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Pre Pax dinner

ShadeShade Registered User regular
edited May 2008 in PAX Archive
Hey turtle and astyonix. What are your ideas for next years dinner?

Shade on


  • Qs23Qs23 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Shade wrote: »
    Hey turtle and astyonix. What are your ideas for next years dinner?

    Dude, it's not even 2008 yet. The CCST hasn't started planning, let alone the Pre-PAX dinner.

    Qs23 on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited December 2007

    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • AydrAydr Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    That's a great image.

    Aydr on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited December 2007
    Is that... a Civil War Cowboy?

    Moe Fwacky on

  • AydrAydr Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Looks to me more like a minuteman jumping the gun.

    Aydr on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Prior planning prevents piss poor preformance. That and I'm bored so my question still stands. Since last years no pay guy, they were going to come up with an idea for a prepay plan.

    also: pic is awesome.

    Shade on
  • b0wserb0wser PAX HHL Deputy Manager CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Not to really complain, but I'd like some sort of system where the three people I'm eating with aren't stuck putting out way more money than the cost of the food we ordered. I don't remember who I sat with, but they shorted the bill $25. I think that problem arose from the facility wanting to do table bills instead of individual, but that's their own problem to work out. The food was great and we all had a good time, so I'm not slagging on the Pre-PAX mealtime at all.

    b0wser on
  • nearlysobernearlysober Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    When eating with large groups of people you're going to run into three problems EVERY time:
    1. Cheap people who don't include enough or any extra for tax & tip.
    2. People who just forgot tax & tip or suck at math and include too little.
    3. Jackasses who completely underpay or don't pay anything.

    Happens in every group dinner situation ever... even if its with quality people like PAXers. It could be a Pope Convention and you'd still find the above three people at a table if there was a big group.

    Due to the crazy popularity of the pre-PAX dinner it might be time to move away from the traditional restraunts and moving to a more structured option like a catered dinner with per-person charges or a buffet or something... and basically have people RSVP & PAY in advance.

    Just a thought.

    nearlysober on
  • PhanmanPhanman Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Yeah, there is no way a restaurant is going to have a per person check with as many and as large of groups as the Pre-PAX dinner attracts. It is unfortunate that you have both cheap and deceptive people who don't pay any money and take advantage of others.

    I would highly suggest and encourage going to places where you have to pay in advance. Basically you have a buffet or this catered idea sounds great other than I can't imagine the planning involved. You'd need to somehow reserve a large enough space and then also collect the funds to pay for the space and the food. A hotel ballroom comes to mind but I don't want to think of the costs invovled.

    Phanman on
    Wii Code: 6596 9931 4190 2980
  • Qs23Qs23 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Phanman wrote: »
    Yeah, there is no way a restaurant is going to have a per person check with as many and as large of groups as the Pre-PAX dinner attracts. It is unfortunate that you have both cheap and deceptive people who don't pay any money and take advantage of others.

    I would highly suggest and encourage going to places where you have to pay in advance. Basically you have a buffet or this catered idea sounds great other than I can't imagine the planning involved. You'd need to somehow reserve a large enough space and then also collect the funds to pay for the space and the food. A hotel ballroom comes to mind but I don't want to think of the costs invovled.

    We have thought about them... and no you don't want to.

    Qs23 on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Qs23 wrote: »
    Phanman wrote: »
    Yeah, there is no way a restaurant is going to have a per person check with as many and as large of groups as the Pre-PAX dinner attracts. It is unfortunate that you have both cheap and deceptive people who don't pay any money and take advantage of others.

    I would highly suggest and encourage going to places where you have to pay in advance. Basically you have a buffet or this catered idea sounds great other than I can't imagine the planning involved. You'd need to somehow reserve a large enough space and then also collect the funds to pay for the space and the food. A hotel ballroom comes to mind but I don't want to think of the costs invovled.

    We have thought about them... and no you don't want to.

    A buffet might not be a bad idea. Every year it packs more and more. This year we had slightly under what? 400? all of which forumers and friends. I'd be willing to throw out some money to a paypal account or something in advance and I bet a lot of others would too.

    Shade on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited December 2007
    Anybody know of a buffet in downtown Seattle? I think the problem Electric Turtle and Astayonix were running into for this year was finding a place that was willing to shut down normal operations for our group without some sort of deposit. If enough people are willing to throw into a paypal, that money could be used to hold the restaurant and the rest can be paid for upon entry (buffet style, preferably). The hotel banquet halls are prohibitively expensive, so those are out for sure.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    _______moe wrote: »
    Anybody know of a buffet in downtown Seattle? I think the problem Electric Turtle and Astayonix were running into for this year was finding a place that was willing to shut down normal operations for our group without some sort of deposit. If enough people are willing to throw into a paypal, that money could be used to hold the restaurant and the rest can be paid for upon entry (buffet style, preferably). The hotel banquet halls are prohibitively expensive, so those are out for sure.

    I'll ask my father if he knows anyone.(He's a chef, used to run the Brooklyn)

    Shade on
  • mentok1982mentok1982 I could never leave you PAX baby. BaltimoreRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    _______moe wrote: »
    Anybody know of a buffet in downtown Seattle? I think the problem Electric Turtle and Astayonix were running into for this year was finding a place that was willing to shut down normal operations for our group without some sort of deposit. If enough people are willing to throw into a paypal, that money could be used to hold the restaurant and the rest can be paid for upon entry (buffet style, preferably). The hotel banquet halls are prohibitively expensive, so those are out for sure.

    I would throw down some pre-order cash for the dinner. Do I get a special metal tin and a soundtrack disc?

    No seriously. I would give at least $20 for the deposit.

    mentok1982 on
    Penny Arcade TV makes my life complete!
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  • AndymatronAndymatron Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Im just going to throw out an Idea.
    You could contact A hotel and see how much it would cost to rent out one of the dinning / meeting rooms for a night, Then find some kind of catering.
    I don't know how cost effective this would be compared to renting out a restaurant but maybe something to look into.

    Andymatron on
    Error 404: Pants not found O_o
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited December 2007
    It's already been looked into, and it's so prohibitively expensive, you don't even want to know the numbers.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • Darkblade_1Darkblade_1 __BANNED USERS regular
    edited December 2007
    Man, moe..

    I want those numbers.

    If we each throw in $500 we'd have it in no time!

    Darkblade_1 on
    You're drawn to my eccentric Brawl Code: 4596 9143 4529
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited December 2007
    I don't know about you, but I don't have $500 to spend on a dinner.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • DStalefishDStalefish Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    You mean your poop isn't hiding wads of Benjamins?

    You could always just gather everybody around a hot dog vendor and make him (or her) really uncomfortable while everybody eats hot dogs.

    DStalefish on
    [E] 09, 10E, 10P, 11E, 11P, 12E
  • liasaliasa Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    We don't have hot dog vendors in Seattle, in fact I don't think we really have any sort of street vendors in Seattle at all.

    liasa on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    liasa wrote: »
    We don't have hot dog vendors in Seattle, in fact I don't think we really have any sort of street vendors in Seattle at all.

    I think its because of the high homeless musician population that they rob the venders untill they all went out of business. Or the fact that it rains nonstop 9 months out of the year.

    Shade on
  • minigunwielderminigunwielder __BANNED USERS regular
    edited December 2007
    Shade wrote: »
    liasa wrote: »
    We don't have hot dog vendors in Seattle, in fact I don't think we really have any sort of street vendors in Seattle at all.

    I think its because of the high homeless musician population that they rob the venders untill they all went out of business. Or the fact that it rains nonstop 9 months out of the year.

    If that deters religious solicitors, I will move to Seattle.

    minigunwielder on
  • DStalefishDStalefish Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Seattle and Long Beach, two of a kind. :P

    Drive-through taco stands?

    DStalefish on
    [E] 09, 10E, 10P, 11E, 11P, 12E
  • Qs23Qs23 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    DStalefish wrote: »
    Seattle and Long Beach, two of a kind. :P

    Drive-through taco stands?

    Taco Bell is only in Seattle and Long Beach?

    Qs23 on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Qs23 wrote: »
    DStalefish wrote: »
    Seattle and Long Beach, two of a kind. :P

    Drive-through taco stands?

    Taco Bell is only in Seattle and Long Beach?

    Oddly Taco Bell does not sell actual tacos, and if you think they do your missing out on life.

    Shade on
  • DStalefishDStalefish Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    No, Seattle and Long Beach don't have hot dog vendors.

    DStalefish on
    [E] 09, 10E, 10P, 11E, 11P, 12E
  • KaitouAyashiKaitouAyashi Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    When eating with large groups of people you're going to run into three problems EVERY time:
    1. Cheap people who don't include enough or any extra for tax & tip.
    2. People who just forgot tax & tip or suck at math and include too little.
    3. Jackasses who completely underpay or don't pay anything.

    Happens in every group dinner situation ever... even if its with quality people like PAXers.

    Word to the above. I got shorted about $25 at the Pre-Pax Breakfast (bacon waffles FTW!), and I don't think it was intentional. It's easy to forget about tax and tip, or even how much your food was when you ordered. :P

    My only suggestion is that if I offer to be "Money Collector" again, I'll write down everyone's orders and prices by hand and bring a calculator. Before everyone's finished eating - they'll have their total.

    Also, BRING CASH, and plenty of small bills.

    KaitouAyashi on
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
    [15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
    PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    When eating with large groups of people you're going to run into three problems EVERY time:
    1. Cheap people who don't include enough or any extra for tax & tip.
    2. People who just forgot tax & tip or suck at math and include too little.
    3. Jackasses who completely underpay or don't pay anything.

    Happens in every group dinner situation ever... even if its with quality people like PAXers.

    Word to the above. I got shorted about $25 at the Pre-Pax Breakfast (bacon waffles FTW!), and I don't think it was intentional. It's easy to forget about tax and tip, or even how much your food was when you ordered. :P

    My only suggestion is that if I offer to be "Money Collector" again, I'll write down everyone's orders and prices by hand and bring a calculator. Before everyone's finished eating - they'll have their total.

    Also, BRING CASH, and plenty of small bills.

    Hence the buffet idea where you would prepay.

    Shade on
  • yoshamanoyoshamano The fuck is this. The fuck was that. Marshall, Soviet MichiganRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007

    Also, BRING CASH, and plenty of small bills.

    I second this idea, but not just for the dinner. Our economy isn't a total slave to plastic yet.

    yoshamano on
  • TNTrooperTNTrooper Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    yoshamano wrote: »

    Also, BRING CASH, and plenty of small bills.

    I second this idea, but not just for the dinner. Our economy isn't a total slave to plastic yet.

    TNTrooper on
  • KaitouAyashiKaitouAyashi Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I can't think of a single buffet place in downtown Seattle. And I'm hard pressed to name one buffet place where I *loved* the food.

    KaitouAyashi on
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
    [15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
    PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I can't think of a single buffet place in downtown Seattle. And I'm hard pressed to name one buffet place where I *loved* the food.

    Your think buffet like chinese buffet, I mean catered.

    Shade on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited December 2007
    Catering would require a place for them to cater to.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • TNTrooperTNTrooper Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    With enough money to hire a catering service and rent out the ballroom at the hotel you would probably have enough to cover a deposit to reserve an entire place like the Cheesecake Factory for the dinner.

    But first you still need to figure out how much each person would to pay in advance to RSVP the dinner as well.

    TNTrooper on
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    _______moe wrote: »
    Catering would require a place for them to cater to.

    Some restaurants have internal catering. You reserve the restaurant, and then tell them what you want them to make for the buffet. They'll give you a list of things they can make.

    Shade on
  • Darkblade_1Darkblade_1 __BANNED USERS regular
    edited December 2007
    Which would require a deposit and an aproximation of how many people would be attending..

    Darkblade_1 on
    You're drawn to my eccentric Brawl Code: 4596 9143 4529
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Which would require a deposit and an aproximation of how many people would be attending..


    Shade on
  • TonkkaTonkka Some one in the club tonight Has stolen my ideas.Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Shade wrote: »
    liasa wrote: »
    We don't have hot dog vendors in Seattle, in fact I don't think we really have any sort of street vendors in Seattle at all.

    I think its because of the high homeless musician population that they rob the venders untill they all went out of business. Or the fact that it rains nonstop 9 months out of the year.

    Uh, there are hot dog vendors, but they aren't like, out all day and usually concentrated in areas where people are drinking alcohol.

    Tonkka on
    Steam: evilumpire T0NKKA#1588 PS4: T_0_N_N_K_A Twitter Shirts and such HELP!
  • Darkblade_1Darkblade_1 __BANNED USERS regular
    edited December 2007
    So its agreed, the pre-pax dinner of pax08 will be a nomadic wandering of the down town seattle area in search of hot dog vendors and liqour.

    Darkblade_1 on
    You're drawn to my eccentric Brawl Code: 4596 9143 4529
  • yoshamanoyoshamano The fuck is this. The fuck was that. Marshall, Soviet MichiganRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    So its agreed, the pre-pax dinner of pax08 will be a nomadic wandering of the down town seattle area in search of hot dog vendors and liqour.


    yoshamano on
This discussion has been closed.