LEGOS. Remember that time you recreated the battle of Helm's Deep with legos in your room, last year? Remember the giant box of legos you have in your closet? fucking forget them, you've got Blockland now.
Build shit online with other people who really exist and you can show your model penises to.
Anyway, Blockland's a game where you play with legos with other people. Imagine how much awesome shit you could make if you had
infinite legos, yeah. It costs like, 20 bucks or something, but that's a pittance. It's well worth the cost to become a tiny plastic god, ruler of every blocky, square thing you survey.
Just download the demo, try some bidness, and then purchase it, this is the only way it can go.
When you do end up buying the game, make sure you download Return to Blockland, it adds uncountable fantastic things to the game, and neatens up the server lists and such nonsense.
Return to Blockland
If anyone actually reads this
truly horrible OP, I'll try and start a server.
I may have to purchase this game and/or try the demo. :P
PSN - CardboardNine
That said...
Legos? Legos? LegoS?
Incoming "the plural of Lego is Lego" flamewar in 5, 4, 3...
3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
That being said, I'm just curious (and can't access the site at the moment). How much are they asking for this these days?
Looks fun, gonna give the demo a shot.
this thread fills me with anticipation and dread
was it all based around the plural of LEGO?
Except for the spoilered screenshot.
Those screens look oddly better than the version I remember from 3 years ago, but I guess that's to be expected. I remember posting pictures of the giant pink penis elevator I made, complete with spooge fountain, in the Blockland forums. Got banhammered pretty quick for that one.
The solution is to never let whoever it was have server admin access ever again
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Great, a whole new level of griefing.
I would love to play Blockland again, I'm fairly sure I made the last OP, but I just can't see dishing out $20 until the update. It just doesn't seem worth it ATM.
Steam, PSN, XBL, Xfire and everything else JamesDM
Didn't have any physics like that though, and I can't be arsed to look for it.
Does anyone actually know who whoever it was was? Because if nobody knows who it was, keeping them out might be a problem. Theoretically speaking.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
I have a good idea of who it was, but I don't want to say who it was unless I know for sure.
I just remember that they had access and drama started when they used their admin powers to delete the current server state or somesuch.
Physics effects usually are.
Can this game be played offline?
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Heartily recommended for those of you with willpower, though!
Fuck Blockland, I'm about to blow money on this
That looks like the best thing ever!
The fact that it's listed on the main page under the update makes me think the effects are entirely client-side. In a source game, you might not see the EXACT same object movement as everyone else, but the general effect is the same.
I want to throw blocks. I want to build shit and knock it over. I want to do this with people. The OP led me to believe this game is G-Mod with legos, but it seems that's not the case.
I'm gonna wait for the update and see what people say before I buy these virtual Lego.
Well, it looks like it cleverly uses the default pieces rather than just being a fucking space station made out of 4 huge custom-made bricks that can't be anything else than their original idea.
That turkey piece is bitchin.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061