It only lets me select the physical ticket thing. While the will call thing is great, it will only let me select Canadia and United States as a shipping adress. I don't live in either country.
It only lets me select the physical ticket thing. While the will call thing is great, it will only let me select Canadia and United States as a shipping adress. I don't live in either country.
I am cry
Those outside of North America are will-call only. Last year we had issues with passes just not getting to other continents in time, despite us sending them 45 days in advance.
Robert Khoo on
Some guy.
That_GuyI don't wanna be that guyRegistered Userregular
I'm not sure I like the way this site is set up. ...I think I'll just wait.
...For it to cost more? This is the ground floor. If you don't get on here, it'll only get more "expensive" (which I put in quotes because PAX prices day-of are still a lot less than for other conventions with less to offer).
I'm not sure I like the way this site is set up. ...I think I'll just wait.
...For it to cost more? This is the ground floor. If you don't get on here, it'll only get more "expensive" (which I put in quotes because PAX prices day-of are still a lot less than for other conventions with less to offer).
Cost more? I don't care. It's not like PAX is an incredibly expensive event. Plus, any opportunity I have to throw my money at G&T is an opportunity I'll take, thanks.
...For it to cost more? This is the ground floor. If you don't get on here, it'll only get more "expensive" (which I put in quotes because PAX prices day-of are still a lot less than for other conventions with less to offer).
Cost more? I don't care. It's not like PAX is an incredibly expensive event. Plus, any opportunity I have to throw my money at G&T is an opportunity I'll take, thanks.
I'm an irrational human being, I know.
With such sentiment as that, I must say my respect for you is greatly increased.
...For it to cost more? This is the ground floor. If you don't get on here, it'll only get more "expensive" (which I put in quotes because PAX prices day-of are still a lot less than for other conventions with less to offer).
Cost more? I don't care. It's not like PAX is an incredibly expensive event. Plus, any opportunity I have to throw my money at G&T is an opportunity I'll take, thanks.
I'm an irrational human being, I know.
With such sentiment as that, I must say my respect for you is greatly increased.
We're using a new ticketing system: Brown Paper Tickets. These guys are a scrappy local outfit that's a bit more in tune with PAX. Great group of folks that support a lot of indie events and musicians here in Seattle.
I set up the ticketing pipeline, and while doing so missed the toggle that indicates who pays the Brown Paper Ticket service fee. It's fixed now, and we'll figure out a way to refund those that were overcharged.
We're using a new ticketing system: Brown Paper Tickets. These guys are a scrappy local outfit that's a bit more in tune with PAX. Great group of folks that support a lot of indie events and musicians here in Seattle.
I set up the ticketing pipeline, and while doing so missed the toggle that indicates who pays the Brown Paper Ticket service fee. It's fixed now, and we'll figure out a way to refund those that were overcharged.
Sorry about that!
Guess I'm going with Brown Paper Tickets after all.
Soups on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited January 2008
A portion of Brown Paper Tickets profits is given back to the communities we serve. You can help decide where the money from this sale goes by choosing a charity from our current list of recipients.
What, no Child's Play?
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
A portion of Brown Paper Tickets profits is given back to the communities we serve. You can help decide where the money from this sale goes by choosing a charity from our current list of recipients.
What, no Child's Play?
Seriously. Khoo, Feh, and PRD need to get that set up STAT. Could make A LOT for Child's Play.
Is there anyway to confirm that I did in fact hit the "Yes" buttons on the BYOC and the Omegathon questions? I was hoping it was going to be in the conformation details, but it's not listed.
Highfire, tell you what: we'll try to meet up sometime during the convention. I'll give you my business card, you give me yours, and we'll write down some nonsense notes about potential business transactions. Would that be the prerequisite proof needed to write it off?
It only lets me select the physical ticket thing. While the will call thing is great, it will only let me select Canadia and United States as a shipping adress. I don't live in either country.
I am cry
Those outside of North America are will-call only. Last year we had issues with passes just not getting to other continents in time, despite us sending them 45 days in advance.
So I just fill in my name, without the adress? I don't mind the will-call, as my badge got lost in the mail last year.
We're using a new ticketing system: Brown Paper Tickets. These guys are a scrappy local outfit that's a bit more in tune with PAX. Great group of folks that support a lot of indie events and musicians here in Seattle.
I set up the ticketing pipeline, and while doing so missed the toggle that indicates who pays the Brown Paper Ticket service fee. It's fixed now, and we'll figure out a way to refund those that were overcharged.
Sorry about that!
Guess I'm going with Brown Paper Tickets after all.
Well I bought my ticket but sadly it only allows me to select either Canada or the US, I don't live in either country. I think I may have to email them to explain this as there is the possibility that they will try and ship it to the weird address I gave them. The first part is fine but I really don't live in the US but the UK! Can someone contact them to make sure there is a dialogue box to confirm that you are from outside North America?
Well I bought my ticket but sadly it only allows me to select either Canada or the US, I don't live in either country. I think I may have to email them to explain this as there is the possibility that they will try and ship it to the weird address I gave them. The first part is fine but I really don't live in the US but the UK! Can someone contact them to make sure there is a dialogue box to confirm that you are from outside North America?
Pay attention (Mr. Khoo should probably duplicate his later post in his first post too):
Those outside of North America are will-call only. Last year we had issues with passes just not getting to other continents in time, despite us sending them 45 days in advance.
I'm not sure I like the way this site is set up. ...I think I'll just wait.
...For it to cost more? This is the ground floor. If you don't get on here, it'll only get more "expensive" (which I put in quotes because PAX prices day-of are still a lot less than for other conventions with less to offer).
Cost more? I don't care. It's not like PAX is an incredibly expensive event. Plus, any opportunity I have to throw my money at G&T is an opportunity I'll take, thanks.
Aye... I mean, I'm shocked that it's still only 40 bucks for 3 days. I've heard of (and desperately wanted to go to, but couldn't possibly afford) conventions whose cost for a similar period of time was *thousands* of dollars... and I imagine they were far less interesting than PAX. Probably sitting around talking about Networking security for three days in a stuffy business room with stale donuts in the corner.
40 (er, 42) bucks to go to a convention that's actually fun? Score! ;-)
We're using a new ticketing system: Brown Paper Tickets. These guys are a scrappy local outfit that's a bit more in tune with PAX. Great group of folks that support a lot of indie events and musicians here in Seattle.
I set up the ticketing pipeline, and while doing so missed the toggle that indicates who pays the Brown Paper Ticket service fee. It's fixed now, and we'll figure out a way to refund those that were overcharged.
Sorry about that!
Guess I'm going with Brown Paper Tickets after all.
Is there a benefit to buying early bird tickets? I mean, I'm definitely going, but the more money I can blow on hookers and booze now is all the more appreciated.
hamburger helper on
ASimPersonCold...... and hard.Registered Userregular
Is there a benefit to buying early bird tickets? I mean, I'm definitely going, but the more money I can blow on hookers and booze now is all the more appreciated.
They're cheaper. In the past, it's saved you about $15 for a 3-day pass, IIRC.
Well I bought my ticket but sadly it only allows me to select either Canada or the US, I don't live in either country. I think I may have to email them to explain this as there is the possibility that they will try and ship it to the weird address I gave them. The first part is fine but I really don't live in the US but the UK! Can someone contact them to make sure there is a dialogue box to confirm that you are from outside North America?
Pay attention (Mr. Khoo should probably duplicate his later post in his first post too):
Those outside of North America are will-call only. Last year we had issues with passes just not getting to other continents in time, despite us sending them 45 days in advance.
I ask you to read my post again. To quote myself:
"Well I bought my ticket but sadly it only allows me to select either Canada or the US, I don't live in either country."
Let's just read the italics again:
but sadly it only allows me to select either Canada or the US
This means I had to provide a BAD ADDRESS to progress the order meaning that they think I'm from the US. I emailed them explaining it I just want PA to ask them to fix it.
Remember: Everybody loves BYOC :P
This is why you're the Best.
Sadly I've got to hold off till I know where I'll be come august.
It only lets me select the physical ticket thing. While the will call thing is great, it will only let me select Canadia and United States as a shipping adress. I don't live in either country.
I am cry
EDIT: Registered! Now we've GOT to go.
Those outside of North America are will-call only. Last year we had issues with passes just not getting to other continents in time, despite us sending them 45 days in advance.
now I just need to wait for BYOC reg to go up/
I'm not sure I like the way this site is set up. ...I think I'll just wait.
...For it to cost more? This is the ground floor. If you don't get on here, it'll only get more "expensive" (which I put in quotes because PAX prices day-of are still a lot less than for other conventions with less to offer).
Cost more? I don't care. It's not like PAX is an incredibly expensive event. Plus, any opportunity I have to throw my money at G&T is an opportunity I'll take, thanks.
I'm an irrational human being, I know.
With such sentiment as that, I must say my respect for you is greatly increased.
...Was it low to begin with? :S
I set up the ticketing pipeline, and while doing so missed the toggle that indicates who pays the Brown Paper Ticket service fee. It's fixed now, and we'll figure out a way to refund those that were overcharged.
Sorry about that!
Guess I'm going with Brown Paper Tickets after all.
What, no Child's Play?
Seriously. Khoo, Feh, and PRD need to get that set up STAT. Could make A LOT for Child's Play.
So I just fill in my name, without the adress? I don't mind the will-call, as my badge got lost in the mail last year.
You were that offended over $2?
I can give you $2 if you want?
Pay attention (Mr. Khoo should probably duplicate his later post in his first post too):
And also BigRed...
This is forums 101 guys. Read the thread.
40 (er, 42) bucks to go to a convention that's actually fun? Score! ;-)
$2 feeds me for 2 days. But I'm poor so :P
They're cheaper. In the past, it's saved you about $15 for a 3-day pass, IIRC.