We're all experts at something. Defender knows a lot about programming, Tube knows about weightlifting, Bogey knows all about your mom and your sister. And from time to time we all have difficult questions that we can't quite answer, even with the help of Wikipedia.
So we'll post questions we want answers to, and provide solutions for things we know stuff about. Ideally every time you ask a question you should provide someone else an answer, but if you don't that's cool. Also there's no harm in giving another answer to a question that's already been covered, as long as you have something interesting to add.
I know quite a bit about building computer systems and troubleshooting problems, so if your PC is on the fritz or acting strangely I might be able to help.
Feel free to ask serious questions along with the inevitably stupid questions that are sure to follow this post.
When in doubt, Ask Shoe.
So my question for the science-y folks:
How efficient are human muscles in comparison to animal muscles? I once watched a FOX special that was called something like "MAN VS BEAST", where they had a sumo wrestler (300 pounds) and a orangutan (150 pounds) having a tug of war. The sumo outweighs the orang by a two to one ratio, but the orang doesn't have any problem pulling the sumo off his feet. What is it that makes the orangutan's muscles more powerful than the human's? Is it even possible for a human to get that strong at the same weight?
I guess a further question to this is: how efficient are human or animal muscles compared to something like a combustion engine? I know man-made solar panels are far less efficient than plant's photosynthesis, but is it possible to compare the amount of energy humans get from food to the amount of energy a car gets from gasoline?
When or why did you decide to start drawing/painting/taking photos/making music? Where did your interest originate? Was it something you were bad at and wanted to learn, or was it a skill you found out you were already adept at wanted to capitalize?
So there.
I already have this year golden, but I'm worried for the 09-10 year. I make pretty decent money at my job, but I'm 22 and without much credit.
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My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
school loans probably won't be as effected as home or car loans
Strange, maybe it's just that the people who shop in my store (well, not my store anymore, I've moved on) have abnormally greasy hands or something. Actually, given that it was a computer store, that's pretty likely.
Still, we'd have to clean the thing twice a day to keep it looking clean, eventually we moved it into a glass cabinet because having it out was too much of a hassle.
What makes an economy strong? I have never done an economics course and I know little about it. Why does a little pissant country like Britain with no exports and preposterously ugly people have a stronger currency than the US?
My artsyness comes out in music and writing.
The music was sparked by my parents, I think. Lots of listening to things on the radio or records in the house when I was growing up. In elementary school they always let you play and try out different instruments. I always kind of had a knack for rhythm.
I picked up the tenor sax because I loved the sound and thought playing it made me cool as shit... this was in 5th grade so the damn thing was as big as I was. Took to it like crazy and began playing in improv blues and jazz bands. Then I taught myself harmonica for something smaller to carry around and jam with.
I'm trying to learn guitar but it appears to be one instrument I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around.
The writing this was far more simple. I loved to read, so I wanted to write things like that. I had a few english teachers who were amazing encouragements in that regard.
To compare the amount of ATP consumed versus gasoline consumed would be crazy hard, because wheras a car runs off a few reactions, a person runs off like 50k biochemical reactions. :P
I believe this has something to do with how much debt Britain holds versus how much the US does.
Measuring how strong an economy is is sort of difficult.
GDP is usually the measurement used, and thats a measure of how much a country produces.
That is rather independent of how much a single dollar is worth.
However, since the US has borrowed so much money to fund it's debt it's dollar has become worth less.
It's sort of a supply versus demand thing. There is a way larger supply of dollars than of pounds in the world. Therefore the dollar is worth less.
Just like if a store has way too many Xboxes or something then they are going to lower the price on the Xbox.
the economy is strong when people spend money.
The US doesn't have any exports either, but we still have one of the strongest economies here in the US, or at least we did until recently.
What is it like to be shipped off to the Middle East?
I started drawing mainly because when I was younger I liked to fool around with MS paint. I couldn't draw at all normally, but if I used the straight line tools I could make stuff that looked like this:
Which was neat until I discovered Photoshop. After that I did a lot more image-editing stuff, and went so far as to purchase my own digital camera back in 1999, so that I wouldn't have to rely on primitive image searching and use my own sources.
Finally that proved to be too limiting for making the pictures I wanted to create in my head, so I started learning how to draw. My early drawing sucked pretty hard. I was far better at using a computer to draw than with a pencil and paper, but I eventually got Burne Hogarth's Dynamic Anatomy, and was linked to Andrew Loomis' Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by the good folks in the AC. I started practicing from there, ended up volunteering as the graphics editor at my university newspaper, and am now doing a BFA at a toronto art school. I'm still quite a bit behind some of the other artists here, mully and beavotron are both really solid, but I can still see pretty steady improvements in my artwork.
So uh, yeah there's my life story or something. I'm not sure if that actually answered the question or not.
http://www.japong.net/ocadweb.html <--- warning, contains paintings with donger
Hey dave did I tell you what happened with Bill in New York
We sat down for a drink in an Irish pub and Bill points and says "hey look, a black and tan" and then an hour later after I ran out of breath and stopped running they explained that a black and tan is a drink in the united states!
What is the best fish?
The kicker is that it's also a matter of perception.
People think they see the economy faltering and pull all their money out of things like stocks and other investments, which reduces the amount of money in circulation along with the value of the company.
I don't pretend to understand it all, but lots of economic problems would be solved if people would just understand that putting money into an economy helps an economy. The more outside pressures (taxes, gas, cost of food) the people see, the less they dump into an economy.
that's priceless.
of like
ludicrously large things
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
how do your photos be so awesome
i guess that is kind of a rhetorical question
Perception does have something to do with it, it's what keeps your colored piece of paper being worth the price.
Money is basically a market
Where you purchase a dollar at its perceived worth of a dollar.
It's sort of funky though because where in most goods as the price goes up less people want it
With a dollar as the price goes up more people want it.
Same with say a pound.
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
When I was a kid. After watching Bambi I decided I wanted to learn how pictures move. I've drawn for most of my life, but don't anymore. I never took any formal classes, though I have to in college. I think I have a natural talent for it but after losing interest I'm not really sure it'll ever be anything more than an extremely casual hobby.
Where do you live? I know in Ontario they have a pretty good system where there's a provincial (state) level student loan system that's pretty much obligated to help students as long as they can prove financial need. The loans are by and large interest fee, and there used to be a way to declare bankruptcy afterwards to get out of them, which would screw with your credit for a few years, but many people would be commuting and renting over those years anyway. That's definitely a last resort though, and you'd have to get someone with a better understanding of finance to tell you if it would come back to bite you in the ass.
Most monetary systems used to be based off of something. Originally, I believe the US money was backed by gold. Then we switched to the silver standard, and now? A dollar is worth a dollar because we all believe it is.
It hurts the head a bit.
What is your view on the rule of thirds?
Do they still use psychographic profiles? Have they abandoned that for something else?
How much does the field collaborate with the budding field of neurology? Is there significant animosity there?
Energy Science Experts:
On a scale from -5 to 5, where the 1980s is 0, how does Nuclear Energy rate in terms of safety in the modern day?
I have so many questions
Is it true that all you need is some pencils and a sketch pad to get ladies to lay around your apartment naked while you stare at them? I have tried this without the pencils and it is difficult.
That is
Don't reference it if you don't know what it means
Don't use it as a rule
Learn what it means, learn how to use it, learn how to break it.
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
Music really started with my mom putting me into 8 years of piano lessons, followed by doing percussion in the school band (DORK) right up until I graduated. I was in a few bands throughout high school, and I'm in one now and we're trying to grow some music from our different backgrounds.
Music itself for me was always something I knew I was adept at. I mean, as a kid I was always singing and playing around on my grandmom's piano, so it kind of was a natural progression. I learned guitar/bass on my own using theory I picked up from playing guitar, and the drums evolved through years of practice.
..and art, I guess.
Dipping you penis in ink seems a bit old-fashioned and messy
But more artsy
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)