I think it would be awesome if everyone set up an account at brightkite.com and linked it to their twitter. BK makes location based awesomeness a million times better.
EDITJ also suggestion for the OP: recommended apps. I suggest Tiny Twitter on windows mobile and tweetdeck on computer.
I think it would be awesome if everyone set up an account at brightkite.com and linked it to their twitter. BK makes location based awesomeness a million times better.
EDITJ also suggestion for the OP: recommended apps. I suggest Tiny Twitter on windows mobile and tweetdeck on computer.
Good call. Is twitterberry the app of choice for crackberrys? What about android?
Awesome, you've already got me on there. I didn't scroll far down the list, but @Winyder should also be there if he isn't already; he's a friend my husband and I brought into our group that became the local PAX group and went with us last year as well.
I've changed my forum name to match my twitter/aim/msn/gmail/internets name, could you just make that little fix in the OP? (That my forum name is no longer nephthys) )))
I think it would be awesome if everyone set up an account at brightkite.com and linked it to their twitter. BK makes location based awesomeness a million times better.
EDITJ also suggestion for the OP: recommended apps. I suggest Tiny Twitter on windows mobile and tweetdeck on computer.
Good call. Is twitterberry the app of choice for crackberrys? What about android?
As far as Android apps, I see posts from twitdroid a lot.
Hey look, I'm on that list. Also, I have gained some followers in the last few days! That's right, give in to the mundane...:winky:
As for apps: I use Twinkle on the iPhone. The "nearby" feature can get a little interesting in my area. On the PC I use Teetdeck and/or Digsby. I have been bouncing between Digsby and Pidgin lately.
Pat McRotch on
faitsa panda eating cakeseattleRegistered Userregular
edited February 2009
Thanks for putting that together, ukiyo. Looking forward to having the inside word again this year on what is going down around the convention center.
I'm going to strongly advise we use a hashtag to keep track of all PAX related tweets... the twitter-oriented events I've been to in the past have taken advantage of them and it makes all the difference in the world.
#PAX09 seems like a natural choice... your thoughts?
faitsa panda eating cakeseattleRegistered Userregular
edited February 2009
We used hashtags last year (I think it was just PAX or something) and I thought it worked well, especially since invariably there will be some people who aren't following/followed by other people etc etc.
Yeah #PAX09 seems natural, i'm going to also use some community ones for various events, #CCST09 #PPD09 and #TWDT09 for the CCST, Pre PAX Dinner and Tri-wizard Drinking Tournament.
The decided upon hashtags are definitely useful and should be in the OP.
Keep it simple. #pax was last year, I don't see any need to change it. Also #paxtrain, and I set up @paxtrain which will have news about the train trip and updates about goings on / location during the trip.
Another good thing for the op to mention is the @arcadiaprime twitter account. What is it? It will follow you back and it tweets whatever you direct message it. What for? Announcements. If you're interested in PAX but don't want to follow everyone it's a good one to follow. Also if everyone follows this account it's easy to go through its followers list and follow everyone if you want to.
I personally like seperating them into years with #PAX09 for this year. Also I see quite a few non-PAX related things when searching for #PAX. #PAX09 will allow for more accurate searches.
Awesome, you've already got me on there. I didn't scroll far down the list, but @Winyder should also be there if he isn't already; he's a friend my husband and I brought into our group that became the local PAX group and went with us last year as well.
Granted, anything you tweet to Brenna will inevitablely get to me anyway.
@benpaddon is me. Not sure if my girlfriend would like me spreading her Twitter handle around here, so I'll wait for her to pop in and give it herself if she wants to.
I should probably get one of these now that I have a phone with a real keyboard. It would be nice to twitter shit from the road on the way to PAX. Granted, outside of PAX and the CCST, I have no use for twitter, but it might be good for the week.
Yeah, that's about what I said last spring when I got my Twitter. Before getting it for PAX, I though it was one of the dumbest things on the net. Turns out all you need is an actual community that already uses Twitter to make it worth it. I'm currently at 4000-something posts, I think, and it's been just less than a year.
Other than that, I think I have everyone added that I didn't have already. Hubby and I are about 75% right now on our decision for PAX this year (school may be in my way, though) and even if I can't go, I want to be in on everything as it happens--after being there myself last year, just checking updates on Joystiq will never be enough again.
I should probably get one of these now that I have a phone with a real keyboard. It would be nice to twitter shit from the road on the way to PAX. Granted, outside of PAX and the CCST, I have no use for twitter, but it might be good for the week.
Yeah, that's about what I said last spring when I got my Twitter. Before getting it for PAX, I though it was one of the dumbest things on the net. Turns out all you need is an actual community that already uses Twitter to make it worth it. I'm currently at 4000-something posts, I think, and it's been just less than a year.
Other than that, I think I have everyone added that I didn't have already. Hubby and I are about 75% right now on our decision for PAX this year (school may be in my way, though) and even if I can't go, I want to be in on everything as it happens--after being there myself last year, just checking updates on Joystiq will never be enough again.
I too thought twitter was silly before PAX 08. But I used it, and you get to know people. Then I did a local search and started adding people in the Phoenix area. I found the twitter community here is fraking awesome. From gettogethers like this: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1845864/ and showing up to random invites I have a ton of new friends. Played disc golf this morning with one of them, had a decent game night with some others last night.
I should probably get one of these now that I have a phone with a real keyboard. It would be nice to twitter shit from the road on the way to PAX. Granted, outside of PAX and the CCST, I have no use for twitter, but it might be good for the week.
Yeah, that's about what I said last spring when I got my Twitter. Before getting it for PAX, I though it was one of the dumbest things on the net. Turns out all you need is an actual community that already uses Twitter to make it worth it. I'm currently at 4000-something posts, I think, and it's been just less than a year.
Other than that, I think I have everyone added that I didn't have already. Hubby and I are about 75% right now on our decision for PAX this year (school may be in my way, though) and even if I can't go, I want to be in on everything as it happens--after being there myself last year, just checking updates on Joystiq will never be enough again.
I never really found twitter all that silly myself, but I do agree with the whole comunity thing. I was on twitter almost half a year before I really started using it and it was another half before I joined the Twitter Shitters (Thank god I had, you people keep me sane and entertained).
Twitter for me has really turned into an all day conversation almost. There's a lot of fun to be had!
Meh. Nevermind. The OP's been updated with #PAX09, so I guess that's what we should go with.
Searching PAX gives a lot of random stuff. I figured PAX09 would be best.
ukiyo e on
DMmagicPAX East EnforcerSpringfield, MO, USARegistered Userregular
edited February 2009
I think #PAX09 is a good idea, but can we change BYOC to something else, like #PAX_BYOC or something? I'm getting a lot of results from the company with the stock acronym BYOC.
So THIS is where all the twitter friend requests are coming from! Hello to everyone, and I hope to join the Twitter Meetup again and be a little less shy. Hopefully!
strongesthylian on
Now known as Rondhi. Too lazy to make a new user account.
.. I
EDITJ also suggestion for the OP: recommended apps. I suggest Tiny Twitter on windows mobile and tweetdeck on computer.
Good call. Is twitterberry the app of choice for crackberrys? What about android?
I hardly ever say anything, just...passively observe.
G+: MStublefield
Twitter: dmmagic
And I return the love two-fold!
As for apps: I use Twinkle on the iPhone. The "nearby" feature can get a little interesting in my area. On the PC I use Teetdeck and/or Digsby. I have been bouncing between Digsby and Pidgin lately.
I update every day or two with mostly uninteresting happenings in my life. They might eventually get interesting though
I'm going to strongly advise we use a hashtag to keep track of all PAX related tweets... the twitter-oriented events I've been to in the past have taken advantage of them and it makes all the difference in the world.
#PAX09 seems like a natural choice... your thoughts?
Keep it simple. #pax was last year, I don't see any need to change it. Also #paxtrain, and I set up @paxtrain which will have news about the train trip and updates about goings on / location during the trip.
Another good thing for the op to mention is the @arcadiaprime twitter account. What is it? It will follow you back and it tweets whatever you direct message it. What for? Announcements. If you're interested in PAX but don't want to follow everyone it's a good one to follow. Also if everyone follows this account it's easy to go through its followers list and follow everyone if you want to.
This year is my first PAX, yay!
Oh man, Western Mass folk... they ain't right.
It's true.
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
Granted, anything you tweet to Brenna will inevitablely get to me anyway.
But yeah, @Winyder :P
It's the account created to address all the Twitter Shitters en mass; you just follow it and send it a DM, and all those following will receive that.
It's already there, just hidden by the spoiler.
Yeah, that's about what I said last spring when I got my Twitter. Before getting it for PAX, I though it was one of the dumbest things on the net. Turns out all you need is an actual community that already uses Twitter to make it worth it. I'm currently at 4000-something posts, I think, and it's been just less than a year.
Other than that, I think I have everyone added that I didn't have already. Hubby and I are about 75% right now on our decision for PAX this year (school may be in my way, though) and even if I can't go, I want to be in on everything as it happens--after being there myself last year, just checking updates on Joystiq will never be enough again.
I too thought twitter was silly before PAX 08. But I used it, and you get to know people. Then I did a local search and started adding people in the Phoenix area. I found the twitter community here is fraking awesome. From gettogethers like this: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1845864/ and showing up to random invites I have a ton of new friends. Played disc golf this morning with one of them, had a decent game night with some others last night.
I never really found twitter all that silly myself, but I do agree with the whole comunity thing. I was on twitter almost half a year before I really started using it and it was another half before I joined the Twitter Shitters (Thank god I had, you people keep me sane and entertained).
Twitter for me has really turned into an all day conversation almost. There's a lot of fun to be had!
Searching PAX gives a lot of random stuff. I figured PAX09 would be best.
G+: MStublefield
Twitter: dmmagic
G+: MStublefield
Twitter: dmmagic