Yeah well in order to make for that I'm going to say Jamie is the bestest Blue Beetle and Ted was a old fat man who was never very good and had a dumb costume.
Also was a eunuch.
Ted's greatest accomplishments: Teaming up with the Question. Serving as a member of one of the most beloved and best-selling (for the time at least) Leagues ever, and saving the world numerous times over. Being used a template for Nite Owl, who would co-star in one of the most influential comics of all time.
Jaime's greatest accomplishments: Fighting trees. Putting out fires. Fighting a giant green retard. Managing not to break down into tears for three whole issues.
Until he goes the way of the hispanic Wildcat (Yolanda Montez) and black Dr. Midnight (Beth Chapel). Both arose from the legacies of dead or incapacitated heroes during the Crisis, and both are hardly remembered by anybody today, having been replaced by the more iconic versions.
I'm not saying it won't take a few years, but it'll happen.
Did anyone else think that the page in X-Factor where Monet and Syrin are ignoring each other and Layla comes in from the background was one of the best pages ever made? For some reason, it just cracked me up.
Also: I'm Richter, I know stuff.
Sentry on
When I was a little kid, I always pretended I was the hero,' Skip said.
'Fuck yeah, me too. What little kid ever pretended to be part of the lynch-mob?'
FencingsaxIt is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understandingGNU Terry PratchettRegistered Userregular
Did anyone else think that the page in X-Factor where Monet and Syrin are ignoring each other and Layla comes in from the background was one of the best pages ever made? For some reason, it just cracked me up.
Also: I'm Richter, I know stuff.
I personally liked the "Paris?" ".... Yeah, alright. Let's go."
Man, the entire issue was filled with great moments. I really liked Jamie's interaction with Val Cooper at SHIELD HQ. Layla also continues to be my favorite character, even though it's harder and harder to say that definitively because everyone else is shining. Oh, and Jamie's remark about Shatterstar to Rictor was pure gold. Spit-take indeed.
Did anyone else think that the page in X-Factor where Monet and Syrin are ignoring each other and Layla comes in from the background was one of the best pages ever made? For some reason, it just cracked me up.
Also: I'm Richter, I know stuff.
I just loved the panels where she forcefully turned their chairs around to face each other. Layla's gone from a character I really didn't like, to one of my favorite characters. Does she ever change those damn stockings though? Actually, that goes for most of the cast. I bet Madrox never washes that damn shirt. Ric and Jamie's guy talk at the bar was great too.
In the hospital? Seriously though, it seems like DC was fully intent on pushing Kimiyo into character limbo until there was a pretty substantial fan outcry regarding her treatment in Green Arrow. Though in this case it was less because they were a bad character, or a poorly introduced legacy character or anything, but more because they were intent on promoting the evil Dr. Light, and removing as many duplicates of other heroes as possible, much like how Batgirl was massively retooled to make room for Batwoman.
When I was a little kid, I always pretended I was the hero,' Skip said.
'Fuck yeah, me too. What little kid ever pretended to be part of the lynch-mob?'
Yeah well in order to make for that I'm going to say Jamie is the bestest Blue Beetle and Ted was a old fat man who was never very good and had a dumb costume.
Also was a eunuch.
Ted's greatest accomplishments: Teaming up with the Question. Serving as a member of one of the most beloved and best-selling (for the time at least) Leagues ever, and saving the world numerous times over. Being used a template for Nite Owl, who would co-star in one of the most influential comics of all time.
Jaime's greatest accomplishments: Fighting trees. Putting out fires. Fighting a giant green retard. Managing not to break down into tears for three whole issues.
How long was Ted Kord around before dying? I mean in real world years, obviously.
How long was Ted Kord around before dying? I mean in real world years, obviously.
How long has Jaime been around, exactly?
Yeah, exactly.
I'm really just playing around, but if you want to be serious about it, I can't exactly peer into the future to see what future adventures Jaime will be getting into, so I can only comment on what's happened so far. Still, let me go out on a limb and say that Ted Kord, a silver age creation of Steve Ditko, one of the comic industry's greatest contributors, who could rival Jack Kirby when it comes to creating long-lived and popular characters, will outlast Jaime Reyes, who arose from a poorly-received mega-event, and who was created almost entirely due to editorial reasons, and Dan Didio's decision to racially diversify what he calls the "whitebread" DCU.
DC also didn't do Jaime any favors by making this iteration of the Blue Beetle completely different from the previous one, and with no connections to him, or the DCU at large. Meanwhile, characters like Manhunter, Atom, and Firestorm, that do have connections to, and are at least thematically similar to the characters whose names they bear, are struggling to even maintain enough of a readership to keep their books alive. I don't see many of the characters that arose from IC lasting another ten years.
Hey Karma. Hey. Hey Karma. Remember when the JSA was almost completely obliterated in Zero Hour, with everyone either forced into retirement or killed? It was awesome. If only they hadn't brought back that crappy old Ted Grant Wildcat, and stuck with the one that could grow claws from her fingers and toes, kind of like Meg in that episode of Family Guy. Oh man it would have been so keen.
Featuring all your favorites and a few new surprises!
On sale now at your local comic shop. Please visit to find your nearest shop, or you can call 1-888-COMIC BOOK. Have your zip code ready!
C'mon, admit it, that was pretty good for the short amount of prep time I had.
So guys, I finally got my new comics (had to wait till pay day).
Blade has gotten a good deal better. I still hate Chaykin's art, but I can deal with it, I guess.
Agents of Atlas remains awesome. I'd have said that last week if my LCS hadn't gotten shorted.
JLA continues to be a cocktease, but it had some good fight scenes. The last scene promises lots for the next issue.
X-23: Target X was a very nice continuation from the last mini. X-23 behaves like a badass. Loev Laura Kinney
Trials of Shazam was a slight let down, but it was still fairly entertaining.
How long was Ted Kord around before dying? I mean in real world years, obviously.
How long has Jaime been around, exactly?
Yeah, exactly.
I'm really just playing around, but if you want to be serious about it, I can't exactly peer into the future to see what future adventures Jaime will be getting into, so I can only comment on what's happened so far. Still, let me go out on a limb and say that Ted Kord, a silver age creation of Steve Ditko, one of the comic industry's greatest contributors, who could rival Jack Kirby when it comes to creating long-lived and popular characters, will outlast Jaime Reyes, who arose from a poorly-received mega-event, and who was created almost entirely due to editorial reasons, and Dan Didio's decision to racially diversify what he calls the "whitebread" DCU.
I'm pretty sure that IC was a mega hit that most major comic reviewers and entertainment reviewers gave good reviews to, and that most of the criticism came from people on internet message boards.
People said the same thing about the Clone Saga, Zero Hour, Our Worlds at War, and pretty much any other giant event that, while not that good, unfortunately tied into every goddamn book and would affect your favorite characters, so you had to read it. Just because a book sells well, and even gets good reviews, doesn't mean history will look at it favorably.
Geeze though Munch. Steve Dikto wasn't Muhammad. He didn't pass on Charlton Action Heroes number one or whatever from on high. Blue Beetle's just a comic book character. I mean, do you ever like change in your comics?
Would you rather be reading about Alan Scott? Is it okay that Hal Jordan's around? I get that you don't like DC dicking around with characters you enjoy, but maybe it's time to move on, hey?
hughtron on
Bloods EndBlade of TyshallePunch dimensionRegistered Userregular
edited December 2006
Still, if it gets good reviews and makes money thats not really being poorly recieved.
Geeze though Munch. Steve Dikto wasn't Muhammad. He didn't pass on Charlton Action Heroes number one or whatever from on high. Blue Beetle's just a comic book character.
Damn, you mean he didn't craft them from ambrosia and whimsy? You have ruined my night sir!
I'm just saying, there was a time when people were fucking certain that the Bloodlines characters would be the next big thing. And they were sure that Azrael would be a breakout character who could be merchandised just as well as Batman. And they were fucking positive that Ben Reilly would stick. But they were pretty much wrong, and ten years later most of those characters that were lauded by reviewers, received mainstream media attention in some cases (Death of Superman characters, AzBats), and were met with mixed emotions or outright hostility by fans, are now nowhere to be seen today. I'm not being a dick, I'm just saying that people will usually go back to the classics. Even with second tier characters.
Would you rather be reading about Alan Scott? Is it okay that Hal Jordan's around? I get that you don't like DC dicking around with characters you enjoy, but maybe it's time to move on, hey?
Hal Jordan and Alan Scott were allowed to exist side by side with one another, so both characters' fans were appeased. That's pretty much the difference. Besides that, I love new characters. Gravity? Fuck yeah, awesome series. The Livewires? Awesome! Gimme some more! Zauriel? Rad! What I don't like is DC's way of just running B-list characters through a meatgrinder and slapping the name on a new character for no good reason, especially when there's still interest and potential in a character.
Ted Kord had been in two minis that sold quite well for being a bunch of B-list heroes, and one won an Eisner. He had, in the past few years, had Mike Norton and, I think Sean McKeever, pitch a series that would co-star him along will a new Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Chuck Dixon, Bill Willingham, and Gail Simone all also reportedly pitched new Blue Beetle series to DC, none of which would have ended with Ted having a hole in his head. The interest was there, the fans were there, the talent was there, and the potential was there. That DC decided to pass on that is what bugs me.
Was John Stewart never the headliner of the Green Lantern series, or is he just a particularly bland character? I never hear him discussed outside of the cartoon.
Ted's greatest accomplishments: Teaming up with the Question. Serving as a member of one of the most beloved and best-selling (for the time at least) Leagues ever, and saving the world numerous times over. Being used a template for Nite Owl, who would co-star in one of the most influential comics of all time.
Jaime's greatest accomplishments: Fighting trees. Putting out fires. Fighting a giant green retard. Managing not to break down into tears for three whole issues.
I rest my case.
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Jaime still graces the land of the living. I guess thats an accomplishment.
PSN: OrneryRooster
I'm not saying it won't take a few years, but it'll happen.
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if you know where to look
Also: I'm Richter, I know stuff.
I personally liked the "Paris?" ".... Yeah, alright. Let's go."
I just loved the panels where she forcefully turned their chairs around to face each other. Layla's gone from a character I really didn't like, to one of my favorite characters. Does she ever change those damn stockings though? Actually, that goes for most of the cast. I bet Madrox never washes that damn shirt. Ric and Jamie's guy talk at the bar was great too.
In the hospital? Seriously though, it seems like DC was fully intent on pushing Kimiyo into character limbo until there was a pretty substantial fan outcry regarding her treatment in Green Arrow. Though in this case it was less because they were a bad character, or a poorly introduced legacy character or anything, but more because they were intent on promoting the evil Dr. Light, and removing as many duplicates of other heroes as possible, much like how Batgirl was massively retooled to make room for Batwoman.
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How long was Ted Kord around before dying? I mean in real world years, obviously.
How long has Jaime been around, exactly?
Yeah, exactly.
Jaime can't even kiss a girl.
I'm really just playing around, but if you want to be serious about it, I can't exactly peer into the future to see what future adventures Jaime will be getting into, so I can only comment on what's happened so far. Still, let me go out on a limb and say that Ted Kord, a silver age creation of Steve Ditko, one of the comic industry's greatest contributors, who could rival Jack Kirby when it comes to creating long-lived and popular characters, will outlast Jaime Reyes, who arose from a poorly-received mega-event, and who was created almost entirely due to editorial reasons, and Dan Didio's decision to racially diversify what he calls the "whitebread" DCU.
DC also didn't do Jaime any favors by making this iteration of the Blue Beetle completely different from the previous one, and with no connections to him, or the DCU at large. Meanwhile, characters like Manhunter, Atom, and Firestorm, that do have connections to, and are at least thematically similar to the characters whose names they bear, are struggling to even maintain enough of a readership to keep their books alive. I don't see many of the characters that arose from IC lasting another ten years.
Now I'll stop derailing this thread.
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Too bad he couldn't outlive him.
Ooo..Ouch. It's over.
PSN: OrneryRooster
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Justice Society of America #1.
Featuring all your favorites and a few new surprises!
On sale now at your local comic shop. Please visit to find your nearest shop, or you can call 1-888-COMIC BOOK. Have your zip code ready!
C'mon, admit it, that was pretty good for the short amount of prep time I had.
PSN: OrneryRooster
Blade has gotten a good deal better. I still hate Chaykin's art, but I can deal with it, I guess.
Agents of Atlas remains awesome. I'd have said that last week if my LCS hadn't gotten shorted.
JLA continues to be a cocktease, but it had some good fight scenes. The last scene promises lots for the next issue.
X-23: Target X was a very nice continuation from the last mini. X-23 behaves like a badass. Loev Laura Kinney
Trials of Shazam was a slight let down, but it was still fairly entertaining.
The DC one was better, even though the Trials of Shazam story tried to drag the whole issue down the shitter.
I'm pretty sure that IC was a mega hit that most major comic reviewers and entertainment reviewers gave good reviews to, and that most of the criticism came from people on internet message boards.
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Would you rather be reading about Alan Scott? Is it okay that Hal Jordan's around? I get that you don't like DC dicking around with characters you enjoy, but maybe it's time to move on, hey?
PSN: OrneryRooster
Shut it, Alex.
Hey hey. Gold is better than Silver. Silver is better than Bronze. Therefore, Gold is better than everything.
Is this guy right or is this guy right?
PSN: OrneryRooster
Damn, you mean he didn't craft them from ambrosia and whimsy? You have ruined my night sir!
I'm just saying, there was a time when people were fucking certain that the Bloodlines characters would be the next big thing. And they were sure that Azrael would be a breakout character who could be merchandised just as well as Batman. And they were fucking positive that Ben Reilly would stick. But they were pretty much wrong, and ten years later most of those characters that were lauded by reviewers, received mainstream media attention in some cases (Death of Superman characters, AzBats), and were met with mixed emotions or outright hostility by fans, are now nowhere to be seen today. I'm not being a dick, I'm just saying that people will usually go back to the classics. Even with second tier characters.
Hal Jordan and Alan Scott were allowed to exist side by side with one another, so both characters' fans were appeased. That's pretty much the difference. Besides that, I love new characters. Gravity? Fuck yeah, awesome series. The Livewires? Awesome! Gimme some more! Zauriel? Rad! What I don't like is DC's way of just running B-list characters through a meatgrinder and slapping the name on a new character for no good reason, especially when there's still interest and potential in a character.
Ted Kord had been in two minis that sold quite well for being a bunch of B-list heroes, and one won an Eisner. He had, in the past few years, had Mike Norton and, I think Sean McKeever, pitch a series that would co-star him along will a new Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Chuck Dixon, Bill Willingham, and Gail Simone all also reportedly pitched new Blue Beetle series to DC, none of which would have ended with Ted having a hole in his head. The interest was there, the fans were there, the talent was there, and the potential was there. That DC decided to pass on that is what bugs me.
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I see what you're saying otherwise, though.
But Kyle's better than both.
Probably your mom
Been the best and totally awesome at the same time? That's better than boring. Very boring.
Guy for president of the universe! Not written by Chaykin, too, please.
None of you are fit to disagree with him.
Guy is extreme! Remember when he could turn his arms into guns, cuz he's a Warrior.
Kyle's still the best.
When did that happen? And I agree.
Grant Morrison's JLA, I believe.