PAX: You can sleep when you're dead (or after we close at 3 am)
PAX: More fun then a Barrel of Monkeys, but you can bring the game anyway
PAX: HA! Made ya look.
PAX: Don't worry, we know what we're doing... We think.
PAX: It won't blend, we tried.
PAX: The only thing missing is you.
PAX: Caffeine IV not included.
PAX: We hope you like gaming...
PAX: d2, d4, d6, d8... Who do appreciate?
PAX: come for the gaming, stay for the A/C.
PAX: LFM Awesome Party, PST.
PAX: What better way to have your ass kicked by someone half your age?
PAX: Coffee Capital meets Caffeine Necessity.
PAX: Batteries ARE included.
PAX: Swag for all, and then some.
Whytmage on
:!!: Current Addiction: World of Warcraft
:!!: Progress: My mage can kick your mage's ass. My hunter can kick your mage's ass, and I'm positive my Shadow Priest can kick your mage's ass also.
PAX: It's not our fault your world orbits a ball of fire
PAX: Now in Lemon Lime!
PAX: We Bring Blue Sparks
PAX: Insert Coin
PAX: Batteries Not Included
PAX: More Rock Bands than an Indie Label
PAX: Khoo's on First?
PAX: Don't Forget Your Chargers
PAX: 100% Homeopathic Ownage
PAX: More fun then a Barrel of Monkeys, but you can bring the game anyway
PAX: HA! Made ya look.
PAX: Don't worry, we know what we're doing... We think.
PAX: It won't blend, we tried.
PAX: The only thing missing is you.
PAX: Caffeine IV not included.
PAX: We hope you like gaming...
PAX: d2, d4, d6, d8... Who do appreciate?
PAX: come for the gaming, stay for the A/C.
PAX: You should come. I think you would like it.
PAX: We have made it better, stronger
PAX: The Nerdcoriest
- We make good team!
- I told you not to touch that darn thing!
- PAX is credit to team!
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
PAX: What better way to have your ass kicked by someone half your age?
PAX: Coffee Capital meets Caffeine Necessity.
PAX: Batteries ARE included.
PAX: Swag for all, and then some.
PAX: It's not our fault your world orbits a ball of fire
PAX: Now in Lemon Lime!
PAX: We Bring Blue Sparks
PAX: Insert Coin
PAX: Batteries Not Included
PAX: More Rock Bands than an Indie Label
PAX: Khoo's on First?
PAX: Don't Forget Your Chargers
PAX: 100% Homeopathic Ownage
And, finally
PAX: We Are Nice Guys
PAX: Go ahead, put on your robe and wizard hat.
PAX: I put on my robe and wizard hat.
The other idea is:
PAX: Dancing all day since 2004.
But I totally love PAX: Don't be a dick as well.
PAX: Don't Panic. Bring a towel.
Holy hell, I swear I did not see your post before I made my edit. Promise.
(Diablo 2 theme shamelessly stolen from BigRed in IRC)
or if you can't say E3
PAX: Showcasing all that stuff you couldn't see in July
(okay that's not really an entry, that's just in reference to this thread :P )
PAX: Our charisma checks are easy