Penny Arcade Servers
If you wish to join us for gaming ons, join the PA Steam group! Ask
for an invite in this thread.
In addition to the main PA group, if you're interested in trying out
fun new custom maps, ask for an invite to the PA Honk group.
Server owners: Please PM me if there are any changes to your servers.
Arcade & Cake Army TF2 -
Chicago Server
server (custom maps)
pack for custom maps
(Unzip to Steam\steamapps\<your account>\team fortress 2\tf\maps)
Job and jonxp's servers are (mostly) straight-forward games using
official Valve maps. The House of Non-Conformity sticks with custom
maps. The SE++ server also uses custom maps that may not have
uh…traditional play. The Cake Army / Penny Arcade joint server has
some interesting characters as well as a mix of both stock and a bunch
of close-to-valve-quality customs. But each server offers hours of
All of the PA servers listed here are laid back and not going to
harass you for sucking (well, maybe a little).
You might hear about "scrims" in this thread, which is where our PA
folk play in competitive games. If you are interested in that sort of
thing, just speak up and one of our competitive players will help you
out. So remember,
don't be a dick!Password for all PA servers: wang
Here's hoping my machine will be revived.
Flaregun is.... well, a flaregun.
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
90% of the time though yeah shotgun ftw
I also really love it when scouts get into my face, I don't even try to flame, just out-shotty them
why isn't this in the op
Natachsa can be a very awesome weapon.
But really only during an uber.
But your ubering medic must use a kritz.
And there really needs to be a second medic with a standard ubergun.
And you're pretty much fucked unless there's a Sasha carrying heavy on the same team.
But yea, the flare gun pretty much sucks.
but, i agree, flare guns is bad.
I've given up on studying. I went to sleep at 10:30 because i had a 9AM final today.
Woke up at 1:30 [strike]pm[/strike] AM and couldn't fall back asleep.
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
Well you should know better than to try and go to sleep 22 & a half hours before a final.
Natascha is great, I use it every time I play.
Well, I have no real reply to this, except:
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
I usually use it until people start bitching at me for being useless. This usually coincides with the point that my team starts to lose the match. I can understand why it's not popular, but ruining people's day by making them run at half speed is great fun.
Teaming up with a heavy using the normal gun is a party.
Every time Duld, every-god-damned-time
i get so hungry when you post.
fukken love me some thai food, and you're sig just makes me wish i was back in that little thai kitchen. making delicious delectables to shovel in to my crap factory.
Premature threadjackulation, IMO.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
She helps me trap prey within an invisible and bullet filled net
Likely, you'll notice the lack of medic healing that you receive. Simply switch to soldier and hang around Mand+Tyrannus. Eventually Mandalore will mistake you for Tyrannus and begin healing you. It's not certain how long he will continue to heal you, but if you don't kill 8 people with one rocket, it's likely he'll notice his mistake and leave you.
Everybody should play tonight.
Tonight is the night.