Yeah, parking at the Maydenbauer was plentiful at $15 per day last year. As I lived nearby, I didn't have a hotel. I just had some people that I met there register my car with their hotel room so I could use the hotel parking lot. :P
You know what I did last year? I just drove right into the Meydenbaur about 30 mins after the doors opened for the pre-registrants. I parked within 20 feet of the elevator, took out my PC gear, and rode the elevator up to the BYOC room. I didn't even have to wait in a line. I just made sure I had my badge on so they'd let me in. It felt like my own, private VIP entrance.
Yeah, it costs some money, but it was worth it. Especially since I had my PC with me.
I stayed at the doubletree last year, and there was plenty of parking. And it was easly within walking distance.
Yes, easily within walking distance if you like walking UPHILL AT A 45 DEGREE ANGLE!
Are you that out of shape? I thought it was a nice walk, and not too steep at all. It was convenient because the hotel I was staying was also hosting another con I was going to, however MUCH smaller than PAX; Dragonflight, and kept me busy at night when PAX was done for the evening.
Accalon on
PAX 2007 Omegathon Champeen
*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
I stayed at the doubletree last year, and there was plenty of parking. And it was easly within walking distance.
Yes, easily within walking distance if you like walking UPHILL AT A 45 DEGREE ANGLE!
Are you that out of shape? I thought it was a nice walk, and not too steep at all. It was convenient because the hotel I was staying was also hosting another con I was going to, however MUCH smaller than PAX; Dragonflight, and kept me busy at night when PAX was done for the evening.
Dude, I live on a great lake, our land is either flat or almost flat. We don't walk at an uphill angle all like that out here. It's just not geographically possible.
I highly recommend parking at Bellesquare mall. It's not "that" far away, you won't have to pay a dime, and you'll see lots of good places to hit for lunch on your walk to Meydenbauer. Plus you won't have to worry about being towed.
AZTECA.. maybe..
Yes, easily within walking distance if you like walking UPHILL AT A 45 DEGREE ANGLE!
Yeah, it costs some money, but it was worth it. Especially since I had my PC with me.
Jesus, why'd you get a hotel so far away?
That'd be it. I might have to buy a meal there this year to compensate.
That CUSTOMER PARKING ONLY sign is there for a reason.
Are you that out of shape? I thought it was a nice walk, and not too steep at all. It was convenient because the hotel I was staying was also hosting another con I was going to, however MUCH smaller than PAX; Dragonflight, and kept me busy at night when PAX was done for the evening.
*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
Dude, I live on a great lake, our land is either flat or almost flat. We don't walk at an uphill angle all like that out here. It's just not geographically possible.