Video Game Industry Thread: Master Chief -- script delivery boy



  • DarmaniDarmani Registered User regular
    Okay so it seems the WiiU specs were leaked and its same story as last gen. Not enough graphics power and not favorable for the Western third party developer.

    Am I interpreting this correctly?

    I mean it seems there is a lack of shaders and the graphics chips are weak, somehow, Is that accurate?

  • cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Algertman wrote: »
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    I still can't believe EA won Consumerist's worst company award. Just to let you know, their main competitor was: Bank of America. One of the companies that helped cause the recession, still refuses to cut struggling homeowners the smallest of breaks, imposes fees all over the place and has absolutely horrible customer service.

    Which I'd argue kinda outclasses annoying microtransactions and a controversial story ending.

    I think if the gaming sites weren't so pro-EA and out right attacked people who didn't like ME3's ending they probably wouldn't have won.

    Oh that's right, this is probably a consequence of people still annoyed about the Mass Effect thing, isn't it?

    ...I'm seriously considering just switching off ME3 right before the ending because I'm just so sick of the whole damn thing. (The neverending expelling of wind about the ending, I mean. The game itself is aces.)

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
  • AegeriAegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular
    I have to say, I got to try Kinect Star Wars the other day.

    If you think it is bad just watching it, you haven't seen anything until you experience it for yourself. I honestly can't fathom why anyone thought this would be a good idea and yet it exists.

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.
  • DiarmuidDiarmuid Amazing Meatball Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    I still can't believe EA won Consumerist's worst company award. Just to let you know, their main competitor was: Bank of America. One of the companies that helped cause the recession, still refuses to cut struggling homeowners the smallest of breaks, imposes fees all over the place and has absolutely horrible customer service.

    Which I'd argue kinda outclasses annoying microtransactions and a controversial story ending.
    It is stupid when you consider the wider context of how incredibly shitty some companies are.
    But when you focus on just the games industry it is something EA (and other companies) should take notice of, because there's clearly enough people that are pissed off with EA's "bullshit", or at least the public perception of EA's "bullshit", to make themselves widely heard.

    Diarmuid on
  • Death of RatsDeath of Rats Registered User regular
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Algertman wrote: »
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    I still can't believe EA won Consumerist's worst company award. Just to let you know, their main competitor was: Bank of America. One of the companies that helped cause the recession, still refuses to cut struggling homeowners the smallest of breaks, imposes fees all over the place and has absolutely horrible customer service.

    Which I'd argue kinda outclasses annoying microtransactions and a controversial story ending.

    I think if the gaming sites weren't so pro-EA and out right attacked people who didn't like ME3's ending they probably wouldn't have won.

    Oh that's right, this is probably a consequence of people still annoyed about the Mass Effect thing, isn't it?

    ...I'm seriously considering just switching off ME3 right before the ending because I'm just so sick of the whole damn thing. (The neverending expelling of wind about the ending, I mean. The game itself is aces.)

    Kinda the same situation I'm in. Playing through ME3, enjoying the shit out of it, worried about getting to the ending because what if (gasp), I like it?

    How would I feel about it? Because apparently it's objectively bad. If I like it, does that mean I'm just wrong? Or does it mean every over opinionated blowhard on the internet has blown this thing so out of proportion that they're just being silly by this point? Because going into the ME thread and seeing people saying the ending is objectively poor is just kinda crazy.

    No I don't.
  • Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    Darmani wrote: »
    Okay so it seems the WiiU specs were leaked and its same story as last gen. Not enough graphics power and not favorable for the Western third party developer.

    Am I interpreting this correctly?

    I mean it seems there is a lack of shaders and the graphics chips are weak, somehow, Is that accurate?

    The specs weren't leaked. Unnamed 'devs' claimed that it wasn't as powerful, but other actual named devs with actual games in the works have said that it is quite powerful.

    So, the question is who to believe.

    We won't really know anything until Nintendo tells us themselves. This E3 should give us more actual information.

    3DS Friend Code - 1032-1293-2997
    Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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  • AegeriAegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular
    On internet polls, didn't Hank the Angry Drunken dwarf nearly when peoples magazines most beautiful person award or something? And yes, yes indeed he did actually manage to win by a landslide. Of course there was all kinds of vote rigging and other things going on behind the scenes with this.

    None the less, you don't piss off the internet unless you want them to take it out on you in a convenient fashion. Pretty much what EA has learned.

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Meh. I assure you a great deal of that "bullshit" people are angry about comes from people being butthurt about the ending to ME3.

    I mean there are valid practices of EA's that people could complain about but I doubt many of them had anything to do with it.

    If I know the internet, and I do, people raging about the ending heard about the poll and basically massed on it.

    That being said, it is an internet poll, so I doubt anyone is going to lose sleep over it.

    Dragkonias on
  • skeldareskeldare Gresham, ORRegistered User regular
    Brainiac 8 wrote: »
    Darmani wrote: »
    Okay so it seems the WiiU specs were leaked and its same story as last gen. Not enough graphics power and not favorable for the Western third party developer.

    Am I interpreting this correctly?

    I mean it seems there is a lack of shaders and the graphics chips are weak, somehow, Is that accurate?

    The specs weren't leaked. Unnamed 'devs' claimed that it wasn't as powerful, but other actual named devs with actual games in the works have said that it is quite powerful.

    So, the question is who to believe.

    We won't really know anything until Nintendo tells us themselves. This E3 should give us more actual information.

    Well, Nintendo rarely actually tells the public specs for their consoles. We'll probably have to wait until it's released and someone manages to take it apart.

    Nintendo Console Codes
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  • cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Algertman wrote: »
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    I still can't believe EA won Consumerist's worst company award. Just to let you know, their main competitor was: Bank of America. One of the companies that helped cause the recession, still refuses to cut struggling homeowners the smallest of breaks, imposes fees all over the place and has absolutely horrible customer service.

    Which I'd argue kinda outclasses annoying microtransactions and a controversial story ending.

    I think if the gaming sites weren't so pro-EA and out right attacked people who didn't like ME3's ending they probably wouldn't have won.

    Oh that's right, this is probably a consequence of people still annoyed about the Mass Effect thing, isn't it?

    ...I'm seriously considering just switching off ME3 right before the ending because I'm just so sick of the whole damn thing. (The neverending expelling of wind about the ending, I mean. The game itself is aces.)

    Kinda the same situation I'm in. Playing through ME3, enjoying the shit out of it, worried about getting to the ending because what if (gasp), I like it?

    How would I feel about it? Because apparently it's objectively bad. If I like it, does that mean I'm just wrong? Or does it mean every over opinionated blowhard on the internet has blown this thing so out of proportion that they're just being silly by this point? Because going into the ME thread and seeing people saying the ending is objectively poor is just kinda crazy.

    I've actually heard that, outside of the Internet, opinions vary about it. And they don't get mad about it! Crazy, right? But at this point I won't know for sure if I would genuinely like it/hate it because of my own personal reaction or due to my subconscious wanting to rebel against all the griping.

    cloudeagle on
    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
  • Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    skeldare wrote: »
    Brainiac 8 wrote: »
    Darmani wrote: »
    Okay so it seems the WiiU specs were leaked and its same story as last gen. Not enough graphics power and not favorable for the Western third party developer.

    Am I interpreting this correctly?

    I mean it seems there is a lack of shaders and the graphics chips are weak, somehow, Is that accurate?

    The specs weren't leaked. Unnamed 'devs' claimed that it wasn't as powerful, but other actual named devs with actual games in the works have said that it is quite powerful.

    So, the question is who to believe.

    We won't really know anything until Nintendo tells us themselves. This E3 should give us more actual information.

    Well, Nintendo rarely actually tells the public specs for their consoles. We'll probably have to wait until it's released and someone manages to take it apart.

    This is true...

    3DS Friend Code - 1032-1293-2997
    Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    I guess this was inevitable:
    EA has been inundated in recent weeks with what GamesIndustry International understands to be "several thousand" letters and emails protesting the inclusion of same sex or LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) content in its video games, most notably Mass Effect 3 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. When asked, EA confirmed that this has indeed been occurring, and unsurprisingly, EA has no plans to censor any of its games.

    "Every one of EA's games includes ESRB content descriptors so it's hard to believe anyone is surprised by the content. This isn't about protecting children, it's about political harassment," Jeff Brown, VP of corporate communications told us.

    The letters have been directed to EA's executive team, creative heads, its board of directors and just about anyone at a high level. Many of them threaten to boycott EA's titles if the publisher refuses to remove same-sex relationship content.

    The letters also infer that EA was pressured by LGBT groups to include homosexual content in its games, and that this content is somehow forced upon children, exposing them to LGBT themes. Of course, those of you reading this already know how ludicrous this is. The games are not for children, nor do they force LGBT content on a player - it's merely an option for gamers who wish to replicate their real-life sexual orientation.

    I'm pleased with this part of it. People usually do shit like, "We understand your concerns," etc, but it's about time more people start standing up to say, "Stop whining you babies."

  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    EA's just the current publisher/dev to hate du jor. As early as next month it could very well shift back to Activision because some neckbeards out there will find something wrong with Diablo III or something. Basically, anything EA does now is the worst thing ever. Case in point:

    EA monetizes BF3 a bit by adding weapon kit "shortcuts" that you can buy- War Crime.

    Valve monetizes TF2- Little to no uproar, everyone still wants to kiss GabeN deep with tongue.

    Pretty much, EA just needs to wait for the internet hivemind to focus its attention elsewhere. Its not like a significant number of people are going to stop buying EA games, even though they complain about the company.

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • AZChristopherAZChristopher Registered User regular
    Henroid wrote: »
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    I guess this was inevitable:
    EA has been inundated in recent weeks with what GamesIndustry International understands to be "several thousand" letters and emails protesting the inclusion of same sex or LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) content in its video games, most notably Mass Effect 3 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. When asked, EA confirmed that this has indeed been occurring, and unsurprisingly, EA has no plans to censor any of its games.

    "Every one of EA's games includes ESRB content descriptors so it's hard to believe anyone is surprised by the content. This isn't about protecting children, it's about political harassment," Jeff Brown, VP of corporate communications told us.

    The letters have been directed to EA's executive team, creative heads, its board of directors and just about anyone at a high level. Many of them threaten to boycott EA's titles if the publisher refuses to remove same-sex relationship content.

    The letters also infer that EA was pressured by LGBT groups to include homosexual content in its games, and that this content is somehow forced upon children, exposing them to LGBT themes. Of course, those of you reading this already know how ludicrous this is. The games are not for children, nor do they force LGBT content on a player - it's merely an option for gamers who wish to replicate their real-life sexual orientation.

    I'm pleased with this part of it. People usually do shit like, "We understand your concerns," etc, but it's about time more people start standing up to say, "Stop whining you babies."

    Starbucks did a similar thing when some people decided to use their share holder meeting to bully Starbucks' stance.

    There is way too much hate going around. So yeah, good job EA and don't worry, you are not even close to the worse company.

  • TurkeyTurkey So, Usoop. TampaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2012
    EA wrote:
    We're sure that British Petroleum, AIG, Philip Morris, and Halliburton are all relieved they weren't nominated this year. We're going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.

    Turkey on
  • maximumzeromaximumzero I...wait, what? New Orleans, LARegistered User regular
    Aegeri wrote: »
    I have to say, I got to try Kinect Star Wars the other day.

    If you think it is bad just watching it, you haven't seen anything until you experience it for yourself. I honestly can't fathom why anyone thought this would be a good idea and yet it exists.

    I tend to say that of the Kinect in general.

    Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    I'm surprised people would even humor what is pretty much a pile of bigotry.

  • maximumzeromaximumzero I...wait, what? New Orleans, LARegistered User regular
    Brainiac 8 wrote: »
    Darmani wrote: »
    Okay so it seems the WiiU specs were leaked and its same story as last gen. Not enough graphics power and not favorable for the Western third party developer.

    Am I interpreting this correctly?

    I mean it seems there is a lack of shaders and the graphics chips are weak, somehow, Is that accurate?

    The specs weren't leaked. Unnamed 'devs' claimed that it wasn't as powerful, but other actual named devs with actual games in the works have said that it is quite powerful.

    So, the question is who to believe.

    We won't really know anything until Nintendo tells us themselves. This E3 should give us more actual information.


    Also, past about the age of 16 I stopped caring about "specs". If the games are good, that's all that matters.

    Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    Turkey wrote: »
    EA wrote:
    We're sure that British Petroleum, AIG, Philip Morris, and Halliburton are all relieved they weren't nominated this year. We're going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.

    Did they really say this?

    If so, high-five to a corporate sickburn.

  • vagrant_windsvagrant_winds Overworked Mysterious Eldritch Horror Hunter XX Registered User regular
    Devs have said better processor, better ram, and worse-than-PS360 video card with poor shader support if you parse all the Dev comments.

    // Steam: VWinds // PSN: vagrant_winds //
    // Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
  • Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    The eastern side of the field should have been considered the champions.

    Few things do more harm to Americans then BoA and Wal-Mart.

    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    The eastern side of the field should have been considered the champions.

    Few things do more harm to Americans then BoA and Wal-Mart.

    The Korean singer? Leave her aLONE!

  • vagrant_windsvagrant_winds Overworked Mysterious Eldritch Horror Hunter XX Registered User regular
    Bank of America, not the Korean/Japanese/English R&B/Dance/Pop singer.

    // Steam: VWinds // PSN: vagrant_winds //
    // Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Bank of America, I get. But Wal-Mart?

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • The_ScarabThe_Scarab Registered User regular
    Turkey wrote: »
    EA wrote:
    We're sure that British Petroleum, AIG, Philip Morris, and Halliburton are all relieved they weren't nominated this year. We're going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.

    Did they really say this?

    What the fuck has BP done to deserve this mention?

  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    Had to do it.

  • SirUltimosSirUltimos Don't talk, Rusty. Just paint. Registered User regular
    I'm honestly shocked that those same people aren't writing in to EA with different complaints.

    "You mean you have black people in your games!? Boycott!"

  • Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Bank of America, I get. But Wal-Mart?

    Discriminates against women/minorities, doesn't pay a living wage/helps its employees sign up for various government programs to help with costs, has a scam of a health insurance that is almost no better then being uninsured, bust unions, forces unpaid overtime, locks immigrants in, gets huge tax breaks from counties and towns for x number of years to build a supercenter that drives out small business and then closes that store the second the deal is up, moves one town/county over.

    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
  • maximumzeromaximumzero I...wait, what? New Orleans, LARegistered User regular
    SirUltimos wrote: »
    I'm honestly shocked that those same people aren't writing in to EA with different complaints.

    "You mean you have black people in your games!? Boycott!"

    "I am frankly sick and tired of the abuse that those little Sims are objected to by millions every day."

    Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
  • agoajagoaj Top Tier One FearRegistered User regular
    You won't believe how many people call in to EA support about how their Sims don't speak english. They'll claim it's japanese or spanish.

  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    The_Scarab wrote: »
    Turkey wrote: »
    EA wrote:
    We're sure that British Petroleum, AIG, Philip Morris, and Halliburton are all relieved they weren't nominated this year. We're going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.

    Did they really say this?

    What the fuck has BP done to deserve this mention?

    That oil spill in the Gulf and how they responded wasn't taken too kindly over here.

    Caused quite a shitstorm.

    Spike Lee even did a pretty good documentary about it(and I usually hate his stuff).

    Dragkonias on
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Bank of America, I get. But Wal-Mart?

    Discriminates against women/minorities, doesn't pay a living wage/helps its employees sign up for various government programs to help with costs, has a scam of a health insurance that is almost no better then being uninsured, bust unions, forces unpaid overtime, locks immigrants in, gets huge tax breaks from counties and towns for x number of years to build a supercenter that drives out small business and then closes that store the second the deal is up, moves one town/county over.

    Yeah. Wal-mart does some really shady shit.

    Which is why I try not to shop there if I can help it.

  • The_ScarabThe_Scarab Registered User regular
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    The_Scarab wrote: »
    Turkey wrote: »
    EA wrote:
    We're sure that British Petroleum, AIG, Philip Morris, and Halliburton are all relieved they weren't nominated this year. We're going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.

    Did they really say this?

    What the fuck has BP done to deserve this mention?

    That oil spill in the Gulf and how they responded wasn't taken too kindly over here.

    Caused quite a shitstorm.

    Spike Lee even did a pretty good documentary about it(and I usually hate his stuff).

    But they were just trying to make some oil. I heard America likes oil. Give em a break, they're doing their best.

  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Henroid wrote: »
    First of all, there's no actual release dates for the PS4 or the next Xbox. So the "one-year-window" is, again, pulled from an ass. If there's no PS4 / X720 at E2 2012, then if they do show up in E3 2013 it would be a VERY tall order that they get released the same year. If I'm not mistaken all the current gen consoles made a couple E3 appearances before they became products you can buy from a store. Second, well, the article stated it, but Activision hasn't said "no support at all," they just haven't commented. Silence is not the same as declaring lack of support.

    I dunno, this guy is fucking idiotic on so many levels.

    IIRC, the 360 was revealed the year it came out.

  • korodullinkorodullin What. SCRegistered User regular
    edited April 2012
    While I agree that overall EA isn't nearly as terrible as a company like Bank of America or AT&T or any number of other horrible corporate entities in the US and that the Worst Company poll was pretty much compromised by Reddit, 4chan, and Bioware forum poll-bombing almost solely due to frustration over the ME3 ending and Bioware's PR handling of it (which Jessica Chobot's recent redacted blog did nothing to help the situation), I must say I also agree with what Consumerist said in the "Worst Company" finale:

    To those who might sneer at something as "non-essential" as a video game company winning the Worst Company In America vote: It's that exact kind of attitude that allows people to ignore the complaints as companies like EA to nickel and dime consumers to death.

    If none of you read The Consumerist at all (or haven't even heard of it before this), the site covers the whole gamut of consumer interests from shrinking food packaging (with price hikes) to Paypal regularly stealing money simply because it can to big banks fucking over people worldwide to, yes, video game companies who price gouge and nickel-and-dime. They cover everything. Bank of America, AT&T, Comcast, and others all get grilled month-in month-out on the site year after year; EA getting some nigh-meaningless "award" will do little to change that and it's not robbing any focus from "the real issues". But if every time some anti-consumer practice in the games industry is brushed off with "But there are far more important things to worry about!" then nothing will ever change.

    korodullin on
    - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (2017, colorized)
  • The_ScarabThe_Scarab Registered User regular
    I'd say that out of those companies, EA affects my day to day life in a bigger way than the others. And of course, I'm transplanting British analogs for Bank of America and such to show that worst company doesn't mean most damaging. It can just mean most annoying, or most insufferable.

  • OneAngryPossumOneAngryPossum Registered User regular
    BP has mandatory DLC purchased by micro transactions required throughout the life of your BP fueled products that expires after a single use. Now we can hate them and stay on topic.

  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Umm...I'm sure they do get grilled a lot about their policies, just like every other company.

    In this very thread no less.

    The problem is that at the end of the day most of the gaming populace is lacking in conviction. So they'll complain and complain but when it actually comes to doing something about it...nothing.

    Dragkonias on
  • TheSonicRetardTheSonicRetard Registered User regular
    Brainiac 8 wrote: »
    Darmani wrote: »
    Okay so it seems the WiiU specs were leaked and its same story as last gen. Not enough graphics power and not favorable for the Western third party developer.

    Am I interpreting this correctly?

    I mean it seems there is a lack of shaders and the graphics chips are weak, somehow, Is that accurate?

    The specs weren't leaked. Unnamed 'devs' claimed that it wasn't as powerful, but other actual named devs with actual games in the works have said that it is quite powerful.

    So, the question is who to believe.

    We won't really know anything until Nintendo tells us themselves. This E3 should give us more actual information.

    I would like to point out that the named Dev is a director, which, while not an indication that they're technologically ignorant, doesn't necessarily put them in a position to be able to make judgement calls about hardware performance. I've heard enough stories from lead programmers about producers and directors who don't know a damn thing about the hardware when setting milestone deadlines to know that, just because you're in charge of a game, doesn't mean you know how anything works.

  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    That doesn't mean they should be the #1 worst company winner though, which is where the beef comes in. In the end causing a recession IS something I'd highlight more than some shitty DLC practices, which aren't even the worst in the industry IMO.

This discussion has been closed.