
A very special v[chat]gina.



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    ViolenceManViolenceMan Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    something to brighten the day

    Boot to the Head

    ViolenceMan on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I start my Chinese class tomorrow. Cuz Japanese is for babies and sissies. Hear that, Frank? Babies and sissies.

    Seriously though, this is gonna rock!

    MagicToaster on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006

    My last session, was really fun. We took down a Great Red Wyrm. I'm the guy on the left.


    multimoog on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    A sissy-nerdy-baby.

    MagicToaster on
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    BuckwolfeBuckwolfe Starts With Them, Ends With Us Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    multimoog wrote:

    My last session, was really fun. We took down a Great Red Wyrm. I'm the guy on the left.


    You weren't invited either, were you?Confused.gif

    Buckwolfe on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Buckwolfe wrote:
    You weren't invited either, were you?Confused.gif

    When I was thirteen, I traded all my old Transformers for a couple hardcover D&D rulebooks and monster manuals.


    multimoog on
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    BuckwolfeBuckwolfe Starts With Them, Ends With Us Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I never had anybody to play D&D with, so all my D&D stuff never got used. I did, however, get a lot out of the monste manuals. They've always been chalk-full of neat illustrations.

    Buckwolfe on
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    FantasyrogueFantasyrogue Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Buckwolfe wrote:
    I never had anybody to play D&D with, so all my D&D stuff never got used. I did, however, get a lot out of the monste manuals. They've always been chalk-full of neat illustrations.

    I can relate. I've got a set of AD&D books (player guide, dm book, monstrous manual) and an entire Planescape Campaign setting box (and extra monstrous manual compendium) and I never got to use them :( The few times I did play tabletops, people wanted to either play Shadowrun or 3rd ed had just come out and they wanted to do that instead.

    The illustrations are cool though. I love Tony DiTerlizzi's stuff (the Planescape books are full of his stuff).

    Fantasyrogue on
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    TamTam Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    multimoog wrote:
    Buckwolfe wrote:
    You weren't invited either, were you?Confused.gif

    When I was thirteen, I traded all my old Transformers for a couple hardcover D&D rulebooks and monster manuals.


    I made so much money from selling your transformers.

    Tam on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    My neighbor had these diecast metal Voltron Lions that would connect and turn into a HUGE Voltron. I wanted that so badly, I would have traded all my Transformers for it.

    MagicToaster on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Isn't that always the way? I had a neighbor with the diecast Voltron, too. Although we got an NES before he did, so it worked out.

    multimoog on
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    TheBogTheBog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Man, I watched Voltron and Transformers every saturday in Ukraine. Even when they ran it in english sometimes. I didn't understand shit, but it looked sweet.

    TheBog on
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    Tweaked_Bat_Tweaked_Bat_ Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Wow these last 3 pages have been fun to read.
    Please check that message attentively. Here you will find the inner news about CYHD. Please Read this news.
    This information probability be issued on October 16. It is your chance to buy CYHD for the best price. CYHD going to rock the market and break it. GO CYHD NOW !!!

    Recomendation: Read to the end and think after.
    This made me laugh quite a bit, I dunno why. I think it's the "GO CYHD NOW!!!" and "Read to the end and think after" :lol:

    Tweaked_Bat_ on
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    NightDragonNightDragon 6th Grade Username Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Wow these last 3 pages have been fun to read.
    Please check that message attentively. Here you will find the inner news about CYHD. Please Read this news.
    This information probability be issued on October 16. It is your chance to buy CYHD for the best price. CYHD going to rock the market and break it. GO CYHD NOW !!!

    Recomendation: Read to the end and think after.
    This made me laugh quite a bit, I dunno why. I think it's the "GO CYHD NOW!!!" and "Read to the end and think after" :lol:

    yeah, some of 'em are gold. I'll post the amusing excerpts as I find them.

    NightDragon on
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    Ape2001Ape2001 Otaku GermanyRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Hm, I miss a very small Transformer which could transform into pretty stylish car since I was eight. There were others who liked it, too, that's probably the cause why it's missing -_-

    Something different: I don't get american censorship. NSFW-examples folling:


    Censored nipples but children which are ripped from inside by a parasite?

    Ape2001 on
    - SF42012 Gen replays and anime trailers http://www.youtube.com/user/derBene
    - great animation focused website http://www.catsuka.com
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    Tweaked_Bat_Tweaked_Bat_ Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    The very bottom picture of the little kid (the one labeled 4) is wrong in so many ways.

    But yeah dude, it's always been like that. The ESRB, for example, jumps all over stuff with "omg lol sex" in it, but doesn't seem to pay that much mind to gore/violence etc.

    Lovin' those pics though.

    Tweaked_Bat_ on
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    Lexx KYSDSLexx KYSDS Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Ugh, website update finally finished x____x; I need to update more often so I don't need to go through multi-day coding/image prepping sessions.

    Also, belated lols at the tattoo art incident. Win.

    Lexx KYSDS on
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    Ape2001Ape2001 Otaku GermanyRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006

    To Zel: Good example how to do witty page layouts like you tried to.

    Ape2001 on
    - SF42012 Gen replays and anime trailers http://www.youtube.com/user/derBene
    - great animation focused website http://www.catsuka.com
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    Lexx KYSDSLexx KYSDS Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Ape2001 wrote:

    To Zel: Good example how to do witty page layouts like you tried to.

    LOL!!! I clicked on it wondering what interesting resource you might be directing him to (that I might benefit from it as well) and totally found myself onmyownwebsite XDDDDD

    Thanks fer holding my layout in such high regards, though n.n;;;

    Lexx KYSDS on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Bored while shopping with the wife...

    The Celestial on
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    Ape2001Ape2001 Otaku GermanyRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    These are from Japants, right ^^'?

    Ape2001 on
    - SF42012 Gen replays and anime trailers http://www.youtube.com/user/derBene
    - great animation focused website http://www.catsuka.com
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    Lexx KYSDSLexx KYSDS Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Oh Engrish, how I love thee....

    Lexx KYSDS on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Yea, at a local baby store.

    The Celestial on
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    earthwormadamearthwormadam ancient crust Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Yeppers. I just checked out your update Lexx. You rule.

    Celestial, I got some crazy shirts from Japan too. My favorite one has over a paragraphs worth of words on the back. It makes absolutely no sense. Lots of spelling errors too.

    I should design shirts in Japan. Look it is easy.

    Moonlight comes from the land where angels play. To talk with dogs is to smell a satisfactory waffle cone.

    earthwormadam on
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    Lexx KYSDSLexx KYSDS Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Hothanks :>

    Lexx KYSDS on
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    TheBogTheBog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Lexxy ur so KEWL LAWL its leik u draw gewd!

    TheBog on
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    Lexx KYSDSLexx KYSDS Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    lol wel u no... :B ~<3 HURRR

    Lexx KYSDS on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I had my first Mandarin Chinese class this morning. Don't believe what ppl tell you, it's totally not as hard as everyone makes it out to be.

    If you understand how Japanese works things are a heck of alot easier in Chinese.

    MagicToaster on
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    BuckwolfeBuckwolfe Starts With Them, Ends With Us Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I have no idea how either works. I really wish that I had learned another language when I was younger. Depending on the language, it would make some foreign films easier to watch. Plus, you never know when that kind of knowledge comes in handy. I hate the fact that I'm French, and I know next to nothing of the language. I took four years of Latin in high school, and I can't remember a word of it. The only time it comes in handy now is when it comes to vocabulary and root words. But all four years of Latin classes were filled with dipshits, shitheads, and other varieties of shitpeople, who did nothing but goof around and create a ruckus. So I never got to actually learn anything.

    I should have taken French instead...

    Buckwolfe on
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    supergluesuperglue Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Buckwolfe wrote:
    I have no idea how either works. I really wish that I had learned another language when I was younger. Depending on the language, it would make some foreign films easier to watch. Plus, you never know when that kind of knowledge comes in handy. I hate the fact that I'm French, and I know next to nothing of the language. I took four years of Latin in high school, and I can't remember a word of it. The only time it comes in handy now is when it comes to vocabulary and root words. But all four years of Latin classes were filled with dipshits, shitheads, and other varieties of shitpeople, who did nothing but goof around and create a ruckus. So I never got to actually learn anything.

    I should have taken French instead...


    Conjugate, biatch.
    Actually, after 6 years of latin (2 of those being AP) I don't remember a thing but that. And the Macarena. In latin. We had the freakin weirdest teacher.

    superglue on
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    FantasyrogueFantasyrogue Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    The only things I picked up from my Latin and Ancient Greek classes were the cool stories about the heroes and gods and stuff. And I remember we had to watch that TV series, I Claudius.. and Spartacus, we got to watch that too. I loved getting to watch TV in class.

    All the French I ever learned has faded away to be left with knowing only a few bare basic sentences along the lines of "my name is.." and "I'd like a baguette, please". German's a bit better, because of the similarities to Dutch I can understand German fairly well. I don't speak it very well though.

    I often get the urge to want to learn a new language, there are so many languages in the world and everytime I hear someone speak in a language I don't know.. I wanna know what they're saying. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at teaching myself anything because I don't keep up with it once I start.

    Fantasyrogue on
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    supergluesuperglue Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I dunno, stuff like this, but I don't think you need to understand latin to know what's going on.


    superglue on
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    CheerfulBearCheerfulBear Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Et sandvicitus! :lol:

    Their pronunciation is awful. :(

    CheerfulBear on
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    BuckwolfeBuckwolfe Starts With Them, Ends With Us Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Ugh...I hate doing this friggin' Spider-Man comic. This script is terriblely boring, needlessly complicated, and poorly written and composed. I've never had an assignment give me so much trouble and frustration.

    EDIT: YES!! I finally got the Batman Beyond Soundtrack!!VeryHappy.gif

    Buckwolfe on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Is it an actual Marvel Spider-Man comic or a homework assignment? I don't know if you're a student or not, so pardon if that sounds a little rude.

    multimoog on
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    BuckwolfeBuckwolfe Starts With Them, Ends With Us Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Both. Its Marvels test script and its on their site, somewhere. But its for my Comic Book and Storyboard Class. There's no way in hell that I'd come even close to being good enough to actually work on a real Marvel comic. Maybe someday though...

    Buckwolfe on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Cool. Well, good luck with it. Is the teacher making you use that specific script?

    I'd like to see the finished art, though. I do enjoy the adventures of that rascally Spider-Man.

    multimoog on
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    BuckwolfeBuckwolfe Starts With Them, Ends With Us Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Yeah, we have to use this script. The main villain in the script is Hyde of all people who, despite his obscurity, is known for being one of the lamest bad guys ever. I like the revamp I came up with for him though, so he is fun as hell to draw.

    Buckwolfe on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    That sounds like a clever move, both on Marvel and your teacher's part. If you can do something good with a lame character and difficult script, you can do good comics.

    multimoog on
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    VirumVirum Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    The only things I picked up from my Latin and Ancient Greek classes were the cool stories about the heroes and gods and stuff. And I remember we had to watch that TV series, I Claudius.. and Spartacus, we got to watch that too. I loved getting to watch TV in class.

    All the French I ever learned has faded away to be left with knowing only a few bare basic sentences along the lines of "my name is.." and "I'd like a baguette, please". German's a bit better, because of the similarities to Dutch I can understand German fairly well. I don't speak it very well though.

    I often get the urge to want to learn a new language, there are so many languages in the world and everytime I hear someone speak in a language I don't know.. I wanna know what they're saying. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at teaching myself anything because I don't keep up with it once I start.

    I've taken two years of french back in elementary school, 4 years of Latin, (last 2 years of that I was in highschool), 1 year of ancient Greek, and working on my second year of German.

    I remember how to ask "how you are doing today" in French (don't remember how to spell it though :P ).

    I don't remember any of my Latin....I hated it. Greek, I remember the alphabet.

    My main goal is to become fluent in German (being largely german myself), French, (I hate the language on men but I love it on their women.... :winky: and you can always get a crowd of girls if you know french in the States), and I'd like Russian because that language is so awesome. Not to mention both sides of my family are German immigrants who immigrated from German settlements in Russia.

    Virum on
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