Hi. I'm Protagonist, and I don't regularly visit this forum. I'm somewhat of a gamer, and I've read PA, and it's quite good, but unfortunately, that's not why I'm here today. I'm only posting this in Debate and Discourse because my research indicates that this was MrBallBaggins' favorite portion of the forum.
Since I was in high school, Jeff (MrBallBaggins) was one of my closest friends. Jeff had a wonderful, disturbing sense of humor. We had been planning to attend the Penny Arcade Expo next year together, and he had mentioned that he had promised to draw a Christmas Card for one of you (he showed me the sketches.) I saw that he'd posted, on average, seven times a day here, so it seemed like I should probably say something to you guys about this.
Last night, Jeff was with a friend. The friend was driving, and they went left of center and had an accident. Jeff was pronounced dead on the scene, and everything suggests that it was very quick and that he didn't suffer any. His friend is still in the hospital. I really still can't believe it myself, so there is not much else I can say.
I've never had to join a forum and post for this purpose before, and I never realized how extraordinarily difficult it is. I guess I just wanted to let people know what had happened to MrBallBaggins, and that this was one of his favorite places on the internet, without a doubt.
If anyone has or knows where I can find some of his sketches or artwork, that would be greatly appreciated. His family is putting together a scrapbook.
Jesus, dude.
Legos are cool, MOCs are cool, check me out on Rebrickable!
I'm going to sticky a copy of this thread in Tube's Circus, just in case any interested people miss the thread in D&D.