Where No Man Has Gone Before, Episode 1, "Pilot": Scene 2, Onboard the USS Anansi



  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    Yep! Announce your plan (however vague that may be at this point) and objectives, make the roll, and the bonus will apply to all actions which service that plan.

  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    Bathren Sv'ral
    "The crew?" Wolfe stammers a bit, whether from pain or something else... "About 3 dozen, mostly low-ranking officers. The last available medical reports before communications were damaged had only myself and my hench--compatriots as still relatively unwounded. As far as who's dead and who's injured, it's hard to say. Medical reports indicate mostly burns... from the radiation, or damaged electrical equipment.

    A few minor hull breaches, but those are contained by our shields. Unfortunately, that has sapped us of our remaining shields. Beaming you our coordinates now."

    He sends you over detailed specs of the ship's location, movement patterns, radiation reports, etc. Which you pass along to the rest of the crew.

    A.S.S.I.S.T. pings in, his usual chipper tone now weird and inappropriate. "Current crew complement for the USS Anansi is 41, mostly low-ranking officers, serving under Captain Galorus Straam."
    You've earned his trust, and gotten all the information you need. But something is up with this guy...

    The viewscreen comes alive with coordinates flying about, digital readouts, tactical maps, and so on. Suddenly you're by yourself in a world of information--exactly where you want to be.

    The ship gently recalibrates as you pull a smooth turn towards the Anansi's projected location. Slowly, you see it take shape in the central display--first a spec, engulfed by a red sun, then growing and growing as you approach, until you see it, in all its glory--a colossal, Constitution-class vessel, much like your own, slowly drifting, inching closer and closer to oblivion.

    That's when you remember what A.S.S.I.S.T. said about the gravity accretors. You pull backwards on the controls. Hard. Capt. Danson looks over to you. "Ensign... you know the ship is that-a-way, yes?"

    But sure enough, one moment later, you feel the pull. The Odysseus is now locked between a black hole and a Red Giant, floating mostly in stasis.

    You lean back in your chair with a grin. Jax can't even hide the fact that his jaw literally dropped.

    Buck Steele
    You race through the Engineering bay, flipping switches, pulling levels, and commanding consoles.

    Core operating at full capacity. All systems running smoothly. It's time to flip the shields on and see what happens.

    You slide on the leather of your heels over to the console, and slam down with those Johnny Bench-ian paws of yours. The computer hacks and wheezes, before everything around you turns green. Green is good. Green is working.

    "Listen, Steele," your communicator goes off. "The... unconventional... but utterly brilliant tactics of Ensign Kalelothran have freed up some additional power. See what you can do with it." You take a victory sip as you hear about the new toys you've been given to play with.
    So! Between your masterful engineering and Kale's daring piloting tricks, you can opt to pull off a stunt with the Odysseus. You may choose one of the following:

    Tractor Beam: The gravity pull is too powerful to pull it out of the sun on its own, but you can shoot of a tractor beam to at least ensure it doesn't get pulled any closer while you and your team heads in to rescue the crew.
    Transporter link-up: The transporter room is located in the Systems section of the Anansi. You could triangulate their signal, and beam right into their transporters, ensuring even greater stability in landing where you want to, especially considering all the interferance.
    Jump start: You could attempt to siphon that energy off towards their ship, giving their engines a much needed boost.
    Shield transfer You could beam over some of your additional shield energy, providing additional protection from solar radiation. (This would make potential checks against heat while onboard the Anansi a lower DC, while the tractor beam would make them more infrequent.)
    Or, if you can come up with another comparable stunt, feel free to suggest it, and I'll let you know if it's possible.

    Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre
    You and your team are walking tornados, throwing together medkits like an assembly line.

    Within minutes, you've put together 7 complete medkits in standard issue messenger bags, complete with emergency hyposprays in the event of a sudden injury. In other words, in addition to generic plot medicine, each PC has an emergency hypospray on hand, capable of healing 1d8+3 damage.

    Karen Featherwell
    Jax listens intently, arms crossed, as you recite the plan of attack.

    "You heard the woman, we plan on a straight jump to the bridge." He waves his arms to the crew around him. "Good work, Ensign. Alright, now head to Requisitions and see about getting whatever equipment you need."
    The plan you came up with solid (re-iterating if you missed, collect an action point for thinking on your feet.) As such, I'm going to allow you to use that Knowledge roll as a requisition roll for equipment. Unfortunately, you're unable to scrounge everything you need in such a short timeframe, but you are able to get a full set of communicators, and you may choose one of the following:

    1d2+1 phaser pistols (mark I)
    An additional 1d4 hyposprays
    2d3 Tricorders
    One phaser rifle
    Hazard resistance suits for the whole crew: +2 to rolls resisting radiation damage

  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Ensign Sv'ral mutes her mic again and instructs A.S.S.I.S.T. (which she decides is her least favorite ship system to type out ever) to forward the relevant information to the officers coordinating the rescue operation. "Please let Ensign St. Pierre know that the recorded crew compliment for Anansi is 41, information coming from aboard ship is that there are currently three dozen. They report that most injuries are radiation burns or electrical burns. Forward that same information as well as all technical readouts for the Anansi's current status to Ensign Claymore, Ensign Featherwell, and ENSIGN BUCK GOOD OL BUCK STEELE STEELE Steele steele..."

    It's already been two months since they both joined the Odysseus's crew, and she still can't stop saying his name like that.

    She thinks back to the jittery, haggard Denobulan who first winked onto the ship's main viewscreen. He'd been disconcerted -- anyone would be shaken up by the process of being roasted alive while slowly falling into the corona of a star -- but there seemed to be more to him than meets the eye.

    "A.S.S.I.S.T.: Are you still accessing Starfleet Records? Can you pull up personnel records for one Captain Galorous Straam, Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Anansi, and display them on my console? And please also pull up personnel records for a Shepson Wolfe, rank unknown, also of the U.S.S. Anansi?" she adds as an afterthought. "I'd like to know a little more about whom I'm speaking with."

    She rekeyed her microphone. "Anansi, copy your transmission. You're doing great, Shepson. That was a big help."

    She pauses. "Can you tell me what's happened to Captain Straam?"

    SammyF on
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Kalelothran coughed once into his fist to clear his throat. He was certainly not covering up a smile.

    After briefly checking the numbers to ensure that the Odysseus would maintain this position, Kalelothran turned his attention to the red dwarf. "ASSIST, please begin monitoring the red dwarf into which the Anansi is being pulled. If a solar storm is causing damage to that ship, we need to know the amount and types of radiation being emitted. Also, please alert me if you detect the formation of a solar flare."
    The intent here is to form a plan around the mitigation of damage caused by the red dwarf's solar storm. It could theoretically be used to avoid further damage to the Anansi, or maybe help us treat crew exposed to too much radiation / suffering radiation burns?

    Edit: Forgot to roll!
    Solar Storm Mitigation Plan: 1d20+3+6 24
    +2 for the first round, +1 for the second, then the Plan expires.

    jdarksun on
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Claymore set his teeth and jutted his jaw proudly. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the moment that he would get to go into some real action and do something real and important for the Federation and it's citizens. "Aye Aye Captain," he crisply responded, before accessing the datapad feed.

    Ensign Sv'ral was already feeding him vital tactical information through it and he briskly brought himself up to date with the situation, before accessing his communicator with a quick tap, linking him with the other vital personnel he knew were best for the job and cutting through the desperate onboard chatter with his cool, level voice. As he spoke, he strode quickly through the Odysseus' corridoors, avoiding crew running too and fro with practiced ease.

    "This is Ensign Claymore. The crew of the Anansi need immediate assistance and we're the ones who are going to give it to them first.

    Buck, we'll have to get their drive and power systems up and running, and you're the man for the job.

    Ensign Kalelothran, piloting that thing in this system, fluctuation gravity will require a helmsman who can adapt quickly. You're up.

    Doctor Pierre, emergency medical response is our first priority and I want you co-ordinating that from the front line. Get your gear and move out.

    Featherwell, you know exactly what you need to do. We don't want any nasty surprises on this one and I need the Anansi's security systems to play ball.

    Sv'ral, we'll need pitch perfect communication and co-ordination, which means accessing the computers on their side and setting up a datafeed as quickly as possible, which means you're on the team.

    All of you, report to the transporter room with all the equipment you need. We're heading over as soon as the lock is established in accordance with Featherwell's plan."

    Signing off, Claymore stepped into a nearby lift, hands casually behind his back, and allowed himself a moment of calm before stepping into the transporter room, back to the chaos and action. He wasn't nervous, but rather excited. He wasn't just ready for this. He had been born ready for this.
    Command and Charisma of +8 in total, rolled a 13, so that's a 21, pretty decent. Not using my Command or Inspiring Speech talents yet, I'm pretty sure that we'll need them in the near future!

    Solar on
  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Not gonna lie, I feel like a badass
    Dex Dynamo wrote: »
    Karen Featherwell
    Jax listens intently, arms crossed, as you recite the plan of attack.

    "You heard the woman, we plan on a straight jump to the bridge." He waves his arms to the crew around him. "Good work, Ensign. Alright, now head to Requisitions and see about getting whatever equipment you need."
    The plan you came up with solid (re-iterating if you missed, collect an action point for thinking on your feet.) As such, I'm going to allow you to use that Knowledge roll as a requisition roll for equipment. Unfortunately, you're unable to scrounge everything you need in such a short timeframe, but you are able to get a full set of communicators, and you may choose one of the following:

    1d2+1 phaser pistols (mark I)
    An additional 1d4 hyposprays
    2d3 Tricorders
    One phaser rifle
    Hazard resistance suits for the whole crew: +2 to rolls resisting radiation damage

    Karen feels a great deal of pride well up, tinging her cheeks a rosy pink, at the same time impressed with the pilot's maneuvering the ship into a perfect position to enact the rescue.

    "Yes sir!" She chirps, a bit too eagerly. She's practically walking on air as she marches down to Requisitions. A few minutes of deliberation and she finally scoops a set of tricorders into a satchel, the better to identify any pending trouble and/or unforeseen difficulties.

    Should be a very basic rescue, but one couldn't be too prepared. Hearing the message from Claymore on her communicator, she shoulders the satchel and picks her way through the corridors to the transporter room, "game face" on as she approachs Ensign Claymore. She fishes a tricorder from her satchel to offer to him.

    "We should be able to calibrate these to access the Anansi's systems as necessary." She then pulls out another tricorder and pulls down the available schematics of the imperiled ship, going over the plan again as she waits for the others.

    Matev on
    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Claymore took the tricorder and nodded at the petite yet determined security officer. "Good work there Featherwell." Fiddling with it's systems a little bit, he also ran over the latest information updates about the Anansi, studying lay-out, crew disposition, any cargo the ship might be carrying and so on. He never was much good with these damn things but right now he needed every scrap of info he could get.

  • Dongs GaloreDongs Galore Registered User regular
    Buck Steele let out an explosive whoop of laughter as he examined the new power readouts. "Gal-damn that green-blooded science wizard!" He exclaimed, clapping the nearest ensign heartily on the back. "A.S.S.I.S.T! Remind me to fetch that Kaller... Kalla... Kallertoran feller a drink! Something... I'm thinking something blue. And strong."

    After a moment's consideration, Buck decided the foremost priority was to make sure the entire ship didn't fall into the sun. He keyed up the bridge again while deftly manipulating his console. "Diverting excess power to tractor beams now, Captain. Ol' Buck's figgerin' to put a lasso round this steer!"
    ((OOC:)) Do I need to roll anything to attempt a stunt?

    That done, Buck finished his drink, palming the empty tumbler off on a passing blueshirt and grabbing a hyperspanner as he headed for the lift. "Copy that, Claymore. Meet ya'll at the transporters!"
    ((OOC:)) I assume there's a hyperspanner lying around in engineering, but do I need to make a requisitions check to grab anything else in order to make basic repairs? Or are we treating ordinary tools as basically flavor text

  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    No roll necessary; you rolled well enough in engineering that the stunt is basically an extra reward.

    And you're assumed to have whatever tools you'll need to perform basic repairs, but you CAN make an INT+Know check if you want to find something that might provide an additional bonus.

  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Building on that, Dex, can anyone make an INT+Know check to find something we might need? I'm getting the distinct impression that I'm a few posts away from wishing I'd thought to pack a lunch and a phaser.

    A lump rises in Sv'ral's throat as she turns to look at the crippled U.S.S. Anansi on the main viewscreen and contemplates beaming aboard. Something's wrong. She can't put her finger on precisely what just yet, and she won't have an answer without more precise information, but gathering information takes time, and she can feel the seconds ticking away as she waits for A.S.S.I.S.T. to pull up the personnel records. What was Wolfe looking at off-screen during his initial transmission? Did he...was he about to refer to the other crew members as his henchmen?

    Her cheeks burn a hot white (it's how Andorians blush) as she considers that she should have probably told Captain Danson about the strange transmission she thought she'd heard immediately instead of wasting time trying to find it again. She decides that if she were to squelch the bad feeling she has now, she'd only be compounding her first mistake with another.

    While waiting for both a response from the Denobulan officer and A.S.S.I.S.T.'s search results, she activates the ship's intercom and calls the transporter room.

    "Ensign Sv'ral to Ensign Claymore. Ensign Claymore, I'll be on my way down in just a second, but... well, there's something off about this. I get the impression that Shepson Wolfe may not be telling us the whole truth -- that he may not even be who or what he says he is.

    "This may not be a simple rescue and recovery mission. I recommend that we be ready for trouble the moment we materialize aboard the Anansi's bridge -- perhaps even bring some hand phasers just in case."

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    Kalelothran rose from his position at the helm, and began to leave the bridge. He noticed Ensign Sv'ral still at the Comm station, and stopped next to her. "Is there a problem, Ensign? We've been summoned to the transporter room."

  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    Sorry about the lack of actual post--busy couple of days, between work and blogging projects. Will update tonight with everyone's stuff.

    On a related note, does everyone like the way I'm updating: one long post with everyone's names bolded? Does that work for everyone?

  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Sv'ral looked up to see Kalelothran standing over her, his Vulcan calm an incongruous sight in the frenetic excitement of a rescue mission. "Kale," she said. "Yeah, I just... I've been on the comm frequency with Mr. Wolfe while we closed in on his position -- nice flying, by the way -- and when I started asking him questions, he became... I think the humans call it 'cagey?' Like he's purposefully and actively trying not to tell us something.

    "It's bad enough having your molecules disintegrated and beamed to a doomed ship, but feeling like I don't know what we're going to find when we rematerialize has got me on edge. Something about this feels like a trap."

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    "I concur, Ensign. A Starfleet heavy cruiser does not just get caught in a gravity well. Either it sustained heavy damage from some conflict, or its crew was dangerously negligent. Perhaps we're not in contact with the actual crew of the Anansi at all. Whatever the reason, we're more prepared by knowing that there is something unusual going on."

    Kalelothran quirked an eyebrow and looked Ensign Sv'ral in the eyes. "Regardless, I'm sure Ensign Claymore's perfectly coiffed hair and strong jaw will keep us safe."

  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Sv'ral swings up out of her seat with a sigh. "I suppose you're probably right." Her antennae twitch nervously as she strides towards the turbolift. "I just hope that he spent half as much time on this rescue plan as he did on that hairdo."

  • CayrusCayrus Consul Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!Registered User regular
    "Acknowledged Ensign Claymore, I'll be joining you in the transporter room momentarily."

    Henri turned to the rest of the medical staff. "I'm going on the away mission. Hopefully we can quickly identify the heaviest wounded and transport them back immediately. Be prepared for causalities."

    With that, Henri exited the Medbay and made his way to the transporter.

    Former Secret Service Agent Nathaniel Ford in Call of Cthulhu: Whispers in the Darkness

    Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before

    Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    Bathren Sv'ral
    As soon as you ask, A.S.S.I.S.T. pings in directly to your communicator. "CAPTAIN GALORUS STRAAM, decorated captain first class. Stationed on the U.S.S. Anansi 3 years, six months. Anonymous crew review rating of 3.87 stars, to a five star maximum. 14 counts of "high-risk maneuver taken in a tactical mission," 10 formal crew complaints classified under "stringent conditions".

    LIEUTENANT SHEPSON WOLFE. Helmsman, U.S.S. Anansi, 9 months. Prior stations: U.S.S. Heimdall, 6 months. Transferred, insubordination charges. U.S.S. Lincoln, 1 year, 2 months. Transferred, slander charges. U.S.S. Orion, 3 months. Assault charges. Status: FORMAL PROBATION.
    Feel free to roll an INT+Know check if you want to requisition additional equipment. DC 10, plus 5 for each additional piece of equipment.

    You flip the screen back on, asking about Captain Straam. Wolfe's eyes bat back and forth. "Straam? Oh, I thought you knew... she... she died. Days ago. Days ago, during the storm, I mean."

    Before you get a chance to respond, you hear the Vulcan behind you, chiding you for taking too long. It seems these questions will have to wait...

    "Of course, ENSIGN KALELOTHRAN. Radiation levels are minimal, but monitored. Beaming radiation levels directly to available tricorders."

    All PCs: For three actions after arriving on the ship, you gain a +2 bonus to all actions related to containing or treating solar radiation, then one round of a +1 bonus.

    Ensign Claymore
    You don't know if you're imagining it or if it's really occuring, but everyone seems to be running a little faster, standing a little straighter, and skipping slightly when they step.

    All PCs: Add +3 to your next roll due to some particularly inspiring confidence from Ensign Claymore.

    Buck Steele
    A smile on your face and a drink in your hand, you watch the viewscreen, as a column of pale blue light soars from the Odysseus, enveloping the Anansi. Suddenly, it slows its descent into the sun, eventually stopping altogether. The Odysseus creaks and moans. You won't be able to hold it for long, but hopefully you can hold it for long enough.

    Your communicator lights up. "Tractor beam," Danson laughs. "You son of a Gorn, Steele. You glorious son of a Gorn."

    All PCs
    A.s.S.I.S.T. comes on the main communicator. "TRANSPORT OFFICER KHARESHI reports that transporters are locked and ready. Mission will commence when all officers arrive in Transporter room.
    Let me know if I missed anything!

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    "Copy that Sv'Ral. Keep me advised and updated on that situation, we need to stay apace of things." Claymore frowned at ran a hand through his lustrous, dark hair. Sv'Ral was somewhat of a cold fish, and she never had fallen for his charms, but she was also undeniably an expert in her field. He'd be a fool to ignore her feelings on this matter, and resolved to expect the unexpected when they beamed over.

    Striding onto the pad, Claymore nodded at Khareshi. "As soon as we're here, beam us over, don't wait on ceremony."

  • Dongs GaloreDongs Galore Registered User regular
    BUCK STEELE strides manfully onto the transporter pad!

  • CayrusCayrus Consul Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!Registered User regular
    Henri moves onto the transporter pad, making sure to take one of the spots directly behind Ensign Claymore. He knew he'd soon have to put his skills to work in a life threatening situation, but until then he could at least enjoy the view.


    Former Secret Service Agent Nathaniel Ford in Call of Cthulhu: Whispers in the Darkness

    Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before

    Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    Ready when everyone else is

    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Sv'ral arrives with Kalelothran in the transporter room, where she gives everyone a brief rundown of Mr. Wolfe's long and storied history with Starfleet's various disciplinary boards -- if the man had spent any more time before a Captain's Mast, he'd be a flipping ship's figurehead. She hopes the information will be nothing more than an interesting footnote in an otherwise flawlessly executed rescue operation without incident. But she finds herself cracking her knuckles all the same.

    She notices Ensign Claymore's appraising gaze as she steps onto the transporter pad. One problem inherent in being issued a uniform this short is that you can't help but feel like anyone who tosses a glance your way is checking you out.

    Doubly so when you make the uniform look this damn good.
    Bring it on, Dex!

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Ensign Claymore basks in the adoring gaze of his officers while waiting for the transporter to engage

  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    SammyF wrote: »
    Sv'ral arrives with Kalelothran in the transporter room, where she gives everyone a brief rundown of Mr. Wolfe's long and storied history with Starfleet's various disciplinary boards -- if the man had spent any more time before a Captain's Mast, he'd be a flipping ship's figurehead. She hopes the information will be nothing more than an interesting footnote in an otherwise flawlessly executed rescue operation without incident. But she finds herself cracking her knuckles all the same.

    She notices Ensign Claymore's appraising gaze as she steps onto the transporter pad. One problem inherent in being issued a uniform this short is that you can't help but feel like anyone who tosses a glance your way is checking you out.

    Doubly so when you make the uniform look this damn good.
    Bring it on, Dex!

    "Insubordinate eh?" Featherwell responded, "Eh, he gives us any trouble, I'll knock him halfway back to Gamma Tau." She cracked her neck. Hopefully, she'd not chosen poorly by taking the tricorders, she didn't want to second-guess herself.

    Matev on
    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    With a customary Bajoran blessing, Khareshi pulls the lever, and you're surrounded in gold flickering light.

    Suddenly, the comforts of the Odysseus melt away. Khareshi shifts and takes the shape of a command console. Ensigns Cole and Rickson blur together, becoming a massive viewscreen, surrounded by high-tech equipment. And in an instant, you're on the bridge of the U.S.S. Anansi.

    And that's when you notice things aren't right.

    The bridge is scuffed--a few panels torn out, some dents in the metal, chairs knocked over, burn marks on the floor (but those are awfully circular holes for solar radiation), but otherwise in workable condition. Not at all the tattered wreck of a room you saw on the viewscreen. A few of the casualties lay around the floor, but they have phasers in their hands, and blast marks on their chest.

    You look around. All the equipment is shut off, blinking red lights that just read "LOCKED. CODE: 13176." The main lights are off, but flood lights flash on and off. The doors to the bridge are sealed shut. Something happened here, but it wasn't no solar storm.
    Though that doesn't mean there isn't plenty of solar radiation, and subsequent radiation injuries--so your Plan shouldn't go to waste, Kalelothran.

    You look around for a moment, examining the bodies, exploring the room, and so on. Then you hear the siren blaring. A computer voice--this one the dry, dead voice standard to Starfleet vessels (making you miss A.S.S.I.S.T., as unbelievable as that sounds). "WARNING: TRANSPORTER INTRUSION INTO AREA DESIGNATED AS ADMIN-LOCKED, PER CAPTAIN GALORUS STRAAM. CODE 13176. ACTIVATING EMERGENCY WARP DEFLECTION."

    And suddenly, you're engulfed in gold flickering light again, and in an instant, you've vanished.

    Star Trek: Where No Man Has Gone Before will return after these messages from our sponsors.
    Don't worry--by that I just mean I'll be mostly unavailable except for short responses until Sunday or Monday.

    In the mean time, your characters have a moment to look around, examine bodies, make any skill checks you'd like to before you're whisked away.

    Additionally, all PCs may attempt an INT+Know check to remember what a Code 13176 is from your Academy training. I'll take the highest roll and count any others as Aid Another rolls.

    Let me know if you have any questions!

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Kalelothran glanced at the error code displayed on the consoles, then moved to the nearest body to check for signs of life.
    Kalelothran attempts to recall the meaning of Code 13176: 1d20+3+6 20 (+3 from Claymore's command roll? 23.)

    What should I roll to see how dead these guys are, and what they died of?

    jdarksun on
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    That would be Medicine + INT or DEX (as you delicately test for pulses, vital signs, etc.), roller's choice. Again, I'll take the high roll, and treat the others as Aid Another.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Kale checks for a pulse and signs of trauma: 1d20+3+2 15 (+3 from Claymore's command roll? 18.)

    Man, the dice love me this game.

    jdarksun on
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Claymore's only reaction to the scene before was much the same as his reaction to anything unusual and foreboding, a slight furrowing of the brows. Taking in the blast marks, the fallen bodies and discarded weapons, and the locked systems, he knew that the perameters of this mission had just shifted drastically. As he though, Claymore remembered that Sv'Ral had been suspicious of the apparent situation before the beamed across. Looks like the achingly beautiful young communications officer had been right.

    "Ensign Featherwell, help me recover those weapons while the Doctor checks the bodies. Steele, try to access those locked systems and get us bridge control. Sv'Ral, make contact with the Odysseus and inform them of the situation. Everybody, keep an eye out, clearly something is going on here beyond a simple emergency response."

    With that, he knelt down and took the nearest phaser from a fallen body, checking it's power and setting. It looked like these men had been attacked, and the away team needed to be able to protect themselves if they were to investigate this matter.
    jdarksun, remember you get that +3 from my command roll before we beamed across. :)

    Also my knowledge roll is a total of 8. Cause that's what I rolled, and I get no bonuses. Claymore is basically an extremely handsome face as this point.

  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Solar wrote: »
    Sv'Ral, make contact with the Odysseus and inform them of the situation. Everybody, keep an eye out, clearly something is going on here beyond a simple emergency response."
    Dex, I probably should have asked before, but are communicators considered a basic standard issue equipment item automatically available to all away team members, a la Buck Steele's hyperspanner, or are they something we had to requisition with a skill check prior to beaming over, a la hand phasers and tricorders?

    I need to know whether I'm just blowin' up ol' Jax Danson on my cellie and giving him the four-one-one, or if I'm strolling over to the communications station on the Anansi' bridge and bludgeoning my fists against it as I realized that all the controls are locked.

  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    Communicators are standard issue! An INT+Comm check (+3 for Claymore's Command) would be required to get a signal off ship because of the interference, though.

  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Tough but fair, Dex. Tough but fair. I'll write up something about doing that later today.

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    The thing I have noticed about playing a command type character (just doing a little bit of a system review since I don't think any of us have played this before)

    is that you are, by yourself, effectively pretty useless

    in that you don't really have anything that makes you better and there's no area that you are really skilled in

    but that you enhance your group's effectiveness a huge amount

    and that's cool because it means that the command character doesn't dominate the game and end up bossing everyone about, they give bonuses that let others be that much better

    so there's an incentive to give orders beyond "I'm in charge" and an incentive to follow orders because it makes you better at stuff

    pretty nifty

  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Solar wrote: »
    The thing I have noticed about playing a command type character (just doing a little bit of a system review since I don't think any of us have played this before)

    is that you are, by yourself, effectively pretty useless

    in that you don't really have anything that makes you better and there's no area that you are really skilled in

    but that you enhance your group's effectiveness a huge amount

    and that's cool because it means that the command character doesn't dominate the game and end up bossing everyone about, they give bonuses that let others be that much better

    so there's an incentive to give orders beyond "I'm in charge" and an incentive to follow orders because it makes you better at stuff

    pretty nifty
    I'm vaguely reminded of the pointman character class in Spycraft in that the most powerful aspect is improving the performance of the specialists around him. It's pretty neat.

    I also happen to really like the way in which the one person's success yields benefits for someone else -- Kalelothran makes a fantastic maneuver at the helm, which frees up more power for Buck Steele to play around with. Featherweight comes up with a great plan for the rescue, and as a consequence she gets some bonus tricorders to hand out to the rest of the team. That seems to be less of a fundamental underlying the rules and more an element of Dex purposely building teamwork into all the challenges he's throwing in, but either way, I heartily approve.

  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    Karen wobbles a little as they materialize on the deck of the Anansi, she'll never get used to that transported feeling. Noticing the bodies, she heads over to one and picks up a phaser, looking around the room. As Claymore speaks, she moves to recover phasers from the other bodies, fighting back the lump in her throat

    "Mutiny maybe...?" She posits, slowly being filled with an overwhelming urge to avenge these fallen crewmen...
    Rolling for the Code 13176 Recollection of Code 13176, Starfleet Regulation Knowledge (1d20+2+3=14) Not bad, a decent assist roll

    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • Dongs GaloreDongs Galore Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    BUCK STEELE strides confidently over to the command console, stepping gingerly over several corpses, only to be stymied by the lockdown protocol. "Code 13176..." he growls to himself, stroking his muttonchops thoughtfully. Buck certainly never read his copy of Starfleet General Orders & Regulations at any point in his career, although he knows several of them by heart, mostly the ones concerning drunken disorderliness, brawling with officers and gambling. Ensign Featherweight has had occasion to quote all of those to him numerous times since they came aboard the Odysseus. Sadly, none of those seem relevant now.

    Buck thinks back to past incidents in which his aggressive engineering habits have provoked Starfleet hardware to enter defensive lockdowns...
    BUCK STEELE racks his brains in a manly fashion to recall Code 13176!: 1d20+2+3=20

    Dongs Galore on
  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Thank goodness no one's shooting at me, Sv'ral thinks as the empty bridge of the Anansi resolves into existence around her. She takes a step forward and nearly trips over a man with a telltale phaser burn square on his chest. ...Yet. Didn't anyone ever tell these idiots that phasers come with a stun setting?

    She fishes her communicator off of her belt and flips its gold-plated face open. "Odysseus, away team. Sv'ral here." The device responds to her hail with a sharp burst of static. She modulates the broadcast amplitude and tries again.

    "Odysseus," she tries again, "this is the away team. The Anansi's bridge is secured. Everyone here was out of commission when we arrived, multiple phaser wounds, obvious signs of a firefight; we're checking for vitals now. The door to the bridge has been sealed and it looks like all the controls are locked down -- something about 'Code 13176.' Request that you maintain a transporter lock and be ready to beam us off the bridge in case we can't open the door. Please advise." She notices a little static still on the comm frequency. "Come in Odysseus."

    SammyF on
  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    This is actually a double post but I'm going to pretend I had something insightful to say. Nice roll, Dongs!

    SammyF on
  • CayrusCayrus Consul Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!Registered User regular
    As soon as the Ensigns beamed over to the Anansi, Henri knew something wasn't right. He say the causalities on the floor and instantly knew that solar radiation was not the cause of their injuries.

    "Stand back, let me check for life signs!"

    Henri rushed to the nearest body and scanned his tricorder, adjusting for the readings for the high amount of radiation that was still present.

    "I know exactly what killed these men..."
    Medicine Check:
    Medicine + INT: 1d20+6+5+3 24

    Knowledge Check
    INT + Know: 1d20+5+2+3 15

    Thematically would this be an appropriate time to use Recollection and roll knowledge again? Or is it to early in the episode to blow a "daily"?

    Former Secret Service Agent Nathaniel Ford in Call of Cthulhu: Whispers in the Darkness

    Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before

    Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
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