
[WoW] UI thread with totally outdated OP

Seattle ThreadSeattle Thread Registered User regular
edited April 2011 in MMO Extravaganza
The ultimate World of Warcraft UI thread

You might be an old pro, looking to find a way to automate or otherwise ease the daily chore that is WoW. Or you may be a new player, wondering why all of these people have such funny/cool/retarded-looking actionbars. Both are accomplished through the use of two things: Macros and Addons.
  • Macros consist of small, in-game strings of code that can range from the simple (such as /target Ragnaros, /wave) to the ridiculously complex (such as /script if(QUEST_FADING_ENABLE) then QUEST_FADING_ENABLE = nil; message("Fast Quest Text Enabled") else QUEST_FADING_ENABLE =1; message("Fast Quest Text Disabled") end). Each Macro has a default 255-character limit, and each of your WoW Characters have a default pool of 36 Macros to choose from--18 General Macros shared by all, and 18 Character-Specific Macros.
  • Addons are essentially very large Macros, which are contained outside of the game itself and loaded into memory upon logging in your characters. All Addons are written in the LUA language, with some of them drawing on XML. Some Addons come with additional artwork and textures, to further customize one's interface. Some are unnecessary, when a Macro might do the same thing just as effectively. Some are bloated pieces of shit--there are a vast amount of Addons available, ranging from completely overhauling packages (such as PhotekUI or MazzleUI), to small tweaks (such as QuestLevels). Generally speaking, the mark of a quality addon will be how it is written, not necessarily what it does.

First up, let's talk Addons.

Addons: that which doesn't kill you(r framerate) will only make you stronger

Everything under the sun has an addon for it nowadays--want a customized timer to know when your totems will expire? Lots of Addons for that. Don't like the tiny nature of the built-in Enemy Casting Bar? Plenty of Addons for that, too. Floating Combat Text sucks balls? Yes, more of those. In fact, most areas of the game have multiple available Addons to choose from.

But wait, I don't know the first thing about Addons. Where do they go?
The vast majorty of Addons come downloaded off of the internet in a *.ZIP file, which can be unpacked using your favorite software (or Windows Explorer). Inside said *.ZIP file is a folder, or a set of folders--these go into the "...\Interface\Addons" folder, found in the main WoW folder. So, if I were to wish to install SpeakEasyGUI so's I can get my RP on, I would place the contents of the SpeakEasyGUI *.ZIP file here:
  • C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons

Subsiquently, all of the files needed for SpeakEasyGUI would now be contained here:
  • C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\SpeakEasyGUI

That is the long-and-short of it. Some Addons might include multiple folders, such as AutoBar: there is the AutoBar folder, and then there's the AutoBarConfig folder (the current record-holder is Cartographer, with around 25-30 separate folders for a full installation). In any case, all such folders go in the same place:
  • C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons

Hey waitdaminnit... I have a Mac!
To install addons, go to Finder > Applications > World of Warcraft > Interface > Addons > *drag files here*

Hey waitdaminnit!... I have Vista/Win7 and you're full of shit!
Not necessarily. The WoW installer handles things a little differently, and if you've done a fresh install then you'll find your folder in C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft. Of course, if it was a Win 7 upgrade chances are that the WoW folder is still in Program Files.

OK, that's good to know. But what about my settings? How can I move them from character to character?

Easy peasy. In Windows, every Addon setting is saved under the WTF folder found in your WoW folder. Typically, it looks something like C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\[ACCOUNT NAME]\[SERVER NAME\[CHARACTER NAME].

Say I spend all afternoon making a sweet UI on my character "Killsurmom." Looks good and all, but now my alt "Stabbinulol" needs the same treatment. All I'd need to do is go into the WTF folder, copy the entire contents of the Killsurmom folder into the Stabbinulol folder and it's all set.

One caveat, though:
Jimbo wrote: »
Just something to keep in mind that if you copy over the macros-cache file along with everything else, you will end up with a bunch of Killsurmom's macros on Stabbinulol's bars. Probably safer to leave that one out, because macros are saved server side too.

Note that there are a couple of extra steps in some cases. I've noticed that at times the chatframe settings won't properly adjust, in which case copying the "chat-cache.txt" file over a second time usually does the trick.

And some Addons make use of profiles. Profiles are nice if you'd like an Addon to do a specific thing for certain classes or characters, but it also means that copying their WTF information won't load your settings in the way that other Addons will. If you do a WTF copy and you find that certain Addons aren't configured correctly upon logging in, try opening their respective menus and see if there's an option for profiles.

When dealing with profiles, it's always easiest to set them up when configuring your UI initially. Go through and decide which ones will be the same for all characters (setting these profiles to "Default" is the easiest) and which will be class-based.

One handy thing to note: if you have some Addons on a class-based profile, you can copy the profile from one class to another, saving yourself a lot of re-configuration.

Are we ready to move on, now?

If not, send me a PM or ask in yon thread.

So where does one get these things? The most common method is through various internet repositories, specializing in WoW Addons, Macros and the discussions thereof.
  • www.wowinterface.com
      Considered the best site by many (myself included), WowInterface is quick, clean and well-designed. Most Addons hosted here are frequently kept up-to-date by their authors, and their site admins will move discontinued/outdated Addons into a special category (allowing you to confirm if your favorite Addons from days past are dead, or giving you the choice to take up the reins in the original author's stead). Recently-updated addons have a color-coded tag, and those compatible with the latest patch are also tagged as such. Overall, it's a good place to go first.
  • www.curse.com
      Formerly Curse-Gaming.com, this site is another popular choice, albeit not quite as nice as WowInterface in my opinion. It's lacking a few categories that WowInterface has, and it doesn't seem quite as intuitive. Additionally, it seems that the Addons listed here are not quite as up-to-date; this is not the fault of the site, but the authors. Still, it does have a large volume of Addons, some of which which you may not be able to find elsewhere.
  • wowui.incgamers.com
      Another UI site, this one having a bit of a troublesome layout. It's main advantage is the extensive Macro section, which other sites tend to lack.
  • www.wowace.com
      Ahh, the Ace empire. Here is where the most up-to-date Ace Addons are found, including a handy forum for Addon support. Many of these can be found elsewhere, but this site contains the latest release version (if available--some Addons are in a perpetual Beta state), as well as all previous Beta versions. More about Ace later on.

Hold up there, cochise. Read the disclaimer first.

Before you go gallavanting off to various UI sites and downloading everything under the sun, note that there are some dangerous elements involved. Both Curse.com and WoWUI.Incgamers.com have in the past been caught sneaking malicious ActiveX scripts into their sites, and WoWInterface.com recently had two malicious Addons uploaded to their site. As far as I know, Curse and Incgamers have since amended their issues (though they were tremendous assholes about it), and WoWInterface removed the offending addons within minutes of discovery. So a few general pointers to remember:
  1. Never run any kind of script from these websites, ever. That goes for a lot of the Internet in general, but if you find that you can't download a file without allowing a script first, go to another site.
  2. Never run any kind of executable. Addons consist entirely of text--there is no way for one to infect your computer with a trojan or keylogger on its own. However, an executable (i.e., *.EXE file) has that capacity, and people have been burned in the past. This goes for Installation/Update programs--WoWUI.Incgamers and Curse provide an optional Updater program that one can use as a one-click tool. Use any and all of these programs at your own risk.
  3. For god's sake, run spyware & virus scans every week. This is good practice, regardless. There are a bevvy of programs out there that will handle this. H/A or Accumulated Forum Knowledge should have some reccommendations.

A quick note about this whole Ace thing

Ace came about sometime late in 2006, with a slew of "lightweight, modular" addons. Presumably a group of authors got together an decided that writing a number of libraries stacked full of basic functions would allow the addons themselves to be written smaller and more efficiently. Problem is, that library is still being loaded into memory, so the whole point is a little moot. Saeris can expound on the matter better than I can, but it really boils down to how well the addon itself is written. No amount of super-detailed framework can make up for a poorly-coded mess.

Most people have figured out the Ace ruse by now, but there's still some out there that believe the hype. Ace addons are not inherently more "lightweight," as that still depends on the quality of the written code. The only valid reason to stick with Ace addons is the uniform aesthetics you get from them.

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    Seattle ThreadSeattle Thread Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Popular Addons for the discerning modder
    Last updated: June 29th, 2009

    Actionbar Addons
    • Bartender4 - A very common addon among players. Setup is relatively easy, and it will replace all of the major bars on-screen--actionbars, XP bar, pet bar, bags, vehicle bar, minimenu, etc. Downsides include a less-than-intuitive method of handling stances (such as switching from Stealthed to Unstealthed), and a maximum of 12 buttons per bar. It also uses actionIDs, limiting you to 120 buttons (or 10 bars).
    • Dominos - Formerly Bongos. Another common addon, and another with a low setup curve. Like Bartender, it uses actionIDs, so you will be limited to 120 buttons, however, you are not limited in buttons per bar... once could have 120 bars with 1 button each, or 1 bar with 120 buttons.
    • Macaroon - Formerly TinityBars. More versatile than Bartender or Bongos, with multiple variables such as in-combat, out-of-combat, friendly/hostile targeting and unlimited buttons. Mostly macro-based, so you can potentially have unlimited macros. Setup is a little bit of a pain.

    • AutoBar - Not a total actionbar overhaul as mush as an actionbar supplement, AutoBar creates a set of buttons that categorize all of your mounts/pets/foods/drinks/quest items/weapon enhancements/tradeskills/shaman totems/druid forms/class-related group buffs/et cetera et al.

    Unitframe Addons
    • AG_Unitframes - Very simple unitframe addon. Replaces Player, Target, ToT, ToToT, Pet, Party and Raid frames, and provides a focus frame as well. Initial setup is easy, but advanced customization can be a little frustrating.
    • Perl Classic Unitframes - Another unitframe addon, this one being an update of the pre-2.0 addon Perl...
    • X-Perl Unit Frames... but wait, so is this one! Someone will have to possibly clue me in on the differences, because I haven't played around with Perl very much. I do see a lot of UI screenshots featuring them.
    • Pitbull - This one is all the zeitgeist these days. It's quite customizable, but the menu will frighten some just for the sheer verbosity of it. Once you get the hang of how it works then it's a breeze. Pitbull also has some neat tricks, like a spark that moves across your mana bar signifying the Five Second Rule, or a "modular" design that lets you disable the things you don't use. Reccommended by damn near everyone.
    • oUF - Otravi Unitframes won't do anything out of the box--a separate layout is required--but it's one of the simplest unitframe addons available.

    Interface Enhancements
    • OmniCC - Simple enough, it places a cooldown count on your ability buttons. It's universal, so the count will show up in your spellbook, or in your bags (in the case of potions/hearthstones/Crashin' Thrashin' Robots). Also has a neat "flash" function that will highlight the ability when it's ready.
    • ButtonFacade - The new CyCircled. Re-skins your action buttons to make them circular/hexagonal/blocky/shaped like Jaina's labia/etc. It's compatible with most actionbar addons these days. Search "buttonfacade" on WowInterface.com for new shapes.
    • EquivalencePoints - Tired of researching which gear is best for your class based on stats? Found a set of equivalence values but calculating each item you come across is getting tedious? Just lazy? This addon adds an equivalence sum to the tooltip, based on the values that you input. It has presets for every class and spec as well, for the lazy among us.
    • OPie - Bind actions to several rings, then bind the rings to your hotkeys! You canbind all sorts of things, from weapon buffs to totems to tracking types to raid icons.

    • FuBar - It doesn't seem that many authors are using FuBar any longer, but there's still some support and a ton of plug-ins going around.
    • Titan Panel - It's back and badder than ever. Or some such nonsense. There are also a ton of plug-ins going around.
    • Broker - This is a new, trendy thing... rather than a specific addon with a specific set of plugins, a Broker system involves a set of general data-related plugins that are compatible with a variety of bars or floating boxes. More about it is explained here. You need the LibDataBroker addon to create the framework, and then another addon to create the displays, like Fortress or StatBlockCore.

    • Cartographer - The current grandaddy of all map mods. Cartographer features: node/herb/chest tracking, resizing options, instance maps (with boss loot lists), transparency functions, note-making, note-sharing (to spread your herb/node marks all over your guildmates), coordinates, foglight... it's a versatile mod that most have already.
    • MetaMap - Before Cartographer, there was MetaMap. It is virtually the same thing, only it has no built-in node/herb tracking function (see Gatherer, in the Data Mods section), and it includes an NPC list with coordinates, so you'll never lose track of a questgiver again.
    • Additionally, you can get most of the Cartographer components as stand-alone addons:

    Combat Addons
    • Scrolling Combat Text - The original--Blizzard's own "Floating Combat Text" was inspired by this addon, though theirs is a horrible, twisted mockery of SCT. Easy to set up, easy to read, clean, intuitive. Check the Patch & Add-on List on the page linked for fun plug-ins.
    • Mik's Scrolling Battle Text] - An alternative to SCT, this one features a few neat tricks, such as text alignment and spell icons, as well as an additional scroll area for cooldowns & notifications (such as "Scarlet Wizard attempts to run away in fear!"). A little more difficult to set up than SCT, some find the trade-off worth it.
    • Parrot - By ckknight, the author of Pitbull. I gave it a whirl, but ultimately found it too similar to Mik's SBT. The setup process is a lot easier, though. If you are a fan of Ace Addons or ckknight in general, then this is just for you.

    • Natur Enemy Castbar - A popular spell timer mod, formerly Natur CombatTimers (and formerly Natur Enemy Castbar before that... it's been through several changes). It creates independent, movable timer bars for tracking HoTs, DoTs, Debuffs (such as Viper Sting or Demo Shout), Enemy Casts, Cooldowns (for party members, such as Soulstone Resurrection or Bloodlust), Stuns and more.
    • Quartz - Quartz serves as a castbar replacement addon, but also includes a buff/debuff tracking component as well.
    • Chronometer and Antagonist appear to be discontinued completely. Chronometer was apparently getting an overhaul, but the last update was in November. Antagonist is even further out of date.

    Chat Addons
    • Prat - Every screenshot you see with people's names in guildchat colored by class usually means they're using Prat. Overhauls your entire Chatbox(es), giving a wide variety of customization. High CPU-Usage elements are now disabled by default, reducing the bloat a little bit.
    • Chatter - Like Prat, apparently not so bloaty. Reccommended by theDewMonger.

    HUD Addons
    • IceHUD - Pretty common, from what I understand, and regularly updated.
    • DHUD - Another fairly common one.
    • DHUD2 - Is it the same as DHUD? Possibly so, possibly no.
    • ArcHUD2 - This looks a lot like the Nurfed HUD, for those who were fans of that project.
    • SimpleHUD - This is a very basic HUD, for those that hate a lot of busy details.
    • TextHUD - This one's pure numbers, baby. None of them bars or graphics to get in the way.
    • UnderHood - It's totally modular now and a bitch to set up, but very customizable. Version r28 comes with a pre-loaded default setup.

    Data Addons
    • DrDamage - Calculates average spell damage for an ability based on crit rating & spell/attack power, and places that number on it's respective action button. It also adds a lot of data to the tooltip, which can be disabled.
    • Auctioneer - A bloated powerhouse of an auction mod, this will calculate average buyouts for items on the AH, then add a separate tooltip for each item listing that average... as well as vendor values, linkIDs, item levels, tradeskills said item is used for... like I said, it's a bloated powerhouse. The new version, AucAdvanced, is a completely different addon, though still providing the same function. Scans can still get up to 20 minutes, though, especially after being used for a couple of months.
    • AuctionLite - Very, very basic auction mod. Scans are done one the fly--you drop an item to be autioned onto the window and AL scans for comparable prices for that item. Good for those who want something to suggest a sell price but don't want to bother with the performance hit of Auctioneer.
    • AuctionMaster - Another lightweight auction mod. Reccommended by Echo.[/url]
    • Gatherer - Basically, it will remember where your gathering skill is used, and mate a note of it on your map. The note is made when you perform the skill, so you have to possess mining/herbalism, and you have to be at the appropriate skill level. However, other Gatherer users will share data between each other, so you may find nodes/herbs showing up at random. Gatherer has somewhat been replaced by the same function built into the Cartographer suite.
    • GatherMate - Simple Gatherer alternative. This one is actually kept up-to-date, and has a regularly-updated set of node information taken from a weekly WowHead dump.

    ToolTip Addons
    • CowTip - Another by ckknight, so you know the setup process is a painful. This one uses DogTags for it's tooltip information, meaning that you can pretty much do anything with it... if you can figure out how to program via DogTags. There are a few layouts in the CowTip discussion thread, if you feel like digging through seventy pages of tech talk.
    • TipTac - This seems most like the old TinyTip addon, which has been outdated for months.
    • TipTop - A nice little tooltip addon, this one colors the border by class and item quality.

    Shits-and-giggles Addons
    • Segui - Annoy your guildmates and battlegroup members alike with spammy RP-text tied to all of your actions! Segui is extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of ways--I've used it most recently in replacement for Hex/resurrection/Sap macros (since Segui won't issue the command if the action fails). But it's loads of fun to come up with barbed witticisms to strike insult into the hearts of your enemies.
    • SexyMap - This is actually functional as well as fun--SexyMap is a minimap addon akin to SimpleMinimap or BasicMinimap, only it brings some extra graphical effects to the table. The downside is that the moverframe coding is absolutely terrible, and trying to get them positioned without resetting/jumping around the screen/disappearing/getting tied to your cursor is a hair-pulling excercise in frustration.
    • AtlasLoot Enhanced - Keep staring at all the loot you will never see, and link it to your guildmates.
    • Align - Not so much a fun addon but a functional one, Align throws a grid overlay on your screen. Perfect for the obsessive-compulsive UI modder who needs everything to line up perfectly.
    • Comix - displays old Batman-style ZAPPOW! text on your screen and shit.
    • Bejeweled - It's Bejeweled. In WoW. You'll never eat or sleep or leave the desk again.
    • Torgo - Plays the Torgo theme from MST3K's Manos: The Hands of Fate while stealthing around.
      Ledneh wrote: »
      I'm gonna crosspost this from SA because I can't recommend _cursor and CoolLevelUp enough, and the others might be worth looking at for the bored UI modder out there too.
      I was pretty bored yesterday and found myself digging through WoWInterface's downloads section looking for some useful/interesting addons I might have overlooked. There's certainly a lot of junk in there, but I did turn up a few gems...

      Gems - apparently the guy Popcap hired to make their Bejeweled mod cut his teeth on a bunch of other in-game time wasters, including Gems, the Everquest easter egg/puzzle game you only played because the alternative was far worse. You can find his other game addons, as well as a somewhat buggy "arcade panel" addon for loading/unloading them, here. (It's worth noting that these haven't been updated in a few months, and you'll get an error popup when you first load the game or /reloadui. Haven't had any other problems with them, though.)

      _cur_sor - everyone needs to download this immediately. It makes the ingame mouse cursor leave an animated trail, apparently created using WoW's particle effects system, and from what I can tell there is absolutely no performance hit/resource strain from this. The included particle styles look great, it can be customized with almost any particle effect in the game, and it can actually help you find the cursor much more quickly when there's a lot happening on-screen.

      Talent Planner - makes plotting out talents much less painful, and it let me finally throw away the yellowing talent chart I printed out from wowhead that's been sitting folded up under my mousepad for months

      Awwwww - plays the failure horns from The Price is Right when you die. There are other sounds available, too, but do you really need them?

      Hear Kitty - great for rogues and cat druids, plays Wind Waker-style orchestral tones whenever you get combo points (or use them).

      ChatIcons - places tiny icons in front of item links/achievements/tradeskill links/etc. in the chat frame. Fairly unobtrusive, and handy if you spend a lot of time in the trade channel or use autoloot

      NeonChat - changes the color of your chatframe/editbox border to match the type of input (say, group, guild, etc). I'm always typing stuff in the wrong channel when I'm in a hurry, and this is a very elegant solution. Out of date, but still works without errors.

      Medley - plays (customizable) sounds for various ingame events, most notably the peon "Work complete!" sound that i've missed dearly since the questlog mod which used to do it stopped being updated.

      Automated Goblin Therapist - an ingame MegaHAL-style conversation engine, supposedly to deal with annoying tell spam. I've yet to find a practical use but it's fun to play around with

      CoolLevelUp - makes a big deal out of your dings, throwing up a nicely animated Final Fantasy-style menu showing stat increases and another showing what new abilities (if any) are now available to learn, all the while blasting levelup music from various rpgs. It is corny as hell and I will never go without it again.

      if anyone has suggestions for other interesting lesser-known addons, I'd love to hear them. I paid for this RAM and I'm damn well going to use all of it

    Seattle Thread on
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    Seattle ThreadSeattle Thread Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    You say you want Macros, too?

    WoWWiki has a plethora of good information regarding that. It'll get you started, but for more advanced scripts feel free to ask here and some of our talented community members will hook you the fuck up.

    Seattle Thread on
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    Seattle ThreadSeattle Thread Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Post your screenshots/useful macros/ass-kickin' addons around the thread and I'll do my best to add 'em to the OP

    Seattle Thread on
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    LednehLedneh shinesquawk Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Might as well add this entry to the Shits and Giggles list

    emot-ironicat.gifPeggleemot-ironicat.gif - jesus christ we are going to die

    Ledneh on
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    NeurotikaNeurotika Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Mmmmm, Peggle....

    Neurotika on
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    SaerisSaeris Borb Enthusiast flapflapflapflapRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    You should remove VendorValues from the list. It's in the default UI now so I stopped maintaining it.

    Also pretty soon you'll have to remove Segui too, since I'll be publishing a full rewrite with a different name. But that's still weeks off.

    Saeris on
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    SteevLSteevL What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Oh man, as someone who frequently loses sight of his cursor in the heat of battle, that _cur_sor mod sounds great.

    SteevL on
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    derangedhermitderangedhermit Madstrike PortugalRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    http://www.vranx.com/ - This is a great page to check on the various categories of 'good' addons

    http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info13494-ShadowedUnitFrames.html <- great replacement for Pitbull or ag_UF


    Other good addons:

    http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/auctionator.aspx <- simpler than auctioneer

    DBM and BigWigs should be on that 'master' list too.

    derangedhermit on
    Battle.net: Madstrike#2175 , GuildWars2: Madstrike.1436
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    ExistentialSoundandFuryExistentialSoundandFury Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    DXE as well.

    Its a viable alternative to DBM/BigWigs

    ExistentialSoundandFury on
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    LednehLedneh shinesquawk Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    DXE as well.

    Its a viable alternative to DBM/BigWigs

    Yeah, but it doesn't have heroic modules. :(

    ... what? I want to be as lazy as possible when it comes to heroics :P

    (then again, I'm still flipflopping on whether I prefer DBM or BigWigs)

    Ledneh on
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    FyuraeFyurae Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Quest Guru
    Addon Control Panel

    Fyurae on
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    ExistentialSoundandFuryExistentialSoundandFury Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Ampere is another nice one, allowing you to enable/disable addons with a reloadui.

    ExistentialSoundandFury on
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    OptyOpty Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I threw together the following macro for finding out how many non-holiday flags I need to get to exalted with WSG:
    /run for i = 1, GetNumFactions() do local n,a,b,c,d,r,e,f,g,h,j,k,l = GetFactionInfo(i) if n == "Warsong Outriders" then print(ceil((42000-r)/35).." flags left!") break end end

    Isn't there a way to only specify the return values you need rather than needing to throw in all of those useless variables to hold them all? Like doing something like "local n, , , , ,r, , , , , , , = GetFactionInfo(i)" only actually working, unlike that example there.

    Opty on
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    SaerisSaeris Borb Enthusiast flapflapflapflapRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    No, not really. All returns up to whatever index you're looking for need to be assigned to variables, even if they're just an underscore. Blizzard is really aggravating sometimes, with their functions that return a billion values when you only need one or two.

    /script local n, _, r; for i = 1, GetNumFactions(), 1 do n, _, _, _, _, r = GetFactionInfo(i); if (n == "Warsong Outriders") then print(("%d flags left!"):format(math.ceil((42000 - r) / 35))) return; end end

    Saeris on
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    815165815165 Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Wont this macro make you want to harm yourself?

    815165 on
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    JustinSane07JustinSane07 Really, stupid? Brockton__BANNED USERS regular
    edited October 2009
    I can't link to them cuz I'm at work but on WoWInterface there are two great addons I use.

    Mount Random Mount - Simple and clean mounting interface for randomizing which mount you call. It differentiates between where you can and can't fly. Only thing it struggles with a place where you're allowed to fly but lack the ability. It'll summon a ground mount but throws a warning mesasge into your chat box.

    Pet Random Pet - Same thing, but with vanity pets!

    JustinSane07 on
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    JimboJimbo down underRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Makershot wrote: »
    Say I spend all afternoon making a sweet UI on my character "Killsurmom." Looks good and all, but now my alt "Stabbinulol" needs the same treatment. All I'd need to do is go into the WTF folder, copy the entire contents of the Killsurmom folder into the Stabbinulol folder and it's all set.

    Just something to keep in mind that if you copy over the macros-cache file along with everything else, you will end up with a bunch of Killsurmom's macros on Stabbinulol's bars. Probably safer to leave that one out, because macros are saved server side too.

    I learnt this the hard way last week, set up a new UI on my warrior and coppied the WTF across to my other characters and ended up with a bunch of useless warrior macros on my other characters. Had to re-setup all my macros because like a fool I hadn't saved a backup of my original UI files.

    Jimbo on
    404 not found
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    Seattle ThreadSeattle Thread Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Jimbo wrote: »
    Makershot wrote: »
    Say I spend all afternoon making a sweet UI on my character "Killsurmom." Looks good and all, but now my alt "Stabbinulol" needs the same treatment. All I'd need to do is go into the WTF folder, copy the entire contents of the Killsurmom folder into the Stabbinulol folder and it's all set.

    Just something to keep in mind that if you copy over the macros-cache file along with everything else, you will end up with a bunch of Killsurmom's macros on Stabbinulol's bars. Probably safer to leave that one out, because macros are saved server side too.

    I learnt this the hard way last week, set up a new UI on my warrior and coppied the WTF across to my other characters and ended up with a bunch of useless warrior macros on my other characters. Had to re-setup all my macros because like a fool I hadn't saved a backup of my original UI files.
    Oh yes, I had forgotten to quid-pro-quo this. Remedied!

    Seattle Thread on
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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Does anyone know of a replacement for BankStack? It seems to have broken terrribly during my four-month break.

    Arivia on
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    derangedhermitderangedhermit Madstrike PortugalRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Really? It's working perfectly here :|

    derangedhermit on
    Battle.net: Madstrike#2175 , GuildWars2: Madstrike.1436
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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Nevermind, seems to work if I spam it a few times. Just gets lost after being dusty for so long, I guess.

    Arivia on
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    VariableVariable Mouth Congress Stroke Me Lady FameRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    the addon with the "work complete" sound is monkeyquest which I still use. maybe another one used it as well.

    Variable on
    BNet-Vari#1998 | Switch-SW 6960 6688 8388 | Steam | Twitch
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    Seattle ThreadSeattle Thread Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Variable wrote: »
    the addon with the "work complete" sound is monkeyquest which I still use. maybe another one used it as well.
    Fubar_QuestsFu used to do that as well. And I think tomQuest2 has some sound notification options.

    Seattle Thread on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited October 2009
    CoolLevelUp is the best mod ever.

    Sterica on
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    VariableVariable Mouth Congress Stroke Me Lady FameRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I uninstalled it. it was ruining my auto-snapshot thing when I was leveling.

    might be because I play without music that I don't appreciate it. I did like knowing precisely what spells I could get.

    Variable on
    BNet-Vari#1998 | Switch-SW 6960 6688 8388 | Steam | Twitch
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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    There was an addon that did the spells at each level thing I had once. Can't remember what it was though.

    Lorahalo on
    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    derangedhermitderangedhermit Madstrike PortugalRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    derangedhermit on
    Battle.net: Madstrike#2175 , GuildWars2: Madstrike.1436
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    VariableVariable Mouth Congress Stroke Me Lady FameRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    doesn't matter all that much, I go to the trainer everytime anyway.

    I gotta my post my UI again here, I've changed it a bit and I want to help christen this thread.

    added and got rid of the sunnviewport thing since my last post but for the time I had it, it encouraged me to design a little differently, so some quality changes remain. also been doing a lot more instances so I am more secure that the functionality is there.

    Variable on
    BNet-Vari#1998 | Switch-SW 6960 6688 8388 | Steam | Twitch
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    LednehLedneh shinesquawk Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    CoolLevelUp is the best mod ever.

    Seriously how can a mod that does this at 60, 70, and 80 be anything but smile inducing


    Ledneh on
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    815165815165 Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Is that music from a Zelda game or something?

    edit: Or Starfox?

    815165 on
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    LednehLedneh shinesquawk Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I thiiiink it's Fire Emblem

    Ledneh on
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    VariableVariable Mouth Congress Stroke Me Lady FameRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    it does something different at 60/70/80?

    hey that's the exact spot where I dinged 80. I bet it's common.

    Variable on
    BNet-Vari#1998 | Switch-SW 6960 6688 8388 | Steam | Twitch
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    KainyKainy Pimpin' and righteous Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Could someone who has CoolLevelUp and knows lua tell me what the relevant code would be to make it auto-toggle music on when it's going to try and play a music file? I usually play with music off, and it's awkward to have to note that I'm about to level up, and turn music on (if it's not on before the music attempts to play, it doesn't play if you then toggle music on after it should be playing). It kinda takes some of the joy away from it, since I'm having to do setup - it seems like the sort of thing that should just happen.

    Kainy on
    IcyLiquid wrote: »
    There's anti-fuckery code in there now :) Sorry :)
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    LednehLedneh shinesquawk Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Variable wrote: »
    it does something different at 60/70/80?

    hey that's the exact spot where I dinged 80. I bet it's common.

    just different music and slightly more dramatic timing, but yeah

    Ledneh on
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    quaigyquaigy Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Kainy wrote: »
    Could someone who has CoolLevelUp and knows lua tell me what the relevant code would be to make it auto-toggle music on when it's going to try and play a music file? I usually play with music off, and it's awkward to have to note that I'm about to level up, and turn music on (if it's not on before the music attempts to play, it doesn't play if you then toggle music on after it should be playing). It kinda takes some of the joy away from it, since I'm having to do setup - it seems like the sort of thing that should just happen.

    I'd love to get that as well. I'm usually listening to my playlist while playing :(

    quaigy on
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    OptyOpty Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I don't know how to turn music on/off through scripts, but you'd put it before one or all of the PlayMusic call(s).

    Opty on
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    EvilBadmanEvilBadman DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    If someone could show me how to update an addon so that it doesn't show out of date constantly, that'd be nice. It's for a custom version of Awwwwww with additional failure sounds.

    Also, can someone recommend a decent font mod?

    EvilBadman on
    FyreWulff wrote: »
    I should note that Badman is fucking awesome
    XBL- Evil Badman; Steam- EvilBadman; Twitter - EvilBadman
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    FyuraeFyurae Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I realize I may be stoned to death for this... but I really think CoolLevelUp is pretty lame.

    Fyurae on
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    SaerisSaeris Borb Enthusiast flapflapflapflapRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    EvilBadman wrote: »
    If someone could show me how to update an addon so that it doesn't show out of date constantly, that'd be nice. It's for a custom version of Awwwwww with additional failure sounds.

    Also, can someone recommend a decent font mod?

    Edit the ##Interface line of the .toc file to 30200.

    Or, more generally, edit it to be the number similar to that which shows up when you type "/script print(GetBuildInfo())" in-game.

    Saeris on
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    FyuraeFyurae Registered User regular
    edited October 2009

    Fyurae on
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