Penny Arcade Adventures producer, Joel DeYoung, telling us of the developer's tentative goal to release a new episode every four months. "Yeah, definitely there's a fixed release schedule. It's tentative right now, but we're talking about one every four months," DeYoung explained in a GDC interview.
It is actually supposed to be released in Smarch, but only if there is a blue moon that month.
Awesome news.
Which one?
Well, we just had a blue moon on 21 Feb... so that means soon, yes?
Shouldn't matter what hemisphere, a full moon is a full moon!
But I was using Ye Olde Farmer's Almanac for my Blue Moon reference...
But hey, I'd rather see it done when it's done, even if it's on the next blue moon.
Damn, HotHead! I hope you guys are scheduling yourselves some well-deserved vacation soon. Also, that four month release schedule is intense - we all appreciate your hard work!
Sorry, I'm just frothing and lusting for this game at this point. And with the fun I had playing the early demo, I know there are no alternatives whatsoever to the experience RSPD creates that could satiate me until the release...
If not, I can imagine the release date being announced at PAX. ^_^
And I will be at the bottom of some river or lake . . . .
"Vlad: Dude went down fighting."
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
"Also, he was easy on the eyes."
I never said released AT PAX.
Just that it would be a good time to announce a release date (if it's not out by then.) or something cool about Episode 2. ... or whatever you're no doubt planning to announce at PAX that's going to rock our socks off.
I'm not going to assume, for safety's sake, that your comment is meant to suggest the game is definitely going to come out long before then.
...or should I?... I honestly try hard not to put a date to things and would have been happy for "Sometime in 2008", even if it's later.
If it came out at the end of April or beginning of May, we'd maybe see Episode 2 coming out around PAX.
If the game was out the day that the court date was scheduled, I bet you could get him to just rule you not guilty.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I'd testify in Soups' favor so he'd be able to get the game on the release date.
But to my actual question regarding the release date; It's been said Episode 1 is to be released during 'spring,' right? I'm sure it's just a matter of definition, but in my eyes, spring ends when June (and summer) starts.
I'm thus totally in favor of strike_the_trip's idea of a release date for the release date.
I feel like I want to tell HotHead something nice and elaborate about how much I love this game coming out and how grateful I am for this.
But I can't think of anything good enough that would suffice.
So thank you for your effort, HH!
We are not ready to say much just yet but what I CAN say is that when we began this adventure, I said that if the game sucked, I would eat my shirt. Well, it looks like I am going to go hungry!
We are very, very happy with the game and we can't wait for you guys to play it. What's even better is that, while Episode One is great, Episode Two is even better and everyone is completely jazzed about how this game series is shaping up.
As far as a release date for a release date . . . stay tuned. You will not have to wait much longer . . . .
Ooh, was that a hinted release date for the release date for the release date?
It averaged out at 2000kB/s
So yeah, I'm still stoked for this game, as long as it comes out in the next four weeks - because otherwise it'll be contending with my exam revision time, and I'd quite like to not fail.
We've already waited too long! Please, we need that release date for the release date for the release date!
*Which pax wasn't specified
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Ah, here it is:
I just like to brag about having met khoo. Twice. In person.
He's so awesome.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
you know .... something from 'Ten'
I don't know whether to laugh or to stab myself in the face.
*buys Khoo a pizza* >_>