Huh so Jaef once dreamt he was Rambo leading a team of commandos through a paintball factory.
Anyways, to my point.
I had my first dream of PAX 09 on Wednesday night, the 28th. I remember getting lost trying to find the building, and also spending a lot of time ad a vendor booth considering buying some toy. And because of that I missed the first day of going to the expo room. I got over it and started my plan of attack for Saturday when I woke up.
So share your dreams of being at or anticipating PAX 09.
The worst nightmare of PAX 09 i have had was that it sucked *shudders* luckily it was just a dream.
mavrick88 on
I was driving some out-of-towner friends around, and I kept complaining about being blinded. They responded with "You see, where we come from, people tend to wear Sunglasses." I retorted with a simple "You people tend to have sun."
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited January 2009
I have PAX dreams all the time. Once I had one that it was PAX Sunday and things were wrapping up, but I couldn't remember getting to PAX and had no idea how I was getting home.
I too often have PAX dreams. Most of them involve me making a great trek to Seattle, but then on the first day of PAX, I somehow end up back home in Canada. Only about a quarter of the dreams actually involve enjoying PAX.
I have PAX dreams all the time. Once I had one that it was PAX Sunday and things were wrapping up, but I couldn't remember getting to PAX and had no idea how I was getting home.
I had another one a few days back. I missed the first day of PAX because I was doing things with relatives. Now I'm worried about inviting co-workers or family because they might ruin my fun.
Hotels and BYOC and stuff should be coming up soon, right? I think these dreams are telling me to reserve early this year.
Okay, I had a dream just a couple nights ago that I was being chased by WSCTC employees. They were going to bust the cookie operation. I think I was being chased by an old man with a baton.
I had a dream that I was in the Rock Band freeplay line-up and chatting with Gabe (the cartoon).
I haven't done either of those things, but I'd like to.
I had a dream that I was in the Rock Band freeplay line-up and chatting with Gabe (the cartoon).
I haven't done either of those things, but I'd like to.
That's got to be pretty awesome. What is Gabe the cartoon going to say to you that Mike can't?
Cronus on
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
I had a dream where I was helping with setup, and then suddenly it was Sunday morning and I didn't know what the fuck happened to the rest of the weekend, and I couldn't find any of the Enforcers I was looking for.
I had a dream where I was helping with setup, and then suddenly it was Sunday morning and I didn't know what the fuck happened to the rest of the weekend, and I couldn't find any of the Enforcers I was looking for.
I had a dream that I was in the Rock Band freeplay line-up and chatting with Gabe (the cartoon).
I haven't done either of those things, but I'd like to.
That's got to be pretty awesome. What is Gabe the cartoon going to say to you that Mike can't?
It's not so much about what he would say...
The fact that he's a cartoon character in a 3D space was most notable. Though my memory is foggy, I'd suspect the interaction had a "Rocky and Bullwinkle Movie" feel (sans the flying squirrel).
But those usually dont start until august :P I honestly dont think about PAX much up until then aside from the meetings and PMs to people.
Are you sure that was a dream?
<j0z1e> ummmm, all three? at once?
Hotels and BYOC and stuff should be coming up soon, right? I think these dreams are telling me to reserve early this year.
I haven't done either of those things, but I'd like to.
That's got to be pretty awesome. What is Gabe the cartoon going to say to you that Mike can't?
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
It's not so much about what he would say...
The fact that he's a cartoon character in a 3D space was most notable. Though my memory is foggy, I'd suspect the interaction had a "Rocky and Bullwinkle Movie" feel (sans the flying squirrel).