The TableTop gaming forum seems a little jumbled right now.
Could we have separate sub-fora for [MtG], [D&D], [Pokemon], [WoW], [Warhammer], [Warhammer 40K], [OOC], and [IC]?
I think it would help to make the forum easier to read, and it should be relatively easy to maintain since tabletop franchises start up far less frequently than electronic games.
take a minute and check the labels
they're quite clear
Also, you shouldn't have to sift through several pages to find all the topics that are relevant to you.
Click your User Panel. See that bit about subscribed threads, use it.
What you want is already hard coded into the board, you just need to use it.
No it doesn't.
Honestly, what prompted this is that I went to a MtG thread and it was 112 pages long. When I started reading it, I saw that there was a new topic every three posts or so.
I think that by having more focused sub-fora, we can get users to start new threads instead of posting off-topic.
Welp, D&D 4e really skirts the line between RPGs and Miniatures.
We've got like four or five threads for miniatures -- WHFB, WH40K, and we used to have a Warmachines thread but I'm not sure if it's still there.
We've got like, one MTG thread and no other card game stuff.
Maybe you could make a case for making a subforum for actual games vs game discussion, but even that would be unnecessary.
kill all phallas
Actually, we've got at least two MtG threads, and the one I poked my head into essentially starts a new thread every three posts. If the threads for other games are like it, then you could easily fill some sub-fora.
In terms of other CCGs, I saw LO5R and WoW threads there, plus the Pokemon sub-forum.
If we make just a few new sub-fora, we could have more, smaller threads and hopefully make it easier for people to find pre-existing discussions.
you aren't required to post in the giant MTG catchall thread
The "Redundant thread" rule might be confusing to some people.
Why shouldn't you, exactly?
Even if there wasn't an easy-to-use, working search function that could easily bring up all threads relevant to the keywords you mention in your original post and even if there wasn't a "subscribed threads" function available to you via your user panel, why exactly are you entitled to only see threads that cater to your desires?
While that may sound snarky, I'm genuinely curious.
There isn't really too much of anything cluttering up Critical Failures.
But we want to play with other Penny Arcade regulars, and lo, Penny Arcade is the best place to do that.
I don't see what everyone's all in a fuss about.
My Call of Cthulhu thread gets posted in during 2 days a week, tuesday, and one random day someone decides to ask a question (because it's not a game thread, it's more like a game HQ thread).
After the week, I just look in the first half of page 2, and whaddya know? It's there.
Our topics are not going anywhere. I think your issue is less that there's things clogging other things up, and moreso that there's not enough going on there for you.
...I can empathise.