[STEAM] Thread 3 - Rise of the Classy Crabs



  • DrovekDrovek Registered User regular
    Frei wrote: »
    Sniper Elite looks fun and it seems like people are into it, but every time I see those x-ray (ish) shots it makes me feel all weird because I have been shot and saw the x-rays of the bullet entering my shoulder (obviously not in real time, though that would have been cool) so I doubt I'd get through it. I dunno. Are those on every kill or is it random?

    Not every kill. Only the ones that are guaranteed 1-shot-kills, and then again, not all of them (Maybe it depends on breath meter or something? I don't know.)

    But I guarantee you'll be seeing them often.

    steam_sig.png( < . . .
  • TreadLifeTreadLife CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Plus you get an extra mission, but my main interest AugEd was to getting the soundtrack. Next time it goes on steam sale i'm gonna try to work out an upgrade.[/quote]

    Are you sure there's an extra mission just in Augmented edition? I own the standard base game and all DLC, so I thought I had all the game content. When I bought it and there was well more than a dollar's difference between them, I never saw any mention of a mission. The Steam store page mentions 5 things being included, none of which are missions. Also, I take it there is not an upgrade to Augmented sold anywhere?

  • XaviarXaviar Registered User regular
    Yeah the augmented edition has the preorder dlc. So the tactical pack and
    The explosive mission pack.

  • AchireAchire Isn't life disappointing? Yes, it is. Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Just noticed Port Royale 3 is releasing in 4 days. I didn't even know it was in development for certain, just some rumours from way back. I really love Sid Meier's Pirates!, and the first Port Royale was pretty good. It's so rare to see a Pirates! clone I just had to buy this one right away. Of course this is the same strategy that got me Pirates of the Black Cove last year, which turned out to be well...a bit of a stinker.

    Achire on
  • bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    TreadLife wrote: »
    Plus you get an extra mission, but my main interest AugEd was to getting the soundtrack. Next time it goes on steam sale i'm gonna try to work out an upgrade.

    Are you sure there's an extra mission just in Augmented edition? I own the standard base game and all DLC, so I thought I had all the game content. When I bought it and there was well more than a dollar's difference between them, I never saw any mention of a mission. The Steam store page mentions 5 things being included, none of which are missions. Also, I take it there is not an upgrade to Augmented sold anywhere?
    The bonus mission is
    rescuing the Chinese dude's son
    It's part of the explosive pack

    bloodatonement on
    Steam ID: Good Life
  • SumanaiSumanai muh PTRegistered User regular
    You get that mission too if you buy the Explosive Mission DLC.

  • bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    double post

    bloodatonement on
    Steam ID: Good Life
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    Hi Steam thread.

    I still love you all. Well, most of you. I just haven't been posting here much because you are all a bunch of filthy enablers. Well that and I own almost all the good stuff.

    That being said, all these steam gifts things make me sad.


    Two contests. First being a copy of dungeon siege 3 because yes the game is good. just pm me a nice picture to use as a phone wallpaper. Nina from breath of fire would be preferred but anything awesome would totally count.

    Second contest is for a copy of Avernum.

    This is a slightly easier one: look at my steam list and pick a game I should play and tell me why. Be it good or bad.

    Usual stipulations apply. If you don't know what those are, you probably don't meet them.

    Stay crabby, thread!

  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    I'm not seeing any play time on Alpha protocol choco. You should fix that

  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    So in an attempt to stop myself from buying Avernum, I fired up Avadon tonight

    Totally worth it, it's a lot of fun so far

    You create a character from one of four classes, Blademaster, Shadowwalker, Shaman, or Sorceress

    Blademaster are tanky deeps. They have abilities that coerce enemies to attack them while healing themselves, strong defensive abilities and self healing, and can use heavy armor. They also seem to do really great single target damage. Oddly, they can also build to specialize in the use of bows, allowing them to do really great ranged and aoe damage if you want.

    Shadowalkers are rogues, though they actually seem like they have some really good defensive abilities. In melee they can do extra backstab damage if the enemy is adjacent to another ally, or focus on ranged attacks via the use of a razor disc. They can also teleport around, throw acid and flash bombs, and use the same armor as Blademasters. They are basically ninjas, right down to the clothes.

    Shaman I haven't tried much yet, but they seem to be a Healer, Debuffer, Pet class. Their damage seems to be fairly low, though they get a bunch of area attacks. But really they seem like they're best used to debuff enemies for other characters or their pets to take them down. Also they're the only class able to heal other characters. They can also use medium armor.

    Sorceress is the mage. They can focus on damaging and area of effect attacks, of which they get the most in the game, or buff spells. She also gets lots of resistances, and with the right setup can almost totally ignore all magical damage. Ends up being better defensively than the Shaman despite using the weakest armor in the game. She's also the only one without any sort of self healing, however, so she has to rely on items to heal.

    Once you create your main character from any of those four classes, you basically also recruit one of each of those classes, and can set up your party of three with any of them.

    Right now my main character is a Shadowwalker, with a Blademaster and Sorceress making up my party.

  • CheesecakeRecipeCheesecakeRecipe "Should not be allowed to post in the Steam Thread" - Isorn Squalor Victoria, Squalor Victoria!Registered User regular
    Choco, you've got a little game on your list called The Void, and I'd like to call your attention to it as it seems like you don't have any hours put in yet.

    The Void is often overlooked and is, to be sure, a difficult game to understand. Your first time around, you'll probably mess up and get screwed into an un-winnable situation. That's alright, it happens. The key thing to understand going into it is that you're mainly dealing with a resource management game with a surrealist paint job. Every chamber is gorgeously detailed, tackling some strange theme. You'll feel like you're in a dream, due to the movement, picturesque and otherworldly locales and the horrific enemies you'll encounter along the way. Sound design is also incredible, the ambiance and atmosphere are top notch in every way.

    Did I mention it's weird? I mean, the main goal of the game being that you are harvesting color to feed to naked women who want you to fill their hearts and hide from their big brothers.

    I'll let you think about that one.

    But that's not to the detriment of the experience. The weirdness of the goal fits in with the settings and unmentionable "things" you'll find within The Void. Give it some time, pay attention to how what color affects what glyph the most effectively, allow yourself to get absorbed. Through failure comes learning about this unusual universe that the devs have crafted, and it is in the bleak atmosphere and subtle details that you'll feel most at home in The Void.

  • farbekriegfarbekrieg Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    choco if you played the hell out of this game before steam ill understand (i only have 2 hrs via steam, but more like 20 logged since i purchased it from steam, and if you count the 90s, literally thousands of hours), or gone through a lets play or 2 about it, you can ignore the following.

    I'm not a violent man, but if you haven't played x-com UFO defense at least 1x.... ill... ill.... ill come over to your virtual neighborhood and punch you in the virtual neck... ok no, that's an action of a violent man, and I'm really more of a trollish geek who wanders back alleys of forums looking for bad fan-fiction or fan-art, so umm... ill rub my digital junk on your digital doorknob. Yeah that's the ticket.

    X-Com just got so many gameplay elements right, and so early in PC gaming, you can still see its affect on games on games today, and trace its gameplay elements through your favorite games over the years

    farbekrieg on
  • CorpekataCorpekata Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Gamersgate appears to be having a Sega week, though like usual, they have a mishmash of stuff up on Sunday while they take things down and put the new stuff up. Few things not on sale at all yet that I expect will be added in a bit.

    Football Manager 2012: 9.00 USD
    Total War Shogun 2 DLC in a variety of discounts
    Sonic Generations 15.00 USD
    Condemned Criminal Origins 8.00 USD (mentioned mainly because it doesn't go on sale much, not on Steam though)
    Most of the Total War base games on sale for the usual prices
    Sonic CD 2.50 (Steamworks)

    Random link http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-FM2012/football-manager-2012?caff=3884871

    A lot of Sega's stuff from the past few years is Steamworks so registers on there (Shogun 2, Sonic Generations, Renegade Ops, Football Manager). I'd wager that by the morning that the likes of Renegade Ops, Alpha Protocol, and Shogun 2 base games will have a discount.

    There's also another sale on Magicka and it's dozen DLC going on right now.

    Corpekata on
  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    @chocobolicious, I noticed that you have no playtime on the original X-Com, an oversight that must be remedied. In an effort to encourage you play this wonderful, wonderful game, I am going to repost the Legend of Patrick Stewart, which originated from an early Lets Play in ye olden days of this here forum.

    Spoiler'd, lest Patrick Stewart break these forums with his sheer manliness.
    The Legend of Patrick Stewart

    **as recorded from the Games and Technology forum at Penny Arcade

    Not much is known about the legend that was, Patrick Stewart. Many of the logs and information from the time have been lost, damaged, or just forgotten about. It is rumored that at first glance, he appeared to be at best, an average soldier, being neither large nor fast and of average strength. His apparent lack of proficiency with weapons, at least during basic training, combined with his average physical traits, soon earned him the "The Red Shirt of Doom" classification from his drill instructors (the drill instructors with X-Com's recruiting and training division would group trainees of lesser skills together and dress them in red shirts, a clue to other trainers and commanding officers that these recruits would end up as the 'meat shields' of the X-Com soldier division). The X-Com instructors were only half right about Patrick though; doom did follow Patrick around, but only because he was constantly leading doom to it's next victim . .

    Over time, Patrick has many titles associated with him. To his fellow soldiers, he was "The Savior". To his commanding officers (until he surpassed them in rank), he was "The Ideal Soldier". Rough translations of enemy communiques show the aliens referred to him as "The Bringer of Death". He was known to the nurses in sick bay as "That cute soldier who was just in here last week". Regardless of the name, he was a friend to his allies, a gentleman to the ladies, and a nightmare for the invading forces.

    From the moment Patrick saw his first action, it was apparent he was no average soldier. Here are a few snippets from his CO's (General Imperfect) log from this time period; some of the only battle testimonials we currently have on Patrick:

    "Imperfect wrote:

    Last night I got a Squaddie by the name of Patrick Stewart. I goggled a little bit, then checked out his "meh" stats and sent him out like the redshirt he was. WRONG! Picard then proceeded to kick some crazy alien bum, reaction-firing like a monkey, making crazy cross-map shots and cleared out several small and very small UFOs by himself.
    Eventually he was brought low by no less than four sectoids who managed to surround him and shoot him three times. He took two down and injured one. Even still, he was only injured, not dead, and with medkit in hand we brought him back to the infirmary where he is currently still sitting, sipping tea. Earl Grey, hot. "

    "Imperfect wrote

    :More on Patrick Stewart: After fully recovering from the hospital and re-joining his old squad (of which only two survived), I was glad to be able to give him Personal Armour and a Plasma Rifle. Very first mission out: The HWP rolls onto the ramp and explodes under heavy reaction fire from the aliens. Two rookies near the front pile out and take up defensive positions behind the back wheels.

    Or at least they try to.

    From the vantage point of the troopers in the dropship, those two drop off the sides, then scream, then go silent. I decide not to waste any more troops in this fashion (although looking back on it, I figure the aliens were probably out of APs at this point and I should have barrelled out screaming), I decide to wait a turn, let the aliens shuffle their troops around and hope that they ALL aren't pointing at the landing craft like now.

    Worst. Choice. Possible.

    Whiffff, tink, tink, tink. What's that small black...? No.

    Ka-blam. Alien grenade goes off inside the dropship, killing everyone inside. Except... Wait! Who's that in the back, unharmed by the blast? Patrick "Jesus" Stewart.

    Apparently his buddies bodies protected him from the blast, 'cause he's a-okay. I scoop up a medikit from one of the fallen, grab an extra clip, and head out. I'm certain at this point that I'm reloading, but for fun, I try to complete the mission anyway.

    Once again, I'm wrong. I don't try, I DO. It was a long and grueling affair, having to stop and use the medikit twice to stop the bleeding, but I managed to take down every alien out there using just our man Patrick. I'll admit I cheaped out a little bit using a 'nade in the power room, completely destroying the power source and vapourizing any Elerium in there, but when I walked in and found three corpses and one coughing but still alive greyskinned bastard, I was glad I didn't go charging in as planned.

    I couldn't bear to reload that. I fought too hard... No, PATRICK fought too hard for that victory for it to be erased by the push of a button. However, I'm busy retraining an entire new squad and Patrick's stuck back in the infirmary. "

    "Imperfect wrote:

    One last story about the gory glory that is Patrick Stewart. I haven't played for a while, with my time being taken up by Advance Wars DS, Dungeon Seige 2, and a sooper-sekrit project. As a result, horrible aliens have been invading the earth, doing horrible things, and the guys at EuroCom have been sitting around, playing cards, and getting just a little bit fatter every day. It shows, as the first mission out has every crew member slaughtered to a man. The dropship is lost, along with all my very expensive gear. I simply don't have the heavy plasma rifles to replace the ones lost, and making them takes too much time.

    Thankfully, my most valuable resource -- the ever-astounding Patrick Stewart -- is safe in the medical bay, cheerfully recovering from thirty-seven plasma wounds to the torso. The girls from the office send flowers.

    Suddenly, from off the coast of Ireland, a UFO is spotted, and it's a doozy. Interceptors are sent out after it. One is lost, but manages to wound the thing. The second manages to take it down and limp back to base. However, I'm left at an impasse. A brand-new dropship was delivered a mere eight hours ago, but the soldiers to fill it haven't. And won't for a long, long time. All I have left are the guys who were too green to go out and fight aliens for real -- left behind on the off-chance that someone attacked the base. Guys I was too lazy to fire, basically. Checking over the roster, I realize two things:

    1) These guys are losers. I mean complete and utter. Imagine The Mighty Ducks -- pre-Emilio -- except they're fighting aliens. In hockey gear.

    2) There's a man here who shouldn't be. Patrick Stewart is off the bench! With just this one man, I can likely turn things around.

    I suit everyone up in the leftover Personal Armour, all the Flying Armour having been destroyed. Patrick Stewart gets my lone Heavy Plasma. For those that have reasonable accuracy and reaction scores (and we're talking >50), I pass out Plasma Rifles, longing for my lost Heavy Plasma. For the rest, Laser Rifles. One poor slob has to make do with a Laser Pistol. I feel like a general in WW2, slapping a rifle and a uniform on any lad nearby and throwing them into the meatgrinder. Still, it has to be done. Those aliens are bad people. They terrorize towns, mutilate cows, and put cream in their tea, no less!

    Taking the words of this very forum to heart, I figure that any lack of ability or skill in my crew can be made up for by copious amounts of high explosives. I'm not sure how it happened, but I seemed to have copious amounts of Alien Grenades stockpiled, so every slot on every man that wasn't a backpack slot was filled with a grenade. Quite simply, we carried enough grenades to blow up the whole damn world.

    The dropship took off and set down (gently, very gently) near the alien craft, and disgorged her crew without incident. As always, the aliens had landed near some poor farmer's house. (How do they keep doing that?) I rushed two squaddies to each of the two large farmhouses and proceeded to completely demolish them with explosives, even getting a lucky toss in through a third-story window that made a hole large enough to destroy the rest of the third floor from there.

    That took care of a few aliens while I had Patrick (yes, this story does eventually come back to him) and the two recruits with the highest Reaction stand guard on the spacecraft's front door. The remainder of the crew were used to scour the rest of the map for aliens.


    Satisfied that every remaining alien was within the ship, we bounded in. No aliens on the first floor. I tossed a new recruit up an elevator, only to have him cut down by a truly withering hail of plasma fire.

    "Heavy Plasma fire, no doubt," I thought bitterly.

    Knowing full well how this would go if I didn't start acting strategically, I had one of the remaining recruits equip a 0-timed grenade and sent him up the elevator.

    Heavy Plasma fire, huge explosion, screams of the dying... Check, check, check.

    The next recruit up got to witness the carnage at it was still fresh, and for some unexplainable reason, panicked. Oh, wait, Bravery 10. I guess that explains it. The panic spreads through the crew as I try to trudge onwards through the craft, eventually leaving Patrick and one other recruit left. Now, this recruit has been rock-solid so far, and I've been planning him as my next rockstar. Not including the ones destroyed by copious grenade-fire, he's taken down three aliens so far -- one just by staring him down! (While shooting him in the head.) However, he's only got a laser pistol (remember him?) and any heavier weaponry is several turns away, surrounded by panicky crewmates.

    Reaching the final door, I plan to have this guy head in and take a look around, and have Patrick come in blasting afterwards. I execute the plan and am pleasantly surprised to see only one alien in there. I figure "Why expose Patrick to danger?" and auto-shot the guy from close range.

    Missing each time.

    The alien whirls and auto-shots back.

    Missing each time.

    Duel of the incompetents here.

    Caboose (my "affectionate" nickname) takes another three shots and misses, while the alien takes another three and connects on the last. Caboose goes down, leaving Patrick Stewart as the only man to save the day. He busts through the door, takes aim on the alien and...

    "Out of ammo." WTF?

    No worries, though, as I know I packed extra ammo. Open inventory, grab ammo from belt, drop into slot... "Wrong ammo type."


    I didn't.


    I did.

    When loading the dropship, I didn't realize that I didn't have any Heavy Plasma Clips, and since it was around 2AM while playing, I guess I assumed that Plasma Clips were Plasma Clips, right? I don't think the thoughts ever crossed my lobes.

    So here I am, standing in front of an alien with no ammo. It looks hopeless, except for the Jack up my sleeve. I refuse to call a Stun Rod an Ace. It's a Jack at best. I brought it along, figuring I might capture someone interesting, if the mission went well. I make a point to equip everyone with one. I drop the Heavy Plasma, equip the Stun Rod, sidle on up the the side of the alien and...

    "Not enough TUs."

    I'm fucked.

    I hit end turn, knowing the saga ends here.

    And I am saved simply by the fact that the alien knows a LEGEND when he sees one, and instead of gunning him down, flees for his goddamn life. I spend the next ten minutes chasing this little grey bastard around the ship, waving my cattle prod like a madman, as he shoots at me, ducks behind furniture, and does his best to lose me, all the while screaming "No anal probe! No anal probe!" Eventually, fate catches up and I round a corner finding the alien facing directly away from me. Stun Rod to the back of the neck, he falls flat, and Mission Succeeded.

    Thank. Freaking. God.

    And guess who the last alien left alive was?

    That's right, Navigator.

    This game hates me but loves Patrick Stewart. Awesomest RNG I've ever come across."

    DoctorArch on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-6732-9515-9697
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    Achire wrote: »
    Just noticed Port Royale 3 is releasing in 4 days. I didn't even know it was in development for certain, just some rumours from way back. I really love Sid Meier's Pirates!, and the first Port Royale was pretty good. It's so rare to see a Pirates! clone I just had to buy this one right away. Of course this is the same strategy that got me Pirates of the Black Cove last year, which turned out to be well...a bit of a stinker.

    It's... not really a Pirates! clone. It's more of a trading sim with a pirate skin. That said, PR3 looks pretty awesome and I plan to pick it up eventually. I love the Patrician series.

  • ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    I had been waffling on Sniper Elite V2, then I tried the demo again. Got a slow-mo shot that hit a guy in the grenade at his belt. I had done a grenade hit before in real-time, but the slow-mo deathcam explosion was glorious.

    So yeah, pre-ordered and looking forward to this week!

  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    Wow... I just finished Digital: A Love Story. It was awesome! Maybe it's just my BBS nostalgia, but I really enjoyed it. The "visual novel" aspect didn't bug me - in this case the game isn't how to influence the plot but how to advance it, which is was equally fun.
    Analogue: A Hate Story just got upgraded to "buy it now".

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • Banzai5150Banzai5150 Registered User regular
    anoffday wrote: »
    Out of curiosity how many people play games on their PC with headphones all the time? I just bought some and their main purpose was to be able to chat during games, but I'm enjoying using them to listen to my games rather than through the speakers.

    I've played strictly with headphones only for a few years now. After getting my G930's I've not looked back.

  • KafkaAUKafkaAU Western AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2012
    I would love to play with my earphones in all the time. Much better sound IMO with a good set. However then I can't hear my wife when she is yelling at me to do the dishes and she gets pissed off. Even worse now, I can't hear my son if he wakes up. The catch 22 is she always complains my games make stupid noises and annoy her.

    Also, Banzai, how good is Trine!

    KafkaAU on
    Origin: KafkaAU B-Net: Kafka#1778
  • PeewiPeewi Registered User regular
    So I just tried the Binary Domain Demo, I like third person shooters and I like robots, so I wanted to see if my laptop could handle it and..

    1).- Yes, it can.
    2).- But who the hell beta tested the game for pc (Or the demo)? Like, you boot it up, and you can't use your mouse to navigate the menus, and during gameplay command prompts pop on screen giving instructions with x360 gamepad keys, not keyboard keys (You can fix this by using the configuration menu outside the game).
    3).- I plugged my x360 gamepad, and while I can use the gamepad according to the command prompts on screen (whee!), I HAD TO YOU MY MOUSE TO LOOK AROUND?! (boo!) I would like to think there is a way to fix this, but seriously, didn't someone tried it before, or someone honestly thought this was a good idea?

    I do like how the game runs on my computer, I thought it wasn't going to run at all, maybe I will try fiddling later with the configuration options, it was a very disapointing first experience though.

    Oh! It appears I finally found out what I was doing wrong (Or the game) it has voice commands ON by default, and the demo gives no notice of it, instead of having it on the extenal configuration menu, it's in game, now that I have deactivated it I can see the options to give commands on screen.

    I have a feeling that the in-game options menu is the exact same as on the console versions and everything PC specific is in the config. I made a post about it earlier too. The game seems decent, but it's something that can easily be pointed towards when someone calls something else a bad port.
    anoffday wrote: »
    Out of curiosity how many people play games on their PC with headphones all the time? I just bought some and their main purpose was to be able to chat during games, but I'm enjoying using them to listen to my games rather than through the speakers.

    The only time I ever use speakers is if I want to show someone else something. Which isn't really that often. I also only have speakers that are built into the screen and they aren't exactly great.

  • ThemadcowThemadcow Registered User regular
    KafkaAU wrote: »
    The catch 22 is she always complains my games make stupid noises and annoy her.

    Abso-frickin-lutely. I bought a powerful laptop that I could do my gaming sitting next to her (my wife, not yours), so she doesn't feel ignored. Then found out that ANY noise coming out of my laptop annoys her so I got some headphones. Now I sit next to her with headphones and 3D glasses on, ignoring her more than I did sitting in another room.

  • DocshiftyDocshifty Registered User regular
    Frei wrote: »
    Sniper Elite looks fun and it seems like people are into it, but every time I see those x-ray (ish) shots it makes me feel all weird because I have been shot and saw the x-rays of the bullet entering my shoulder (obviously not in real time, though that would have been cool) so I doubt I'd get through it. I dunno. Are those on every kill or is it random?

    Here is me playing some.

    Not every kill, but enough.

    And yeah, if it looked any more realistic, I don't think I'd be able to get through it.

  • Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    Docshifty wrote: »
    Frei wrote: »
    Sniper Elite looks fun and it seems like people are into it, but every time I see those x-ray (ish) shots it makes me feel all weird because I have been shot and saw the x-rays of the bullet entering my shoulder (obviously not in real time, though that would have been cool) so I doubt I'd get through it. I dunno. Are those on every kill or is it random?

    Here is me playing some.

    Not every kill, but enough.

    And yeah, if it looked any more realistic, I don't think I'd be able to get through it.

    I only noticed whilst watching your stream that the bullet can ricochet off an enemies gun too. I am now even more frustrated that I can't get the game day 1. Went into town and none of the game stores had the PC version up for pre-order. :(

  • SkyTurnsRedSkyTurnsRed Saint LouisRegistered User regular
    Corpekata wrote: »
    Gamersgate appears to be having a Sega week, though like usual, they have a mishmash of stuff up on Sunday while they take things down and put the new stuff up. Few things not on sale at all yet that I expect will be added in a bit.

    Football Manager 2012: 9.00 USD
    Total War Shogun 2 DLC in a variety of discounts
    Sonic Generations 15.00 USD
    Condemned Criminal Origins 8.00 USD (mentioned mainly because it doesn't go on sale much, not on Steam though)
    Most of the Total War base games on sale for the usual prices
    Sonic CD 2.50 (Steamworks)

    Random link http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-FM2012/football-manager-2012?caff=3884871

    A lot of Sega's stuff from the past few years is Steamworks so registers on there (Shogun 2, Sonic Generations, Renegade Ops, Football Manager). I'd wager that by the morning that the likes of Renegade Ops, Alpha Protocol, and Shogun 2 base games will have a discount.

    There's also another sale on Magicka and it's dozen DLC going on right now.

    I might have to pull the trigger on Football Manager and Sonic CD. I've never played Sonic CD, and everyone says it's the best 2D Sonic.

  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    You also could have left out the 2D qualifier and it would still remain true.

  • SteevLSteevL What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    I bought Sonic CD in that Gamersgate deal despite already owning the XBLA version. It's definitely my favorite Sonic game, but there are a good number of people who really dislike the level design. I just loved the whole time travel mechanic.

    SteevL on
  • anoffdayanoffday To be changed whenever Anoffday gets around to it. Registered User regular
    Wow. So much Magicka DLC. I had no idea. These work with my steam version? And if so what's the best?

    Also, does anyone know if the older sega games register on steam?

    Steam: offday
  • DrovekDrovek Registered User regular
    Wow... I just finished Digital: A Love Story. It was awesome! Maybe it's just my BBS nostalgia, but I really enjoyed it. The "visual novel" aspect didn't bug me - in this case the game isn't how to influence the plot but how to advance it, which is was equally fun.
    Analogue: A Hate Story just got upgraded to "buy it now".

    Played that and "Don't take it personally..." and I'm loving the writer's work. I guess I will get Analog, but maybe I'll wait, if even for 20%, because money is going to be tight (Diablo 3 demands it.)

    steam_sig.png( < . . .
  • CorpekataCorpekata Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    anoffday wrote: »
    Wow. So much Magicka DLC. I had no idea. These work with my steam version? And if so what's the best?

    Also, does anyone know if the older sega games register on steam?

    The only older ones that register are things like Sonic CD because they had a later PC release.

    As far as Magicka goes the Stars are Left and Vietnam are the big content ones. Other stuff is largely cosmetic or PVP related. And yeah, they'll work on Steam, Magicka only works on Steam, it gets added to your GG library, view your library and find the serial key and pop it into Steam.

    Corpekata on
  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    Drovek wrote: »
    Wow... I just finished Digital: A Love Story. It was awesome! Maybe it's just my BBS nostalgia, but I really enjoyed it. The "visual novel" aspect didn't bug me - in this case the game isn't how to influence the plot but how to advance it, which is was equally fun.
    Analogue: A Hate Story just got upgraded to "buy it now".

    Played that and "Don't take it personally..." and I'm loving the writer's work. I guess I will get Analog, but maybe I'll wait, if even for 20%, because money is going to be tight (Diablo 3 demands it.)

    I installed "don't take it personally" and Analogue last night... then I realized it was 4:30 am... so they'll have to wait for tonight. :)
    But yeah, seriously loving Christine Love's work - there's a tongue-in-cheek browser-based fighting game homage linked off her blog site that's pretty fun too.

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    What are the chances Dead Island will go on sale anytime soon and how much do you think it'll go for? And is it worth that much?!

  • CorpekataCorpekata Registered User regular
    Dead Island seems about due for a sale. Been a little while. Very least in the summer. I'd wager it'll be in the 7.50-10 dollar range when it does.

  • Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    Don't suppose there is a way to track that outside checking this thread/Steam every day?

  • darklite_xdarklite_x I'm not an r-tard... Registered User regular
    Anyone have anything to say about Lone Survivor?

    Steam ID: darklite_x Xbox Gamertag: Darklite 37 PSN:Rage_Kage_37 Battle.Net:darklite#2197
  • CorpekataCorpekata Registered User regular
    Magus` wrote: »
    Don't suppose there is a way to track that outside checking this thread/Steam every day?


    Set up an account. You can import Steam wishlists or just manually track games. It'll email you if a game on your list goes on sale. It tracks all those sites but since Dead Island is Steamworks, no matter where you get it it registers on Steam.

  • Form of Monkey!Form of Monkey! Registered User regular
    If one had the opportunity to purchase the first Crysis game for a mere five human currency units, should one act on that and make the purchase?

  • ShimshaiShimshai Flush with Success! Isle of EmeraldRegistered User regular
    If one had the opportunity to purchase the first Crysis game for a mere five human currency units, should one act on that and make the purchase?

    Depends on whether one likes fun or not. If so, then proceed with said purchase.

    Steam/Origin: Shimshai

  • RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    darklite_x wrote: »
    Anyone have anything to say about Lone Survivor?

    I haven't had a chance to play it for more than an hour or two, but I liked what I saw. It's pretty close to Silent Hill 2 but as a 2D indie game.

    RainbowDespair on
  • Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    It's fun, though fairly short. That being said, apparently he's gonna continue adding content to it so.. seems like a good call. Also it's on sale on Steam for 8 bucks.

  • SlimceaSlimcea Registered User regular
    Corpekata wrote: »
    Snagged from the game deal thread, Deus Ex HR and Dungeon Siege 3 are both super cheap at Amazon (7.00/5.00) right now. Steamworks. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/?ie=UTF8&tag=tgk07-20&linkCode=ur2&docId=1000716161&camp=1789&creative=390957

    Amazon are having some killer sales right now. In fact, it seems that for Steamworks games, it might be better to just wait for Amazon to put them up on sale versus getting them on Steam for you US guys.

This discussion has been closed.