I loved seeing so many kilts. Utilikilts Represent! If this is a new trend in geek attire it has my overwhelming support. Comfy, flattering on most, and convenient.
After being mesmerised by the plethora of kilts on display at PAX, I went for a look at the Utilikilt store in the Pioneer district here in Seattle. I was only planning on taking some photos and having a good laugh. But the wonderful lady in the store (I'm sorry I didn't catch your name) was so friendly and helpful that I decided I'd try one on.
Having my kilt fitted was awesome, as I was told "Now don't suck in!", followed quickly by "Oh, there's no changing room, I just hook this around you... and now you make 'em go away." (Meaning my pants)
Dropping trou and experiencing the first rush of legless freedom was an almost overwhelming experience. According to the lady the look on my face was priceless. So I bought one on the spot and wore it to the pub that night. Walking my dog on the beach this summer is going to be frickin awesome.
I'm glad this thread exists, last year I counted a total of 23 kilts.. and this year I stopped when it got over 45. These were specifically Utilikilts, no off-brands or the one or two 'legitimate' kilts I saw. I'm not sure why counting these things is such a thrill for me.. but alas.
I'm glad this thread exists, last year I counted a total of 23 kilts.. and this year I stopped when it got over 45. These were specifically Utilikilts, no off-brands or the one or two 'legitimate' kilts I saw. I'm not sure why counting these things is such a thrill for me.. but alas.
I have no idea why I counted them. It just happens sometimes.
Well, for me personally, I think that I find guys in khaki kilts attractive, given that you've got the legs for them. Honestly though, out of the various shapes and sizes of those displaying the kilts, there wasn't one of them where I would have said pants would have been a more appropriate option. I'm interested in getting one but being the female variety, it seems a bit ridiculous.. but I'm really digging the pleats on the Mocker.
The only argument I've heard against them is that putting your wallet/camera in the pockets meant that it'd be slapping against your legs all day. Is this the case?
Having my kilt fitted was awesome, as I was told "Now don't suck in!", followed quickly by "Oh, there's no changing room, I just hook this around you... and now you make 'em go away." (Meaning my pants)
Trying on a kilt at the Utilikilt store is an experience on it's own. It's not just a kilt. It's also a changeroom.
The only argument I've heard against them is that putting your wallet/camera in the pockets meant that it'd be slapping against your legs all day. Is this the case?
I've never noticed this being a problem. I like utilikilts better than skirts because of the pockets. I never need to have a handbag with such generous pockets.
The only argument I've heard against them is that putting your wallet/camera in the pockets meant that it'd be slapping against your legs all day. Is this the case?
I've never noticed this being a problem. I like utilikilts better than skirts because of the pockets. I never need to have a handbag with such generous pockets.
That's a great point. In fact, I'm sold. Next time I'm in Seattle I'm going to have to stop by!
When I was staring into the street from my hotel I saw a Seattle utility worker doing his job in a Utilikilt.
Is there a large market for those besides the Northwest? I don't see myself buying one anytime soon but I am very intrigued around the culture that surrounds them.
Could someone just wear some Vans and a kilt? Or are there KiltRules?
Could someone just wear some Vans and a kilt? Or are there KiltRules?
They are harder to come by outside of Seattle (at least here in Canada). But I've always received compliments on my kilt wherever I go.
I wear mine with a pair of combat boots to finish the look. But I've also worn heels and "Mary-Jane"-esque flats. I think Vans and a Utilikilt would be adorable. Do it up!
Could someone just wear some Vans and a kilt? Or are there KiltRules?
I ride a Triumph, which is a British motorcycle maker so the rider's group has a strange affinity for all kilts. Some of the guys wear utilikilts and I really think Vans look good with them, particularly the black ones.
I wore mine on Friday and became painfully aware that they're not that great for sitting on the floor for long periods of time so I wore jeans on Sat and Sun.
Combat boots and my "Fear the Walken" crossbones shirt pulled the look together
Yeah, since they're made here you'll come across them more often. There's also Alt.Kilt. She [Regina] does a lot of custom work, a shorter women's variety (but without the whole utility part), and kids (so cute!). They're all done by hand so if you prefer the homemade thing that would be a good route too. I think these Ladies Traveling Skirts are do die for.
I dragged my skeptical husband to the Utilikilt store while we were there... He was thoroughly impressed, and willing to buy one on the spot, but they were out of his size in the style/color he wanted The guy at the store was really nice though, and gave him a card with all the details on it so we can order one online.
I kilts
shugarae on
Omeganaut class of '08. Fuck Peggle. Omeganaut class of '17 West. Fuck Rainbow Road.
The Best in Terms of Pants on JCCC3
So I have to mention this... I was several steps below a kilt wearer on the escalator from the 4th to 6th floor. As I looked up I laughed to myself thinking, hey I wonder if these guys in kilts know that people on escalators/stairs can see up your skirt? (I've caught a few unsavory folks peering up my skirt when I'm exiting the bus tunnel dressed up for work.) Just as I thought of this, the kilt wearer bent down to adjust his socks or boots and I got an eyeful.
So guys, careful on the stairs and escalators when your in your kilts... you're giving us all a free show.
Then again, I doubt any unsavory peeping toms are going to mess with any of you guys.
I almost brought my Utilikilt to PAX but didnt due to the fact i thought i would need space for swag. Although for sure i will wear mine next year. and if its not the newest trend in geek culture we should make it the newest trend
I almost brought my Utilikilt to PAX but didnt due to the fact i thought i would need space for swag. Although for sure i will wear mine next year. and if its not the newest trend in geek culture we should make it the newest trend
+1 to anything that allows a man to be in the comfort zone he was intended. Pants are for womenz :P
If I didn't know better, I'd say dudes are getting ripped off. All that money and you don't even get a pair of pants! Just, like, one single pant!
But I do know better. Those things were looking super-extra comfy around the hotter/muggier parts of the day. Even wearing a junk basket, the airflow must be great.
I have Scottish heritage, I really should look into this. Plus, if any non-geek asks, I have that as a great reason why. My Grandpa has been active in the Scottish groups/activities most of his life, I've always wanted to follow his lead and get a kilt in my tartan (he's worn one since before any of us were born though only for special occasions, so to me that makes him extra cool +1).
What are you supposed to wear under a utilikilt? For both men and women? And what kind of shoes and socks ought to be worn?
Men = Anything you normally wear... or nothing.
Women = Anything you normally wear... or nothing.
Feet = Anything you normally wear... or nothing.
In all seriousness. Scottish men historically actually were covered underneath, although barely. Typically their shirts were tucked in their waist and would hang down to provide an extra layer of warmth
Utilikilts are urban modern kilts you do not need fancy boots or socks. If you truly want Kilt experience you should wear nothing under them, they are heavy enough that they dont really fly up. Although IMO you should start off with under ware because some times its hard to make the switch from pants to kilts right away. Get a fell for them with under ware on so you know your limitations of movement which really aren't many.
You know, I figure that if you actually have the moxie to wear a kilt, you don't need advice on what else to wear with it.
This year, I wore Dr Martens boots to protect my toesies in crowded areas. However, next year I'll probably switch to my New Balance shoes, since I found my feet much more likely to get sore than stepped on.
Seems like neither one would look more or less silly with a kilt.
So I have to mention this... I was several steps below a kilt wearer on the escalator from the 4th to 6th floor. As I looked up I laughed to myself thinking, hey I wonder if these guys in kilts know that people on escalators/stairs can see up your skirt? (I've caught a few unsavory folks peering up my skirt when I'm exiting the bus tunnel dressed up for work.) Just as I thought of this, the kilt wearer bent down to adjust his socks or boots and I got an eyeful.
So guys, careful on the stairs and escalators when your in your kilts... you're giving us all a free show.
Then again, I doubt any unsavory peeping toms are going to mess with any of you guys.
I don't know about ones you just buy, but all ours were custom made for us, and as such the right size.
On escalators you won't be able to see up them, as they're just long enough for the angle not to work.
They also come in beer belly cut, so if you bend over it doesn't go up too high
So I have to mention this... I was several steps below a kilt wearer on the escalator from the 4th to 6th floor. As I looked up I laughed to myself thinking, hey I wonder if these guys in kilts know that people on escalators/stairs can see up your skirt? (I've caught a few unsavory folks peering up my skirt when I'm exiting the bus tunnel dressed up for work.) Just as I thought of this, the kilt wearer bent down to adjust his socks or boots and I got an eyeful.
So guys, careful on the stairs and escalators when your in your kilts... you're giving us all a free show.
Then again, I doubt any unsavory peeping toms are going to mess with any of you guys.
When I was staring into the street from my hotel I saw a Seattle utility worker doing his job in a Utilikilt.
Is there a large market for those besides the Northwest? I don't see myself buying one anytime soon but I am very intrigued around the culture that surrounds them.
Could someone just wear some Vans and a kilt? Or are there KiltRules?
Those kilts are a Seattle thing? My first trip to both Seattle and PAX are the kilts another Starbucks type innovation from Seattle?
You know, I figure that if you actually have the moxie to wear a kilt, you don't need advice on what else to wear with it.
It's not about the moxie. Here's a secret...
Chicks dig you when you wear kilts.
There. That should make it easier for you to wear one. :winky:
Heh, I'd wear one for free. But since the cheapest one comes at around 5x what I tend to pay for a pair of shorts that are a little too big, I'll leave the other gents to it. I'm okay with missing out on making this particular fashion statement.
(In b4 "no, dude, seriously dude, it's totally different from shorts")
Sad I didn't bring my kilt to PAX now.
Once Utilikilts offer this option, I simply must buy one.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Having my kilt fitted was awesome, as I was told "Now don't suck in!", followed quickly by "Oh, there's no changing room, I just hook this around you... and now you make 'em go away." (Meaning my pants)
Dropping trou and experiencing the first rush of legless freedom was an almost overwhelming experience. According to the lady the look on my face was priceless. So I bought one on the spot and wore it to the pub that night. Walking my dog on the beach this summer is going to be frickin awesome.
The number has grown ever since.
This year I saw so many I decided fuck it, I'm buying one for next year.
I have no idea why I counted them. It just happens sometimes.
But thankfully this year I only counted 1 mullet.
The only argument I've heard against them is that putting your wallet/camera in the pockets meant that it'd be slapping against your legs all day. Is this the case?
Trying on a kilt at the Utilikilt store is an experience on it's own.
I've never noticed this being a problem. I like utilikilts better than skirts because of the pockets. I never need to have a handbag with such generous pockets.
That's a great point. In fact, I'm sold. Next time I'm in Seattle I'm going to have to stop by!
2 that stand out as my favorite are the "Heat vents on cold days" and "Air vents on hot days"
Totally. I've been debating getting one for years because I love skirts but hate the lack of -or teensy size of- skirt pockets.
Is there a large market for those besides the Northwest? I don't see myself buying one anytime soon but I am very intrigued around the culture that surrounds them.
Could someone just wear some Vans and a kilt? Or are there KiltRules?
MySpace For You.
Facebook For You.
They are harder to come by outside of Seattle (at least here in Canada). But I've always received compliments on my kilt wherever I go.
I wear mine with a pair of combat boots to finish the look. But I've also worn heels and "Mary-Jane"-esque flats. I think Vans and a Utilikilt would be adorable. Do it up!
I ride a Triumph, which is a British motorcycle maker so the rider's group has a strange affinity for all kilts. Some of the guys wear utilikilts and I really think Vans look good with them, particularly the black ones.
And before you ask, yes, they ride in the kilts.
Combat boots and my "Fear the Walken" crossbones shirt pulled the look together
The Best in Terms of Pants on JCCC3
So guys, careful on the stairs and escalators when your in your kilts... you're giving us all a free show.
Then again, I doubt any unsavory peeping toms are going to mess with any of you guys.
+1 to anything that allows a man to be in the comfort zone he was intended. Pants are for womenz :P
But I do know better. Those things were looking super-extra comfy around the hotter/muggier parts of the day. Even wearing a junk basket, the airflow must be great.
Men = Anything you normally wear... or nothing.
Women = Anything you normally wear... or nothing.
Feet = Anything you normally wear... or nothing.
In all seriousness. Scottish men historically actually were covered underneath, although barely. Typically their shirts were tucked in their waist and would hang down to provide an extra layer of warmth
So whenever I do a booth at a convention, or go to any of our official gatherings I always bring it with me.
Given how hot the exhibit hall was during setup day, It seemed the best thing to wear the next days.
This year, I wore Dr Martens boots to protect my toesies in crowded areas. However, next year I'll probably switch to my New Balance shoes, since I found my feet much more likely to get sore than stepped on.
Seems like neither one would look more or less silly with a kilt.
It's not about the moxie. Here's a secret...
There. That should make it easier for you to wear one. :winky:
I don't know about ones you just buy, but all ours were custom made for us, and as such the right size.
On escalators you won't be able to see up them, as they're just long enough for the angle not to work.
They also come in beer belly cut, so if you bend over it doesn't go up too high
Im gonna get me a Utilikilt for next year.
And Im gonna rock it proper
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Some of just DONT CARE.
I stop at flash photography.
Twitter.com: @Shaddz
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/y7lesjt
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Socks and shoes, of course.
Those kilts are a Seattle thing? My first trip to both Seattle and PAX are the kilts another Starbucks type innovation from Seattle?
Heh, I'd wear one for free. But since the cheapest one comes at around 5x what I tend to pay for a pair of shorts that are a little too big, I'll leave the other gents to it. I'm okay with missing out on making this particular fashion statement.
(In b4 "no, dude, seriously dude, it's totally different from shorts")