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Lunch Ideas



  • williamstomewilliamstome Registered User regular
    IIRC there's a Boloco across the bridge from the convention center. Cheap Burritos, Huzzah!

  • aikoeaikoe Registered User regular
    Fetch26291 wrote: »
    wrccitroen wrote: »
    Delaney wrote: »
    wrccitroen wrote: »
    To quote Aikoe, PB&J gets old real quick...but you should try PB & apple butter! Now that I think of it...who has awesome, cool, fresh ideas for PB sandwiches besides bananas, fluff or jams/jellies?

    I'm fond of a good peanut butter and bacon sandwich, but I'm not sure how well that would travel.

    MMMMMM Bacon!! Never tried that combo before...mmmmmm bacon :)

    PB & Bacon is good. Been awhile since I had one (cooking bacon is not as easy as they make it look)

    Microwave dat shit! You can also now buy fully cooked bacon. It has changed my life.

    PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
  • KrisstaKrissta New HampshireRegistered User regular
    IIRC there's a Boloco across the bridge from the convention center. Cheap Burritos, Huzzah!
    Ooh, good to know. Although, do they have good hours? A lot of stuff around there shuts down during the weekend.

  • wrccitroenwrccitroen New EnglandRegistered User regular
    I have a small crisis on my hands!! I guess the late night establishments generally shut the kitchens down at 11...sooooo, I hope this hasn't already been covered in the restaurant thread but...where is a tasty, convenient & inexpensive (entree under $20) place around the BCEC (Or not a lengthy drive away) to get dinner after 11PM?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    we already have a thread for restaurants in boston, I'd take that question over there. I sort of assumed this thread was about non-cafeteria lunch options for in the bcec.

  • wrccitroenwrccitroen New EnglandRegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    we already have a thread for restaurants in boston, I'd take that question over there. I sort of assumed this thread was about non-cafeteria lunch options for in the bcec.

    Yeah I actually just scoured that thread so this thread will go back to the way it was :)

  • gonexallgonexall PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    I would like to make a disclaimer about hard-boiled eggs. I do this, but if the eggs are not boiled properly or the shell gets cracked or they get very warm, they can go bad MUCH faster, even in a few hours. Be careful doing this. I'm taking the risk because I've done it before and feel confident, but I don't want anyone missing part of pax due to food poisoning. That would not be awesome.

    If you do decide to try it, make sure you learn about the process from books or the internet, inspect the eggs for cracks, and even then do a visual check and a smell check before eating. If anything seems off, do not eat. Have a safe pax.

  • wrccitroenwrccitroen New EnglandRegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    gonexall wrote: »
    I would like to make a disclaimer about hard-boiled eggs. I do this, but if the eggs are not boiled properly or the shell gets cracked or they get very warm, they can go bad MUCH faster, even in a few hours. Be careful doing this. I'm taking the risk because I've done it before and feel confident, but I don't want anyone missing part of pax due to food poisoning. That would not be awesome.

    If you do decide to try it, make sure you learn about the process from books or the internet, inspect the eggs for cracks, and even then do a visual check and a smell check before eating. If anything seems off, do not eat. Have a safe pax.

    Thanks for looking out for our health & well being! :D

    wrccitroen on
  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    An easy an not messy favorite of mine is to bring something like baby carrots and those packets of ranch dressing from Dominos or peanut butter. If you are eating it that day, nothing will go bad. Just make sure that the dippings are in a container so that if they break, it won't ruin what's in your bag.

    Also, pre-sliced cheese and triscuits, maybe some sliced pepperoni. Another good one is humus and pita break. Basically, if you've ever lost power due to a snow storm, eat that.

    What I like to do is basically just munch on snack-like things to tide you over, then have a decent meal somewhere else towards the end of the day.

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    *accidental double-post*

    Le_Goat on
    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • elleecstaticelleecstatic Registered User regular
    Im bringing home-made lunches and snacks with me. cheddar, bacon and mushroom stuffed mini burgers w/ lightly fried onion rings for friday's lunch and saturday's lunch will be chicken and steak hibachi with brown rice. I would like to make snacks for myself but my friends have requested that I bring my Portal cookies and Aperture Science energy bars. Hope TSA lets me on with all my food ha!

  • wrccitroenwrccitroen New EnglandRegistered User regular
    Im bringing home-made lunches and snacks with me. cheddar, bacon and mushroom stuffed mini burgers w/ lightly fried onion rings for friday's lunch and saturday's lunch will be chicken and steak hibachi with brown rice. I would like to make snacks for myself but my friends have requested that I bring my Portal cookies and Aperture Science energy bars. Hope TSA lets me on with all my food ha!

    MMMMMM sounds delish!! :D

  • EdracEdrac Registered User regular
    Any good suggestions for a poor soul alergic to nuts? I'm planning to pick up granola bars and water bottles for my bag, but granola will only take you so far...

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    *removed because my response was stupid and I apparently don't know how to read someone's post properly*

    Le_Goat on
    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • ElzemereElzemere BostonRegistered User regular
    For those actually leaving the BCEC for lunch, I just became aware of an Asian-fusion Restaurant on A street that can do to-go lunches on Friday on Sat (closed Sun)

  • ravnos13ravnos13 Somerville, MARegistered User regular
    Edrac wrote: »
    Any good suggestions for a poor soul alergic to nuts? I'm planning to pick up granola bars and water bottles for my bag, but granola will only take you so far...

    Dried and fresh fruit, veggies like carrots and whatnot, and of course, sandwiches.


    Passes: Acquired | Buttons: Acquired | April: Too far away...
  • aikoeaikoe Registered User regular
    We ended up just bringing small snacks this year - dried fruit, sweet potato chips, cookies, fruit cups, soda. We brought a decent amount of food/beer for the snack exchange and we're taking the train, so we didn't have room for any real food of our own. Hopefully these things plus friends' beef jerky can tide me over on lunch and I can have a big dinner instead.

    PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
  • bschorybschory Cambridge, MARegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Edrac wrote: »
    Any good suggestions for a poor soul alergic to nuts? I'm planning to pick up granola bars and water bottles for my bag, but granola will only take you so far...

    If you're thinking of going out, you'll find that cafes and vegetarian places tend to be the most accommodating to needs around allergies. Most non-franchised cafes in Boston are starting to actively list dishes that are gluten free, vegan, or vegetarian. They're very conscious of dietary restrictions of any sort. They seem to be the most receptive to understanding what you need, and the least likely to lie and say something isn't cooked in peanut oil when it actually is, for instance.

    bschory on
  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    I made a run to the store last night. Going to chop up pepperoni and cheese, bring crackers, baby carrots with ranch, and a couple of sandwiches stored in those awesome sandwich-shaped containers. Also, I bought some water flavor enhancers to add to my bottle: one just flavor and the other with caffeine. Because my backpack can gain heat throughout the day, I also grabbed 2 ice packs to keep everything somewhat chilled.

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Just went to J. Pace & Sons... It's a sandwich shop (hot & cold) near the BCEC, about 3 blocks from the Seaport. It was really good, and cheaper than convention food, so there's that too.

  • bschorybschory Cambridge, MARegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Shadowfire wrote: »
    Just went to J. Pace & Sons... It's a sandwich shop (hot & cold) near the BCEC, about 3 blocks from the Seaport. It was really good, and cheaper than convention food, so there's that too.

    I really like J. Pace & Sons. I used to go to a location they had downtown that has since closed. I didn't know about this location. Thanks so much for pointing this out! I'll have to wander over.

    bschory on
  • ravnos13ravnos13 Somerville, MARegistered User regular
    Since I talked about it so much, here's my trail mix I just whipped together!



    Passes: Acquired | Buttons: Acquired | April: Too far away...
  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    I know it's over *sob*, but I wanted to give my experience this year in regards to my non-lunch-buying ways this year and how it turned out.

    Last year, I bought breakfast/lunch/dinner and wasn't too happy with how much I spent on food. This year, I didn't pay for one ounce of food (slight lie: I did get a Wendy's burger on Saturday night) and instead opted to bring things with me: PB&J, carrots & ranch, celery & peanut butter, cheese and pepperoni with crackers. Let's just say that while my wallet was glad, my shoulders and back are not. Individually, those containers were easy to deal with. Stack them into a backpack and carry the combined weight around for 11 hours... I definitely didn't need to bring that much with me, so I went overboard this year with it. I also didn't pay for coat check and just rolled my jacket up into my backpack, which added weight as well.

    However, I did find that by lightly snacking all day and not eating a meal at lunch, I was able to stave off hunger (thus saving money). I think they say lightly snacking is better for you anyways, but like Dr. Zed said "I'm legally obligated to tell you that I ain't a real doctor."

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
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