I am starting a new thread for this, as the old Cookie Brigade thread is rather hard to wade through at this point.
Ok, so it looks as if the majority of people who replied would like to meet after the Keynote. So here goes:
Meet at 5:45pm outside BYOC. Bring your cookies to pass around/exchange. You will also receive an identifier button from me, and some sellable buttons from Leesha.
Meet at 1:45pm outside BYOC. Bring all of the wonderful donations you have collected, as well as any leftovers (which hopefully won't happen). We will be taking the donations directly to our Penny Arcade contact after this meeting.
What is the Cookie Brigade?
We are a group of PAX attendees that are going to bake cookies and bring them to PAX. For a donation to Child's Play, you can get a delicious home-made cookie from one of us to help make your waiting-in-line/panel-watching/swag-getting experience more tasty!
How much of donations will go to Child's Play?
All of them! We are doing this out of our love for baking and our adoration for what Child's Play is.
How do you get a cookie?
Look for people with Cookie Brigade buttons. We will generally try to hit up lines, but remember that we are also coming to PAX to have fun and will be attending events such as panels that we are interested in.
How do you get involved?
We are still looking for more people to help out! You can help in one of three ways:
1) Bake cookies and distribute them (for which you will get a sweet Cookie Brigade button)
2) Bake cookies and give them to us to hand out
3) Distribute cookies made by us and collect donations (also results in a button)
If you are interested in helping, please send me a PM, and also visit our Google group:
Thanks everyone! Let's make this super successful and raise some money for Child's Play! If you have any other questions, please post them and I'll answer them as best I can.
We are now gluten, dairy and corn free gamers!
no, there are currently no restrictions on recipes, but a nut-allergy warning would be nice (if applicable) for the people who end up distributing your cookies.
that's why I asked and I will make sure to note it on the container.
Im just going to have to really discipline myself to not eat them all on the way down lol
please go to http://groups.google.com/group/cookiebrigade/browse_thread/thread/1b53101f71461c6e and let us know what kind of cookies you are bringing. Alternately, post it here, and I'll add it to the google group.
I'm currently looking for someone who would be willing to let me mail them some cookies a few days before PAX. I attended and distributed cookies last year, and because of grad school and my new job starting the week of PAX, I won't be able to hand out sugary goodness again this year. But I'd still love to mail some cookies (either to a residence or to a hotel or wherever) to contribute to this year's Cookie Brigade.
PM me if you live in Seattle or would be willing to let me mail you some cookies to distribute.
And remember, at the heart of all of this is just baking and fun.
If you're visiting PAX with friends, a great place to hit up is the line to get in. My guy friends sat in line and played on our Nintendos while I meandered through the line, handing out cookies. Also, you can hand out cookies while waiting in line for things (such as last year's line for Rockband, or the line to get a Nvidia button). It's also nice to have a few cookies to give to people you're playing with. A friend of mine and I started every day by playing Kill Dr. Lucky and giving cookies to the guy leading the game.
I'm going to wear my "come to the dark side, we have cookies" shirt. Perfect.
What do you think?
I know the text is small for the 1.5 in buttons but it gets the point across.
I was thinking... if I can pull off the whole "peanut vendor" style mounted box thing for the cookies, I could attach some paper banners along all sides for visibility... I'm going to try to make it happen this weekend, and if it ends up (A) working and (B) looking cool, I'll post the banner file and box assembly instructions here for other vendors if they'd like to do it that way
It may be a moot point by now, but I wholeheartedly love this.
In other news, my attempt at making a peanut carrier-like device was thwarted before it lifted off. I couldn't find a suitable flat strap-like length of fabric that would be strong enough to hold the contraption to my back, so I aborted the mission. =( I'm going to duct-tape a big sign to my messenger bag though, hopefully that'll do!
(My projects this week have been made of fail. =( My attempt to make my own air conditioner failed pretty miserably as well... just one of those weeks
In fabric stores, they have fabric strapping for repairing old furniture- it's really cheap and really strong. They keep it in with lace and cord and other stuff they sell off coils by the yard.
Ah, sweet! Okay, maybe I'll try again this weekend then! Thanks!
Wow, that's commitment. I love it. I'll probably only devote one day to cookies. Trying to come with 500 will be a challenge!
These look great! Everything's coming together nicely. Good job team leaders!
I bought my ingredients today plan to make Devils food peanut butter chip
A gluten-free honey cookie (no nuts no sugar)
A chocolate with mint chips
and a lemon cookie.
I plan on making them more like bite size so that you can get a lot even if you only have pennies in your pocket.
Of course we'd prefer quarters or more.:winky:
Oh, and by the way all, the progress on the Cookie Brigade peanut-distribution like box thing is coming along well! I went to Jo-Ann's and though I didn't find the linked-to stuff, in searching I found several varieties of strapping that should work just as well! Yea!
Okay, I made a tenative page-sized banner (hopefully should be scalable to larger if such copies are affordable
Here's a shrunken version of it... I used the official Cookie Brigade picture for consistency's sake:
NOTE: Correct grammar exists in the full-size image link a couple posts down.
I'd love to make a "Menu" poster as well... but will we know in advance what kinds of cookies will be available?
Does anyone see any changes that need to be made? If not, I can post the source image somewhere so if anyone wants to print it to plaster on something, you can do so!
Cookie Brigade Banner, in PNG format
Just to forewarn, it's an Image of Unusual Size (IoUS's? I don't think they exist. WAAAAAA!!!!!), but it should be at a high enough resolution for you to print it at page-sized or maybe even higher.
Oy, living at the in-laws has been cramping my free time to work on this stuff! Only a couple days left! =(
It should maybe say "100% of your donations GO directly to Child's Play" because donations is plural and goes tends to go with singularity. (Ie. "The gold medal goes to Mary." "The prizes go to St. Mark's." Etc.)
Just my thought. But awesome poster. And great job so far guys!
EDIT: Fixed, though I'm not going to bother fixing the preview picture.
100% goes to CP
100% go to CP
"goes" is correct.
You can make it sound best by using "100% of your donation goes to CP" if you like.
I think I'm going to take your advice and switch it to "100% of your donation goes to Child's Play" as you suggested. I managed to somehow make the most mangled, awkward sentence possible in that poster.
I do like the compromise between the two, though, as it just didn't sound right to me..
Cookie Brigade Banner, in PNG format (Final version?)
Hopefully this one should finally make it less awkward
Also, I love the idea someone had of writing down the menu on another piece of paper! I'll be sure to bring an extra poster paper and some markers to PAX for that purpose
* ~6 yards of 1/2 inch strapping, cut in half to be the harness piece
* 8 inch x 2 inch length of velcro (which I've cut up into pieces, and strategically placed on the box and strapping... and which I need to reinforce with sewing, otherwise when I put weight in the box they're going to come off [as I just learned in my stress test
* 2 1/2 inch strap adjusters, one for each strap after the strap is cut (to adjust box tilt and comfort
* One clearance-priced "Filetote" document container from OfficeMax.
I'd put up pictures and/or video, but I've yet to find my webcam. =(
Anyways, if I can find a way to make sure the velcro stays where it's supposed to (they bond well enough to each other, but the sticky part is coming right off when I put weight in the box) such as sewing it onto the strapping and... I'm not sure with the box, I'll figure out something... it'll be good to go!
Hopefully pictures of me won't become some kind of internet meme.
I have a big bag of Lemon Drop cookies (lemon with powdered sugar on top)
A big bag of Chocolate with peanut butter chips
20 Chocolate with Andies mints
A smaller bag of the Glazed Honey Cinnamon (gluten-free and diabetic friendly (only Splenda and Honey for sweeteners)and I prepared and cooked them before everything else, so should be safe for people with nut allergies
It took a lot more work than I thought but was fun.
1/3 flour
1/3 sugar
1/3 butter
With additional chocolate chips. Believe me, if I had the time/money, I would batter, deepfry, sugar glaze, and then dust with icing sugar. And have a pure soda-syrup centre.