I just got done reserving my room at the Red Lion and they no longer have any of the special PAX rate rooms left. So a king bed room there is going to run me $160/night with all the tax and such added in.
Figured I'd let others know, and see if this can be added to the hotels page on the PAX website.
The double tree did not have any PAX rate rooms left for all the nights when I reserved my room either. They did have rooms for like one night but obviously that wasn't going to cut it.
Can you tell me which nights you were trying to book for? They're telling us a different story so i want to get all of the facts straight. Thanks!
Robert Khoo on
Some guy.
yoshamanoThe fuck is this. The fuck was that.Marshall, Soviet MichiganRegistered Userregular
edited April 2006
I booked a room for 4 nights (I'm on the CCST) so Thur. - Sun. Don't hold me to this, but I believe the conversation went like this: I asked for a room for PAX (didn't ask for any specific type of room), they asked how many nights, I said 4, they said they were out of rooms at the PAX rate but that they had some king bed rooms available for the standard rate.
When I reserved my room at the Doubletree a couple weeks ago, they told me they couldn't give me the PAX rate for Thursday night. Maybe requiring Thirsday night is what's doing it? They didn't say (and I didn't ask) whether they were out of special rate rooms for Thursday already, or if the rate didn't apply to Thursday.
Ok, so we went and talked to some more hotel people today and will be updating the hotel page soon with new hotels. I'll make an announcement in this post before we tell everyone on the front page so you guys get first shot at it.
Yoshamano (and everyone else I suppose): $160 is definitely a crazy rate per night- this new place we contracted with is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper and the rooms were just renovated this year, so interior-wise, it's awesome. The exterior is definitely sub-par, but it's definitely one of those "don't judge a book by its cover" sort of things.
Just to answer Khoo's original question. I was trying to book a room from the 24th to the 28th in the Doubletree. They didn't have any two bed rooms left (which I expected since I delayed) but they also said that on the 24th they no longer had the PAX rate available (but they did have a room). So I am now paying the pax rate from 25th-28th and paying $140 on the 24th.
Just a question, but what exactly happened between the PA team and the Bellevue Marriott? I like the Marriott, but there's a note on the PAX Hotels page to stay away... :?:
Astayonix on
-=Astayonix=- http://www.n37radio.com
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IRC - radeon.slashdot.net #n37 key=topic
Just a question, but what exactly happened between the PA team and the Bellevue Marriott? I like the Marriott, but there's a note on the PAX Hotels page to stay away... :?:
I think Khoo mentioned it in one of the PAX threads, but they apparently refused to give any sort of discount rate to PAX attendees, despite the assurances that we would completely fill their hotel. Since they refused to work with PA, we more or less have a boycott of them. I imagine after they see the numbers this year they'll relent next time.
Just a question, but what exactly happened between the PA team and the Bellevue Marriott? I like the Marriott, but there's a note on the PAX Hotels page to stay away... :?:
I think Khoo mentioned it in one of the PAX threads, but they apparently refused to give any sort of discount rate to PAX attendees, despite the assurances that we would completely fill their hotel. Since they refused to work with PA, we more or less have a boycott of them. I imagine after they see the numbers this year they'll relent next time.
Yes, but by then, it'll be too late for them. Well, for that location at least.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
Just a question, but what exactly happened between the PA team and the Bellevue Marriott? I like the Marriott, but there's a note on the PAX Hotels page to stay away... :?:
I think Khoo mentioned it in one of the PAX threads, but they apparently refused to give any sort of discount rate to PAX attendees, despite the assurances that we would completely fill their hotel. Since they refused to work with PA, we more or less have a boycott of them. I imagine after they see the numbers this year they'll relent next time.
What assholes! Well, it sux for them! Thanks for the background! :P
Astayonix on
-=Astayonix=- http://www.n37radio.com
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IRC - radeon.slashdot.net #n37 key=topic
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
There is trickery afoot.
(well Tuesday to Sunday)
Yoshamano (and everyone else I suppose): $160 is definitely a crazy rate per night- this new place we contracted with is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper and the rooms were just renovated this year, so interior-wise, it's awesome. The exterior is definitely sub-par, but it's definitely one of those "don't judge a book by its cover" sort of things.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
Unless you are a lazy bum.
Ayliana Moonwhisper Ecksus Cerazal
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
IRC - radeon.slashdot.net #n37 key=topic
I think Khoo mentioned it in one of the PAX threads, but they apparently refused to give any sort of discount rate to PAX attendees, despite the assurances that we would completely fill their hotel. Since they refused to work with PA, we more or less have a boycott of them. I imagine after they see the numbers this year they'll relent next time.
Ayliana Moonwhisper Ecksus Cerazal
Yes, but by then, it'll be too late for them. Well, for that location at least.
Passes: ☑ ▬ Hotel: ☑ ▬ Flight: [color=red]☑[/color]
What assholes! Well, it sux for them! Thanks for the background! :P
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
IRC - radeon.slashdot.net #n37 key=topic