and Catsby :P
That would be the best point-and-click adventure ever made.
Azulan Saul Tigh
Awesome! Thanks Khoo!