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What are you doing with the 4th day?



  • BadNews65BadNews65 Data Solutions Analyst ArkansasRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Griever92 wrote: »
    I'm thinking about bringing my MGS Risk board game and seeing if I can organize a game in the Tabletop area with fellow PAXers at some point.
    Not sure how many sadists we have here that would torture themselves with a game of Risk though.

    I see your game of Risk and raise you a game of HeroScape... If only I could get that massive box of parts to PAX... >_>

    BadNews65 on
  • WolfmanASTNWolfmanASTN Registered User regular
    BadNews65 wrote: »
    Griever92 wrote: »
    I'm thinking about bringing my MGS Risk board game and seeing if I can organize a game in the Tabletop area with fellow PAXers at some point.
    Not sure how many sadists we have here that would torture themselves with a game of Risk though.

    I see your game of Risk and raise you a game of HeroScape... If only I could get that massive box of parts to PAX... >_>

    That would be awesome.

    It would be even better if we got a ton if people to bring parts and build a HUGE board, then we could have a ton of people playing, and even though there would be multiples of characters we could divide them into factions and color code them with a sticker or something.

  • WolfmanASTNWolfmanASTN Registered User regular
    And since this is my first PAX I have no clue what I'll be doing with the 4th day. Probably walking around the Expo hall unless something really cool is planned for that day. Can't wait for them to make the schedules!

  • BadNews65BadNews65 Data Solutions Analyst ArkansasRegistered User regular
    Yea when the schedules get posted that's when PAX gets real for me. I love planning out the panels. I know more about scheduling this time around. Didn't think about having to wait in line for those last year.

  • JKwonJKwon Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    I'll probably do the expo hall. Though I'm interested to see what panels there will be

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  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    I'm really interested to see what happens to the Omegathon. Will it become a four-day battle? According to traditional rules, that would make it 28 Omeganauts instead of 20. Maybe we will see something completely new...

  • ShmelioShmelio Registered User regular
    I'll probably just be walking around and seeing what I missed I will most likely be down for any mtg games also.

  • wunderbarwunderbar What Have I Done? Registered User regular
    Maybe a couple more panels, but I also plan on spending some time in the handheld lounge this year. I keep meaning to, never do.

    Also I do not think for one second it'll slow down the sheer number of things to do. It just means there will be 4 full days of content instead of 3. It will be awesome, and insane.

    XBL: thewunderbar PSN: thewunderbar NNID: thewunderbar Steam: wunderbar87 Twitter: wunderbar
  • JenniLyneJenniLyne Registered User regular
    I think I might actually remember to have lunch the first three days, knowing that there will be an extra one at the end... Last year I had a hard time remembering to break for food until I was absolutely starving.

  • QuintiousQuintious Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I always find that by about 1 o clock on Sunday, I reach a point of "This was a great weekend, but I'm ready for it to be over now". I don't know how adding another day is going to play for me, but I imagine other than maybe picking up some LoL skins at the very end, it'll mostly be spent sitting on my rear end playing tabletop. If I even bother to show up for the day.

    When you think about it, 5 days of nothing but gaming is an awful lot in one go. Thursday is going to be the pre-PAX "elite" event for tabletop at the Columbia Tower Club (or the little rooms at the Sheraton for those who won't be attending the premium event), Friday is always a high-energy, high activity day. Saturday is much the same, with the added variable of more cosplayers to seek out. Sunday was always sort of the chill, cool-down day, but now it's gonna be high energy as well and then drudging up on Monday to do it all over again one more time? I think it might start to feel kind of like a job at that point.

    Quintious on
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Quintious wrote: »
    ...Thursday is going to be the pre-PAX "elite" event for tabletop at the Columbia Tower Club (or the little rooms at the Sheraton for those who won't be attending the premium event)...

    I've got your 'elite' event RIGHT HERE. :P

    (oh yeah, and the Sheraton location is much bigger this year as compared to 2012; nearly 400 seats).

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • QuintiousQuintious Registered User regular
    Quintious wrote: »
    ...Thursday is going to be the pre-PAX "elite" event for tabletop at the Columbia Tower Club (or the little rooms at the Sheraton for those who won't be attending the premium event)...

    I've got your 'elite' event RIGHT HERE. :P

    (oh yeah, and the Sheraton location is much bigger this year as compared to 2012; nearly 400 seats).

    I'm sure they'll both be fun. The one at the Tower, to my understanding, will include a pre fixe meal and drinks (to go along with the views associated with being at the single tallest point in Seattle) and the 1,000 person capacity. Those who attended Tabletop Day Atop The World there earlier this year largely know what to expect in terms of atmosphere. More options is always better than less options.

  • vespachicavespachica SeattleRegistered User regular
    Right, so dump the kids with Lexi and go join Quintious at the tower. ;) Got it. (j/k!!!)


  • QuintiousQuintious Registered User regular
    vespachica wrote: »
    Right, so dump the kids with Lexi and go join Quintious at the tower. ;) Got it. (j/k!!!)

    No you're not :P. You know full well you're coming to this thing :).

    (Incidentally, there are smaller-scale free tabletop nights up there the 1st Monday of every month, PM if you'd like the RSVP links)

  • DreamwriterDreamwriter Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I'm treating Monday as it was originally intended: to let more people go to PAX rather than the same people go for longer :). Thus I'm skipping Sunday this year to give me a day to take a break and recharge - I'm always completely paxxed out by Sunday. And then I'll go back on Monday and see what the new day brings, now full of vim and vigor!

    Dreamwriter on
  • Menolly07Menolly07 Registered User regular
    I will be in the corner, laughing to myself while I line up my lint puff army and rock slowly, telling them, one by one, the names of my enemies and sending them off with a puff of breath to do mY BIDDING! GO MY PRETTIES!!!! FLY! FLY MY LITTLE LOVES SEEK FOR ME THE VENGEANCE THAT IS MINE TO BE HAD AND SEEK IT AS ONLY YOU CAN AT MY URGING!! I AM YOUR CREATOR AND MY LAST BREATH GIVES YOU -LIFE-!! Do this thing I have commanded! Bring me Cookies! Bring me Caffeine! Bring me those that must suffer and PAY!!! Bring me.... What? I mean.. I'll probably take a nap..... If my mind hasn't broken by then.

    Still PAXing strong. [E] for lyfe. ELand forever.
  • PurpleSkyPurpleSky Registered User regular
    Well I have to echo the indie booth exploration. I recently downloaded Toki Tori 2 for the Wii U (since my Wii U library is so deprived) and I I absolutely love this game. If it wasn't for PAX East 2013's Indie booth I wouldn't have heard of it (or at least it would have taken me longer to). So the indie booth is quite valuable and having that 4th day is a plus to peruse this booth!

  • minimoose1441minimoose1441 Comox, BCRegistered User regular
    The 4th day is my 1st day so I guess seeing as much of PAX as possible!

    PAX Prime 2013 [✓]
    PAX Prime 2014 [ ? ]
  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    I think adding the 4th day will make the whole experience a little more leisurely for us. Instead of thinking, "Oh no, we only have --- long to do Magic and D&D and the Expo and what time is the MarioKart tourney and ...," I plan on taking a lot more of a, "Hey! What's that?!" approach to it all.

    I'm still a little bummed that they're going to shut down at midnight instead of 2 a.m., because The Boy and I took pride in closing BYOC down Friday and Saturday, but I think that'll just lead to late night Munchkin games back at the hotel.

    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • BadNews65BadNews65 Data Solutions Analyst ArkansasRegistered User regular
    Where is the Mario Kart tourney you speak of...? How does one sign up for it?

  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    edited June 2013
    BadNews65 wrote: »
    Where is the Mario Kart tourney you speak of...? How does one sign up for it?

    They won't announce that stuff until the main schedule comes out, probably early-mid August. They usually have a decent tournament lineup of popular games - Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart, StarCraft II, TF2, etc.

    Sign-up is finding out where it is and waiting around outside for an hour or two (or three) beforehand. There's no advance sign-up.

    WuShock on
    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • jadester343jadester343 Registered User regular
    Ive spent 7 years figuring out how to pack everything i want to do in 3 days that i have no clue on day 4! Just a free day to relax and not worry about lines and time. Just a day to enjoy PAX without the stress of trying to be somewhere at a certain time

  • jadester343jadester343 Registered User regular
    Jadensmith wrote: »
    The fourth day I have the perfect plan. I will play more games, smoke more tobacco, drink more alcohol, get more swag, get less sleep. It is going to be awesome.
    and a plan is in motion :D

  • DruidsFlameDruidsFlame Registered User regular
    An extra day of raffles from Kingston, GSkill, EVGA, and the like?! Yes please!!!!!!!!

    PAX PRIME 2018 Status: Badges [√] Room [√] Waiting [ :x ]
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  • byakuenbyakuen Somewhere in SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited June 2013
    With how quickly the tickets sold out, I was able to acquire F/Sa/M. Going to use Sunday to recharge and relax since the rest of the time, I'm going to try to be everywhere at once!

    byakuen on
    ♥ Properly Pleased Participant of Past PAX PrimeWest: '10, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16
  • zenprimezenprime That Cat that ain't a Cat T-Town, WARegistered User regular
    Same thing I do every last day of PAX. Trying to cram as much in, and not have a sad during the last hours. So many friends I've made and only see at PAX.

    PAXing till I Plotz
    PAX Weast 2017 Status: Badges [X] Room [X] Fried Rice [X]
  • AlaendilAlaendil Des Moines, IARegistered User regular
    Cry quietly in pain from 3 days of walking in a corner? ... a corner of a tabletop area or other gaming area
    Really though, hopefully they have a LOL event again so I can use a day for that and spend the 4th day exploring areas

  • ramen215ramen215 Registered User regular
    Alaendil wrote: »
    Cry quietly in pain from 3 days of walking in a corner? ... a corner of a tabletop area or other gaming area
    Really though, hopefully they have a LOL event again so I can use a day for that and spend the 4th day exploring areas

    LoL is returning this year. Though according to the calendar they are starting a day early (like last year) and finishing up the games on Sunday so the 4th day won't have any LCS games. Not sure if they will be doing community stuff on the fourth day or something along those lines, but I'm sure they won't pack up and leave with a whole day to go.

    Track Record: ~Prime '12 Prime '13
  • Bizzaro StormyBizzaro Stormy I am Bizzaro Stormy. I am Bizzaro Stormy.Registered User regular
    I am Bizzaro Stormy.

  • ClixClix This guy I know Seattle, WARegistered User regular
  • H2OCakeisalieH2OCakeisalie Enforcer Registered User regular
    i don't know im not really a planner maybe i'll roam the expo hall and do some shopping but i like to keep things loose and see where the day takes me

  • JimmyWildJimmyWild Austin, TXRegistered User regular
    I'm really hoping for a casual stroll around the expo hall. No agenda, cept see more things i may have missed in the first 3 days. I mean we'll see what it's actually like on the floor on Mon but I imagine it'll be the perfect cool down day before I head home on Tues. :)

  • KomiKomi Registered User regular
    Definitely taking more time to panel hop. Prime 2012 was my first PAX and I feel like I used up too much of my time in the expo hall. I wouldn't mind getting into more social stuff too, I'd like to pick up some kind of tabletop game to learn so maybe I could get into that or something. That actually leads me to a question, are people generally friendly about showing someone how to play a tabletop game? I've never gotten into them before.

    -PAX Prime 2014-
    [x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
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  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Komi wrote: »
    Definitely taking more time to panel hop. Prime 2012 was my first PAX and I feel like I used up too much of my time in the expo hall. I wouldn't mind getting into more social stuff too, I'd like to pick up some kind of tabletop game to learn so maybe I could get into that or something. That actually leads me to a question, are people generally friendly about showing someone how to play a tabletop game? I've never gotten into them before.

    I don't think I've encountered a group at PAX that was unwilling to teach a newbie how to play. Of course, there are games that are just too damned complicated to bring in a newbie when a pack of seasoned pros are ready to play.

    For those situations, I suggest perusing the list of games being brought to the Pre-Pax Boardgame Night in their thread. If some of those games sound interesting, look up their rulebook online and familiarize yourself with the flow of the game. Most games have their rulebooks freely published.

    It's a goal of mine this PAX to play a game of Battlestar Galactica, so I just read through the rulebook tonight. It's okay if it doesn't all make sense, but you will be better than completely green.

    edgeofblade on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Battlestar is so much fun. I have always played with at least one new person, and that's still great :) One of the dudes in my local group has these amazing reference sheets printed out from boardgame geek that do an awesome job of helping everyone out.

  • MaxSteeleMaxSteele Registered User regular
    I've been to every PAX since it started in Seattle, and both my friend whom I have gone with every year and myself agree - Four days of PAX is one too many. :) We arrive Thursday afternoon, get settled in the hotel, get something to eat, play some games, and get some rest before the first day. Then we go non-stop Friday - Sunday, getting maybe 6-7 hours sleep Friday and Saturday nights combined.

    He flies back Sunday evening, I catch a train back Sunday evening. That's how it's been in the past, and that's how it'll be this year.

  • ClixClix This guy I know Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    MaxSteele wrote: »
    Four days of PAX is one too many. :) We arrive Thursday afternoon, get settled in the hotel, get something to eat, play some games, and get some rest before the first day. Then we go non-stop Friday - Sunday, getting maybe 6-7 hours sleep Friday and Saturday nights combined.

    I think you just highlighted your problem. Getting such little rest is just plain unhealthy. While I haven't been to every PAX, I've always wanted another day to play some more games and visit more booths that I didn't have time to in three days.

  • MaxSteeleMaxSteele Registered User regular
    Imsorad wrote: »
    MaxSteele wrote: »
    Four days of PAX is one too many. :) We arrive Thursday afternoon, get settled in the hotel, get something to eat, play some games, and get some rest before the first day. Then we go non-stop Friday - Sunday, getting maybe 6-7 hours sleep Friday and Saturday nights combined.

    I think you just highlighted your problem. Getting such little rest is just plain unhealthy. While I haven't been to every PAX, I've always wanted another day to play some more games and visit more booths that I didn't have time to in three days.

    The time on the exhibit hall floor has always been used up within three days. By the time Sunday afternoon comes around, we have seen and done everything in the exhibit hall that we want. A fourth day for the exhibit hall just isn't necessary for us.

    As for being unhealthy, I think 6-7 hours sleep over 2 nights once a year is acceptable. :)

  • Sharkey1337Sharkey1337 Registered User regular
    Flying home... ;_;

  • SmashX5000SmashX5000 The Guy Who Draws Things WashingtonRegistered User regular
    On the fourth day I'll probably be in the Expo Hall. I'm planning to use the extra time to go to more panels, since it's something I didn't do much of last year.

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