My birthday is the day before PAX this year. Not quite as cool as having my birthday during PAX... but next year my birthday should fall on PAX Friday.
Okay, on a totally serious note, why not a dinner at a restaurant? Especially one that gives out free appetizers or a free cake for birthday customers. I can imagine a half dozen or so people each requesting a free appetizer because it's their birthday.
Okay, on a totally serious note, why not a dinner at a restaurant? Especially one that gives out free appetizers or a free cake for birthday customers. I can imagine a half dozen or so people each requesting a free appetizer because it's their birthday.
On a more important note, do I get a cookie for getting your reference? Inquiring (and hungry) minds would like to know.
On a more important note, do I get a cookie for getting your reference? Inquiring (and hungry) minds would like to know.
Sure. I'll give you a digital cookie now, and if I see you at PAX in person, I'll get you a real cookie. Scout's honor. I'll even let you choose what kind of cookie. As long as it's not Yoshi's.
On a more important note, do I get a cookie for getting your reference? Inquiring (and hungry) minds would like to know.
Sure. I'll give you a digital cookie now, and if I see you at PAX in person, I'll get you a real cookie. Scout's honor. I'll even let you choose what kind of cookie. As long as it's not Yoshi's.
Fuck. I was totally hoping he would ask for a Yoshi cookie, so I could steal it from him.
yeah, a pin and photo is in order! that is, if you would like a pic with a zerosuit samus cosplayer... if not, then just the pin!
Ok, not to resurrect a dead thread, but I'm resurrecting it because it's my thread. Now that I've officially ordered pins for the badge thing... who is going to hang out with me on my birthday? That's the only way you can get the Ultra Rare TrainwreckX pin!
Ok... maybe not, but I want my birthday to rock hard, and I only have 2 IRL friends attending PAX (not enough to make my birthday rock).
Not that I've been paying enough attention to the boards for people to know me, but if you wanna get drunk I know some peeps who are down ( I am a chixzore if you really need to know, but my friends are a mixed bag & I am not guaranteeing a non sausage fest.) If you have a place to party all the better. One of my best friends is leaving to go live in Hawii right after PAX so we were going to throw his going away party that weekend, if you be down we be up >^.^<
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series? I seem to recall a line like that.
My 21st birthday, that is.
no no no no no
On a more important note, do I get a cookie for getting your reference? Inquiring (and hungry) minds would like to know.
Sure. I'll give you a digital cookie now, and if I see you at PAX in person, I'll get you a real cookie. Scout's honor. I'll even let you choose what kind of cookie. As long as it's not Yoshi's.
Fuck. I was totally hoping he would ask for a Yoshi cookie, so I could steal it from him.
Ok, not to resurrect a dead thread, but I'm resurrecting it because it's my thread. Now that I've officially ordered pins for the badge thing... who is going to hang out with me on my birthday? That's the only way you can get the Ultra Rare TrainwreckX pin!
Ok... maybe not, but I want my birthday to rock hard, and I only have 2 IRL friends attending PAX (not enough to make my birthday rock).
I'm female, divorcing and yeah, the rack is on the big side....I'm mean, though. No drinks for me?
That probably qualifies. I can't get drunk though, I have to drive peoples around
We can throw stuff at him for his birthday!
Best birthday ever...
I'm staying at the Grand Hyatt, but I don't know if it will be much of a party room. I'd rather be someplace where more people are partying, etc.