Microsoft surface is a cool computer in a table which is crontroled by a huge 30" touch screen surface. It
communicates with Bluetooth cameras and phones and the systems are customized to have cool apps
related to their location.
I am not staying at the Sheraton but I will probably stop by multiple times to check this shit out! None of the
information tells me if the Seattle Sheraton already has the Surface system in their lobby so I think I am going
to call them soon to find out. EDIT: I called them. It is already there and ready to be played with!
Microsoft Surface Checks into the Shearton News StorySeattle Sheraton Microsoft Surface Page
Here are three custom apps designed for the Sheraton locations:
CityTips – At the guests’ fingertips are the Surface 360-degree satellite maps and tools to search for local restaurants
and bars, entertainment, recreation, shopping, transportation and services, such as banks and pharmacies. Guests can
discover all a city has to offer by simply moving their hands across Surface.
Sounds of Sheraton – Microsoft Surface also serves as a lobby-based digital jukebox, enabling guests to create
personal music playlists by choosing selections from Sheraton’s exclusive offering of Sony BMG artists, including John
Legend, Kenny Chesney and Lauryn Hill.
Sheraton Snapshots – Guests can explore Sheraton hotels and resorts throughout the world by simply browsing the
Surface photo library of Sheraton resorts and hotel properties to help them plan for future business or leisure travel.
Microsoft Surface PageWikipedia Microsoft Surface Page
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PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
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...I'd breakdance on this but you know, might break it.
The company that MS bought the surface tech from is the one that did that. You cant do that on a surface table as it stands right now.
Atleast... not until WE get our hands on them. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :P
Are you sure you weren't breakdancing on this?
I worked in the group before. I had my hands on one, tried to get RTS'es to work, no dice.
A program has to be made *for* surface to accept the input, its not just a mouse replacement or anything simple.
would be suhweet. Unfortunatley cameras like that are not exactly falling out of the sky...
I want to see someone resize one of their photos to fill as much of the table as possible (30 inches).
Imagine what you could accomplish with a giant photo of your mouth, ass or other orifice. :winky:
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Naw it was something different... but nonetheless it was breakdance'd.
That was the enthusiasm I was hoping for right there!
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Really? I mean without games it's just a giant iPhone...
People go crazy over anything with a touch screen.
And this has a HUGE touch screen.
It would pick it up and you could use it to interface with surface.
(no i didnt try it, I just helped build the hardware in that thing so I know its capabilities
You are my hero.
I seem to recall it being able to read barcodes off of the bottom of devices. So you maybe could have special wang recognition. With a special dongcode.
I'd be worried about breaking it... :winky:
Besides the display maybe being a Wacom on crack, is the rest of the hardware very specialized or is it just off-the-shelf PC stuff? I know you mentioned the no games unless it is written for it thing, but could regular windows run on it?
Does it really "read" barcodes? That would mean the screen has... imaging... capabilities... That melts my brain. o_O
at its core surface runs vista... The PC itself is more or less off the shelf (but striped down to fit in there) but the infrared sensor array and such are all custom for surface.
Seriously, this post wasn't worth digging up to say you were excited to mess with it :P
Also this thread is only a week old, posting in it is fine...
I pulled up the "What games do you want to see/play..." thread today after 21 days.
I added the Microsoft demo schedule today.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
The surface was pretty cool I think but I really wish they would have let you throw your own pix on there, even if it was just temporary. They should have also had them in the Daily Grill, that would have been sweet.
it was fun.
It needs a chess program and some sort of fingerpaint art/ Kai power goo software.
I do love the surface interface. Its a "Do want" type of thing. Its whats coming next. Voice and direct touch feedback.