Friend Codes (
Red=no NSFW messages)
AAH! - 7859 9926 9984 2416
Arcibi - 5024 6786 2934 2806
Ashcroft - 5842 7180 9898 0409
Bedlam - 2889 4461 4059 6198
Bloods End - 2135 2468 9707 3756
borfase - 0208 9068 2016 1188
Calebros - 5342 1099 9850 9914
Callius - 5877 9168 3232 1373
Comahawk - 4778 3883 2662 9135
commie - 0435 4059 8069 6312
CorpseRT - 2513 4094 0583 2826
Dynagrip - 2218 7254 9211 7431
EffStarStarStar - 4582 7584 7195 8509
-=EIN=- - 3600 4811 9765 6924
Evander - 8572 4759 9973 5701
Favlaud - 4162-6937-2533-5130
fightinfilipino - big yellow taxi
Fission Mailed - 3155 5231 2274 0780
Fizban - 7289 6908 3616 7295
Fleebenworth - 7439 8952 7122 7310
Geebs - 7736 7802 8860 9852
Geek - 6854 3470 4546 9767
Gigglio - 6374 8802 8393 8533
Green - 6640 9814 2518 0343
Herr Caesar - 3426 0756 9555 0460
Javen - 2469 4289 4068 1134
Kadith - 4282 1104 5920 7646
Keith - 5491 6444 1873 1672
Khaziim - 0791 5755 0531 7857
Knob - 8063 7443 3768 6408
Lardalish - 3250 0690 0950 1720
lessmore - 1418 2960 5944 9277
Litejedi - 2293 5121 4704 1914
Lord Butters - 4237 5142 0315 6063
Marathon - 6023 0196 1810 2917
Moriveth - 3611 4806 0897 6429
Mr. Embarkation - 4693 3122 3869 2013
potatoe - 8661 8252 7813 5945
PotU - 0028 5677 5364 1905
Qorzm - 3596 0823 1229 8340
Raijin Dickfoot - 8508 0141 4424 5667
Rankenphile - 0602 5319 8291 7579
redimpulse - 5187 4227 5832 4859
Riggs Blitzkrieg - 5631 6243 8223 8694
Ronjon - 2487-0936-0434-3328
SarsBoy - 1007 8333 1630 6903
Scrumtrulescent - 5682 2746 2952 1386
Shorty - 1493 0604 6777 3415
Silmaril - 1717-3891-2619-2958
Slungsolow - 7797-7336-9273-9409
Smart Hero - 4072 5313 8953 3777
SporkAndrew - 7802-0290-6270-4797
Squashua - 8980 7585 1015 3348
Strange Attractor - 4329 8742 5359 8439
Synthetic Orange - 4408 9382 9336 2242
Talon - 4233-0327-0680-1655
ThatDudeOverThere - 0044 6611 3038 2907
The Cheese - 5728 4498 2296 9842
TheLovelyBastard - 1739 3523 8106 3030
TFS - 1803 1286 5234 5158
twispby - 1609 6078 6145 6796
Veretas - 6352 9093 7878 0869
Voth - 0453 6826 7709 5952
Vulnox - 8747 6408 7222 6436
wombat - 7623 9955 2119 1775
PM me your friend codes and they'll go here
To the people that don't really post in SE++ - no, I will not add you to the list. You don't post here. No one here knows you. Why would they add you?
also let me know if you're fine with NSFW stuff or not
it was pretty sweet
but i'm not letting myself get too far into zelda until i buy it for myself
feeling lazy and useless waiting for christmas to come around
It was my 2nd game of Wii golf.
The howling sucked
I liked how most of the songs were classic tunes.
20 pages of 5 I think.
i was worried it would be super limited like on mario kart and tetris DS
i loke the ability to do your own soundtrack on excite truck
that made me go
I hate Billy Joel with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
naa naaa naaaaaaa
naa naaa naaaaaa
naa naa naaaaaa
Something about his voice and his music grates my nerves
600$, but it includes 4 games and a memory card
i still feel like a stupid fucker for it
pokemon pearl friend code- 4897-2782-3202
I love Billy Joel's work. Not River of Dreams so much, but stuff like Piano Man, Leningrad, Only The Good Die Young, many great songs.
Well you shouldn't like them.
edit - I guess typing wouldn't really work out. Whoops!
Why Should I Worry
I am quite capable of explaining why I like them, so unless you care what I think (survey says: Probably not), let's stop this here.
I really liked Simon's Quest, but The Angry Nintendo Nerd had some good points; there's a lot of shit that was just insanely hard to figure out. You basically HAD to play the game many times to get the "good" ending, which I guess is kind of part of the charm, but could be irritating. And the text about "it's night now/it's day now" was annoying. Actually, one thing I really thought was cool that was non-standard was the villagers; half of them were superstitious retards who had some idiotic old wives' tales that they would tell you, and you'd believe them because most video-game villagers who tell you "I heard there's a castle in the woods that has a magic sword in it" are correct. Like, in almost every single other game ever, they're all correct. But in this one, they are wildly inaccurate a lot of the time, and correct only sometimes.
The ending is weird.
Did you play the N64 Castlevania games? If so, what are your opinions regarding them?
I am honestly curious. I thought they were pretty good but at that point I thought any 3-d platformer with decent combat was awesome. I also didn't have access to Symphony of the Night, which, as I understand, is the best game in the series. Still haven't played it.
You see, while popular opinion says that Billy Joel is a talented musician, my research and personal preferences dictate otherwise. His notes do not match up with the tempo, as sometimes the vocal tracks may be playing in four-four while the music is playing in three-four. His skills as a pianist reflect the modern change in music, and that all may be well, but it is also possible that he has nothing to do with music. Some scientists say that he may be responsible for the downfall of classical rock/jazz and leading the way to a more urban "rap/hip hop" style in popular music.
The lyrics are sometimes written in a post-modern/modern/victorian era style, but his personal vocal stylings are more of a classical/reggae perturbation. Sometimes young people listen to his songs while on dates and analysts speculate that he may be responsible for underage/overage/pre-marital marital relations and pregnancies. Although some students show an interest in his music, some students show a lack of interest in the tracks from his albums and the opinion is grossly differential (depending on the test group).
He also is not a very good driver
Okay well my brother and his friends are downstairs playing Wii baseball so I guess I'll do that later.
Well in most games, the credits come after the ending, so go suck a dick.
Oh dude...dude...You did not play SOTN? Man, you really missed out and you definitely want to get and play that. Like I'm almost tempted to send you mine, you really should not miss SOTN. One caveat: Don't use a walkthrough and don't power-level. The game has a nice level of challenge if you basically run straight through it, but if you hang out collecting money, items, and levels, it's stupidly easy.
The N64 ones? Plural? I only know of one. It wasn't...bad...but it wasn't that great. I played it through as both characters, and you get one bad and one good ending for each. They have different cutscenes and some different bosses and stuff, and one character uses a ranged attack while the other uses the usual whip. But anyway, yeah, the platform elements are OK, the night/day thing (like Simon's Quest) is pretty cool...there's one particular part that needs its own special mention: The "Magical Nitro" part. You have to get this jar of nitroglycerin (this game is in like 1896 or something) and take it to a cracked wall in the colosseum to fight Cerberos or something and get to the next level. Well, after you pick it up, you are not allowed to fall at all. Like, if you jump, you will die upon landing. Don't get hit, either. Oh, and you have to walk back across these really narrow platforms, some of which open and close at intervals so you also have to time it right. While people throw shit at you. It's tremendously annoying and takes like 50 tries, and basically makes you dread it so much that you don't want to play through again.
Overall, though, it was pretty cool, but didn't hold a candle to SOTN.
My friend and I have competitive speed runs/time trials. I haven't bought a Castlevania since.
I must not have gotten to the nitro part. I didn't beat that one.
Anyway, yeah, there were two. Castlevania 64 and Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness. It had four playable characters. The primary one was a non-Belmont who was also a werewolf. It was pretty cool, but it suffered the same problem of the other game: the weapon system was far too simplistic. It basically came down to using your primary attack (be it whip, magic, or werewolf energy scythe thing) on everyone and everything.
And yeah, I never owned a Playstation and now SotN is hard to find so I never played it. I understand it was a real departure for the series. The art was incredible.