Criterion Games are best known for their Burnout series however a few years back they produced a game for the Xbox and Ps2 known as Black this FPS managed to get rave reviews even though it came from a company with little or no FPS background.
Well over on Criterion games website a listing has been noticed stating a game for release in 2009 known as Black: Second Mission which stands a very good chance of being Black's sequel.
This game is scheduled for release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
Although this is yet to be confirmed or denied by Criterion is stands a good chance of being real seeing as it was posted on their own site.
More details as they come.
I've only just came back to this post to find comments asking for a source however when I went back to the Criterion website the listing had been removed. So as it goes this is still firmly just a rumor. Hopefully Criterion will make an announcement of some kind soon.
As a result of this I would like to apologize to all those who are looking for a source as of now there is no longer one.
This story has also been posted over at
Eurogamer Portugal to show further proof.
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Or even better - Just make the game as good as it can be in a way that they want to. For me, Multiplayer is not a requirement in the slightest, but if they think they can do something new and interesting with it, that would be great to.
To be honest, I don't think the first one would have been that conducive to good multiplayer. It was a fairly linear (albeit with branching paths) roller coaster ride. I can see how multiplayer would work. Maybe coop, but that would have a big impact on the atmosphere.
The first Black was awesome, so I eagerly await the demo.
Oh and lots of guns.
You mean procedurally destructible?
Processing power has advanced in this generation, but it is still finite. Sorry.
I remember an interview just after Black came out saying this is what they wanted for a possible sequel. - Updated daily, Monday through Thursday
Black did not have a reasonable difficulty curve, or any pretense at all about increasing the difficulty beyond increasing enemy health and giving them armor that blocked your shots, nor did it have a story of any merit whatsoever, or an ending
I might buy this if I feel like shooting shit and there's no other first person shooter in the entire store, but not for full price. Not if certain shit don't get fixed in the transition
I was thinking more...
Like this
I kid, that's a fairly minor complaint. But it was an odd design decision.
Actually, one thing I really loved about Black was the way you couldn't even open doors, you just blasted them down with your shotgun.
I think someone from Criterion said words to the effect of "We know it is not accurate, but it looks a lot more badass"
Yeah the ejection port thing bothers me as well :P It's like they pulled the left handed models from Counterstrike and just copied them.
I still enjoyed the game alot though.
Also, fuck yes I want some reckless destruction. Rocketing the fuel storages in the third (?) area and watching them go kaboom was awesome, even if it was blatantly scripted.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
If however the plan is to improve on those awful design decisions, than I may well give this look.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
infinite health? tacticool cover system?
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I liked how it dealt with health. There were health Packs and first aid kits. First Aid kits were used automatically when you picked them up, whereas you would pick up health packs, and use them whenever you wanted/needed (you could carry up to 3).
I liked how when you reloaded, any bullets still in the clip were discarded.
totally, bra.
You played on Easy?
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
also that bridge level was the best bridge level in the history of bridge levels
How's it in terms of backwards compatibility on the 360?
I think you're right, Easy/Normal allowed 3, Hard one, and Black Ops they were used on pickup. I'll fire it up at lunch if I remember, and check.
And I'll play the bridge level, of course.
"How the fuck do you plan on getting past all those swingin' dicks?"
"By asking them politely, how the fuck do you think?"
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I completed it up to the very last room on the hardest setting, but couldn't make it past there. It was made harder by the fact that the last level was very long, and you couldn't save mid level, although there was checkpoints.
Not having a bullshit third-person "cover system" doesn't mean you can't take cover. You just have to do it the way people actually take cover in firefights. By crouching behind cover or sidestepping around it. No magical third-person views, no turning your back on the enemy.