I'll buy you something if you buy me something. And anyone else can buy me stuff if they want to. I'll be turning 21 four days prior to PAX and I am female! :winky:
Yes. I do. They're enormous. *waits for hoards of guys to buy me gifts*
Nope, nope. Not good enough yet. There are thousands of girl gamers with big ones. Now you also have to be hot, single, and nice. That narrows it down a lot more.
Nope, nope. Not good enough yet. There are thousands of girl gamers with big ones. Now you also have to be hot, single, and nice. That narrows it down a lot more.
Yes. I do. They're enormous. *waits for hoards of guys to buy me gifts*
Nope, nope. Not good enough yet. There are thousands of girl gamers with big ones. Now you also have to be hot, single, and nice. That narrows it down a lot more.
By your standards, then it sounds like I fail all three.
PAX should have a "Birthday People get Free energy drink on day of birthday" policy... that way it's like a gift from everyone. Yay!
Oh yeah... proof of ID necessary
Fokkar on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
There are still Nazis around? And they're coming to PAX?
Moe... as a mod, how can you allow this? I'm disappointed.
Oh... I just got a better idea for the Birthday Folk:
Birthday Bumps... that's right... a shot in the arm from every single person at PAX for people turning another year old. How's that for a great idea?
Fokkar on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited July 2008
They're not coming to PAX. Aramark is the food/drink vendor for the WSCTC and they won't allow any other food or drink to be sold or given away by PAX. At least, that's my understanding of the situation.
That's a bummer. We should do an undercover Bawls operation just outside the centre grounds... we could wear trench coats and everything. It could be a grand ol time. And of course... one free bawls for the Birthday Folk. And a shot in the arm. For good measure.
I'm turning 21 roughly a month and a half after pax. Fortunately I'm canadian and just don't care about your strict american laws.
Also, why don't we threaten Aramark by saying we will boycott ALL of their products within the convention centre if they do not allow the sale of bawls? Or tell them that they have to offer bawls to us at a reasonable price? You can't tell me that 40 thousand people aren't able to sway a stupid little company.
Yes. I do. They're enormous. *waits for hoards of guys to buy me gifts*
Nope, nope. Not good enough yet. There are thousands of girl gamers with big ones. Now you also have to be hot, single, and nice. That narrows it down a lot more.
By your standards, then it sounds like I fail all three.
Then you are just another gamer, and you being female is not a factor :P
Then you are just another gamer, and you being female is not a factor :P
You dare call me just another gamer?!? MY BREASTS CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!
(A cookie to whoever gets that reference)
I don't get the reference, but I'll fight against boobs if it's a grappling match... erhm!
Ok, ok, this has gone far enough. Back to the topic at hand. It seems there are many of us with birthdays during that weekend. We should actually focus on organizing something. I propose a giant gaming convention to mark the occasion.
Back to the topic at hand. It seems there are many of us with birthdays during that weekend. We should actually focus on organizing something. I propose a giant gaming convention to mark the occasion.
Psh, gamers are too anti social to want to actually meet other people. It'd never work.
I suppose that is an important distinction to make. OP edited.
not me
But you can have one of my pins!
Violets are blue
Duuuuude. Check out the thread. The link is actually on Lyanth's Sig. "The Buttoneers" it is called.
i put it there for easy axcess.
I like you, you have everyone else's laziness in mind.
do unto others as you would have them do unto you :winky:
Well now that is just plain hawt.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
But...do you have a big rack?
::Shudders at thought of man boobs::
Seriously you try drunkenly scratch my back and I'll attempt to drunkenly scratch yours....
Where are you staying?
Let the celebration begin.
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
Yes. I do. They're enormous. *waits for hoards of guys to buy me gifts*
Nope, nope. Not good enough yet. There are thousands of girl gamers with big ones. Now you also have to be hot, single, and nice. That narrows it down a lot more.
at least you do your handle justice... :P
By your standards, then it sounds like I fail all three.
Oh yeah... proof of ID necessary
fucking Nazis
Moe... as a mod, how can you allow this? I'm disappointed.
Oh... I just got a better idea for the Birthday Folk:
Birthday Bumps... that's right... a shot in the arm from every single person at PAX for people turning another year old. How's that for a great idea?
That's a bummer. We should do an undercover Bawls operation just outside the centre grounds... we could wear trench coats and everything. It could be a grand ol time. And of course... one free bawls for the Birthday Folk. And a shot in the arm. For good measure.
Also, why don't we threaten Aramark by saying we will boycott ALL of their products within the convention centre if they do not allow the sale of bawls? Or tell them that they have to offer bawls to us at a reasonable price? You can't tell me that 40 thousand people aren't able to sway a stupid little company.
Then you are just another gamer, and you being female is not a factor :P
You dare call me just another gamer?!? MY BREASTS CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!
(A cookie to whoever gets that reference)
I don't get the reference, but I'll fight against boobs if it's a grappling match... erhm!
Ok, ok, this has gone far enough. Back to the topic at hand. It seems there are many of us with birthdays during that weekend. We should actually focus on organizing something. I propose a giant gaming convention to mark the occasion.
Psh, gamers are too anti social to want to actually meet other people. It'd never work.