
Dragon Age Thread - [Please post in new thread]



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    AssuranAssuran Is swinging on the Spiral Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Need help on a Deep Roads boss.
    So I'm in the Deep Roads and my Hawke is a rogue archer. I'm fighting that golem-esque thing. I've tried two different party combos and I just can't seem to beat it. Any suggestions?
    It kinda depends on what setting you're using. The main trick from what I could tell was to hide behind the pillars when he does the AoE damge spell.

    On normal, I beat him on first attempt with Varric, Myself as dual wield, Aveline, and Bethany.

    Assuran on
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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Z0re wrote: »
    Basil wrote: »
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Basil wrote: »
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Basil wrote: »
    Holy shit the ending.


    That was a satisfying little story.
    Who'd you side with? I'm curious as to people's reasons for it.

    Also the bioware forums getting cracked down on is sooo great.
    Yeah ending spoilers honest and for serious.
    I ended up going with the mages. Sure, they were absolutely guaranteed to turn into horrible abominations en masse, but that's what you get when you drive mages into a corner.

    Merideth was waaaaaay too crazy to work with. And I didn't trust that sword of hers. It didn't look like a very Templarish sword at all.

    What a generally horrible situation that was, though! No matter what Hawke does everything is some degree of terrible.

    Thank you for that, Anders. Well done. Maybe you could have blown up the Templar barracks instead? While they were sleeping?
    Thinking about it more, what Anders did makes absolutely perfect sense. Varric points out at the very beginning, the world is on the brink of war. The Templars and Mages have both broken from the Chantry and are in open conflict with each other, no matter what happens I doubt we'll ever see a circle again. His actions were drastic yes, but they were driven by the fact he made a terrible choice to host a spirit of Justice and the local Templar branch was more restrictive and evil than usual.

    Perfect storm of terrible things happening, and it explains why Varric put so much emphasis on the Deep Roads.
    Just co clear up cause I can't really see it from here, but why did Varric put so much emphasis on The Deep Roads? He's trying to show that it was more the idol than Anders, his friend?

    Also huge interest that Anders uses the ideal that there can be no more compromising, and from that war results, because this is something my history teacher points out every so often, especially with the Civil War. Incredibly interesting.

    I also think there will be at least one more game that has to do with either Orlais (because there is so much stuff hinting at that throughout the game, I mean it seems so obvious) or the Wardens again since they come up with an obvious sequel point during the Qunari Invasion.

    I also honestly think Bioware's writers really hit home with this one with it's uniqueness in it's storytelling compared to other games. It basically tells you shit will hit the fan at the very beginning, but you have no idea what will happen, and whose going to be involved (at least I didn't) and they really kept the tension building throughout the entire second and third acts that made that climax so incredibly awesome.
    I figure the thought is that if Merideth hadn't gotten her paws on the Idol, Kirkwall would have remained a terribly unpleasant place, but not nearly so horrible as it became. She pushed, the mages pushed back, and she just pushed harder and took her crazy to whole new heights.

    Even if Anders hadn't blown the chantry sky high, what would have happened next? Everyone was already running into a no win scenario before he decided to make the boom happen.
    Yeah, by the beginning of Act 3 you can tell there is no real way out without Meredith getting taken out of power. Orsino and she would have come to blows within weeks or months, and by then she may have just requested the rite of Annulment anyways and triggered the powderkeg that is Anders.

    More interestingly, I think its odd that the only non-plot relevant companion you can get is Fenris. I wonder if he's a hint at something in the Imperium, like they're going to unleash an army of Lyrium-infused super soliders while the Templars and Mages fight?

    Gah, so many hanging plot threads. Like the creepy one about Avernus and the Architect. And the Grey Wardens during the Qunari bit. Or Zevran taking out the Crows. Or Alistair and Empress Celeste. And of Course missing Warden/Hawke and Leliana's idea that theres a reason behind that.
    Interesting point about Fenris, never considered that. It's interesting, I didn't really feel as strongly about the franchise as I do now compared to when DA:O finished, simply because of all these hanging threads. They expanded greatly and amazingly on this world they created.

    Also good first post Assuran, and I agree with you on
    when Hawke walks out of Kirkwall. I feel that due to how horribly wrong everything went with that battle that it really felt like he just wanted to be rid of the entire thing, which Varric seems to kinda hint with before the battle when he states hes sick of Templars and Mages together.

    Oghulk on
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    BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Need help on a Deep Roads boss.
    So I'm in the Deep Roads and my Hawke is a rogue archer. I'm fighting that golem-esque thing. I've tried two different party combos and I just can't seem to beat it. Any suggestions?
    I found him not so bad with both mages and Varric outfitted with aoe abilities. As long as they could blow up the adds quickly, the big bad couldn't take down my tank. The biggest thing was for me to spread them out in all four directions so that they wouldn't get nailed by the boss without me seeing it coming. The ability that sucks everyone in is range limited, and when it starts rolling, you can nip behind the towers and get it stuck.

    And if you didn't notice, I'm almost sure you did, but on the off chance, the horrible death light is blocked by the pillars.

    Hex of Torment is a nice addition to any party, if you need more damage.

    Basil on
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    shoveler4211shoveler4211 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Assuran wrote: »
    OK, so I've lurked here at PA for about 5 months without making an account, but this game finally made me join.

    So, first post and all.

    I finished DAII earlier today, around noon EST so I've had time to digest what happened. My post in the spoiler section will be spoiler-riffic, so don't read in there if you haven't finished the game. You have been warned.

    First, general impressions (I played on the normal setting):

    Graphics were much better.
    Party banter was great.
    Combat was more fun as a rogue this time around; I didn't feel the need to only control my mage full time.
    Boss fights were interesting, the High Dragon fight was pretty difficult, probably the first or second hardest fight in the game.
    The story and characters were great.
    I thought I would hate the wheel, but it was pretty decent.
    Lots of small dungeons are much better than long slogs through few dungeons, IMO.

    Add spawns. I don't mind them occasionally, but constant add spawns at random points on the map just meant my Rogue hawk spent most of the battle racing around the map.
    Dungeon maps. I'm not a designer, but reusing the same maps over and over again is pretty disappointing.
    Codes. I entered my code for the bonus items that came with the game while logged in, but Bioware says I didn't and know my code is shot. So, no respecs.
    The Camera issue. I missed being able to maximize camera view, but it really wasn't terrible in most cases.

    Neither hot, nor cold:
    I do miss some of the player initiated conversations in camp, but I understand the game design around plot driven interaction.

    OK, now for actual gameplay. This will all be spoilered. Do not read if you don't want to know heavy details on plot. You have been warned.
    No, seriously.
    This game punches you in your stomach. Hard.

    About the only positive thing to come from my Sarcastic Rogue Hawkes story is he and Isabela run off together, but I didn't even manage to do the romance right, because she never moved in. I didn't spoil myself at all, and tried to logically think out how you would romance her, so I totally f'd up the initial sex scene and didn't bring feelings into it. Which, apparently, is hugely important, even though I did everything else correct. Crap. So, I didn't get that achievement, even though it was pretty much a given they were a couple by everyone else in the group and the game used her as bait later in the story. Dammit so much.

    I finished the game at level 22, and almost 23rd. Total gameplay was around 30 hours, so not as long as Origins, but I'm ok with that because the story was really, really good.

    Losing Bethany was hard. I know Bioware gave you warning and all, but I didn't want to leave her topside without my support because I feared the templars would kill her. Nope, just the darkspawn instead, and I didn't bring Anders with me since he said he didn't want to go. Which sucked for two reasons, one she was my best mage, and two I really liked her character. OTOH, I'm kinda died she died free, because I know her character would have hated being a caged bird.

    Character wise, I enjoyed the crap out of Verric, Isabela (who honestly is a big softy if you get past a few issues with her), and much to my surprise I loved Aveline. I played as the traditional CG robin hood type rogue, so maybe that is why I liked them so much. I got along with Aveline well despite her LG nature I think because we both tried to do the right thing, even if I colored outside the lines a bit. Plus, her attempts at wooing were a highlight of the game.

    Verric was pretty boss, and is one of my favorite video game characters ever.

    Anders, Merrill, and Fenris can all go off themselves. Somehow I screwed up Merrill's questline and ended up killing her entire clan instead of turning her over to them after the Keeper sacrificed herself so Merrill wouldn't become an abomination. I kept waiting for another chance to gut her, but it never came up. She is stupid twat, and I will make sure I deal with her in future games.

    I do understand how some might not like Isabela, since she disappeared with the book and doesn't come back if you aren't in a relationship or have a high enough friendship with her, but her return was pretty freaking amazing if you do.

    The only battle I couldn't beat was the duel with the Arashock as a dual wield rogue. I didn't have enough stuns to keep him locked, and each hit took off like a third of my health, so I just didn't see that as winnable, so after the fourth attempt, I just refused the duel and used my party to beat them, which was actually pretty easy.

    Anders, oh Anders. What did Justice do to you? Anyways, he's an abomination, and I really should have killed him when he gives you the chance, but I metagame'd a bit since he was my healer and I only had a handful of potions left. On my mage play through, he's getting executed. On top of that, my Hawke is now heavily responsible for the entire war now.

    I didn't really trust Fenris, given I was highly pro-mage through the first two acts, so I didn't really deal with him, given how much he was in the anti-mage camp. It was satisying to gut him before the last battle, however.

    Hawke's mothers' death really hit me emotionally. So, good job with that Bioware. I wasn't really prepared for that outcome, and played Hawke off as totally devasted following that loss. Isabella did come to cheer me up, but even that didn't work.

    End game wise, I sided with the mages, but didn't really feel good about it. I even tried to tell them I wasn't picking a side, but they wouldn't let me. Meredith was obviously insane, and I had pieced together she was the one who bought the idol from the Deep Roads, so I knew she had to die. The mages didn't really deserve it, but then they all pretty much went insane and turned to blood magic, including the first enchanter. Maybe he already had, I'm not sure. So, I basically slaughtered everyone.

    Either way, when I walked out of Kirkwall, I'm sure my Hawke was just sick of the entire templar/mage issue and I'm glad he disappeared with Isabela.

    I enjoyed Zevran's side quest, and he actually showed up to help at the end of the game during the Meridith fight, so that was unexpected and fun.

    I also enjoyed Alistair showing up and droping the swooping line, and his interaction with both Anders and Isabela.

    The one I didn't particularly get was Leliana showing up in the end. I take it she's part of the faction trying to end the war, but she knows my warden was dead, given she was her lover and watched her sacrifice myself to end the blight. Unless she's talking about the other warden from DA:A.

    Bioware also set up DA:3 pretty decently, either with the ongoing war or with the a new blight or threat the wardens are dealing with, or with the war.

    My future playthroughs will pretty much be myself as healer/CC, Isabela, Aveline, and Verric. Screw everyone else.

    OK, so that's about it. Sorry for the long post. It was a good game, I enjoyed it and think it was just as good as DA:O, even if it played differently.
    FYI a cheap way to beat Arashock with a dual rogue is to just run around and drop back stab when it cools off

    shoveler4211 on
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    HardtargetHardtarget There Are Four Lights VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Blackjack wrote: »
    Hardtarget wrote: »
    except he's talking about stuff that took place before awakening so my point at being pretty surprised at his various revelations still stands
    ...no? He got with Karl after Awakening, when he went on the run and became the Harriet Tubman of mages.
    wait what? wasn't he saying he knew karl from way before when they were both at the circle of mages as kids/young adults???

    Hardtarget on
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    Z0reZ0re Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Can I ask everybody who finished a question? Achievement spoiler.
    Did any of you become the Vicount, and if so how did you do it? I see its an achievement, but I don't see where the hell it could fit in the narrative.

    Z0re on
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    TheDrifterTheDrifter Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Need help on a Deep Roads boss.
    So I'm in the Deep Roads and my Hawke is a rogue archer. I'm fighting that golem-esque thing. I've tried two different party combos and I just can't seem to beat it. Any suggestions?
    Did it controlling Aveline most of the time.

    Use hold position so you can control everyone individually.

    First phase, just try to keep your tank in his face so he'll bother with it.

    Second one (rolling ball) split the ranged DPS up, and keep tanking. When he does his rolling ball attack towards one of the DPS crew, take control of them and dodge out of the area.

    Final phase goes much like the second, you just have to weather his gravity pull attack. Besides standing far away, I didnt notice any great ways to out right avoid it.

    And of course during his red energy thing between phases, hide behind pillars so you dont take damage. Its another good reason to use hold position, otherwise you tend to get a straggler standing in the energy.

    Okay, thats how I did it on Hard. It may be over complicated for Normal or Easy. And you'll still need several health/mana poitions and a mage healing,

    TheDrifter on
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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Z0re wrote: »
    Can I ask everybody who finished a question? Achievement spoiler.
    Did any of you become the Vicount, and if so how did you do it? I see its an achievement, but I don't see where the hell it could fit in the narrative.
    Have to side with Templars apparently.

    Oghulk on
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    Delta AssaultDelta Assault Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Has anybody found a way to use Cold of Cone with their Tactics? Right now, I've got it set to "Self: when hit by melee attack > Cone of Cold." But I've never actually seen it used.

    Delta Assault on
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    Z0reZ0re Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Can I ask everybody who finished a question? Achievement spoiler.
    Did any of you become the Vicount, and if so how did you do it? I see its an achievement, but I don't see where the hell it could fit in the narrative.
    Have to side with Templars apparently.
    Greeeeat. The more evil of two evils.

    I think.

    I don't think I have another playthrough in me yet, maybe next week I can start one. I want to explore a couple people's rivalries since I went nearly all Friendship this time.

    ... On the other hand, I sort of hate picking choices I don't like making. If I know myself I'm just going to play through again, possibly as a female, and do almost everything exactly the same (except maybe actually get Sebastian to full Friendship or Rivalry.)

    Z0re on
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    BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Hardtarget wrote: »
    wait what? wasn't he saying he knew karl from way before when they were both at the circle of mages as kids/young adults???
    Not that I recall. But, even if he did, knowing a person =/= fucking a person. He also clearly says that he and Karl weren't together very long.

    Blackjack on

    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
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    Foolish ChaosFoolish Chaos Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I hope they get more time with DA3. As much as I am enjoying DA2, I feel like they really could have benefited with more time. Going through the same dungeon 3 different times, in three different places, is pretty ridiculous bioware. Did you think we just wouldn't notice? Come on

    Foolish Chaos on
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    Z0reZ0re Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.

    Z0re on
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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I hope they get more time with DA3. As much as I am enjoying DA2, I feel like they really could have benefited with more time. Going through the same dungeon 3 different times, in three different places, is pretty ridiculous bioware. Did you think we just wouldn't notice? Come on

    While I never picked up Awakening, I would like to see maybe two years for a next full game, and a year for an expansion maybe.

    Maybe thats too long though.....
    I'm kinda happy they left the ending on a cliffhanger like they did, cause I can totally see myself buying more of these games 5+ years down the line if they keep bringing awesomesauce to them. Only other series I can safely say that about is Assassin's Creed.

    Oghulk on
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    BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    Well, the Tevinter are at war with the Qunari, so they've been a bit busy and would probably remain so.

    The factions we've got now are really brutal. Darkspawn, Talking Darkspawn, Qunari, Tevinter Magisters, Free Circle Mages, The Chantry, and The Templar? Monsters, More Monsters, The Borg, Worse Monsters, Maybe Monsters, Religious Fanatics, and Lyrium Addicted Religious Fanatics. Awesome!

    Oh, and the Grey Wardens, too. Can't forget them.

    ...And Flemeth.

    And the Dalish Elves.

    And the City Elves.

    Oh dear god the next game is going to be a bloodbath.

    Basil on
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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    I mentioned this earlier, but it might've been in the SE++ thread, I can't remember which thread I'm in anymore, but Bodahn and Sandal specifically say they're going to Orlais next. And given those two...just saying. :wink:

    Oghulk on
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    BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    I mentioned this earlier, but it might've been in the SE++ thread, I can't remember which thread I'm in anymore, but Bodahn and Sandal specifically say they're going to Orlais next. And given those two...just saying. :wink:
    That was my thought. Either an expansion or the next game will be in Orlais.

    Blackjack on

    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
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    RizziRizzi Sydney, Australia.Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Heh. Apostate prostitutes. Apostitutes!

    Rizzi on
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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Basil wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    Well, the Tevinter are at war with the Qunari, so they've been a bit busy and would probably remain so.

    The factions we've got now are really brutal. Darkspawn, Talking Darkspawn, Qunari, Tevinter Magisters, Free Circle Mages, The Chantry, and The Templar? Monsters, The Borg, Worse Monsters, Maybe Monsters, Religious Fanatics, and Lyrium Addicted Religious Fanatics. Awesome!
    Woah what where'd I miss the whole Tevinter fighting Qunari thing? I also wouldn't really label the Qunari of Tevinter Magisters as monsters to be fair since the Qunari just follow their own separate ideal of their religion.

    Oghulk on
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    AistanAistan Tiny Bat Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    So I just completed the quest 'Shepherding Wolves'

    Holy. Fucking. Shit.

    So much is going to go down in this game later, I can't wait.

    Aistan on
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    SonorkSonork CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Going through the same dungeon 3 different times, in three different places, is pretty ridiculous bioware. Did you think we just wouldn't notice? Come on

    I agree completely. Same cave over and over agian.. lol.

    Sonork on
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    Z0reZ0re Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Blackjack wrote: »
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    I mentioned this earlier, but it might've been in the SE++ thread, I can't remember which thread I'm in anymore, but Bodahn and Sandal specifically say they're going to Orlais next. And given those two...just saying. :wink:
    That was my thought. Either an expansion or the next game will be in Orlais.
    Makes sense, but people thought Orlais was natural after DAO too. I hope its in a place with wildly different culture than Fereldan and the Free Marches though, we've had a lot of culture clash in both games and it would be nice to explore it from another perspective.

    Z0re on
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    BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Basil wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    Well, the Tevinter are at war with the Qunari, so they've been a bit busy and would probably remain so.

    The factions we've got now are really brutal. Darkspawn, Talking Darkspawn, Qunari, Tevinter Magisters, Free Circle Mages, The Chantry, and The Templar? Monsters, The Borg, Worse Monsters, Maybe Monsters, Religious Fanatics, and Lyrium Addicted Religious Fanatics. Awesome!
    Woah what where'd I miss the whole Tevinter fighting Qunari thing? I also wouldn't really label the Qunari of Tevinter Magisters as monsters to be fair since the Qunari just follow their own separate ideal of their religion.
    Oh yeah I got my list wrong, I don't figure the Qunari are monsters. And the Tevinter seem to have the whole "everyone turning into abominations" thing worked out, to be fair.

    But as I recall, Isabella mentioned the war when she explained what the Relic was all about, and a side quest character sends you a letter from Tevinter congratulating you after you repell the Qunari. The Tevinter wanted it, presumably to hurt Qunari morale or just to be mean in general, but they weren't just buying it for kicks.

    Basil on
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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Z0re wrote: »
    Blackjack wrote: »
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    I mentioned this earlier, but it might've been in the SE++ thread, I can't remember which thread I'm in anymore, but Bodahn and Sandal specifically say they're going to Orlais next. And given those two...just saying. :wink:
    That was my thought. Either an expansion or the next game will be in Orlais.
    Makes sense, but people thought Orlais was natural after DAO too. I hope its in a place with wildly different culture than Fereldan and the Free Marches though, we've had a lot of culture clash in both games and it would be nice to explore it from another perspective.
    Really anything was up for grabs after DA:O, but this time they almost flat out state that next up is Orlais.

    Oghulk on
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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Basil wrote: »
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Basil wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    Well, the Tevinter are at war with the Qunari, so they've been a bit busy and would probably remain so.

    The factions we've got now are really brutal. Darkspawn, Talking Darkspawn, Qunari, Tevinter Magisters, Free Circle Mages, The Chantry, and The Templar? Monsters, The Borg, Worse Monsters, Maybe Monsters, Religious Fanatics, and Lyrium Addicted Religious Fanatics. Awesome!
    Woah what where'd I miss the whole Tevinter fighting Qunari thing? I also wouldn't really label the Qunari of Tevinter Magisters as monsters to be fair since the Qunari just follow their own separate ideal of their religion.
    Oh yeah I got my list wrong, I don't figure the Qunari are monsters. And the Tevinter seem to have the whole "everyone turning into abominations" thing worked out, to be fair.

    But as I recall, Isabella mentioned the war when she explained what the Relic was all about, and a side quest character sends you a letter from Tevinter congratulating you after you repell the Qunari.
    You did forget the Dragon faction in that list though.

    Oghulk on
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    BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Blackjack wrote: »
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    I mentioned this earlier, but it might've been in the SE++ thread, I can't remember which thread I'm in anymore, but Bodahn and Sandal specifically say they're going to Orlais next. And given those two...just saying. :wink:
    That was my thought. Either an expansion or the next game will be in Orlais.
    Makes sense, but people thought Orlais was natural after DAO too. I hope its in a place with wildly different culture than Fereldan and the Free Marches though, we've had a lot of culture clash in both games and it would be nice to explore it from another perspective.
    Really anything was up for grabs after DA:O, but this time they almost flat out state that next up is Orlais.
    We'd better get some fabulous shoes and amazing hair.

    Basil on
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    FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    A Dragon Age game set in Tevinter would be...interesting.

    It's kind of a morally reprehensible place.

    Fiaryn on
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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Basil wrote: »
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Blackjack wrote: »
    Oghulk wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    I mentioned this earlier, but it might've been in the SE++ thread, I can't remember which thread I'm in anymore, but Bodahn and Sandal specifically say they're going to Orlais next. And given those two...just saying. :wink:
    That was my thought. Either an expansion or the next game will be in Orlais.
    Makes sense, but people thought Orlais was natural after DAO too. I hope its in a place with wildly different culture than Fereldan and the Free Marches though, we've had a lot of culture clash in both games and it would be nice to explore it from another perspective.
    Really anything was up for grabs after DA:O, but this time they almost flat out state that next up is Orlais.
    We'd better get some fabulous shoes and amazing hair.

    These spoiler trees are getting pretty crazy heh.
    I also just thought that, with Leliana appearing and her ties to Orlais, maybe that's also a new point at Orlais being a possibility. Dunno but just saying.

    Oghulk on
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    PancakePancake Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Oghulk wrote: »
    These spoiler trees are getting pretty crazy heh.
    I also just thought that, with Leliana appearing and her ties to Orlais, maybe that's also a new point at Orlais being a possibility. Dunno but just saying.
    Well, more than that, Orlais is the heart of the Chantry. The Divine is there, the Grand Cathedral is there. It's, like, the center of the whole thing. When the Templars are going rogue and the Circles all over Thedas are rebelling, I can't think of many better places to have the game take place.

    Pancake on
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    Z0reZ0re Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Fiaryn wrote: »
    Z0re wrote: »
    Based on how DAII turned out...
    I want game 3 to be set in Tevinter. Its about the only place in the world thats not currently in crisis mode, and considering how powerful it is there must be something serious going on there to prevent them from conquering. I'm going to assume something with the Qunari and self aware Darkspawn.
    A Dragon Age game set in Tevinter would be...interesting.

    It's kind of a morally reprehensible place.
    I think to really do it justice they'd have to force you to be a Mage though, most other people could never raise to the influence of the Bioware protagonist(tm). Then you could have moral dilemnas about killing your master, doing just enough to advance and stay alive without resorting to blood magic or going wildly off the deep end.

    Or possibly a reistance group working to destroy the Imperium as agents of the Chantry black ops group we see Cassandra and Leliana as part of.

    Z0re on
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    VeeVee Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Deep roads stuff
    Holy shit, Varric's brother is a DICK. Fucking leaving us there. DICK MOVE, DUDE. Also that dragon fight was hard, and I'm playing on normal. It basically boiled down to Varric being the only one alive and I had to kite the dragon around, chug stamina draughts, and use Rhyming Triplet and Archer's Lance a bunch.

    Vee on
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    Alucard6986Alucard6986 xbox: Ubeltanzer swtor: UbelRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    End of act 2 spoilers:
    Daww, poor arishok. Totally would have been a rad party member. Dude was my bro.

    Alucard6986 on
    PSN: Ubeltanzer Blizzard: Ubel#1258
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    AssuranAssuran Is swinging on the Spiral Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Pancake wrote: »
    Oghulk wrote: »
    These spoiler trees are getting pretty crazy heh.
    I also just thought that, with Leliana appearing and her ties to Orlais, maybe that's also a new point at Orlais being a possibility. Dunno but just saying.
    Well, more than that, Orlais is the heart of the Chantry. The Divine is there, the Grand Cathedral is there. It's, like, the center of the whole thing. When the Templars are going rogue and the Circles all over Thedas are rebelling, I can't think of many better places to have the game take place.
    Yep, the more I think about it, the next game pretty much HAS to be about Orlais.

    Assuran on
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    surrealitychecksurrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Why are the mage specialisations so worthless in comparison to the warrior specs :(

    surrealitycheck on
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    Page-Page- Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Deep Roads is hilarious so far.
    All the bosses get stuck on the level geometry. The big spider can't get up the stairs where he spawn, the first ogre I saw ran into a wall at the start of the fight and just stood there until he died, and the dragon got stuck walking around a corner and spent the entire fight screaming in rage while my ranged characters pewpewpew'd.

    I know it's buggy and such, but I'll be damned if I'm going to start a fight over because the ai is retarded.

    Page- on
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    surrealitychecksurrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    The ogre thing is intentional btw Page-

    He gets his head stuck in the wall

    surrealitycheck on
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    Gaming-FreakGaming-Freak Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Holy hell, I was not expecting such an epic finale to the game.
    I sided with the Mages, naturally because I was a mage myself, and Meredith was off her rocker. Carver appears out of nowhere saying that despite he's a Grey Warden, he's willing to join up with Hawke again. Isabela and Hawke had a romantic moment before the final battle. Orsino goes nuts and becomes a Harvester, of all things. Fenris betrayed Hawke because Fenris is a whiny broody prick. I was so happy when I killed him. Meredith makes big revelations, before going completely bat-shit, and giving one of the longest final boss fights ever in Bioware history.

    Ending wasn't all that super-shocking. I'm looking forward to a sequel, but meh... TIME TO REPLAY THE GAME! YEAH!

    Gaming-Freak on
    XBL: GamingFreak5514
    PSN: GamingFreak1234
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    SpaffySpaffy Fuck the Zero Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    So if I haven't been gaming the system, and I'm just buying my copy of DA2 from a store today like all the other chumps, do I still get any DLC stuff?

    Spaffy on
    Steam: adamjnet
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    AvicusAvicus Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Ok the Bioware forums are going crazy right now. Somebody posted saying that his account was banned because of a post he made. He accepts it went a bit far and accepts the fact he got a 72 hour ban. The part that is ridiculous is he then goes and gets Dragon Age 2, registers it to his account, registers the DLC to find out that his EA account has become completely inactive for the 72 hours. He can't play Dragon Age 2 because when it 'phones home' it is rejecting the account details. He bought the game. He made a post on the forums saying something about Bioware selling their souls to EA. Massive overreaction. A mod replied saying that yes forum infractions can indeed remove the ability to play games and dlc.

    Avicus on
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    AssuranAssuran Is swinging on the Spiral Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Avicus wrote: »
    Ok the Bioware forums are going crazy right now. Somebody posted saying that his account was banned because of a post he made. He accepts it went a bit far and accepts the fact he got a 72 hour ban. The part that is ridiculous is he then goes and gets Dragon Age 2, registers it to his account, registers the DLC to find out that his EA account has become completely inactive for the 72 hours. He can't play Dragon Age 2 because when it 'phones home' it is rejecting the account details. He bought the game. He made a post on the forums saying something about Bioware selling their souls to EA. Massive overreaction. A mod replied saying that yes forum infractions can indeed remove the ability to play games and dlc.

    OK, I'm really uncomfortable with that thought. Sure, jackholes are jackholes on the 'net, but they paid for the game and taking the game away for 72 hours for something they said on the official forum seems like a very bad idea.

    I admit I don't really read terms of useage any longer, mostly because if you want to play a game, you're pretty well forced into accepting their position, but can they take away your rights to play the game you bought legally?

    Assuran on
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