I'm in Canada. My selections for carriers are Telus or Rogers.
Telus has nothing to offer me. So Rogers it is.
I'm pretty intent on picking up an iPhone 3GS on Friday, but I could also get an HTC Dream or Magic. Is there any compelling reason why I might want to consider either as an alternative? Any reason at all? Like, give me details here. Give me examples of wonderful things I might do with one that I couldn't do with the iPhone.
all I found myself doing was thinking about the cool features of the iphone I didn't have on my G1.
end of my story? I just sold my G1 on craigslist, and I'm buying the new iphone on friday,
Something really annoying about it though, and this is the same for the Magic and Dream I think, is the lack of headset jack. You need to use the included adaptor.
Also, the battery isn't the best, but I think the same can be said for the Iphone.
Right, which is why I said that all things being equal I would go with the iPhone.
I like the G1. A lot. It has some great apps, and I like the Android operating system and the degree of integration of all things Google, like gmail and Googlemaps. I can't think of a single thing about it that I like that can't be done with an iPhone though (other than the gimmicky metal detector app which has no real value beyond novelty, and even that might be possible with the new iPhone). And since iPhones have many, many more apps available, they would be my choice over an Android phone unless you stood to save significant money on the phone and data plan costs.
If network and price aren't really a factor, I'd go for the 3GS over a G1. The only real advantage of the G1 is the physical keyboard (I really hate the on screen ones). The apple app store is so much better than the android marketplace at the moment.
I'm not sure about any of the newer android phones coming out though.
Also, you can use headphones, *and* charge the iPhone at the same time.
Concerning ringtones, apple wants you to pay 99 cents or something on a song you already own for them to convert it to a ringtone format. Oh, and it only works on some songs. However, there is a site (audiko.net) that will convert any song you upload to the proper format so all you have to do is add it to your itunes library and make sure it gets transferred to your phone.
It sucks that so many cool things you could do with the iPhone require a workaround, but the phone itself is just so fucking awesome and I love all the apps and games I have access to. Plus, being a mac user, the integration with everything else I do concerning computing is a pretty good factor as well.
XBL - Follow Freeman
It's actually been easy to create your own ringtones with an iPhone; it's just not as easy as "create ringtone." You simply take your 30 second snippet, convert it in iTunes to a .m4a file, then change the extension to .m4r and re-add it to iTunes. It'll show up in your Ringtones section and transfer over to the iPhone.
I had a simple utility that let me do this...if I remember when I get back to my home computer I'll post a link to it. This is all totally legal too I believe, iTunes is just charging you for the convenience of them doing it. I have 12 ringtones or so saved, for all the good they do me since my phone got stolen back in December.
PSN: TheScrublet
And well, the Iphone is just plain old slicker. The games and apps(especially the games) end up blowing away anything on the G1. I have yet to play a game that I been impressed. Most of them seem like they could have been esily replicated on a regular cellphone.
They finally fixed the data plan to not be $RAPE, but for how long?
Is this non-$RAPE data plan time-limited?
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
From what I'm hearing, turning this off after you've stolen the phone isn't going to be hard to do. I'll be interested in seeing the results of hands-on experimentation with this once the phone hits market.
PSN: TheScrublet
Android is going to be a while yet, but thankfully Google knows this and keeps coming out with some great apps for the iphone to link up with all your google stuff.
Honestly the Android hardware right now isn't where it should be. If you're going to be buying a phone in the next month make it the 3GS if you're comfortable dealing with its little foibles.
Jailbreaking an iPhone takes about five minutes and it gives you full root shell access.
While this is true (and my phone is Jailbroken), it's not necessarily something everyone will want to do. It technically voids your warranty. If you take a jailbroken phone to an Apple Store for service, they'll say tough luck. Sure, you can always restore the phone first, but it's still possible that it could be an issue.
You also miss out (for a little while, anyway) on Software updates. You're at the whim of the dev team for when they release tools to jailbreak newer software.
Some people just aren't comfortable modding their phones in this way. Google's phone is designed to be a lot more customizable than the iPhone, and it's worth noting.
All that said, a jailbroken iPhone is the tits.
They will introduce pricing for a no-contract purchase of the iPhone 3GS. No details have been posted yet, but they've committed to doing it.
The promo data plan is $30 a month for 6GB of data and unlimited messaging and I think e-mail. I'm pretty sure that doesn't expire. If that expires after six months or some such and I have to revert to one of their "normal" data plans, there's a good chance I won't bother with it at all.
The only Android phones available to me are those offered by the same company offering the iPhones. The Palm Pre isn't an option at all, as the carrier who bought exclusivity doesn't operate in my province at all. Yes, I'm serious. This seems a little short sighted on Palm's part.
So it sounds like, go with the iPhone. I'm gonna try to, we'll see if I have any luck come Friday. If the data plan situation is completely retarded though, I might just hold off and get the Blackberry Tour in July (though it really won't compare).
You wouldn't have to revert to the old shitty data plan after you get it. What's written in your contract is what you pay. They cannot change that. If they do, then tell them to go fist themselves and take your money (and iphone) elsewhere.
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
The only reason I didn't buy an iphone instead of the G1 is because 3G and I don't particularly like Apple as a company, so I don't buy their stuff.
yeah, unless the contract states that the iphone's promo data plan only lasts X number of months. Which is the exact situation I'm referencing as a possibility, and if it IS the case, will prevent me from getting one, period.
And there's nowhere else TO take an iPhone for me.
Also, Dark_Side, thanks for proving that you didn't read the first post, at all and have nothing of any value to contribute to this thread. You know lots of people pull infractions in H/A for that sort of thing, right?
PSN: TheScrublet
PSN: TheScrublet
That said, I love my iPhone. An Android phone looks interesting, but not on the HTC. My buddy has an HTC Diamond and it's always giving him all kinds of shit, everybody in my office that's had an HTC phone has had it work extremely poorly, or in one case it flat-out died.
It's hard to say if their short-comings are their hardware or Windows Mobile, but I wouldn't take the risk. Although the one thing the HTC doesn't come with is people being pricks about you having an iPhone; for some reason having an iPhone instantly makes you a pretentious fuck in the eyes of some people. It could be anybody you know.
Oh, hey I'm making a game! Check it out: Dr. Weirdo!
it happens all the time.
as recently as last june T-mobile changed their sms rates, affecting all customers
(of course many people took the opportunity to claim foul play and were released from contracts with no ETF)
Just FYI, you can get an unlocked G1 (technically "Android Dev Phone 1" but you can put any firmware image on it you want) for $400 + shipping, with an additional $25 if you need an account on the Android Market.
Just an alternative if the Roger's contract ends up having some fishy clause in it about the deal or you want to go with another carrier.
That being said, I have WiFi at home and at work, but I do check weather, email, stocks, and do the odd web browsing/IM when I'm out and about. Oh and youtube video browsing as well.
So if the 6 Gig dataplan is looking a bit much price-wise, and if you aren't going to be tethering and download songs away from home/WiFi signals, 2Gigs is actually a lot, at least IMO.