Your IQ



  • The Black HunterThe Black Hunter The key is a minimum of compromise, and a simple, unimpeachable reason to existRegistered User regular
    edited July 2007
    127 on that test.

    Oh well.

    The Black Hunter on
  • PicardathonPicardathon Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    I really blew the smart people test on the highiqsociety website, and I still got a 119.
    I think they're inflating scores.

    Picardathon on
  • Lucky CynicLucky Cynic Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    I distaste these tests, many reasons, too many factors, hardly really means too much really.

    Instead, I do other fun stuff, like this.

    My all time high score:


    Lucky Cynic on
  • Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2007
    IQs are fun numbers, but that test is absolute shit. I administer and interpret these things for a living; if you want a decent test, look to the WAIS for adults and the WISC for anybody from age 6 to age 18. Either of those, or the RIAS.

    Seriously, lock this thread, that test is ridiculously insipid.

    Man, Wonder Hippie. Is there anything you're not an expert on?

    Bionic Monkey on
  • Lucky CynicLucky Cynic Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    IQs are fun numbers, but that test is absolute shit. I administer and interpret these things for a living; if you want a decent test, look to the WAIS for adults and the WISC for anybody from age 6 to age 18. Either of those, or the RIAS.

    Seriously, lock this thread, that test is ridiculously insipid.

    What about those Mensa Tests? I think some of the questions on some of those are just shit that make you feel like a lesser human being...

    Lucky Cynic on
  • Crimson KingCrimson King Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    The memorisation test was all but useless. I can't see how my IQ is dependent on the part of the pattern that I randomly chose to focus on.

    I got 143 though, which means I'm still in the Cleverer Then You Club.

    Crimson King on
  • Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2007
    I'm trying to figure out how knowing common colloquialisms is related to an IQ.

    Bionic Monkey on
  • Wonder_HippieWonder_Hippie __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2007
    IQs are fun numbers, but that test is absolute shit. I administer and interpret these things for a living; if you want a decent test, look to the WAIS for adults and the WISC for anybody from age 6 to age 18. Either of those, or the RIAS.

    Seriously, lock this thread, that test is ridiculously insipid.

    What about those Mensa Tests? I think some of the questions on some of those are just shit that make you feel like a lesser human being...

    I've never seen the Mensa tests, I don't know what's on them. I thought they had used the standard IQ tests, and it's surprising to find out they have their own.

    Bionic: No.

    Wonder_Hippie on
  • BlackDragon480BlackDragon480 Bluster Kerfuffle Master of Windy ImportRegistered User regular
    edited July 2007
    I've never seen the Mensa tests, I don't know what's on them. I thought they had used the standard IQ tests, and it's surprising to find out they have their own.

    Bionic: No.

    They still accept scores in the 98th percentile and above on most of the major standardized tests like the WAIS and CTMM (California Test of Mental Maturity). Along with those, you can also qualify for membership by taking a test designed and given by members of Mensa. These tests are administered once a month and the sessions are overseen by the officers of the various regional chapters.

    I'm not sure the exact layout or structure of their tests, as I've never taken nor given one. I was offered the chance to volunteer at one of the testing sessions a couple of years ago by Mid-America Mensa (my regional chapter), but I couldn't attend due to working that weekend.

    BlackDragon480 on
    No matter where you go...there you are.
    ~ Buckaroo Banzai
  • Wonder_HippieWonder_Hippie __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2007
    Hrmm. I wonder if I can find a chapter around here and offer my testing services to them.

    Moonlighting FTW. Hafta find a way to pay off that fucking car.

    Wonder_Hippie on
  • BlackDragon480BlackDragon480 Bluster Kerfuffle Master of Windy ImportRegistered User regular
    edited July 2007
    If you're really interested, you can scout out the local group that covers your geographical area at this here page:

    BlackDragon480 on
    No matter where you go...there you are.
    ~ Buckaroo Banzai
  • Che GuevaraChe Guevara __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2007
    I can just sit and just play Brain Age Sudoku for hours.

    Che Guevara on
  • TarantioTarantio Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    I got 136 on the first linked test, and 135 on the second one.
    Now, if only I could remember from lab class whether that's accuracy or precision.

    This may be because I had a shitty psych teacher in high school, but I get the impression that where we are now in psychology is about equivalent to where we were in medicine when being bled was the primary means of care. We've done some good and figured some stuff out, but it really seems like there's a whole lot we just don't yet understand.

    Coincidentally, I have some friends (twins) whose parents met at a Mensa meeting. Undoubtedly two of the smartest people I know. The brother is going into math at some ivy league school I don't currently remember the name of. While in high school, there was another student assigned to making sure he remembered to go to math team functions. The sister is more into literature and writing, and less absent minded.

    Tarantio on
  • LitejediLitejedi New York CityRegistered User regular
    edited July 2007
    I was invited to join MENSA but declined, due to the fact that people in MENSA are douchebags by virtue of being in MENSA. You want to hang out with people who challenge you intellectually? Go to a University and hang out with, I don't know, researchers. Do some research yourself. That will challenge you intellectually. MENSA are a group of people who only exist to say they are better than other people.

    Litejedi on
    3DS FC: 1907-9450-1017
  • ViolentChemistryViolentChemistry __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2007
    My IQ tells you absolutely nothing of value about me.

    Edit: Seriously, I want to see a product or a skill. Intelligence by itself is worthless if never applied. A genius who can't show me some way in which he's useful is of far less use to me than a moron who can show me results.

    Edit 2: Beyond the fact that I know people whose IQs are way below mine who can crunch calculus, which I've never been able to do.

    ViolentChemistry on
  • IncenjucarIncenjucar VChatter Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2007
    I got in to the GATE program as a kid and all, and I did an online test in high school when I was bored and half-asleep once, and got a 133. But my dad has an IQ of 147, supposedly, and my intuitive abilities surpass his readily, so I'm assuming I'm closer to his number when tested, like, for real.

    But it's really absolutely useless because I have never had the will to apply any of it. Science is easy enough, and reading the results is great, but the actual process bores me to tears, and I have no real attention span, so I'm incapable of applying myself to it for any length of time. An average person who had a real passion for the subject would surpass me easily simply because I'd end up doodling a bad comic strip instead of memorizing formulas.

    If anything, IQ shows you how much potential you have to squander.


    Amen on MENSA. I've spoken with two members of it, and heard plenty else. One of them was a good friend of mine, but the other one wanted to have sex with dolphins and horses.

    Intelligence is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't mean you'll be a worthwhile human being, or that you're even -smart- in a practical sense.

    Incenjucar on
  • srsizzysrsizzy Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    My biology teacher insists that IQ tests are only possible at a really young age, because after that it's all pretty subjective to the person being tested and how much they've been taught and all other manner of situational shenanigans.

    srsizzy on
  • Aroused BullAroused Bull Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    The only thing IQ is really any good for at all is predicting how well a child might do in school. Even the inventors of various IQ tests have admitted that they're basically just constructed around school-type problems and for that purpose.

    Aroused Bull on
  • space_satanspace_satan __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2007 it.

    space_satan on
  • Aroused BullAroused Bull Registered User regular
    edited July 2007 it.
    I think less of you as a human being.

    Aroused Bull on
  • The CatThe Cat Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2007
    srsizzy wrote: »
    My biology teacher insists that IQ tests are only possible at a really young age, because after that it's all pretty subjective to the person being tested and how much they've been taught and all other manner of situational shenanigans.
    Yeah, I remember losing points for not knowing who Anne Frank was.

    That bitch

    The Cat on
  • space_satanspace_satan __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2007
    ArrBeeBee wrote: » it.
    I think less of you as a human being.

    and i wouldnt want it any other way....but why? if i may ask. do you see me as less of a human for scoring high on a IQ test that really doesnt mean anything? kinda hurts my feelings...just a little. i feel it right in the chestal area....maybe in the cockles...maybe in the sub-cockles, maybe in the liver, the kidneys..i just dont know.

    space_satan on
  • The CatThe Cat Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2007
    Its the bragging. and now, the stealing of a denis leary lyric. oh, teh ironies.

    The Cat on
  • space_satanspace_satan __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2007
    The Cat wrote: »
    Its the bragging. and now, the stealing of a denis leary lyric. oh, teh ironies.

    not stealing, an homage.

    space_satan on
  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    IQ tests annoy the hell out of me because they basically make an argument counter to the entire idea of education. This idea leapt to my mind when they were running that TV based IQ test show a while back, and one of the questions I just could not work out what the pattern was supposed to be because it never occurred to me to spot it by rotating the elements of each independently. But of course, knowing that, I would in fact use that to solve the problem in future tests.

    electricitylikesme on
  • Aroused BullAroused Bull Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    ArrBeeBee wrote: » it.
    I think less of you as a human being.

    and i wouldnt want it any other way....but why? if i may ask. do you see me as less of a human for scoring high on a IQ test that really doesnt mean anything? kinda hurts my feelings...just a little. i feel it right in the chestal area....maybe in the cockles...maybe in the sub-cockles, maybe in the liver, the kidneys..i just dont know.

    I do seem to seriously have something of a prejudice against people with high IQs. Everyone I've met who's mentioned their IQ (and only those with high IQs mention it) has been a douchebag, and some of them have actually been kind of stupid. To relate an anecdote: there was one guy in particular, a big hulking dude who looked at least part Neanderthal. He bragged that he had an IQ of 169 or something like that. Yet he had no wit or sense of humour, he was awful at chess (not just "unpractised at chess" bad, 'cause I'm no superstar myself, but "I'll move my one pawn forward in a straight line until it reaches your lines and you eat it" bad), his grammar was ungood, he was socially inept... he probably did well on tests, but he was what I would normally term a dolt.
    I don't actually think any less of you, but as I've said before, I don't put any stock in IQ tests, so I'm unimpressed by high scores. Especially from internet tests, which tend to give wildly different ratings.
    And especially since you can't even use apostrophes and ellipses correctly. :P

    Edit: There's what elec said too. A big part of intelligence is applying information you already possess to the problem at hand. Obviously, if you deal with abstract logic puzzles all the time, you'll be used to the particular methods used to solve them, and you'll excel on IQ tests.

    Aroused Bull on
  • FyreWulffFyreWulff YouRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2007
    I want to try for the local MENSA now, but only because they get discounts on electronics.

    FyreWulff on
  • SavantSavant Simply Barbaric Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    forbis316 wrote: »
    ElJeffe wrote: »
    Koekjes wrote: »
    That was sort of fun. I got a 129.

    Here is another one that was a bit more interesting.

    I was doing well until my boss came in and I had to close it down. :(

    Oh man, I didn't figure out a single one in the first category. Wow. Just couldn't see a pattern at all.

    That test was fun. Though I really sucked at the memorization of the color tile layouts.

    I got a 135-140 on that test and the hard version of it.

    The math section on the hard version was completely retarded though. A good portion of the questions were asking about the names of some random terms and theorems. Not the simple ones mind you, ones that I either never heard of or only heard of partially (like the Hilbert's problems) with a master's in mathematics. At least I knew what the Lebesgue measure was.

    How is that shit testing mathematical skill? You just need to have read the names or histories of those things in passing.

    Savant on
  • space_satanspace_satan __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2007
    ArrBeeBee wrote: »
    ArrBeeBee wrote: » it.
    I think less of you as a human being.

    and i wouldnt want it any other way....but why? if i may ask. do you see me as less of a human for scoring high on a IQ test that really doesnt mean anything? kinda hurts my feelings...just a little. i feel it right in the chestal area....maybe in the cockles...maybe in the sub-cockles, maybe in the liver, the kidneys..i just dont know.

    I do seem to seriously have something of a prejudice against people with high IQs. Everyone I've met who's mentioned their IQ (and only those with high IQs mention it) has been a douchebag, and some of them have actually been kind of stupid. To relate an anecdote: there was one guy in particular, a big hulking dude who looked at least part Neanderthal. He bragged that he had an IQ of 169 or something like that. Yet he had no wit or sense of humour, he was awful at chess (not just "unpractised at chess" bad, 'cause I'm no superstar myself, but "I'll move my one pawn forward in a straight line until it reaches your lines and you eat it" bad), his grammar was ungood, he was socially inept... he probably did well on tests, but he was what I would normally term a dolt.
    I don't actually think any less of you, but as I've said before, I don't put any stock in IQ tests, so I'm unimpressed by high scores. Especially from internet tests, which tend to give wildly different ratings.
    And especially since you can't even use apostrophes and ellipses correctly. :P

    Edit: There's what elec said too. A big part of intelligence is applying information you already possess to the problem at hand. Obviously, if you deal with abstract logic puzzles all the time, you'll be used to the particular methods used to solve them, and you'll excel on IQ tests.

    i will assure you, i am not a douche. i do posess wit and humor. i dont play chess*. and apostrophes and ellipses are my weaknesses.

    i play checkers, the real game of intelligence

    space_satan on
  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    ArrBeeBee wrote: »
    Edit: There's what elec said too. A big part of intelligence is applying information you already possess to the problem at hand. Obviously, if you deal with abstract logic puzzles all the time, you'll be used to the particular methods used to solve them, and you'll excel on IQ tests.
    Which is of course the other issue I have with them. They were developed and are used to ascribe what is supposed to be an independent metric to intelligence, yet the people who tend to strike you as intelligent are the ones who know where their weaknesses lie and act to counter/deal with it.

    electricitylikesme on
  • GorakGorak Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    I stopped paying attention to IQ tests when I took the Mensa home test when I was 14. You're supposed to allow an hour but I finished it in 20 mins. When I got the results it gave me 138 +/- 2. Everyone I know who took that test got the same score which basically says the test only goes up to 140.

    Once you see that you realise they'll let any fucker into Mensa.

    However, IQ scores are great for annoying people with low scores who don't know the test is pretty meaningless.

    Gorak on
  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    I've realized that saying anything about intelligence is a pretty dick move though when you're talking to someone.

    electricitylikesme on
  • OrganichuOrganichu poops peesRegistered User, Moderator mod
    edited July 2007
    Anybody else feel dumb? I didn't take the test. :l

    I speak several languages and I'm very proficient in the playing of several instruments and I can write rather well in each of my languages- but I don't feel smarter than the next guy. I'm never the guy to solve riddles or solve problems; I'm not good at puzzles, I often miss obvious things, etc. I got into the 'gifted' program when I was younger, so I guess I did sufficiently well on some test along the line... but I really do not feel very intelligent. I also don't have a good memory (unless it's in an applied field).

    I feel as though I'm endowed with far more talent than the average person, but I'm only very marginally smarter than the average person. I get the feeling that people only view me as smart because of my predisposition towards 'smart guy' activities (lots of reading, classical instruments, interest in many languages, etc).

    Hooray for the stupid smart people!

    Organichu on
  • AgemAgem Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    IQ tests annoy the hell out of me because they basically make an argument counter to the entire idea of education. This idea leapt to my mind when they were running that TV based IQ test show a while back, and one of the questions I just could not work out what the pattern was supposed to be because it never occurred to me to spot it by rotating the elements of each independently. But of course, knowing that, I would in fact use that to solve the problem in future tests.
    Good IQ tests are useful. Again, I don't think anyone's saying it necessarily shows all of the picture, but IQ tests have been shown through published research to strongly correlate with certain traits and (although less strongly, I believe) with things like income. As such, they're strongly supported by most psychologists (including the APA) and the statisticians who've done research on them.

    It is a system that can be "gamed," but there would be next to no reason to do so. Saying "well if I learn about all the things they might expect you to pick up on or practice a lot I'll get a higher score so it's not valid" is like saying "well if purposely do shitty I'll get a lower score so it's not valid." I can give someone else's urine at the doctor's office but that doesn't immediately mean there's something wrong with the tests they perform on it. It just means they aren't designed to handle people intentionally trying to break it. And since there are (normally) so few incentives attached to getting a higher score I'd be less worried about people "gaming" it than something like the SATS, where there are actually big "review" books dedicated to helping you increase your score.

    And the anecdotal evidence in this thread is, well, anecdotal. If someone who told you he has an extremely high IQ is playing chess by marching all of his pawns to their dooms while intensely staring at the board with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows, I'm not sure why the conclusion is "people with high IQs are dumb" rather than "dumb people lie about their IQs." Because if someone's stupid enough to not realize he's wasting turns marching a piece with little attack potential one tile at a time directly into enemy territory, I doubt he's going to score very high on an IQ test, because the basic skills involved here are the same.

    Agem on
  • GorakGorak Registered User regular
    edited July 2007
    Agem wrote: »
    Because if someone's stupid enough to not realize he's wasting turns marching a piece with little attack potential one tile at a time directly into enemy territory, I doubt he's going to score very high on an IQ test, because the basic skills involved here are the same.

    Ha! That's what he wants you to think.

    It's actually a Spec-Ops pawn whose going to guide an airstrike onto your bishop.

    Gorak on
  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    edited July 2007
    Instead, I do other fun stuff, like this.

    Oh, that was fun. I loved Polarium. :P

    Echo on
  • ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2007
    Tarantio wrote: »
    I got 136 on the first linked test, and 135 on the second one.
    Now, if only I could remember from lab class whether that's accuracy or precision.

    It's reliability. Reliability is the ability to generate the same result. Precision is how fine the test can measure (my IQ is 136.527!). Accuracy is how close the test actually gets to the right answer (assuming that such a thing as the "right answer" exists for something like an IQ test).

    ElJeffe on
    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
  • ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2007
    I would like to go to a Mensa chapter and have them administer an official test. Then, if I qualified for membership, and they were congratulating me, I'd tell them, "Man, I don't want to be in some fucking club for pretentious nerds."

    ElJeffe on
    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
  • ShintoShinto __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2007
    I need a measurement of intelligence that explains why I can't figure out how to change the oil in my car, but I can remember the details of the public propaganda campaign put out by the son of the Duke of York in his struggle against Henry VI during the Wars of the Roses.

    Shinto on
  • ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2007
    Shinto wrote: »
    I need a measurement of intelligence that explains why I can't figure out how to change the oil in my car, but I can remember the details of the public propaganda campaign put out by the son of the Duke of York in his struggle against Henry VI during the Wars of the Roses.

    If you find one, see if it can also explain why I have pi memorized out to 15 places, but I can't remember to take the clothes out of the washer until the reek of mildewing laundry hunts me down and assaults my nostrils.

    ElJeffe on
    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
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