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PA comic: Friday Nov. 11, 2011 - Thank You, Edgar

BogeyBogey I'm back, baby!Santa Monica, CAModerator Mod Emeritus
edited November 2011 in The Penny Arcade Hub

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XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
Bogey on


  • AurichAurich ArizonaRegistered User regular
    There are times I think I could do what Tycho does. This is one of those times where I want to beat the crap out of myself for even daring to begin to think it.


  • godmodegodmode Southeast JapanRegistered User regular
    Stellar :^:

  • Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular

  • RankenphileRankenphile Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    this is pretty wonderful

  • TheECPTheECP Registered User regular

  • JucJuc EdmontonRegistered User regular
    No, sir. I didn't like it.

  • Monkey Ball WarriorMonkey Ball Warrior A collection of mediocre hats Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    No seriously sometimes mute is a blesséd thing.

    I'm just going to start using -éd everywhere now.

    "I resent the entire notion of a body as an ante and then raise you a generalized dissatisfaction with physicality itself" -- Tycho
  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    Oh my god. This is even better than the word comics.

    Can we just have this all the time forever? Or like, a weekly Tycho's Poetry Corner or something.

  • QrofolQrofol Registered User new member
    Been a long time reader, but this time I just had to create an account and come to comment.

    Bravo, sir.

  • OolongOolong Registered User regular
    Yeah, wow. That's magnificent.

  • 2 Marcus 2 Ravens2 Marcus 2 Ravens CanadaRegistered User regular
    This is a big part of what makes Penny Arcade so special.

    It's always a treat when Tycho drops some poetry on us.

  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    edited November 2011
    This is a big part of what makes Penny Arcade so special.

    It's always a treat when Tycho drops some poetry on us.

    If slightly tarnished by Tycho and/or Gabe's recurring pet peeve of a plant, overlapping with distinctly unsavory individuals who are fond of said plant, and whatnot.

    That's not even a gripe on my part, FWIW. I've been reading PA since I was eleven years old, I'm used to T&G's little recurring quirks, like that.

    It just made me snicker, and go, 'heh', for a second. Barely impacted my enjoyment.

    Edit: Because I'm not the one calling the shots on this here webby-comic. But it seemed to me, just for a second, a moment, even, that the dudes called 'NOBAMA_2012' and such loudly informing us how they're going to hang themselves some N-Words, while I'm in MW3 or Reach, are heinous enough to warrant a mute.

    They aren't, probably, because I am completely retarded

    the Professor on
  • runwiledrunwiled Registered User regular
    edited November 2011

    If slightly tarnished by Tycho and/or Gabe's recurring pet peeve of a plant, overlapping with distinctly unsavory individuals who are fond of said plant, and whatnot.

    That's not even a gripe on my part, FWIW. I've been reading PA since I was eleven years old, I'm used to T&G's little recurring quirks, like that.

    It just made me snicker, and go, 'heh', for a second. Barely impacted my enjoyment.

    Said plant does have a habit of, whilst making you think you're hilarious, make you more annoying to others not under influence of aforementioned flora. I see it as compounding an already somewhat asshole-ish situation, especially when the only reason you know the little cretin on the other end of the internet is apparently 'high' is because he keeps proclaiming his medicated status loudly and often.

    At least that's how I interpret it.

    Bravo Jerry, you marvellous word-smith. I enjoyed today's offering most thoroughly.

    runwiled on
  • hilstadhilstad Registered User new member
    Rhyme worthy of Poe, nay even of Goethe

  • rabidmuskratrabidmuskrat Registered User regular
    Absolutely glorious.

  • SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited November 2011
    I think I just don't get poetry in general. I mean, I can look at this and acknowledge the skillful word flow, but beyond that I'm getting much less out of it than most everyone else seems to be.

    Maybe because I play online with every one of my opponents on mute wherever possible.

    SabreMau on
  • AsharadAsharad Registered User regular

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    runwiled wrote:

    If slightly tarnished by Tycho and/or Gabe's recurring pet peeve of a plant, overlapping with distinctly unsavory individuals who are fond of said plant, and whatnot.

    That's not even a gripe on my part, FWIW. I've been reading PA since I was eleven years old, I'm used to T&G's little recurring quirks, like that.

    It just made me snicker, and go, 'heh', for a second. Barely impacted my enjoyment.

    Said plant does have a habit of, whilst making you think you're hilarious, make you more annoying to others not under influence of aforementioned flora. I see it as compounding an already somewhat asshole-ish situation, especially when the only reason you know the little cretin on the other end of the internet is apparently 'high' is because he keeps proclaiming his medicated status loudly and often.

    At least that's how I interpret it.

    Bravo Jerry, you marvellous word-smith. I enjoyed today's offering most thoroughly.
    That and the fact that a large portion of the Live (and I assume other gaming networks, I just visited them) seem to be incapable of crafting a screen name that isn't just random words from the pot/weed/dope/blunt/master/420 grab bag.

  • kingworkskingworks Registered User regular
    edited November 2011
    runwiled wrote:
    Said plant does have a habit of, whilst making you think you're hilarious, make you more annoying to others not under influence of aforementioned flora. I see it as compounding an already somewhat asshole-ish situation, especially when the only reason you know the little cretin on the other end of the internet is apparently 'high' is because he keeps proclaiming his medicated status loudly and often.

    At least that's how I interpret it.

    Bravo Jerry, you marvellous word-smith. I enjoyed today's offering most thoroughly.
    That and the fact that a large portion of the Live (and I assume other gaming networks, I just visited them) seem to be incapable of crafting a screen name that isn't just random words from the pot/weed/dope/blunt/master/420 grab bag.
    I wish to reiterate what these gentlefolk hath proclaimed.

    kingworks on
  • SyphyreSyphyre A Dangerous Pastime Registered User regular
    The last three sentences pretty much describe my feelings about playing online.

  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    edited November 2011
    runwiled wrote:

    If slightly tarnished by Tycho and/or Gabe's recurring pet peeve of a plant, overlapping with distinctly unsavory individuals who are fond of said plant, and whatnot.

    That's not even a gripe on my part, FWIW. I've been reading PA since I was eleven years old, I'm used to T&G's little recurring quirks, like that.

    It just made me snicker, and go, 'heh', for a second. Barely impacted my enjoyment.

    Said plant does have a habit of, whilst making you think you're hilarious, make you more annoying to others not under influence of aforementioned flora. I see it as compounding an already somewhat asshole-ish situation, especially when the only reason you know the little cretin on the other end of the internet is apparently 'high' is because he keeps proclaiming his medicated status loudly and often.

    At least that's how I interpret it.

    Bravo Jerry, you marvellous word-smith. I enjoyed today's offering most thoroughly.
    That and the fact that a large portion of the Live (and I assume other gaming networks, I just visited them) seem to be incapable of crafting a screen name that isn't just random words from the pot/weed/dope/blunt/master/420 grab bag.

    Indeed, these people are largely shitbags. I hear and agree entirely.

    They are, however, only shitbags. The racists on XBL are hateful shitbags.

    I would not have even blinked, if he had included the hideously relevant topic of XBL racism earning MUTE STATUS.

    He has addressed the crazy racists on there before, too, so it made me scratch my head a bit. You can see how it may have given me pause, there.

    It really doesn't concern me, though. And I'm certainly not going to split some hairs about it.


    "But Professor, you silly retarded goose, we DO NOT NEED to talk about Racism in Gaming! And neither does Jerry?"


    It is a Thing. It is definitely, without a doubt, a Thing, that Needs To Be Addressed. It impacts our community. Everyone should address it. Every single gaming webcomic with a huge community should frequently address the topic, and raise awareness.

    As Archimedes said, give me a microphone, and a place to stand at PAX, and I'll open up the convention with, Guys, we need to talk about Racism. On Xbox Live.

    the Professor on
  • The Good Doctor TranThe Good Doctor Tran Registered User regular

    LoL & Spiral Knights & MC & SMNC: Carrington - Origin: CarringtonPlus - Steam: skdrtran
  • Charger347Charger347 Registered User regular
    edited November 2011
    This needs to be a shirt. Make one. Now. So all the griefers may look upon me and say, "God, what a fucking noob. Stfu, you noob."

    Charger347 on
    They ask me, "why the cabbage?" I say, "The hell if I know."
  • ShenShen Registered User regular
    Indeed, these people are largely shitbags. I hear and agree entirely.

    They are, however, only shitbags. The racists on XBL are hateful shitbags.

    I would not have even blinked, if he had included the hideously relevant topic of XBL racism earning MUTE STATUS.

    He has addressed the crazy racists on there before, too, so it made me scratch my head a bit. You can see how it may have given me pause, there.

    It really doesn't concern me, though. And I'm certainly not going to split some hairs about it.


    "But Professor, you silly retarded goose, we DO NOT NEED to talk about Racism in Gaming! And neither does Jerry?"


    It is a Thing. It is definitely, without a doubt, a Thing, that Needs To Be Addressed. It impacts our community. Everyone should address it. Every single gaming webcomic with a huge community should frequently address the topic, and raise awareness.

    As Archimedes said, give me a microphone, and a place to stand at PAX, and I'll open up the convention with, Guys, we need to talk about Racism. On Xbox Live.

    Racist jerks are probably harder to make poetry out of. It's unlikely Jerry just sat down and thought "Yea, I shall deliver unto them a poem about potheads"; rather, he was struck with inspiration.

    Note the most excellent line: "who bore the blade Hephaestus wrought in Gaea's flowing blood" - that which follows is built around painting a coherent picture of the enemy. You cannot have racist screennames so that's right out, plus there's no equivalent of 420 for bigots to rally behind. What would the equivalent of a particularly dank bud be for racists? Such dark thoughts are better left unspeculated.

    Anyway, excellent comic.

    3DS: 2234-8122-8398 | (EU): Ladi#2485
  • jackaljackal Fuck Yes. That is an orderly anal warehouse. Registered User regular
    "Mixed race parentage were his study" and, "and parentage concerns" seems to indicate he was also being racist.

  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    edited November 2011
    jackal wrote:
    "Mixed race parentage were his study" and, "and parentage concerns" seems to indicate he was also being racist.

    I thought about the ubiquitous "URMOM" jokes said shitbag weedfiends are overly fond of hurling around, on seeing those lines first.

    Both things make sense, I guess.
    Shen wrote:

    Racist jerks are probably harder to make poetry out of. It's unlikely Jerry just sat down and thought "Yea, I shall deliver unto them a poem about potheads"; rather, he was struck with inspiration.

    Note the most excellent line: "who bore the blade Hephaestus wrought in Gaea's flowing blood" - that which follows is built around painting a coherent picture of the enemy. You cannot have racist screennames so that's right out, plus there's no equivalent of 420 for bigots to rally behind. What would the equivalent of a particularly dank bud be for racists? Such dark thoughts are better left unspeculated.

    Anyway, excellent comic.

    What? Naw. Jerry is The Man. He Can Do This. He can...probably do this. Hmm.

    Actually, you've got a great point, there.

    I want to say that the Tea Party is the equivalent of really dank bud for racists, but that's a whole new tangent. Plus, I'm sure the TP is entirely legitimate, right, guys?


    the Professor on
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    if you think mixed races is a mom joke then I just don't know.

  • RonnieRonnie Registered User regular
    I love, love, love Tycho-heavy comics. PA's mentioned in ye olde podcasts that they prefer the comics where the characters say nothing because the visuals are compelling and descriptive, but personally, I really enjoy when the wording is the focus.

  • HeadCreepsHeadCreeps NOW IS THE TIME FOR DRINKING! Registered User regular
    Oh man, this is just perfect

  • Charger347Charger347 Registered User regular
    Syphyre wrote:
    The last three sentences pretty much describe my feelings about playing online.

    The insistence that sitting in a corner, finding glitched areas in the map to hide in, and using ridiculously broken class combinations (double shotgun dude is a dog rapist- Tycho) to kill people designates skill in a game is the exact reason why I'll never touch the online component of another COD game ever again.

    Online FPS are completely different games than what they were even as little as five years ago. People used to actually play the game instead of hiding and spouting shit as to why they're so much better than me because they hide in a corner. Oh, you found a glitch? Good for you, do you want a cookie? Cause I sure as hell want a bottle of Turkey whenever you talk about how you fucked my mom you little son of a...

    They ask me, "why the cabbage?" I say, "The hell if I know."
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    This is fan-fucking-tastic.

  • JackKieserJackKieser Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    I, personally, second the notion that we have a weekly "Tycho's Video Game Poetry Corner", where he graces us with florid prose and poetry about various gaming-related topics.

    Khoo, we need you to get on this. Go into Jerry's office, take the controller from his hand, and tell him to get to work.

  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    I could read this all day. It just flows so perfectly, and all the words fit with precision. Outstanding job.

  • SyphyreSyphyre A Dangerous Pastime Registered User regular
    edited November 2011
    The last time I played an online FPS with any seriousness was back when I was playing Threewave CTF Quake, which was over ten years ago.

    When playing MMORPGs, I generally play on RP servers, even though I don't RP, simply because there are less people like those described in the comic.

    Edit: It goes along with the entire onlinecanbejackasses thing. A know a guy at work. Nice guy. I like him, get along with him. Tried playing SSMB with him online. His Kirby was yelling "lol cocks" the entire time. Just what I don't need.

    Syphyre on
  • jwalkjwalk Registered User regular
    so, Call of Duty?

  • jwalkjwalk Registered User regular

  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    Of all the time I have been made to spend away from my precious Skyrim today, the moments spent reading this comic have been my favorite.

    Very well done. sirs.

  • facetiousfacetious a wit so dry it shits sandRegistered User regular
    Jerry's poetry never ceases to amaze me.

    "I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde
    Real strong, facetious.

    Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular

    What is this I don't even.
  • belligerentbelligerent Registered User regular
    edited November 2011
    I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I wouldn’t even know how to contextualize it. Obviously, it was racist and aggressive and bizarre. But it was also… filthy, and I don’t mean that as a mere euphemism for dirty by way of naughty. I mean that it was septic. I mean that something in my unbidden animal mind told me to avoid it.

    It's really fucking terrifying at times to realize how inured you can get to things that, on their surface are so awful, you didn't realize you were participating in it as an observer.

    I laugh at the racists online and report them, but I know it doesn't do anything. How could it? But when people who don't put up with it--like Jerry--mention just how bad it's gotten, I realize that I've been covered in that shit for so long that it's part of how I understand the world works. When given annonymity, people become evil. And then people let their children play online with these people. They become them without supervision.

    belligerent on
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