I thought I'd make a post on the forums here. I was curious what the best SWAG that everyone here has gotten at PAX previous years. Last year I came away happy with (and not limited to):
1. The PAX welcome bag (lots of posters, booster of MTG, booster of Spoils, PAX magazine/schedule, etc)
2. Drake's Uncharted T-Shirt from the Sony booth
3. An uncountable number of stickers, buttons, and other paraphernalia from all sorts of companies
4. Stuff from the 1up.com booth including: PSP case, tshirt, free copy of EGM magazine, 1up gum
5. Card from Eye of Judgement
6. Fury beta disc
7. Sword of the New World beta disc
8. NVidia button (with a buddy code)
9. Rockstar Ping Pong ball
10. Rockstar GTA IV hat (my favorite swag from last year)
11. Spoils tournament deck (from sitting and learning the game at there booth)
That's all I can remember at the moment.
Let's hear what everyone else went home with!!
Other than that...scored a full set of collector pins during a Guild Wars trivia round, and my bf got a full deck of GW skill cards for being in the tournament. We both still use our mini notebooks from Rockstar also.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
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Or if they had been strict about people paying attention. One persons number was called and no one responded so they moved on to the next number and gave a video card because they were there. A couple minutes later they came by and found out they're number had been called and so they gave them a video card too... It could have been mine! Gah... Not like I have a PCIe to stick it in right now anyways.
I would have to say my most cherished bits of swag were the NVIDIA "Arkanoid style" t-shirt (I'm actually wearing it right now!), a million Rock Band bass-guitar stickers, and the Haze mirrored mint boxes. Also, in '06, I was pelted by an Nvidia pocket notebook thingy which I still have somewhere.
Haha, Gina was giving them out for months.
I personally like my "Support Piracy" shirt from Pirates of the Burning Sea.
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my second favorite item would be the "I pwned PAX07" vinyl sticker that came with the swag bag. It's on the rear window of my car and I love it.
I think I won that one.
One of the most ROFLicious pieces of swag I got was the Internet Traffic Cop from BFG (think this was from '05). It's essentially a button that disconnects your modem from your computer/router.
haha, I still have that sitting on a shelf. I keep meaning to throw it away but it would make such a good gag gift.
I'm kicking myself now for not waiting in the line for that GameWorks party. I know now not to miss it again at PAX08.
No way! I got to check my bag when I get home. I have all my stuff in its own drawer.
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Oh yeah, and having the RvB people and Frontalot sign my Bawls was pretty awesome too... I did get the weirdest looks, though...
2nd Best swag: collecting 51 autographs on a pair of Converse Chucks.
Oh yeah, Ive still got my Turbine dice bag sitting here on my computer desk from them tossing them at the line in 2005. Mine also had a DDO beta invite in it. I also got DDO and LOTRO shirts at their booth that year. In 2007 I got a copy of LOTRO and a copy of Asheron's Call: Throne of Destiny autographed by Frelorn. My best shit comes from Turbine, though I still wish they would make a damned sequel to AC that actually feels like an AC sequel.
oh, and a WAR beta code thingy too, woo. Then the year before I got a DDO Forums t-shirt that they were giving out to the forum regulars, with an ascii bunny being eaten by an ascii gelatinous cube :P
Some of the other swag I've gotten over the past 4 PAX's;
My spiffy Spiderman Heroclix
my favorite and highest rolling red d20
the collectors box for City of Heroes and Linage 2
a whole mess of PlanNC swag (the tabula rasa stuff from last years meet and greet making the top, next to the heroclix of all the Archvillians)
a bag of dice from the D&D online booth (turbine)
more tee-shirts, Posters, game demos, and stickers than one can shake a stick at...
Swag Bags!
other random stuff that's not really worth mentioning.
I have it framed and up on my wall.
1. a. Free "Wish You Were Here" postcards for On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness.
1. b. Signed by Wil Wheaton and sent to friends who couldn't make it.
You are evil....
I like my "Speed Ricer 3000" poster. I don't quite know what it means or what boot I got it at but dammit, it made to my wall.
I think my friend made off with maybe 20+ Liar bags...
Oh yeah, my copy of Wild Rides Water Park Factory that I won is as sweet as the cover is unnerving.
WHA?!?!?! Mass Effect shirt? Where did you get that?
They were handing them out everytime they did a demo of Mass Effect by the entrance to the exhibition hall (every hour or something).
But yeah, my Con Shirts usually don't fit. I need to stop being tall and fat, and unfortunately I can only control one of them, and barely at that. Lost about 25 pounds a couple years ago, and then put 50 on since then... Damn my taste for unhealthy foods and sedentary lifestyle.
My window cling died after the BAWLs exploded in the bag.
Then I learned to upgrade to the big Lair/etc stiff bags.
And for some reason I totally didn't get any free t-shirts. I suck at getting free t-shirts.
As for swag, the two boxes of chicken ramen. Just for the look on my brother's and Dad's face when they saw the bag stuffed with ramen. It has also since cured me of my love of ramen by needing five months to eat it all.
What does SWAG mean?
A couple things.
I'm probably gonna go to this...