Also, a 4th of July party would be all kinds of awesome. Especially since I imagine a lot of explosions.
Except fireworks are all kinds of illegal around here... unless someone happens to have a house in unincoporated king county....
I have a house in unincorporated Pierce county...... but who wants to go that far for fireworks?!?! Also it's near a Native American school so you can see their huge fireworks.
MetaverseNomad on
j0z1eShuffles the FailNinjaSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
edited May 2009
We should be able to at least stop in for this Golden Gardens BBQ
j0z1e on
PAX East '12: Pass [X] Hotel [X] Plane [ ] Time Off [N/A yet]
Also, a 4th of July party would be all kinds of awesome. Especially since I imagine a lot of explosions.
Except fireworks are all kinds of illegal around here... unless someone happens to have a house in unincoporated king county....
I have a house in unincorporated Pierce county...... but who wants to go that far for fireworks?!?! Also it's near a Native American school so you can see their huge fireworks.
You underestimate people's dedication to explosives.
proXimity on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
Also, a 4th of July party would be all kinds of awesome. Especially since I imagine a lot of explosions.
Except fireworks are all kinds of illegal around here... unless someone happens to have a house in unincoporated king county....
I have a house in unincorporated Pierce county...... but who wants to go that far for fireworks?!?! Also it's near a Native American school so you can see their huge fireworks.
You underestimate people's dedication to explosives.
Hell I went down to federal way last 4th of july just so I could blow shit up.... if nomad wants to host a 4th gathering/booze (no drunk fireworks though)/bbq party at a place we can shoot off fireworks, a ton of people will show up
lol moe
That pic is of me running the fuck away from a huge 3" diameter moarter that I "accidently" put in the tube upside-down. hehehe
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited May 2009
That cul-de-sac made the perfect fireworks exploding area.
Hell I went down to federal way last 4th of july just so I could blow shit up.... if nomad wants to host a 4th gathering/booze (no drunk fireworks though)/bbq party at a place we can shoot off fireworks, a ton of people will show up
My mom is the coolest. She says everyone is welcome, she's cool with fireworks and she said she'll even get some kegs if people chip in some money. She loves parties! She also said everyone is welcome to (get massively drunk and) camp out with tents and stuff. Also there could be potential for bonfire action. And smores.
Only downside is you have to go down to Tacoma-ish. But, it's like 30 mins.
Hell I went down to federal way last 4th of july just so I could blow shit up.... if nomad wants to host a 4th gathering/booze (no drunk fireworks though)/bbq party at a place we can shoot off fireworks, a ton of people will show up
My mom is the coolest. She says everyone is welcome, she's cool with fireworks and she said she'll even get some kegs if people chip in some money. She loves parties! She also said everyone is welcome to (get massively drunk and) camp out with tents and stuff. Also there could be potential for bonfire action. And smores.
Only downside is you have to go down to Tacoma-ish. But, it's like 30 mins.
Hell I went down to federal way last 4th of july just so I could blow shit up.... if nomad wants to host a 4th gathering/booze (no drunk fireworks though)/bbq party at a place we can shoot off fireworks, a ton of people will show up
My mom is the coolest. She says everyone is welcome, she's cool with fireworks and she said she'll even get some kegs if people chip in some money. She loves parties! She also said everyone is welcome to (get massively drunk and) camp out with tents and stuff. Also there could be potential for bonfire action. And smores.
Only downside is you have to go down to Tacoma-ish. But, it's like 30 mins.
Well, I live in Federal Way, so it'll be a hop skip and a jump for me ^^.
I just realized I have a concert on June 20th... but it doesn't start until 9:00ish it looks like. So, I could pop by for a while.
As far as July 4th goes, I'm totally down .
The DIMD on
<+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
Hell I went down to federal way last 4th of july just so I could blow shit up.... if nomad wants to host a 4th gathering/booze (no drunk fireworks though)/bbq party at a place we can shoot off fireworks, a ton of people will show up
My mom is the coolest. She says everyone is welcome, she's cool with fireworks and she said she'll even get some kegs if people chip in some money. She loves parties! She also said everyone is welcome to (get massively drunk and) camp out with tents and stuff. Also there could be potential for bonfire action. And smores.
Only downside is you have to go down to Tacoma-ish. But, it's like 30 mins.
That is awesome Nomad. Smores are of course a natural outcome of a bonfire. Of course it's the unnatural outcomes that arise from drunk people and a bonfire that make the real entertainment.
And what we learned(again) last year was to keep the fireworks away from the food.
Cronus on
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
Hell I went down to federal way last 4th of july just so I could blow shit up.... if nomad wants to host a 4th gathering/booze (no drunk fireworks though)/bbq party at a place we can shoot off fireworks, a ton of people will show up
My mom is the coolest. She says everyone is welcome, she's cool with fireworks and she said she'll even get some kegs if people chip in some money. She loves parties! She also said everyone is welcome to (get massively drunk and) camp out with tents and stuff. Also there could be potential for bonfire action. And smores.
Only downside is you have to go down to Tacoma-ish. But, it's like 30 mins.
That is awesome Nomad. Smores are of course a natural outcome of a bonfire. Of course it's the unnatural outcomes that arise from drunk people and a bonfire that make the real entertainment.
And what we learned(again) last year was to keep the fireworks away from the food.
Do I even want to know? o_O
The DIMD on
<+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
That is awesome Nomad. Smores are of course a natural outcome of a bonfire. Of course it's the unnatural outcomes that arise from drunk people and a bonfire that make the real entertainment.
YES. This sounds like an awesome story begging to be told.
I hate to disappoint you guys, but there isn't much of an interesting story.
Last 4th of July, with another group of my friends, we had a barbecue with the grill on their second floor patio. Making that the natural place to congregate. Thus having us all drinking and eating there, led us to setting off fireworks on this patio. We're too lazy to walk down a flight of stairs even when explosives are involved.
After lighting a lot of fireworks up there all the ash was everywhere. It wasn't until after most of the fireworks were used up that we realized all the ash was now over all the food that was laid out. Gave things an interesting taste. We might have even cared if we hadn't already been eating and drinking for a few hours at that point.
I look forward to the antics that a PA crowd can cause when combined with fireworks. :twisted:
Cronus on
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
Oh drunk people and only request is no one get drunk and decide it'd be a fun contest to see who can run and jump over it without catching on fire.
Oh drunk people and only request is no one get drunk and decide it'd be a fun contest to see who can run and jump over it without catching on fire.
So if I don't get drunk, and then decide to jump over the bonfire, that still covers your clause :-P
Oh drunk people and only request is no one get drunk and decide it'd be a fun contest to see who can run and jump over it without catching on fire.
Oh drunk people and only request is no one get drunk and decide it'd be a fun contest to see who can run and jump over it without catching on fire.
Oh drunk people and only request is no one get drunk and decide it'd be a fun contest to see who can run and jump over it without catching on fire.
A tentative "yes" to Golden Gardens.
Also, 4th of July party full of PAXers would be epic. Alas, I am planning a LAN that weekend.... though we may still move it.
This works tho, its just what we need I think. Let the olld thread die a dignified death!
Also, Fukyeah Golden Gardens!
Lets just hope it doesnt rain this time... although ill bring the tent thing again just incase :P
Well I think im one of the few thats on the forums more than you guys so I guess its ok that I stole the thread idea :P
Ahahah, I suppose I ca get past your thievery... But only because I'm excited for booze Saturday!
Also, a 4th of July party would be all kinds of awesome. Especially since I imagine a lot of explosions.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
cause you took too damn long Snickers!!!! :P
I'm in for BBQ too!! wooooooh!
Except fireworks are all kinds of illegal around here... unless someone happens to have a house in unincoporated king county....
I have a house in unincorporated Pierce county...... but who wants to go that far for fireworks?!?! Also it's near a Native American school so you can see their huge fireworks.
You underestimate people's dedication to explosives.
lol moe
That pic is of me running the fuck away from a huge 3" diameter moarter that I "accidently" put in the tube upside-down. hehehe
edit: I thought that was Auburn, not Federal Way?
Eh... close enough, that persons house is right inbetween the 2 cities
I'm all for blowing shit up in unincorporated King County.
My mom is the coolest. She says everyone is welcome, she's cool with fireworks and she said she'll even get some kegs if people chip in some money. She loves parties! She also said everyone is welcome to (get massively drunk and) camp out with tents and stuff. Also there could be potential for bonfire action. And smores.
Only downside is you have to go down to Tacoma-ish. But, it's like 30 mins.
That sounds fine with me!
Well, I live in Federal Way, so it'll be a hop skip and a jump for me ^^.
I just realized I have a concert on June 20th... but it doesn't start until 9:00ish it looks like. So, I could pop by for a while.
As far as July 4th goes, I'm totally down
That is awesome Nomad. Smores are of course a natural outcome of a bonfire. Of course it's the unnatural outcomes that arise from drunk people and a bonfire that make the real entertainment.
And what we learned(again) last year was to keep the fireworks away from the food.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
Do I even want to know? o_O
This is truly all a man can ask for. Count me in for Golden Gardens.
YES. This sounds like an awesome story begging to be told.
hahah, yeah, I have witnessed that situation!
I hate to disappoint you guys, but there isn't much of an interesting story.
Last 4th of July, with another group of my friends, we had a barbecue with the grill on their second floor patio. Making that the natural place to congregate. Thus having us all drinking and eating there, led us to setting off fireworks on this patio. We're too lazy to walk down a flight of stairs even when explosives are involved.
After lighting a lot of fireworks up there all the ash was everywhere. It wasn't until after most of the fireworks were used up that we realized all the ash was now over all the food that was laid out. Gave things an interesting taste. We might have even cared if we hadn't already been eating and drinking for a few hours at that point.
I look forward to the antics that a PA crowd can cause when combined with fireworks. :twisted:
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
Oh drunk people and only request is no one get drunk and decide it'd be a fun contest to see who can run and jump over it without catching on fire.
So if I don't get drunk, and then decide to jump over the bonfire, that still covers your clause :-P
That is exactly what happened last time.
I awesomed YOUR mom.
*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
I am the perfect example of that going wrong...
Firejumping drunk while camping
*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
And ever since then... they've called you the champ.