I was driving up to Fry's the other day and a thought crossed my mind. How does no one have an RV? How awesome would that be 1 or 2 of those bad boys loaded up with games and food treking its way cross country. I know gas for one might be expensive and I think you need a class A license in the states, but anywho, just a thought.
So this is the thread for getting there. If I were to tag along (assuming I have the money/time in august to do so) would be getting home be pretty much the same thing?
Ryadic on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2008
Some cars leave on their own time, but several still stick together for the ride back. It's a preference thing, really.
What's the likelyhood of me being about to hitch a ride off someone? My car, while it's new and could make the trip, isn't ideal for cross country trips. The lack of cruise control makes things a bit hard on your right leg.
I would be able to meet in Knoxville TN for that part of the leg, and I can drive if someone is willing to trust me driving.
Ryadic on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2008
I don't think I used cruise control for more than an hour or two throughout the whole trip.
Your chances of finding a car to ride in are dependent on if anybody is leaving from your area or going through your area. As soon as the website is launched, it will make finding people somewhat easier. It should be going up pretty soon (I know I've said this before, but I mean it for real!), so stay tuned, I'll make an announcement here when the website goes live.
I never drive with cruise control though, granted my car doesn't have it so when I'm in one that does I find it very boring to use and you don't pay as much attention to the road.
Indiana is NOT just corn, only MOST of it! We've still got a pretty good capital city. GenCon is there each year. Hell I vote Indianapolis if ever (read: Never) a Midwest PAX popped up.
Aw that's adorable. All that state pride getting all rilled up like a little badger... I've always felt that the state slogan should be changed from "Cross Roads of America" to "Seriously, It's Just a Lot of Corn" or "A State Divided, for a Reason"
Indy does seem to be a good spot for Cons (GenCon, Star Wars Celebration, MTG pre-release tournaments). I guess that's a plus.
It's a state divided because someone had the good sense to realize there was too much continuous corn for they slid Illinois down into the middle and renamed west Indiana to Iowa.
See if you know anybody who works at D-Link, Cisco or any other company that deals with WiFi. I would love to not have to buy routers for all the cars and such.
FYI, I work for Cisco....if you're angling to get discounts on Cisco stuff, realize that:
1) Even with a discount, actual Cisco stuff is still expensive
2) We don't get discounts on Linksys stuff because the margins on the consumer stuff is already pretty thin.
Out of curiosity, how many cars does one AP/router cover? I've always wondered about stuff like this.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2008
Qs23's asleep right now, so I'll have to field what of this that I can, but he'd be better suited for this, since the CCLP is his thing. Last year we were operating with one router, specially modified with a 3ft pvc antenna (specifics on this aren't my thing). This gave us range for about 5 cars, I think. I know a number of us had antennae mounted externally, for a better signal.
See if you know anybody who works at D-Link, Cisco or any other company that deals with WiFi. I would love to not have to buy routers for all the cars and such.
FYI, I work for Cisco....if you're angling to get discounts on Cisco stuff, realize that:
1) Even with a discount, actual Cisco stuff is still expensive
2) We don't get discounts on Linksys stuff because the margins on the consumer stuff is already pretty thin.
Out of curiosity, how many cars does one AP/router cover? I've always wondered about stuff like this.
Well, in truth, I was hoping to just find somebody that we could rent stuff from for the week and send it back after that. Because I can tell you that right now, all the wifi stuff is sitting in a corner, not doing anything but waiting for this year's CCST.
Um, the specifics of what I had was a 15 dBi omni-directional antenna (I think. I didn't really have time to test to make sure that it's actually 15 dBi, but that's what the site listed it as.) mounted to the trunk of our 2000 Camry. That was hooked up through a pigtail to a Motorola WR850G router that I "modded" a little bit.
You can see the heatsinks that I added and the 80mm fan that I hardwired to the power input. That white box at the front was a digital thermometer that I had running off of batteries to keep an eye on the Transmitter itself to make sure that it wasn't over heating. (Granted I didn't have to worry since it never got above the stock temp) I also bumped up the TX power to 240 mW.
But yeah... we had Moe in front of us with an magnetic antenna on the roof of his car and we were able to connect to him no problem. The car right behind us had no external antenna and was able to keep a pretty decent connection. The Caddy behind them was only able to really log-on to our Vent server every once and awhile, but they had no external antenna either. And the car in the very back, I'm not sure was able to log in at all. I know I should have been keeping better records, but I was too excited that it was sort-of working to be really scientific about it.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2008
It's all intelligence born out of necessity. When you've got something you're committed to doing, you learn everything you can to make it run properly.
It's all intelligence born out of necessity. When you've got something you're committed to doing, you learn everything you can to make it run properly.
You hit that on the head. And what's scary, is that I still don't know the half of what I want to know.
It's all intelligence born out of necessity. When you've got something you're committed to doing, you learn everything you can to make it run properly.
I don't like MacGyver... think about all the shacks and crap that people put time and effort into building that he blew up just because he put some gum and foil together. What a senseless waste.
So I really wanna get in on this. It'd be my first PAX, but I've gotta figure out how im gonna do it. I'm in London, ON, but could make my way to Toronto or the first waypoint in the states if I were able to get a ride with someone (obviously I have no problems with contributing to the gas fund.) I could also do some (automatic) driving if the driver has no qualms about a 19 year old driving their vehicle (and, if the US acknowledges the G2 as a license, although I could probably get my G in time if necessary.)
Otherwise I'd be looking at renting a car and trying to convince some friends to go with. In which case there'd be a seat or two open for anyone else who wants in. Anyone know if rental places tend to have mass mileage overage discounts? (It'd be about 6000km over the limit, at 15cents per km if not, which adds an extra $1000 to the cost)
Does anyone know if I would be able to drive in the states with a G2 license
So I really wanna get in on this. It'd be my first PAX, but I've gotta figure out how im gonna do it. I'm in London, ON, but could make my way to Toronto or the first waypoint in the states if I were able to get a ride with someone (obviously I have no problems with contributing to the gas fund.) I could also do some (automatic) driving if the driver has no qualms about a 19 year old driving their vehicle (and, if the US acknowledges the G2 as a license, although I could probably get my G in time if necessary.)
Otherwise I'd be looking at renting a car and trying to convince some friends to go with. In which case there'd be a seat or two open for anyone else who wants in. Anyone know if rental places tend to have mass mileage overage discounts? (It'd be about 6000km over the limit, at 15cents per km if not, which adds an extra $1000 to the cost)
Does anyone know if I would be able to drive in the states with a G2 license
Ok... the last question first. The answer is that there really isn't a simple answer about if you're able to drive in the US with a G2 license. The reason is that each state has different rules.
The easiest thing to do would be to contact the MOT and ask them.
And I would say the same for the Car Rental companies. There are a bunch in the London area. (I know, I went there for spring break a couple of years ago)
Just pick up the phone and call and find out for sure.
So I really wanna get in on this. It'd be my first PAX, but I've gotta figure out how im gonna do it. I'm in London, ON, but could make my way to Toronto or the first waypoint in the states if I were able to get a ride with someone (obviously I have no problems with contributing to the gas fund.) I could also do some (automatic) driving if the driver has no qualms about a 19 year old driving their vehicle (and, if the US acknowledges the G2 as a license, although I could probably get my G in time if necessary.)
Otherwise I'd be looking at renting a car and trying to convince some friends to go with. In which case there'd be a seat or two open for anyone else who wants in. Anyone know if rental places tend to have mass mileage overage discounts? (It'd be about 6000km over the limit, at 15cents per km if not, which adds an extra $1000 to the cost)
Does anyone know if I would be able to drive in the states with a G2 license
Ok... the last question first. The answer is that there really isn't a simple answer about if you're able to drive in the US with a G2 license. The reason is that each state has different rules.
The easiest thing to do would be to contact the MOT and ask them.
And I would say the same for the Car Rental companies. There are a bunch in the London area. (I know, I went there for spring break a couple of years ago)
Just pick up the phone and call and find out for sure.
Yeah, I've looked into the car rental thing a bit more, and Budget Car rentals seems to have unlimited km. I just gotta call and find out if "unlimited km" really means unlimited km. Also, do car rental places usually have a problem with renting to a 19 year old?
Also, do car rental places usually have a problem with renting to a 19 year old?
I can't speak for Canada, but in the US, by and large they will. I think many require the renter to be 25 or so.
Alright, I'm going to call some up tommorow and figure out if it's possible and how much it'll cost. If I can afford to do this, how many people would be looking for rides? I'm trying to decide between a car and a van (I've got a few friends potentially coming as well.)
I'm starting in London, ON, and joining at the Michigan stop, but don't mind pulling in to some rest stops between here and there if you can get a ride out to one. It might be slightly more expensive than a ride with someone else (because of the rental included in the cost) but I'd only expect it to be different by $50 - $65. If we managed to fill a van it could even end up cheaper (I think.) Also, it'd just be the one way, since I've got some different plans for the return.
Also, do car rental places usually have a problem with renting to a 19 year old?
I can't speak for Canada, but in the US, by and large they will. I think many require the renter to be 25 or so.
Alright, I'm going to call some up tommorow and figure out if it's possible and how much it'll cost. If I can afford to do this, how many people would be looking for rides? I'm trying to decide between a car and a van (I've got a few friends potentially coming as well.)
I'm starting in London, ON, and joining at the Michigan stop, but don't mind pulling in to some rest stops between here and there if you can get a ride out to one. It might be slightly more expensive than a ride with someone else (because of the rental included in the cost) but I'd only expect it to be different by $50 - $65. If we managed to fill a van it could even end up cheaper (I think.) Also, it'd just be the one way, since I've got some different plans for the return.
Actually, at least down here in Texas, you can rent a car at 18, but SUV's, Trucks, and Vans you have to be 25 for, yet moving trucks you don't.
I never said it was logical, but I found this out when I wanted to rent a Van for my band.
Also, it'd just be the one way, since I've got some different plans for the return.
Wait.... What?
After PAX the friends that would be coming with me to make it possible want to go up through BC and drive through the Canadian side/stop in a few places. I thought the CCST was just a one way thing anyway?
I just thought for anyone that wants to participate in the CCST but doesn't have a car/doesn't want to drive and can find a different way home (ie, train or plane) it might be helpful.
I am going to PAX for the first time this year and I am doing the CCST. I am driving my SUV and I currently live in Baltimore, MD but I am from Philadelphia, PA (Good Ole Military). I am willing to pick up any body from NYC that needs a ride to New Bergen. The only problem I (kinda) have is cash. I have the money to drive by myself but the fact is I don't want to spend it :P. I need to have a full car so we can all split the expenses equally and so I don't break my wallet.
I have experience driving cross country having done it two times already and will have done it four times by august. I have driven from Philadelphia to San Fransisco and back again. Anyone that would like to tag along in my ride is more than welcome to contact with my information below.
Group Name: Friday Night Rejects
Group Leader(s): Fooswashere1
Vehicle: 2007 Dodge Nitro 20mpg 330 MPT This is my SUV.
Max. Desired Passengers: 4
Starting Location: Baltimore, MD
First Waypoint: Du Bois, PA
Riders: Fooswashere1(William Myers) , Sean Blanda, Lauren Zukauskas, Gunarso Nguyen and Eric Safrit
Name: William Myers, Gunarso Nguyen, and Eric Safrit
Location: Baltimore, MD
First Waypoint: Du Bois, PA
Driving?: Yes
IM: fooswashere
Unconfirmed Riders:0
Space Available: 0
Name:Sean Blanda and Lauren Zukauskas
Location: Philadelphia, PA
First Waypoint: Du Bois, PA
I am now full to the brim. I can't wait for this to start.
As far as car rentals go, at least in the states, most won't rent to under 21. But if they do allow 18 they charge daily fees that can be like half the daily rental price for 18-21 and a slightly lower fee for 21-25. A lot of them also only give you the rate they specify on mileage or unlimited miles in certain states. Assume they jsut stick GPS trackers or something in their cars at this point. Also to avoid even more crazy fees you usually have to have your own insurance on your regular vehicle as well which I think has to be in your name. A lot of under 25 folks are just on their parents since it's just stupid the cost of having your own car insurance 18-24.
I would be able to meet in Knoxville TN for that part of the leg, and I can drive if someone is willing to trust me driving.
Your chances of finding a car to ride in are dependent on if anybody is leaving from your area or going through your area. As soon as the website is launched, it will make finding people somewhat easier. It should be going up pretty soon (I know I've said this before, but I mean it for real!), so stay tuned, I'll make an announcement here when the website goes live.
I never drive with cruise control though, granted my car doesn't have it so when I'm in one that does I find it very boring to use and you don't pay as much attention to the road.
You say that like it's a bad thing...
Montana... it's not. Indiana... it is.
Indiana is NOT just corn, only MOST of it! We've still got a pretty good capital city. GenCon is there each year. Hell I vote Indianapolis if ever (read: Never) a Midwest PAX popped up.
Indy does seem to be a good spot for Cons (GenCon, Star Wars Celebration, MTG pre-release tournaments). I guess that's a plus.
Tallest structure in the state? :P
New Salem, ND
It's a state divided because someone had the good sense to realize there was too much continuous corn for they slid Illinois down into the middle and renamed west Indiana to Iowa.
FYI, I work for Cisco....if you're angling to get discounts on Cisco stuff, realize that:
1) Even with a discount, actual Cisco stuff is still expensive
2) We don't get discounts on Linksys stuff because the margins on the consumer stuff is already pretty thin.
Out of curiosity, how many cars does one AP/router cover? I've always wondered about stuff like this.
Well, in truth, I was hoping to just find somebody that we could rent stuff from for the week and send it back after that. Because I can tell you that right now, all the wifi stuff is sitting in a corner, not doing anything but waiting for this year's CCST.
Um, the specifics of what I had was a 15 dBi omni-directional antenna (I think. I didn't really have time to test to make sure that it's actually 15 dBi, but that's what the site listed it as.) mounted to the trunk of our 2000 Camry. That was hooked up through a pigtail to a Motorola WR850G router that I "modded" a little bit.
You can see the heatsinks that I added and the 80mm fan that I hardwired to the power input. That white box at the front was a digital thermometer that I had running off of batteries to keep an eye on the Transmitter itself to make sure that it wasn't over heating. (Granted I didn't have to worry since it never got above the stock temp) I also bumped up the TX power to 240 mW.
But yeah... we had Moe in front of us with an magnetic antenna on the roof of his car and we were able to connect to him no problem. The car right behind us had no external antenna and was able to keep a pretty decent connection. The Caddy behind them was only able to really log-on to our Vent server every once and awhile, but they had no external antenna either. And the car in the very back, I'm not sure was able to log in at all. I know I should have been keeping better records, but I was too excited that it was sort-of working to be really scientific about it.
You hit that on the head. And what's scary, is that I still don't know the half of what I want to know.
Like MacGyver!
Fine, do you prefer MacGruber then?
Otherwise I'd be looking at renting a car and trying to convince some friends to go with. In which case there'd be a seat or two open for anyone else who wants in. Anyone know if rental places tend to have mass mileage overage discounts? (It'd be about 6000km over the limit, at 15cents per km if not, which adds an extra $1000 to the cost)
Does anyone know if I would be able to drive in the states with a G2 license
Ok... the last question first. The answer is that there really isn't a simple answer about if you're able to drive in the US with a G2 license. The reason is that each state has different rules.
The easiest thing to do would be to contact the MOT and ask them.
And I would say the same for the Car Rental companies. There are a bunch in the London area. (I know, I went there for spring break a couple of years ago)
Just pick up the phone and call and find out for sure.
Yeah, I've looked into the car rental thing a bit more, and Budget Car rentals seems to have unlimited km. I just gotta call and find out if "unlimited km" really means unlimited km. Also, do car rental places usually have a problem with renting to a 19 year old?
I can't speak for Canada, but in the US, by and large they will. I think many require the renter to be 25 or so.
Alright, I'm going to call some up tommorow and figure out if it's possible and how much it'll cost. If I can afford to do this, how many people would be looking for rides? I'm trying to decide between a car and a van (I've got a few friends potentially coming as well.)
I'm starting in London, ON, and joining at the Michigan stop, but don't mind pulling in to some rest stops between here and there if you can get a ride out to one. It might be slightly more expensive than a ride with someone else (because of the rental included in the cost) but I'd only expect it to be different by $50 - $65. If we managed to fill a van it could even end up cheaper (I think.) Also, it'd just be the one way, since I've got some different plans for the return.
Wait.... What?
Actually, at least down here in Texas, you can rent a car at 18, but SUV's, Trucks, and Vans you have to be 25 for, yet moving trucks you don't.
I never said it was logical, but I found this out when I wanted to rent a Van for my band.
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
After PAX the friends that would be coming with me to make it possible want to go up through BC and drive through the Canadian side/stop in a few places. I thought the CCST was just a one way thing anyway?
I just thought for anyone that wants to participate in the CCST but doesn't have a car/doesn't want to drive and can find a different way home (ie, train or plane) it might be helpful.
Is that for a full size van? or like a mini van?
Which would explain why it's really an illogical law.
So, I'd still call to make sure.
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
Alright, so I called around, for anyone wondering:
In Ontario minimum age to rent an "economy" car (like a hyundai accent or similar) is 21 at most places...
Anything bigger than that is 25
I am going to PAX for the first time this year and I am doing the CCST. I am driving my SUV and I currently live in Baltimore, MD but I am from Philadelphia, PA (Good Ole Military). I am willing to pick up any body from NYC that needs a ride to New Bergen. The only problem I (kinda) have is cash. I have the money to drive by myself but the fact is I don't want to spend it :P. I need to have a full car so we can all split the expenses equally and so I don't break my wallet.
I have experience driving cross country having done it two times already and will have done it four times by august. I have driven from Philadelphia to San Fransisco and back again. Anyone that would like to tag along in my ride is more than welcome to contact with my information below.
Group Name: Friday Night Rejects
Group Leader(s): Fooswashere1
Vehicle: 2007 Dodge Nitro 20mpg 330 MPT This is my SUV.
Max. Desired Passengers: 4
Starting Location: Baltimore, MD
First Waypoint: Du Bois, PA
Riders: Fooswashere1(William Myers) , Sean Blanda, Lauren Zukauskas, Gunarso Nguyen and Eric Safrit
Name: William Myers, Gunarso Nguyen, and Eric Safrit
Location: Baltimore, MD
First Waypoint: Du Bois, PA
Driving?: Yes
IM: fooswashere
Unconfirmed Riders:0
Space Available: 0
Name:Sean Blanda and Lauren Zukauskas
Location: Philadelphia, PA
First Waypoint: Du Bois, PA
I am now full to the brim. I can't wait for this to start.
I think I can support MacGruber (although, I fear if I don't you're going to make me sleep in the bathtub)