
A very special v[chat]gina.



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    BuckwolfeBuckwolfe Starts With Them, Ends With Us Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    That thought did cross my mind, but it certainly doesn't make this any easier. As to whether this comic will come out well or not has yet to be decided.

    Buckwolfe on
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    TamTam Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    superglue wrote:
    Buckwolfe wrote:
    I have no idea how either works. I really wish that I had learned another language when I was younger. Depending on the language, it would make some foreign films easier to watch. Plus, you never know when that kind of knowledge comes in handy. I hate the fact that I'm French, and I know next to nothing of the language. I took four years of Latin in high school, and I can't remember a word of it. The only time it comes in handy now is when it comes to vocabulary and root words. But all four years of Latin classes were filled with dipshits, shitheads, and other varieties of shitpeople, who did nothing but goof around and create a ruckus. So I never got to actually learn anything.

    I should have taken French instead...


    Conjugate, biatch.
    Actually, after 6 years of latin (2 of those being AP) I don't remember a thing but that. And the Macarena. In latin. We had the freakin weirdest teacher.

    Jesus Christ. I hate Latin, and unlike you people, I can't get the subjunctives and the goddamn gerunds out of my fucking head.

    Tam on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I'm horrible with languages. I dropped out of High School Spanish to take Latin. And the only reason I passed that is because I was a science nerd and already knew a bunch of the words and prefixes and what-not already.

    I've been living in Japan for over three years and I can just barely maintain a conversation with people, and there's still alot of grunting and pointing.

    The Celestial on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Clestial, sorewa dame da!

    Had I not studied advertising I surely would have been a language Major. Though i doubt I'd be making half as much as I am now.

    MagicToaster on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    All I have to say to that is...

    The Celestial on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    What the heck is that?

    MagicToaster on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006

    A breakfast burrito to be more specific.

    The Celestial on
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    DeansDeans Registered User regular
    edited October 2006

    A breakfast burrito to be more specific.
    Sounds terrifically manly. You should eat one every day.

    Deans on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    What the heck is a breakfast Burrito? It sounds heart-attack enducing.


    Ironically enough, heart attacks is gonna be my selling/scaring point in my first ever advertising campaign for the medical insurance guys I work for now. Maybe I'll use that picture.

    MagicToaster on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    12 inches of egg, potatoes, sausage, bacon, cheese, and refried beans wrapped in a soft tortilla and served with salsa.

    It's named after the planes stationed here, the C-130 Hercules. Production on the original model of C-130's began in December of 1956.

    The Celestial on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Geez, I don't think I could eat that.

    MagicToaster on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Well, I make sacrifices for the country. That's my job.

    The Celestial on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006

    Celestial, you so clazy!

    MagicToaster on
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    GodfatherGodfather Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Buckwolfe wrote:
    Yeah, we have to use this script. The main villain in the script is Hyde of all people who, despite his obscurity, is known for being one of the lamest bad guys ever. I like the revamp I came up with for him though, so he is fun as hell to draw.

    It's funny that you mention him, because I actually know who you're talking about in the Marvel-verse. I was looking up the plot summary for The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and stumbled upon the Marvel adaptation in the popular culture section. Despite looking through the wikipedia article, I was extremely dissapointed with their adaptation of Mr Hyde. He's my favorite fictional character in all of literature, and the only thing the bastards can think of giving him is superstrength? That's such a waste of a good character, and makes him seem like a watered-down Hulk rip-off (assuming that he looks like Hulk).

    Anyways, is there by any chance that I could see the marvel adaptation of Mr Hyde and your adaptation? I'm just curious as to what he looks like.

    Godfather on
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    BuckwolfeBuckwolfe Starts With Them, Ends With Us Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I think that can be arranged. I might just scan all my stuff in and start a new thread to get some feedback. Its been awhile since I've posted new artwork anyway. I just wish that my comic pages could fit in my scanner. Stupid 11 x 17. I'm also regretting that almost everything is in blue-lineRollingEyes.gif

    Buckwolfe on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I hate drawing women.

    I hate drawing women.

    I hate drawing women.

    I hate drawing women.

    The Celestial on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited October 2006
    Curious, would an extremely lengthy (at least 6- 10 pages I would guess) post/article/(blog?) looking at the good points and pitfalls of people using an anime style in their drawings be of help to anyone, or would it just be preaching to the choir for the most part?

    I bring it up because of the recent altercations with StudioZEL (as well as similar run-ins with similar characters in the past), where I admit because I was annoyed at his personal attitude, I think I may have overstated my case a bit. In future similar cases it would be beneficial to have a response entirely divorced from a specific critique context, as to give a more general, even-handed, academic response. Mainly, I'd like to write up something that doesn't apply only to anime, but any situation where people decide on copying a style (especially an ambiguous style like "anime" or "american comics" or "cartoons") without applying any sort of critical thought process as to why, what are the pros and cons of doing so, or what such as decision might in terms of their future development as artists. I'd like to encourage people to start questioning why they do what they do, rather than simply saying, "I do what I do and that's that." Making sure that their work is the result of an internal debate, a process, a striving towards achiving their own perosnal conclusions of what their art should be and what they thing it should be saying in the most effective terms possible, rather than feeling that tehy can just copy someone or something that is "close enough" to what they want to say, without taking it any further.

    I doubt that, in the long run, I would be all that successful in convincing many people to do this, but at least I'd have a pretty nice document with some decent links and outside cited support of my arguments to state my case instead of having to come up with new ways to say the same thing over and over again, just getting more curt and angry everytime.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    That's a great idea AoB, but do you honestly think that the individuals that tend to be the ones that said article would apply to would have the actual patience to read through the whole thing, let alone think on it and spend time in self-reflection about it? Though, the 1% that may actually read it and apply to their own artistic process would be worth it if they can be turned from the dark side.

    I know that I don't have the knowledge or wherewithal to actually put together 6-10 sentences pertaining to the issue in a contructive method without using "your mom" at least once, let alone 6-10 pages.

    Personally, I'd love to read it and try to apply it to myself. Lord knows I have no style. Every time I draw the same object/person, it's different. I think if I could settle down on one style I'd be able to improve.

    The Celestial on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    That doesn't sound like a bad idea, and yeah - it would be helpful to be able to slap down a link instead of repeating yourself (ourselves?) ad infinitum.

    Do you want any other people's opinions or reasons why they draw the way they do?

    multimoog on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited October 2006
    That's a great idea AoB, but do you honestly think that the individuals that tend to be the ones that said article would apply to would have the actual patience to read through the whole thing, let alone think on it and spend time in self-reflection about it? Though, the 1% that may actually read it and apply to their own artistic process would be worth it if they can be turned from the dark side.

    I know that I don't have the knowledge or wherewithal to actually put together 6-10 sentences pertaining to the issue in a contructive method without using "your mom" at least once, let alone 6-10 pages.

    Personally, I'd love to read it and try to apply it to myself. Lord knows I have no style. Every time I draw the same object/person, it's different. I think if I could settle down on one style I'd be able to improve.

    Yeah, I realize that. :? The other thing is that I might just come off as a pretentious ass.

    And as to adopting a single style, or an anti-anime style, I couldn't argue that without being hypocritical, so I won't. Personally, I'd say a lot of my cartoon stuff is influenced by anime, but there's a lot of things that I want to do that I couldn't if just stuck strictly to that style.

    What I am advocating is being open to more than one style- in fact, as many styles as possible. By being open, they can pick and choose those things which are most effective for what they are trying to say. Also, I'd advocate comparison of these styles to reality to establish what's being exaggerated, what's being generalized, how style functions in relation to reality- by examining how other artists established their thought process in how they manipulate reality for their own ends, the more likely it becomes that someone will be able to figure out how to manipulate reality for their own specific purposes.

    I'd also like to point out that the anime/cartoon, manga/comics differentiation going on is strictly and wholly arbirtrary, and it is idiotic to base a style on semantics. It doesn't matter where any style comes from or what anyone says about it, what matters is what it says by itself, apart from all the hype and stupid arguments and bullshit.

    That's what annoys me a lot about people who stick to a very stereotypical anime style that they've given no critical thought to and say, "I draw this way because it's cute" or whatever, because they think this is some mystical, magical quality of anime, that if someone looks at it and immediately thinks, "anime", they will equate that with "cute". That's not the case- people will think it's cute if it's cute. It has nothing at all to do with the style itself- I could draw an infinite number of things that are cute and not have anything at all to do with anime in the least. But a lot of people don't think that way- they don't think, I want this thing to be cute, what's the best way I can do that? Cute color choices, airbrush rendering, cute graphic patterns, soft edged lines? No, their process stops at, "anime=cute", and if you're really trying to establish yourself as an artist, that thought process is simply not deep enough to cut mustard.
    multimoog wrote:
    Do you want any other people's opinions or reasons why they draw the way they do?

    That might could help, expecially if they have anime influence or drew anime styled drawings in the past. I was going to put in some description of successful anime/anime influenced artists who accomplish doing something unique with the basic tenents of the anime style as a demonstration of why branching out from a stereotyped style is preferable to not; Amano, Bengal, that guy who draws Girly, Toriyama (yeah, I know a lot of people hate him but...), the style of Zelda: Windwaker, etc.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    akanekunakanekun Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I'd like to see this too, and I really don't think you'd come off as a pretentious ass simply because most of those who defend the style come off far worse. It'd be especially nice as a sticky for people who think they're being attacked for using anime as a crutch rather than having the entire forum attempting to convince them otherwise.

    In a wholly unrelated note, absolute sandman's a must buy - the recoloring of the first nine? seven? issues is much better and the volume itself is just impressive. Goes all the way up to issue 20 plus pencils of the first Shakespeare play at the end.

    akanekun on
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    Sir PeechizworthSir Peechizworth Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    MagicToaster: Re: Pygmies Thread:

    <3s, applause, and applesauce.

    I don't understand why people can't ever find their way to the rules thread, having found it pretty easily myself not to long ago.

    Also, that guy joining the forum AND vomitting forth a bunch of BS on the very same day?

    [spoiler:7111fbdb15] middleschool must not have been in session yesterday[/spoiler:7111fbdb15]

    Sir Peechizworth on
    If it don't Blam, we don't want it.
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    TheBogTheBog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    LOL No offense, Bacon, but I just don't think you could draw up something "cute".

    TheBog on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited October 2006
    TheBog wrote:
    LOL No offense, Bacon, but I just don't think you could draw up something "cute".


    Yeah, well...

    at least I'm willing to give things a shot.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    The One 52The One 52 Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    That bunny is jawasome. :D

    The One 52 on
    The internet does not qualify as grounds where you can act like a bouquet of dick.
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    -SPI--SPI- Osaka, JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Man, I just got a call from work.

    "Yeah, we have a quiet week next week, so we won't need you Monday, Wednesday or Thursday. Just friday Mmmkay?"

    On the one hand I don't like work, on the other had I do like money. :(

    -SPI- on
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    RubberACRubberAC Sidney BC!Registered User regular
    edited October 2006


    RubberAC on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Cute Bunny Attack!


    multimoog on
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    Lexx KYSDSLexx KYSDS Registered User regular
    edited October 2006

    Article plz?

    And your bunny is win. I want one.

    Lexx KYSDS on
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    tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited October 2006
    hey guys, I'm drunk. Who wants a pony?

    tynic on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Okay, so, no more webcomics about a guy at his job/school, or two guys doing stuff/talking about stuff/being obnoxious jerks. All right?

    It's time for a webcomic about FUNNY MONKEYS.


    Sweet Lord In Heaven, I need to go to sleep.

    multimoog on
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    GreatnationGreatnation Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    multimoogs thing in the doodle thread reminded of this game I heard about awhile ago, I think it looks pretty awesome. Watch the video teaser, it gets kinda intense


    Greatnation on
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    BuckwolfeBuckwolfe Starts With Them, Ends With Us Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    That....wow. Now that's something different.

    Buckwolfe on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006

    I'm so furious right now! I just realized this morning that during my class yesterday someone stole my fog lamps!

    Not only did they take my fog lamps but when they yanked them out they pulled all the wires with them.

    What kind of a person takes fog lamps?!

    MagicToaster on
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    RubberACRubberAC Sidney BC!Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    The Fog Lamp Bandit?
    This looks awesome

    RubberAC on
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    multimoogmultimoog Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    multimoogs thing in the doodle thread reminded of this game I heard about awhile ago, I think it looks pretty awesome. Watch the video teaser, it gets kinda intense


    Fuck. I've never seen or heard of that game before, and now I need to own it.

    multimoog on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited October 2006
    I came back from a party and I'd forgotten all about my fog lamps, then I came home and got all agitated again.

    I seriously hope they explode in the guys face when he puts them on his car.

    MagicToaster on
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    GreatnationGreatnation Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Id never heard of it either until recently. I dont even know what its coming out on or anything, it just looks awesome.

    Greatnation on
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    VirumVirum Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    Ember flew into my eye from a bon fire at my friends place. 6/7 hours in the fucking ER Saturday night. Got there at 9:15 PM, Got home at 4:00 this morning.


    Virum on
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    The CelestialThe Celestial Registered User regular
    edited October 2006
    So I may or may not have been responsible for every military base in Japan losing the internet.


    The Celestial on
This discussion has been closed.