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PAX 2009 Survey!



  • oogmaroogmar Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    If all goes as planned, I'll be graduated by next PAX Prime, so 4 day PAX would kick some ass.

    Cool, you can run PC the fourth day when all of the managers suffer from simultaneous migraines, shin splints, messed up knees, and collapses due to exhaustion.

    Actually, a few of the PC guys and I are figuring out what our schedule would look like if it were four days, because "an hour before open til an hour past close" is hard enough in three. We might actually each have some time off if it were a four day affair.

    oogmar on
    Rane, you lazy bastard, you can shut the hell up.

  • QuickSnapQuickSnap Professional Beard Grower Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I honestly don't know what I'd do with my self if PAX were four days long. o_O

    QuickSnap on
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