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I'm... really loving these games.

ChanceChance Registered User regular
edited December 2008 in Penny Arcade Games
I just wanted to say that, upon hopping in to the 2nd episode of OTRSPOD the other day, I found myself enjoying the same gleeful anticipation I get when I start up a new Ratchet & Clank, Prince of Persia or Metal Gear title. Until then, it hadn't occurred to me - I really love these games!

I can't say I've ever been a huge RPGer, so if the combat system has been done before and isn't-so-hot, feel free to lambast me for saying that the gameplay is was holds together the uniformly strong presentation and makes it a worthwhile experience. I really enjoy the combat, and outside of Persona 3 and Valkyria Chronicles, that's something I can't say about any other RPG.

If there's a thread dedicated to feedback, I apologize for missing it. But yeah - great stuff. :^: :^:

If you want 'constructive criticism', here it is:
-I'd like to see a separate animation for walking and running
-in-combat inventory text is illegible on an SDTV
-save bug on the PS3 version.

'Chance, you are the best kind of whore.' -Henroid
Chance on
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