My wife didn't used to understand why guys love video games so much. That is, until I bought her a Nintendo DS. She's by no means a hardcore gamer, but she has a certain appreciation now where there was none before.
My story revolves around the Nintendo DS and a little title called Contra 4. She had an NES as a kid with her brothers and played the original Contra. Fond memories, plenty of enjoyment, etc. etc. She's almost done with Professor Layton, and I
thought had a higher frustration tolerance level. After all, she married me.
It took about 30 seconds for Contra 4 to crush her soul. Honest to God, I thought Nintendo DS was going out the fucking window.
I am also a firm believer that if you and your significant other can survive Virus Buster mode in Dr. Mario Wii, your relationship can withstand
anything. We played with a lot of, "What the hell are you doing? MY GOD you just screwed this whole thing up!" All well intentioned, but after getting a bit overzealous with moving pills around and ruining the perfect set up, I thought I'd be on the couch sleeping for a week.
Now, these aren't exactly great stories by any means but you get the intention of this thread. What tales of gaming can you share about your significant other that made you laugh/cry/get divorced/etc.?
2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
I have 549 Rock Band Drum and 305 Pro Drum FC's
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I admit, I laughed.
2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
I'm like OK, be the heavy then.
She plays for a while, seems like she's starting to get the hang of it. She's defending the last capture point on Badlands, and she goes "shit I'm out of ammo what do I do"
I'm like "Ask the engineer to build a dispenser." I tell her to hit C and then 4 or whatever the command is.
Heavy goes Put Dispenser Here! and she was instantly hooked. The look of joy and mirth on her face, it was like she was 6 years old and I told her not only is there a santa claus, but he brought you a pony.
She has my account now. I had to buy a new PC so we can play together. She's much better than me and in a clan. 8-)
Second place ain't bad, though, so I'll just say:
Strip Worms Armageddon. That is all.
Gold. Also, I will also note that Wii games seem to inherently lead to Strip variants.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Sad thing is that, at first look, I did think that this was going to be a new Tales of game/topic.
Also, the phrase "It did not end well" better make at least one appearance.
So. Tonight? We're going to play a fuck ton of Ladder tag team matches.
Oh, and she also enjoys other games. She wanted to play TF2 one time and she actually got quite a few kills as the pyro. She also is crazy into Smash brothers.
She won't stray in to PC games though. She prefers the kind of stuff we can sit on the couch together or lay in bed with our DS's next to each other and chill after the kids are in bed. Good stuff.
We don't play Tekken any more.
As soon as I showed her how the DS works, and got her to play New Super Mario Bros. she was hooked. (Loves the minigames)
Recently we sat down and played through the whole Simpsons (Movie) game on my 360 (one sitting - 6 hours) and it was a wholly enjoyable experience (another great example of how poor camera control and platforming can ruin almost any game. )
She can also hold her own on Hard Guitar Hero/Rock Band (she prefers Bass, as every perfect girlfriend should.) and knows a lot of the songs/bands before playing them (this always makes me like people more..), she actually knows a lot more about music than me.
/vote title change to "Ladies are the best Player 2s" :winky:
I mean, if you want to be a gay gamer that's fine too...
because only dudes post here.
We were shopping one day and she looked at Burnout 3 and suggested I get it, which was cool with me 'cause I didn't have any ideas for anything in particular that day.
Brought it home and we both got hooked instantly. She ended up playing it way more than I did.
tl;dr stupid whores love Burnout 3.
NNID: Glenn565
It did not end well.
Also my girlfriend likes to take over my throne every time we play Rock Band. Drums are mine, bitch!
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
She mainly plays a lot of RPGs. But she never finishes them. She will get to the boss or the last area and just stop playing. It bugs the crap out of me.
Other than that she has an unhealthy attachment to Kingdom Hearts 1&2. Besides countless beatings of the game, including Ultima weapons, she actually recorded her entire playthrough of KH 1 onto VHS so she could just watch it anytime she wanted instead of playing. She also pressures me to continue playing games with good stories (or TF2...what is it with girls and TF2?) so she can watch.
And then there is WoW, but...yeah...:P
That's kinda weird.
Buy a Nintendo console. Seriously.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Anyway, she loves gamimg, but her schedule prevents her from doing it as much as she'd like. I think the last game she played the hell out of was Mario Galaxy. She got all the stars in the game, including the ones you get the second time through. I'm still at 110 stars or something.
She really loves the Castlevania games, especially the Metroidvanias. I remember her not only completing Circle of the Moon before anyone else in our group of friends, but also beating all the extra "modes" you unlock in that game. She has completed Portrait of Ruin; I've only gotten the worst possible ending.
We've tried to get through Diablo II at least three times, but we always stop in the desert. Actually, we've never seen past that area. She'd like to play WoW one day, and I'd love to start playing again if she ever does decide she has the time for it. I even grabbed a WoW Battlechest for $20 last Black Friday, so it's just a matter of her having the time for it now.
My Backloggery
It's taken 8 years but fuck me playing video games with your SO is awesome.
Well, she's a big fan of napping on the couch with a good show on, and she loves KH, so it just made sense.
I showed her Dr. Mario 3 or so years ago, and she's played it almost every day since on my old GBA.
She does play Diablo2, and a few other things from time to time.
However, nothing is cooler than saving your lady love when she's starting to fail out of "Run to the Hills" by wailing on your plastic guitar.
Anyway, it just occurred to me reading this thread that we kinda' met through a video game. I've told this story once on the forums before (I think it's a good story), but here it is again. This is the story of how I went to a dude's birthday party, convinced his girlfriend to leave him and humiliated him in the arena of the SNES. Ain't I a stinker? (Bites into a carrot.)
Spoiler'd for size. Seriously, don't read it if you're just going to bitch about 'walls of text' after.
I give her my sagacious counsel (a birthday is a bad time for a breakup, but a relationship is an agreement of trust between two people - if you value what you had and honor that agreement, you know it's wrong to lie to him), and proceed back upstairs where some people are throwin' down on Killer Instinct. It's important to note, at this point, that I don't particularly like her boyfriend. He's a little cocky, a bit of a jerk (kinda' like me), but comes across as a nice enough guy.
In the kitchen, I notice there are multi-packs of PEZ candy lyin' around - something that was a trademark of mine at the time, I was partial to the Bugs Bunny dispenser - and immediately demand to know whose PEZ those are. Turns out, they belong to the birthday boy!
I guess I was feeling a little alpha-male that night, 'cause I announced that I could kick anyone's - anyone's ass at Killer Instinct. Naturally, the birthday boy took offense at this, and challenged me to a duel, which I was happy to accept if the stakes were a multi-pack of PEZ (though I kinda' had the feeling the stakes were much higher - this was a battle for honor!)
I don't remember which fighter he chose, coulda' been Spinal or Jago or TJ, but when I went for Sabrewulf I got a chorus of catcalls from the room. "He's so slow!" yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, if you remember anything about Killer Instinct, you know that I was able to walk into the kitchen, snap up my PEZ multi-pack and stroll back into the living room before he hit the ground after my final Ultra Combo. The night was won! Arouuuu!
After, my friend and I walked Her home post-breakup, he with his arm around her, I with my PEZ. A few weeks after, she would confess at the time she had wished I'd been the one holding her, but there was plenty of time for that later.
We were together about two-and-a-half years, and I'll never forget that woman. I hope she's happy with her Catholic and French husband and that she's got all the little kids she wanted. I also kinda' hope she misses me sometimes, too.
Here's to you, Trish. I landed that forward-back-light kick for you.
.... I'm going to go hug my wife now.
Dear Penthouse Forum. I never thought I'd be writing one of these letters, but...
And thus it was dubbed "The Thwii-some"
I didn't regret reading this thread until two posts ago. Now: regret.
When we do get to game together, a lot of it ends up being one of us playing a single-player game and the other watching and providing moral support. Most recently he watched me go through NG2 - the bastard just picked up Chocobo's Dungeon for the Wii which I'm convinced is the cutest game in existence, so I'll probably end up watching him play that.