Somebody just posted a spot in Virginia, but didn't post their name. Who are you, mystery Virginia person?
If the mystery Virginia person doesn't edit their point with their name on it by the time I get out home from work tonight (about 10:30pm EST) I'm going to delete it. Feel free to resubmit it, but it's pointless to have a point without a name of some sort.
Anyone from Australia heading out to PAX09 this year? Or HK where I am currently based for work.
There are a few. Macca (who's an enforcer) and Cuzza. They're on the map and are from opposite coasts. I'm sure there's a few others, but nobody else comes to mind right now.
Hi all,
My name is Laura (as you may be able to tell...somehow) and I would really like to attend PAX this year.
I'd like to know if there is anyone else here who has attended or will be attending from the UK! Additionally, I had a quick look through the FAQ and it says pre-reg stuff is posted a couple of weeks before the event - surely this would not be enough time for foreign attendees? I could only assume that they'd be posted earlier OR it was only open to US residents.
I thought it would be best to find out before I started organising things!
I went to PAX last year and I wrote an international travellers guide to it. I'll be posting that again soon only in a more up to date format along with tips I picked up whilst I was there.
There is usually a significant number of people from the UK going to PAX, myself included, so you won't be alone in travelling to a little further than most.
My tip right now is to wait for the super-early registration for tickets. Being from the UK will mean they will not post anything to you ticket wise as you are not from the US. Instead you'll have to pick it up from 'Will Call', which is an admin area for the expo. More on this within the International Travellers guide.
Oh brilliant that was just what I was hoping for! I shall keep an eye out for it, many thanks for letting me know
(also sorry for putting this post in the wrong place, I'm off to a great start already!)
I just poked my pin in there about a block and a half from PAX. Unfortunately, my fear of gamers is causing me to move away. Come June, I'll live somewhere on the east side...
Guess it's time to start organizing the Cross Lake Washington Super Trip!
Dreamwriter on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2009
Just a reminder, if you place a point without a name attached to it, it will get deleted. Three of these have popped up in the last day or so. If one of these was you, you'll need to re-enter your point (and don't forget your name this time).
Moe Fwacky on
j0z1eShuffles the FailNinjaSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
edited February 2009
I added myself and ShyGuy on there, though he's still technically living in Spokanistan til March, he comes here almost every weekend.
R.I.P. HoG
j0z1e on
PAX East '12: Pass [X] Hotel [X] Plane [ ] Time Off [N/A yet]
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2009
Did you guys move out of the HoG already? Where did everybody go?
Moe Fwacky on
j0z1eShuffles the FailNinjaSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
Did you guys move out of the HoG already? Where did everybody go?
Yep, I went to south of seattle, 3 of the others went to Fremont (Accalon, Twinkie, and cwknight), Snickers went to visit Kala in CA for a lil while, and we don't have a clue where trooper went.
j0z1e on
PAX East '12: Pass [X] Hotel [X] Plane [ ] Time Off [N/A yet]
I used to live in Jacksonville,Florida
The map has the ability to mark a path, why don't we draw the routes on the map? Do you think
the map will look too busy?
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
The paths don't draw according to roads, they just draw straight lines. Please don't draw paths, I'll just end up deleting them.
Well I am glad I asked then.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
...And yes, I finally added me.
Someone let me algorhythm (steve_0990) into the PA Steam group
My name is Laura (as you may be able to tell...somehow) and I would really like to attend PAX this year.
I'd like to know if there is anyone else here who has attended or will be attending from the UK! Additionally, I had a quick look through the FAQ and it says pre-reg stuff is posted a couple of weeks before the event - surely this would not be enough time for foreign attendees? I could only assume that they'd be posted earlier OR it was only open to US residents.
I thought it would be best to find out before I started organising things!
There is usually a significant number of people from the UK going to PAX, myself included, so you won't be alone in travelling to a little further than most.
My tip right now is to wait for the super-early registration for tickets. Being from the UK will mean they will not post anything to you ticket wise as you are not from the US. Instead you'll have to pick it up from 'Will Call', which is an admin area for the expo. More on this within the International Travellers guide.
(also sorry for putting this post in the wrong place, I'm off to a great start already!)
And FyreWulff is the only person who lives close enough for me to possibly ever stalk.
In his skyscraper.
Now you know why I don't put my real address in. :winky:
It's okay.
I know what you smell like.
Guess it's time to start organizing the Cross Lake Washington Super Trip!
Yep, I went to south of seattle, 3 of the others went to Fremont (Accalon, Twinkie, and cwknight), Snickers went to visit Kala in CA for a lil while, and we don't have a clue where trooper went.
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Hey hey, long time no see.