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[PRIME] Have a Ticket/Need a Ticket Thread



  • Bounce07Bounce07 Registered User new member
    edited September 2009

    Your Name Blake
    Your Location Spokane Wa
    Best Contact Method
    How many tickets you have 1 Fri only
    How much you are asking negotiable
    What type of payments you take (legal trade only) cash
    How you will distribute tickets (mail badges, e-mail receipt barcode, etc) barcode with picture ID and signiture in person the Fri fist day of PAX.

    So my little bro had to bail @ the last min for WORK reasons "LAME". so his loss is your gain.

    Bounce07 on
  • BillyMorshuBillyMorshu Registered User regular
    edited August 2011

    BillyMorshu on
  • OregonSlackerOregonSlacker Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Ticket Sold.. Seems Most offered 150, Some lower.. ended up selling to the first person's that responded and gave them a $25 dollar discount..

    OregonSlacker on
  • joel158joel158 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Your Name Shane
    Your Location Tigard, Or
    Best Contact Method: Email
    How many tickets you have: 1- 3 day Pass
    How much you are asking: Fair Market Price, Currently unemployed so I can't say that money doesn't talk, hate me if you will, but I want the razer PAX '09 exclusive

    What type of payments you take (legal trade only) cash
    How you will distribute tickets : Meet in Person to Exchange Will be Attending & should be in town by Thursday Evening & Will also Be at Event Early On Friday (8am) for BYOC setup.

    I sent you an email.

    joel158 on
  • baratronbaratron Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Emailed OregonSlacker and everyone else. Ugh, this sucks :(.

    Please remember everyone that I only want a share of a ticket. You can sell me your ticket for use after you finish on Friday, or just for Saturday and I'll give it back for Sunday. Yeah.

    baratron on
  • NoodlerizerNoodlerizer Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Still have Sunday ticket PM me. Need friday passes.

    Noodlerizer on
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    This thread is really making me consider buying like 5-10 extra passes next year, so that when this thread rolls around again I can sell them to people who need them for their actual price instead of a 200+% markup because of (insert justifications for horribly gouged scalping here).

    Raiden333 on
  • TavinTavin Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Tavin wrote: »
    3 Day Pass available

    Update: I've been offered $150 by several people so far. Rather than try to continue the bids, I'm going to take all those who offered $150 and put the names in the hat, and pick a winner tonight at 7pm. Stay tuned.

    My boyfriend can't go so I now have an extra 3-day pass available. Sorry for the short notice. I don't know if anyone is still looking for a pass at this late date but if you are, email me at I am accepting all offers through 8 pm (Seattle time) tomorrow (Wednesday) evening. Cash or PayPal only; I will give you the pass in person at PAX (I will be there early Friday morning). You choose the time and place (around PAX) to meet.


    Sorry guys and gals. The pass has been claimed. I pulled a name at random from a hat and have already confirmed back with the winner. Good luck to those still needing passes. Should be a blast!


    Tavin on
  • baratronbaratron Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Raiden333 wrote: »
    This thread is really making me consider buying like 5-10 extra passes next year, so that when this thread rolls around again I can sell them to people who need them for their actual price instead of a 200+% markup because of (insert justifications for horribly gouged scalping here).

    Do you really think you'd be able to be that generous in the face of temptation, though? If you were selling your tickets for $60 while everyone else is charging $150...

    I was all fired up and enthusiastic about human nature 6 hours ago when I had complete strangers emailing and PMing me to suggest alternatives (such as the club show that Freezepop are playing on Sunday). When I explained how attending PAX itself would be difficult for me because of my disabilities (I can't walk or stand for long periods, and standing in crowds is almost impossible without a bodyguard), someone even looked up the convention wheelchair and scooter rental people for me.

    Now, having seen the 3-day passes that went for $305 on eBay, I'm feeling rather cynical.

    I also want to go to bed, because it's 3.50 am here. Wondering what happened to the person who said they'd reply to email at about 2 am my time. Hrm.

    baratron on
  • xHiryuxxHiryux Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Your Name Shane
    Your Location Tigard, Or
    Best Contact Method: Email
    How many tickets you have: 1- 3 day Pass
    How much you are asking: Fair Market Price, Currently unemployed so I can't say that money doesn't talk, hate me if you will, but I want the razer PAX '09 exclusive

    What type of payments you take (legal trade only) cash
    How you will distribute tickets : Meet in Person to Exchange Will be Attending & should be in town by Thursday Evening & Will also Be at Event Early On Friday (8am) for BYOC setup.


    xHiryux on
  • niq24601niq24601 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Raiden333 wrote: »
    This thread is really making me consider buying like 5-10 extra passes next year, so that when this thread rolls around again I can sell them to people who need them for their actual price instead of a 200+% markup because of (insert justifications for horribly gouged scalping here).

    To some extent, the scalpers here got lucky; things really didn't get crazy until this weekend when everything sold out. If PAX had sold fewer 3-day passes and more 1-day passes, the 3-days might be selling for $60 since people could just go on 2 of the 3 days.

    Also the sellers on this thread are doing the buyers a favor; 3-day passes on ebay went for over $350.00 today.

    niq24601 on
    "gay" and "rape". You keep on using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.
  • JullesongJullesong Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Raiden333 wrote: »
    This thread is really making me consider buying like 5-10 extra passes next year, so that when this thread rolls around again I can sell them to people who need them for their actual price instead of a 200+% markup because of (insert justifications for horribly gouged scalping here).

    What would have been really helpful - and fair - would have been if they had *really* kept passes for selling at the door like they originally said they were going to, instead of all of a sudden selling out ALL of the passes. If they would have just done that, it wouldn't have been nearly as bad. Or just say from the very beginning that there will be no at the door sales.

    Jullesong on
  • xiloscentexiloscente Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Jessica Hunt
    Seattle WA
    Friday, Saturday(x2), and Sunday(x2) passes
    $60 for each pass obo

    or you can call me at 860.805.1785

    thank you :)

    xiloscente on
  • NoodlerizerNoodlerizer Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Yeah I had no intentions of selling my tickets for more than 10 markup, but people are offering more.....

    Noodlerizer on
  • Kwisatz HaderachKwisatz Haderach Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    xiloscente wrote: »

    Jessica Hunt
    Seattle WA
    Friday, Saturday, and Sunday passes
    $60 for each pass obo

    or you can call me at 860.805.1785

    thank you :)

    Are those 3-Day passes?

    EDIT: they are 1-Day passes, just FYI

    Kwisatz Haderach on
    Twitter: @Quintonious (new, infrequently post)
    PSN: Quintonious
  • baratronbaratron Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Wow, there's a guy on Craigslist who's trying to sell a Sunday ticket for... Well, you read his post:

    I have one sunday pass for pax that is going to be a no show. Sunday is sold out and im selling this pass for 200$ or a ps3. sundays show is sold out and i will not take anything less.

    So anyone with no money but a spare PS3, there's your ticket!

    Erm... and how much was the face value of a one-day pass, again? :?

    baratron on
  • polencepolence Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Same here, I just listed my ticket, since I know people want to go, and I'm not using may 3-day pass for sunday, so I thought if someone wouldn't mind sharing it, I will. I didn't expect more than a dollar for my offer. Believe me some people were offering just to buy off my pass for 3x the value, and I can't stomac if someone takes the offer for more than the at door value of a day pass.

    polence on
  • NoodlerizerNoodlerizer Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    HAVE 1 Sunday ticket PM me offers.

    Noodlerizer on
  • baratronbaratron Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    polence wrote: »
    Same here, I just listed my ticket, since I know people want to go, and I'm not using may 3-day pass for sunday, so I thought if someone wouldn't mind sharing it, I will. I didn't expect more than a dollar for my offer. Believe me some people were offering just to buy off my pass for 3x the value, and I can't stomac if someone takes the offer for more than the at door value of a day pass.

    Ahh... you see, there isn't an at-the-door value. The tickets are sold out, that's why it's all going crazy.

    I have a rather interesting offer in email. Hopefully by the time I wake up tomorrow all will be sunshine and roses!

    baratron on
  • AlazullAlazull Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    That's what ethics and morality feel like.

    Personally, the pass I got for my friend was from a guy asking for $80. I don't mind it because he is using the money for food for the weekend, and my friend going was a huge part of my plan. I think a lot of people are giving in to greed, but at the end of the day people will do what helps them the most.

    However, I have to say the idea of buying extra tickets when there are only a limited number expressly to sell them when they run out at high profit is...wrong on so many levels.

    Alazull on
    User name Alazull on Steam, PSN, Nintenders, Epic, etc.
  • UrQuanLord88UrQuanLord88 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Alazull wrote: »
    However, I have to say the idea of buying extra tickets when there are only a limited number expressly to sell them when they run out at high profit is...wrong on so many levels.

    That's what the free market feels like :-|

    In other news,

    Your Name - Quan
    Your Location - Seattle
    Best Contact Method - PM would be best
    How many tickets you need - 1 x 3 day pass prefered, willing to consider individual days
    What you are willing to pay - negotiable
    How you are able to pay - Cash!
    Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person most likely

    UrQuanLord88 on
    Streaming 8PST on weeknights
  • oriphuroriphur Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Badge has been sold. For those still looking, most of the offers I received were between 100 and 200 so you have an idea of what the competition is. Most of them said they already bought plane tickets + hotel or needed it for their lover so I'm pretty sure you will be chosen based on your offer.

    oriphur on
  • se1ektase1ekta Registered User new member
    edited September 2009

    Your Name : George
    Your Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Best Contact Method: backstabdnb at gmail dot com
    How many tickets you have: 1 Sunday pass (barcode)
    How much you are asking: $40
    What type of payments you take (legal trade only): Cash
    How you will distribute tickets: Meet in person at PAX on Saturday/Sunday. If you're from Vancouver, we can meet in Vancouver Wednesday/Thursday.

    se1ekta on
  • little_cinchanlittle_cinchan Registered User new member
    edited September 2009

    Your Name: Cindy
    Your Location: Vancouver Canada
    Best Contact Method:
    How many tickets you have: 1 x 3-day pass (badge in hand!)
    How much you are asking: $100 or best offer
    What type of payments you take: Cash only!
    How you will distribute tickets: I will meet with you on Thursday night or Friday morning or any other time after that to complete the transaction!

    I won't be able to check my e-mail until I get home from work tomorrow night at 9:00 PM PST. Then I will take the best offer :) So please e-mail me with your offer!

    Selecting Candidates now! No more offers will be accepted!

    little_cinchan on
  • tcochrantcochran Registered User new member
    edited September 2009

    Your Name - Teri Cochran
    Your Location - Olympia, Washington
    Best Contact Method - Email: or private message here.
    How many tickets you need - 2 Saturday tickets or 2 tickets for whatever day you have.
    What you are willing to pay - $100 for 3-day; $60 for friday/saturday only.
    How you are able to pay - Cash/Paypal whatever you want
    Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person at the event/ or whatevers convient

    I messed up big time and made a promise to my husband that we would go to PAX this year. Its his birthday next month and this was supposed to be his present. And now the tickets are sold out obviously.

    I thought it would be easy and we could just walk in. Never again will I procrastinate. Please do you still have your tickets available. I'm flexable on price. You tell me what you want me to do. I would say upto $100 a piece for 3-day passes? Moneys tight but my husbands happiness is worth it!

    Thank you....

    tcochran on
  • pharaohwizardpharaohwizard Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Your Name: Jason
    Your Location: Vancouver Canada
    Best Contact Method:
    How many tickets you have: 1 x 3-day pass (I have pass with me, no need to line up)
    How much you are asking: best offer
    What type of payments you take: Cash
    How you will distribute tickets:I am coming into town on Thursday night probably be in around 11pm, so I can meet you at the Holiday in or at the convention center the next morning. whatever works for you

    pharaohwizard on
  • MorgshrumMorgshrum Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Your Name - Morgan
    Your Location - Seattle
    Best Contact Method - text (206-491-2892) email
    How many tickets you need - 1 Saturday
    What you are willing to pay - $60
    How you are able to pay - Cash
    Preferred method of receiving tickets - Pick up from you!

    Hopefully someone out there has a saturday ticket to sell..

    Morgshrum on
  • vanrulzzvanrulzz Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Your Name - Van
    Your Location - Maple valley, wa
    Best Contact Method - 253-266-9738 or vanrulzz @ yahoo . com
    How many tickets you need - 1 Saturday
    What you are willing to pay - negotiable
    How you are able to pay - Cash
    Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person

    vanrulzz on
  • CrellecCrellec Registered User new member
    edited September 2009

    Crellec on
  • EmeraldkingEmeraldking Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Your Name: Jason
    Your Location: Vancouver Canada
    Best Contact Method:
    How many tickets you have: 1 x 3-day pass (I have pass with me, no need to line up)
    How much you are asking: best offer
    What type of payments you take: Cash
    How you will distribute tickets:I am coming into town on Thursday night probably be in around 11pm, so I can meet you at the Holiday in or at the convention center the next morning. whatever works for you


    Emeraldking on
  • pandawapandawa Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Covenant22 wrote: »
    1 Friday and 2 Sunday Tickets
    How much: $80, $60@
    Payment: Cash
    How distribute: At Will Call

    We are interested in paying for the sunday passes...are they still available?

    Rosalie Grenier

    My husband wants to take our 10 yr old's hoping....

    Please email asap

    pandawa on
  • digitalnegrodigitalnegro Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    PM/Emailed/Crossing FIngers
    Crellec wrote: »
    Its last minute, but here goes.

    Have 1 extra 3-day Pass
    Name: Darin Dalzell
    Location: Pgh, PA (Will overnight ship the pass anywhere today, will arrive tomorrow (thurs) afternoon)
    Price: $100 (shipping included)
    Payment: Paypal

    digitalnegro on
  • danielmoondanielmoon Registered User new member
    edited September 2009

    Your Name - Daniel Moon
    Your Location - Seattle, Washington
    Best Contact Method - Phone: 425-829-7364
    How many tickets you need - 1 Saturday ticket or Timeshare of your 3-Day for Saturday if you can't go.
    What you are willing to pay - $60
    How you are able to pay - Cash
    Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person at the event Friday or Saturday Morning.

    danielmoon on
  • Wifout TeefWifout Teef Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    baratron wrote: »
    Wow, there's a guy on Craigslist who's trying to sell a Sunday ticket for... Well, you read his post:

    I have one sunday pass for pax that is going to be a no show. Sunday is sold out and im selling this pass for 200$ or a ps3. sundays show is sold out and i will not take anything less.

    So anyone with no money but a spare PS3, there's your ticket!

    Erm... and how much was the face value of a one-day pass, again? :?

    30 dollars is the face value.

    Wifout Teef on
  • texstartexstar Registered User new member
    edited September 2009

    Your Name: Bianca
    Your Location: Austin, Texas
    Best Contact Method: **SOLD**
    How many tickets you have: three 3-day passes
    How much you are asking: $150 (same as purchase price at $50 each)
    What type of payments you take: Cash
    How you will distribute tickets: My friend is still attending and is available to meet for delivery in Seattle.

    texstar on
  • pandawapandawa Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Have obtained needed tickets...Good luck to everyone still searching.

    pandawa on
  • pandawapandawa Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    texstar wrote: »

    Your Name: Bianca
    Your Location: Austin, Texas
    Best Contact Method:
    How many tickets you have: three 3-day passes
    How much you are asking: $150 (same as purchase price at $50 each)
    What type of payments you take: Cash
    How you will distribute tickets: My friend is still attending and is available to meet for delivery in Seattle.

    Hi Bianca, I am interested,

    Rosalie Grenier
    Please email asap

    pandawa on
  • xHiryuxxHiryux Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    texstar wrote: »

    Your Name: Bianca
    Your Location: Austin, Texas
    Best Contact Method:
    How many tickets you have: three 3-day passes
    How much you are asking: $150 (same as purchase price at $50 each)
    What type of payments you take: Cash
    How you will distribute tickets: My friend is still attending and is available to meet for delivery in Seattle.


    xHiryux on
  • SujunSujun Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    *re posting


    Name: Gina Choe "Sujun"
    Location: Edmonds, WA
    Best contact:
    How many tickets you need: ONE 3 DAY PASS
    What are you willing to pay: $45-$60
    How are you able to pay: Paypal, or in cash
    Preferred method of recieving tickets: Overnight mail. or at the expo hand off.


    Sujun on
  • NoodlerizerNoodlerizer Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Still need Friday passes. Have 1 Sunday ticket available.

    Noodlerizer on
This discussion has been closed.