
[WOW] With my [CHAT] and your Patch Notes, we are Captain Azeroth!



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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Jubal77 wrote: »
    It has been awhile. But when I was doing Skirmishes I was on a tank class so I chose a healer. The healer seemed to use the abilities very well and I had the common pet commands. Defend this, go here, stay put... etc. The NPC would use the abilities I gave it. So if I wanted a healer that had a offensive spell and hots I could just give those abilites to the NPC. Think Hunter Pet but with a little more AI on it. The typical skirmish had a CD on Queue and took around 15-30min to complete if I remember correctly and dropped items and points. The items were basically shards that were used as currency for gear for yourself and the NPC and points needed for assigning,upgrading,buying of the abilites for the NPC.

    This wouldnt need to be the implementation that WoW would use of course but something along the same lines where you grind out gear or the like. I loved the skirmishes in LOTRO.
    That sounds really cool. One of the main things level cap WoW is missing is the "I only have 30-45 (unscheduled) minutes to play right now, but I can do something meaningful to incrementally progress my character in that time" factor.

    All you can really do now is grind some daily quests or grind mobs/professions, all of which basically just boil down to "I am getting some gold that I could use to progress my character by buying a BoE epic off the AH." I guess that's something, but it's not really something that doesn't apply to every MMO with some sort of currency/buying -- it's pretty much automatic design. Also, it only applies as long as there are worthwhile and affordable BoE items, which typically becomes less and less the case as an expansion goes on.

    forty on
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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    It was a snooze fest for DPS too. I remember being bored as a warlock because I never got to use any of my cool abilities or rotations because shit died too fast.

    Decimation? Pfft, once the mob was below 20%, I couldn't even get a single Soul Fire cast off before the mob was dead.

    shryke on
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    mturalonmturalon Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Monsty wrote: »
    I just... I just can't believe the whining. This "reward the tank" system was designed specifically to lower DPS queues. It's for DPS.

    Instead of being grateful, people bitch about the supposed lost shinies. Since time apparently has no value to these folks, just level a tank to cash in on the FREE LOOT SHOWER, HOOO! It's pretty simple.
    No, I don't tank nor have I ever.

    And for people suggesting going back to Wrath-styled heroics--well yeah, that probably is the only other option(excluding even more massive game-shattering overhauls). Not sure if it's for the best, though. Hard to say.

    This is exactly what's making me laugh.

    "we don't like the ridiculously long queue times, do something to make them faster"

    "ok here's a bag of stuff if you fill a roll that is needed for faster queues"

    "This is so unfair, now they're getting more free stuff"

    If this in anyway reduces the time I'm waiting when I play my DPS characters, I don't care at all if they start handing out unicorns and glitter. The fact that Bob the tank just got a pet or a mount means NOTHING to me.

    If you cry its not fair, roll a tank or healer yourself, that will not only get you the chance at free stuff too but also reduce the queue times even more because now there are more tanks and healers.

    mturalon on
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    Jubal77Jubal77 Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I love the idea. Now that my guild has for great justice I will most likely start gearing up my alts now. Anything to help my dps alts in that is gravy. Much needed change.

    Will it make me queue my raid tank? Perhaps for awhile.
    Will it make me queue as tank instead of dps on my alts that can? For sure.

    Jubal77 on
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Also, Wrath heroics really didn't become AoE zergfests until you could buy epics with badges. We're already seeing CC disappear from heroics in heroic gear, I fully expect we'll be at Wrath faceroll mode by the time T11/T12 is purchasable.
    I don't. There are still mechanics that just being +13 or even 26 ilevels don't let you ignore. Corla and Steelbender are some of the prime examples. Granted, Steelbender is being nerfed somewhat to let you attrition him down a little more easily if your tank is bad enough to not understand the fire mechanic while somehow being competent enough to pick up the adds, but ignoring/failing Corla's mechanics will lead to wipes well into Cataclysm.

    forty on
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Anyone advocating the wrath model wasn't a healer or tank.

    God that was a snooze fest.
    Almost all I ever did in WotLK heroics was tank or heal. I preferred that to what we have now since it meant my daily task of getting [insert highest tier emblem at the time] was done with relatively quickly and painlessly (unless the group was really shitty, or we got pre-nerf Oculus, etc.). It's not like I'm not bored to tears in the Cata heroics by this point either, but the fact that I can't expect a quick, smooth daily means I just don't bother.

    forty on
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    NeylaNeyla Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    My question about the changes/addition to LFD, will the system also know your spec (finally)? Or will we also see a influx of non-tanks Q'ing as such in hopes to get extra loot? I seen it many of times already where group zones in and "I am not really a tank/healer, just wanted faster Q...". I have no issues kicking them right away, and such votes always pass. Merely curious.

    Also is this CTA only for heroics or effect all instances for all levels?

    Neyla on
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    Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Neyla wrote: »
    My question about the changes/addition to LFD, will the system also know your spec (finally)? Or will we also see a influx of non-tanks Q'ing as such in hopes to get extra loot? I seen it many of times already where group zones in and "I am not really a tank/healer, just wanted faster Q...". I have no issues kicking them right away, and such votes always pass. Merely curious.

    Also is this CTA only for heroics or effect all instances for all levels?

    Most assuredly not I would guess. It will go off whatever checkbox you tick on the LFD tool I'm assuming.

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
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    Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Heroic 85 only for now, maybe for lower levels if it goes well.

    Sub level cap queue isn't that bad.

    Styrofoam Sammich on
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    Jubal77Jubal77 Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    To lighten the mood I had an LOL moment in a heroic the other day. I was running with a raid healer and an alt dps but was almost done with heroic gear just wanted rep. We get HGB which is a heaven for quick rep. So we are careful on our bombing and have a dps ragequit over it. I guess the Defender titles and having your tank and healer 358 ilvl wasnt enough for that guy.

    Jubal77 on
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    TheCrumblyCrackerTheCrumblyCracker Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    In other news, login servers are down for emergency maintenance.

    TheCrumblyCracker on
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    sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Hmm I can't log into wow, all the realms are offline for me, any reason why that would be?

    sumwar on
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    PoketpixiePoketpixie Siege Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    The Call to Arms goodie bag will prolly be a lot like the Fishing reward bag....most of the time you get junk(hello polished glass!) and maybe once in a blue moon you'll get something nice. Since you can get the bag multiple times a day the drop rate will probably be even worse than the fishing bag.

    Poketpixie on
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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    mturalon wrote: »
    Monsty wrote: »
    I just... I just can't believe the whining. This "reward the tank" system was designed specifically to lower DPS queues. It's for DPS.

    Instead of being grateful, people bitch about the supposed lost shinies. Since time apparently has no value to these folks, just level a tank to cash in on the FREE LOOT SHOWER, HOOO! It's pretty simple.
    No, I don't tank nor have I ever.

    And for people suggesting going back to Wrath-styled heroics--well yeah, that probably is the only other option(excluding even more massive game-shattering overhauls). Not sure if it's for the best, though. Hard to say.

    This is exactly what's making me laugh.

    "we don't like the ridiculously long queue times, do something to make them faster"

    "ok here's a bag of stuff if you fill a roll that is needed for faster queues"

    "This is so unfair, now they're getting more free stuff"

    If this in anyway reduces the time I'm waiting when I play my DPS characters, I don't care at all if they start handing out unicorns and glitter. The fact that Bob the tank just got a pet or a mount means NOTHING to me.

    If you cry its not fair, roll a tank or healer yourself, that will not only get you the chance at free stuff too but also reduce the queue times even more because now there are more tanks and healers.

    The bag of goodies probably doesn't necessarily mean anything in the long run either. Doing dungeons more frequently will reap everyone their usual rewards at a faster pace. The 'more free stuff' aspect is deceptive as shit and people are silly to think it's substantial.

    The system looks alright to me.

    Henroid on
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    SammichSammich Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Poketpixie wrote: »
    The Call to Arms goodie bag will prolly be a lot like the Fishing reward bag....most of the time you get junk(hello polished glass!) and maybe once in a blue moon you'll get something nice. Since you can get the bag multiple times a day the drop rate will probably be even worse than the fishing bag.


    If they are really smart and want to keep tanks in the que, make it so that the goody bags get better depending on how many runs you do in a day.

    First bag - 10 gMoney/chance of ore etc(gathering stuff*)
    Second bag - 20g Money/ore*/chance of potions
    Third bag - 30g Money/ore*/Pot/chance of flask
    Fourth bag - 40g Money/Ore*/Pot/Flask/chance of pet
    Fifth Bag - 50g Money/Ore*/Pot/Flask/Pet/change of Non faction pet
    Sixth bag and beyond all of the above but chance at mount, which increases by .25% or so each heroic you successfully do. Each step increases the loot in the bag as well

    Not exaclty like that, but something like that. Add blue gems, BOE blues, chance at a extra 25 JP. whatever

    Sammich on
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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Sammich wrote: »
    Poketpixie wrote: »
    The Call to Arms goodie bag will prolly be a lot like the Fishing reward bag....most of the time you get junk(hello polished glass!) and maybe once in a blue moon you'll get something nice. Since you can get the bag multiple times a day the drop rate will probably be even worse than the fishing bag.


    If they are really smart and want to keep tanks in the que, make it so that the goody bags get better depending on how many runs you do in a day.

    First bag - 10 gMoney/chance of ore etc(gathering stuff*)
    Second bag - 20g Money/ore*/chance of potions
    Third bag - 30g Money/ore*/Pot/chance of flask
    Fourth bag - 40g Money/Ore*/Pot/Flask/chance of pet
    Fifth Bag - 50g Money/Ore*/Pot/Flask/Pet/change of Non faction pet
    Sixth bag and beyond all of the above but chance at mount, which increases by .25% or so each heroic you successfully do. Each step increases the loot in the bag as well

    Not exaclty like that, but something like that. Add blue gems, BOE blues, chance at a extra 25 JP. whatever

    Adding individual tracking for the random-LFG system to that degree is probably more work than it'd be worth.

    As it stands if a Call to Arms goes up for tanks, not everyone is going to log onto their tank characters or activate their secondary spec. Some will, but not too many, and the bigger benefit will be actually running the dungeons rather than waiting for the queue to pop. You've gotta measure out the math for this process.

    Adding a system like you noted above is going to make everyone log onto their tank, and then a healing Call to Arms will pop, and people will do that - it'll become goddamn musical chairs, and people will be demanding others to stay on certain characters so they can keep adding stacks to their bigger-loot-bag buff.

    But also, the most compelling argument against your proposal...

    Not everyone has enough time to run 3 dungeons in a single night. :P

    Henroid on
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    TheCrumblyCrackerTheCrumblyCracker Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Login Server is back up!

    TheCrumblyCracker on
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Henroid wrote: »
    Sammich wrote: »
    Poketpixie wrote: »
    The Call to Arms goodie bag will prolly be a lot like the Fishing reward bag....most of the time you get junk(hello polished glass!) and maybe once in a blue moon you'll get something nice. Since you can get the bag multiple times a day the drop rate will probably be even worse than the fishing bag.


    If they are really smart and want to keep tanks in the que, make it so that the goody bags get better depending on how many runs you do in a day.

    First bag - 10 gMoney/chance of ore etc(gathering stuff*)
    Second bag - 20g Money/ore*/chance of potions
    Third bag - 30g Money/ore*/Pot/chance of flask
    Fourth bag - 40g Money/Ore*/Pot/Flask/chance of pet
    Fifth Bag - 50g Money/Ore*/Pot/Flask/Pet/change of Non faction pet
    Sixth bag and beyond all of the above but chance at mount, which increases by .25% or so each heroic you successfully do. Each step increases the loot in the bag as well

    Not exaclty like that, but something like that. Add blue gems, BOE blues, chance at a extra 25 JP. whatever

    Adding individual tracking for the random-LFG system to that degree is probably more work than it'd be worth.

    As it stands if a Call to Arms goes up for tanks, not everyone is going to log onto their tank characters or activate their secondary spec. Some will, but not too many, and the bigger benefit will be actually running the dungeons rather than waiting for the queue to pop. You've gotta measure out the math for this process.

    Adding a system like you noted above is going to make everyone log onto their tank, and then a healing Call to Arms will pop, and people will do that - it'll become goddamn musical chairs, and people will be demanding others to stay on certain characters so they can keep adding stacks to their bigger-loot-bag buff.

    But also, the most compelling argument against your proposal...

    Not everyone has enough time to run 3 dungeons in a single night. :P
    What Henroid said. Trying to scale up rewards like that is pretty clunky and inelegant. And when the offerings for 1-3 heroics are so paltry, you're just going to shove out a lot of the potential people who might have bothered CtA DFing knowing that they'd have to spend quite a few hours doing dungeons before they can get anything interesting.

    Also, let's say the CtA system actually has an effect and gets more tanks in the system. As it is right now, healers aren't the limiting factor, but they're not that far behind tanks, given their typically 5-10 minute queues. If enough extra tanks (compared to other roles) are queuing each day a result of this, it's actually possible that there would be some CtH: Healer situations. If you were using this "scaling up rewards" system, people would be pretty pissed off and probably give up on it if they tanked X heroics, and suddenly the CtA flipped to the other role, and they couldn't get that X+1th heroic with a chance of getting something the thing they were doing all these heroics for in the first place.

    In other words: "Yes, this is horrible, this idea."

    forty on
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    CalixtusCalixtus Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    In the case of every single farmable random drop mount, the acquisition has suffered nerfs. Or they have become easier because you're 85 rather than 80, and you know, that whole hp imbalance. Bitching about someone having a higher chance for the Reins of the Raven Lord - after they removed the druid requirement and you gained 100 000 hp compared to the people who ground it out pre-Cata - makes you look like a tool. If whatever miniscule percentage difference they have there is such a huge fucking issue for you, why are you even farming it? Clearly, the past nerfs/level increases means you've got a huge advantage over everyone who ground it out earlier anyway, and it's worthless for you.

    I don't see the issue.

    Calixtus on
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    PoketpixiePoketpixie Siege Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    The goody bag isn't taking anything away from anyone. No one is losing anything from this. If it makes queue times shorter for my dps toons...yay! When I'm on my tank I'll look forward to getting my polished vendor trash to sell for a few copper.

    It's not going to be a mount in every one or even every 10th one. Look at the goody bag from Oculus. What's the drop rate on that mount? A mount drop from the CtA bag prolly be even lower than that.

    Poketpixie on
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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Login Server is back up!


    Henroid on
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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Poketpixie wrote: »
    The goody bag isn't taking anything away from anyone.

    Somewhere on the internet, someone has said the same thing, and in response someone else made a long-stretch of an argument that by not having the goody bag available to everyone it is, in theory, taking away the chance to get those goodies and mounts and shit.

    Henroid on
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    Doctor DetroitDoctor Detroit Not a doctor Tree townRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Maybe they should keep the Call to Arms hidden, and the only indication that it's active will be when the loot bag shows up.

    This way tanks (and healers) won't be waiting for Call to Arms before joining the queue.

    Doctor Detroit on
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    TurksonTurkson Near the mountains of ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I don't know what's worse. People complaining about Call to Arms, or people saying that the way to fix the queue times is to have a third spec.

    Turkson on
    oh h*ck
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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Technically Call to Arms could proc for DPS. Though, I'd be very surprised to see it.

    Henroid on
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    KlatuKlatu Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi OiRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Wow, we jumped 7 pages in here overnight..

    I personally love this new Call to Arms thing. I'm a tank and solo queue anyway. I've made around 9k gold easily from people offering money for me to tank. But when they pay me I make sure I stay til the end, even if the going gets tough. I have also never ditched a group cause the mob I wanted didn't drop my item. I've never pulled stupidly to get kicked either ;).

    Personally I find tanking much easier, for me, than DPS. I take more notice of what's going on in the fight, peoples mana / hps, where I should stand, who has agro other than me. I have people use CC to save the healer having a heart attack (unless the healer says he can handle it without CC, in which case I'll pull 1 pack see how he goes and if it turns out he was right then we just charge on through).

    I've been the highest dps in heroics as a tank 3 times in the last few nights. I've dragged so many groups through instances and if I see someone do something stupid I suggest, mildly, a better way to do things. An example, a DK dps used army of the dead on Ozzuk. Not the best idea when army spins a mob around like a top, luckily the healer was amazing and managed to dodge all the ground slams that came his way. The group was fine, but I suggested to the DK that Ozzuk really isn't the best place to use Army.. he agreed after I explained why and thanked me for not being an ass about it.

    I love tanking, even pugs, and Call to Arms just feels like another reward to me for being a tank, and I love it :)

    Klatu on
    Steam id:Klatu - PS id: Klatu_PA - 3DS FC: 0920-0528-6680
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    GrundlestiltskinGrundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Maybe they should keep the Call to Arms hidden, and the only indication that it's active will be when the loot bag shows up.

    This way tanks (and healers) won't be waiting for Call to Arms before joining the queue.

    Yeah, except that won't really have any impact on queue times.

    Basically, Bliz has decided on a threshold queue time for anyone - let's say 15 minutes. Any time the queue goes above 15 minutes (for dps, obviously), a CTA will go out (for tanks).

    If CTA isn't up, tanks will wait. CTA will stay up until queues drop back to the threshold. If you want tanks joining the queue more frequently, you lower the threshold.

    Hiding the CTA won't give anyone any more incentive to queue for that role than their currently is, really.

    Grundlestiltskin on
    3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Turkson wrote: »
    I don't know what's worse. People complaining about Call to Arms, or people saying that the way to fix the queue times is to have a third spec.
    Tri-spec is needed for a lot more reasons than DF queue times, assuming it would even affect them perceptibly.

    forty on
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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    forty wrote: »
    Turkson wrote: »
    I don't know what's worse. People complaining about Call to Arms, or people saying that the way to fix the queue times is to have a third spec.
    Tri-spec is needed for a lot more reasons than DF queue times, assuming it would even affect them perceptibly.

    Like what?

    Henroid on
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    Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Henroid wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    Turkson wrote: »
    I don't know what's worse. People complaining about Call to Arms, or people saying that the way to fix the queue times is to have a third spec.
    Tri-spec is needed for a lot more reasons than DF queue times, assuming it would even affect them perceptibly.

    Like what?

    Yeah, I don't see how it's "needed." I can understand the desire for it, certainly, but at some point you are spreading yourself a little thin.

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
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    GrundlestiltskinGrundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Why stop at tri-spec? I don't see why my DK shouldn't be able to switch between tank, two dps specs, and three dps specs at will. Why limit people at all?

    Grundlestiltskin on
    3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Henroid wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    Turkson wrote: »
    I don't know what's worse. People complaining about Call to Arms, or people saying that the way to fix the queue times is to have a third spec.
    Tri-spec is needed for a lot more reasons than DF queue times, assuming it would even affect them perceptibly.

    Like what?
    Specific examples: neither my DK nor my druid can have a PvP spec since group PvE flexibility requirements have me using their dual specs for two separate PvE roles. Result? I never PvP on my DK and limit my druid just to healing in BGs with a frustratingly non-PvP focused spec.

    Basically, WoW has a lot of gameplay avenues, and not enough spec slots to accommodate them.

    forty on
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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    forty wrote: »
    Henroid wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    Turkson wrote: »
    I don't know what's worse. People complaining about Call to Arms, or people saying that the way to fix the queue times is to have a third spec.
    Tri-spec is needed for a lot more reasons than DF queue times, assuming it would even affect them perceptibly.

    Like what?
    Specific examples: neither my DK nor my druid can have a PvP spec since group PvE flexibility requirements have me using their dual specs for two separate PvE roles. Result? I never PvP on my DK and limit my druid just to healing in BGs with a frustratingly non-PvP focused spec.

    Basically, WoW has a lot of gameplay avenues, and not enough spec slots to accommodate them.

    I'm going to venture a guess that people who want to PvP AND PvE dedicatedly at the same time are in the minority.

    Henroid on
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    And? It's still something a lot of players want, and the game isn't hurt by opening up options and giving people more to do.

    forty on
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    GrundlestiltskinGrundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    forty wrote: »
    And? It's still something a lot of players want, and the game isn't hurt by opening up options and giving people more to do.

    I disagree. I think differentiation in a social space creates value and a feeling of uniqueness for players, a role identity (i.e, I'm a tank, or I'm a healer, etc). That's substantially lessened when the barriers disappear, and the idea of specialization gets more or less shit on.

    Edit: It's also (and I hate using this term) a slippery slope. Why should I be limited to my class? Why shouldn't I be able to just switch between classes at will? It doesn't hurt anyone. Let me collect multiple gear sets and just play what I want to play.

    Grundlestiltskin on
    3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy
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    Jubal77Jubal77 Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Specing is one of those things that I will counter my usual opinions on and state that this is an unneeded cumbersome implementation. I think it should be open with and allow you to swap points whenever you want. The money hole that is respecing isnt that large of one with as much money as you can make these days. It goes along well with the simplification of the game. Just make respecing either free or a Inscriptionist sellable scroll.

    Jubal77 on
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    forty wrote: »
    And? It's still something a lot of players want, and the game isn't hurt by opening up options and giving people more to do.

    I disagree. I think differentiation in a social space creates value and a feeling of uniqueness for players, a role identity (i.e, I'm a tank, or I'm a healer, etc). That's substantially lessened when the barriers disappear, and the idea of specialization gets more or less shit on.
    I'm curious which version of WoW you're playing where individual players feel valuable or unique at this point.

    forty on
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    KlatuKlatu Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi OiRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Opening up specs like that just leads to people having more roles they're undergeared for. Who's going to pay the insane prices for Maelstrom Crystals to maintain 3 or more sets of gear?

    I'm a tank, it's what I do. I wouldn't even need my offspec if I didn't want the achieve. I'm probably going to make my offspec another type of tank spec just for the hell of it, to switch between AE and single target, though I do both pretty well now anyway.

    But that's just me, and I don't expect everyone to feel the same way or play the game the same way.

    Klatu on
    Steam id:Klatu - PS id: Klatu_PA - 3DS FC: 0920-0528-6680
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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    forty wrote: »
    And? It's still something a lot of players want, and the game isn't hurt by opening up options and giving people more to do.

    Actually it is. Balance goes all to shit the more respeccing options you get and the easier you make it. The more specs you introduce, the more specialized for a very specific task each spec gets because you can pick and choose for each specific scenario without penalty. And that goes against the entire idea of specialization in the first place and makes choices and tradeoffs even more meaningless.

    It also hurts differentiation among people, although this isn't as big a deal with gearing.

    shryke on
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Edit: It's also (and I hate using this term) a slippery slope. Why should I be limited to my class? Why shouldn't I be able to just switch between classes at will? It doesn't hurt anyone. Let me collect multiple gear sets and just play what I want to play.
    If you hate using it, which you should since it's stupid, then you probably shouldn't make a goosey argument using it.

    No one is asking for class swapping. That's something else entirely. If someone posts and says WoW should have class swapping, then you reply to that post and argue about it there. You can already respec talents and change glyphs, there's just a barrier of hassle and inconvenience in the way. I mean, if you prefer game design based on hassle and inconvenience, then that's fine. I think it's safe to say that most people don't, and the last 6.5 years of WoW have shown that Blizzard doesn't seem to be fans of that sort of thing either.

    But seriously, we shouldn't even be able to have alts, amirite?

    forty on
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